

アサシン クリード オデッセイ – 始めるためのヒントとコツ

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey ゲームをプレイする前に、これらのシンプルだが役立つヒントとコツをぜひ知っておいてください。何かヒントがありましたら、お気軽にお知らせください!


  • ゲームはメイン ストーリーを通じて、より多くの重要なメカニズムを徐々に導入していきます。そのため、少しでも自分をコントロールできるのであれば、アンドロス島にたどり着くまでメイン プロットに集中する価値があります。この時点以降は、ゲームには何も新しいことを教えてくれるわけではなく、やりたいことは何でも夢中になれます。
  • ひし形の周りに金色の枠でマークされたサイドクエストは個別に作成され、探索しているキャラクターや地域についての洞察を提供します。それらはウィッチャーの口径ではありませんが、かなり優れており、追加のXPなどが必要な場合に集中する必要があるサイドクエストです.対照的に、白い枠線の付いたサイドクエストは、手続き的に生成される可能性のある一般的な放射フィラー クエストです。報酬がどうしても必要でない限り、実行する必要はありません。
  • サイドクエストは、メイン ストーリー ミッションまたはより大きなサイドクエストの延長として表示されることもあります。現在の焦点が特定の都市または島にある場合は、新しいものが表示されるようにマップを監視してください。彼らはプライマリ クエストにフィードバックできます!
  • 落下によるダメージで死ぬことは決してありません。そのため、目的地への最も直接的なルートである場合は、高い崖から自由に飛び降りてください (ただし、オオカミに噛まれたり、着陸直後の何か)
  • 限られた酸素を水中で扱うことに絶対に耐えられない場合は、マップの東側にあるキオス島とサモス島の間にある小さな島にビーラインを作ってください。あなたの問題を解決する武器があります。
  • 驚くほど多くのものが発火する可能性があります。あなたもその一人です。最も簡単な方法は、移動中に回避ボタンを押したまま転がるか、周囲に水があれば水に飛び込むことです。足首までの深さでも構いません。
  • 「受け流し」には実際には非常に長いウィンドウがあり、その時点であなたに当たったものは何でも受け流し、あなたの周りのすべての人をノックバックするソフトブロックのようなものです.乱用してください。

  • 戦闘中に矢を作成できますが、特定のアクション (ローリングなど) のみが 1 秒間ブロックします。基本的な矢の自動作成をオンにすることもできます。これは強くお勧めします。
  • ゲームの戦闘はデフォルトで非常に HP スポンジ状であり、特に初期の段階で「純粋な」アサシン ビルドとしてプレイするのは非常に困難です。ステルス キルに適した迅速かつ致命的なプレイ スタイルを好む場合 (タイトルにアサシンが登場するゲームに期待されるように)、アンロック可能なエングレービングがあり、ヘルスが 25% に制限されますが、ダメージが 100% 増加します。 . It completely changes how the game is played and so is worth being aware of.
  • Skills are now mostly active, requiring you to spend a level of “adrenaline” to do them. A few are passive, others are still active but trade off requiring adrenaline for a long cooldown (like poisoned blades)
  • Early on, the only way to heal is through the active ability in the Warrior tree. Once you progress the story far enough you unlock the passive bonus of healing an amount of health for each point of adrenaline you spend.
  • Spartan Kick is great for knocking enemies off rooftops for huge damage. The shield breaker one is very useful as well, since a huge number of enemies use shields.
  • The rank 3 shield breaker skill description is deceptive if not entirely wrong. You don’t get a big AoE burst like it implies, it instead replaces the lateral shield smack of the previous two ranks with a massive forward blast, sending the target barreling away from you (they can hit other enemies for some extra damage too). YMMV whether or not this is useful or annoying.
  • There’s a teleport assassination skill that can chain when you level it up. It is almost hilariously broken, mechanics wise, but the damage it does is still based on your stats so it isn’t always a one shot.
  • You won’t have enough skill points to unlock every skill in the game fully, so the game wants you to specialize — that said, I feel there are great skills in each tree that benefit you no matter what you’re trying to do. Second Wind in the warrior tree is a great heal to have in your pocket, as mentioned above. The Overpower shot in the top of the Hunter tree is an amazing ability that absolutely wrecks groups (and does single target damage on par with most of the melee overpowers). The “sight of athena” skill or whatever at the bottom of the assassin tree is your “press button to locate treasure in your vicinity” pulse and honestly should probably just be in the base game but whatever. And each tree has a passive “do XX% more assassin/warrior/hunter damage” skill that’s honestly not a bad thing to have.
  • You can reset your abilities whenever and as much as you like. The currency cost for a respec is dependent on your level, but it stays reasonable.
  • You can occasionally find tombs that offer additional ability points. Usually you need to break some walls to get inside the actual tomb itself.
  • Sync points increase your bird’s perception levels, which makes it easier to spot enemies and goodies when scanning. It’s a very gradual benefit that adds up over time. Around the point you unlock the first harass skill you should be able to feel it kicking in, though it never gets quite as powerful as you hope it would.

  • Don’t waste your money on engraving things early on, when you’ll be replacing equipment regularly and whatever engravings you have access to will be low rank. Around mid-game once you’re sitting on a pile of resources and gold, it’s incredibly cheap to slap engravings on everything.
  • You can check the engravings list to see where they come from. Most generic engravings are locked behind specific challenges (kill X enemies with Y weapon type, for example); the list is the only place to actually see your challenge progress outside of them popping up in the upper right of the screen.
  • It isn’t necessary to upgrade things early on, since you’ll be getting items that will be matched closely to your level. You might want to upgrade your bow if you are going for a Hunter build.
  • Once the loot curve slows down you can generally get away with paying to upgrade your gear every five levels or so. Keep in mind higher tier gear costs more to upgrade.
  • In the end-game purples might be better than golds, since golds can have a set bonus whereas purples will give you an engravement slot there (so it has up to 4 slots).

  • Crafting materials are used only for upgrading weapons/boat, no ammo pouches or whatever.
  • Early on, dismantling all gear is a good idea to get a nice big stockpile of materials. Once you’re swimming in purples, you’ll start feeling the pinch on money and should switch over to selling most of your junk gear.
  • There’s a chest on your ship where you can store unwanted gear. Perfect for those Club Ubisoft items you can’t otherwise get rid of.
  • If you complete an armor set, it will be leveled up to your current level when you collect the final piece. They won’t auto-level if any pieces are in ship storage when you complete the set.
  • Ramming a broken down ship dead middle at speed will split the ship in two and give you way more resources than boarding, for some reason.
  • Wood will be a bottleneck for upgrading your ship, so make sure you dismantle any weapons you aren’t using instead of selling them — they tend to give you wood. Also make sure to loot war supplies before burning them, sometimes they have wood too. Check blacksmiths to see if they’re selling wood as well. Sometimes they also sell ancient tablets, which are the other bottleneck (these will be found in ruins, so loot those as you find them).
  • There’s a final tier of upgrades for your ship that cost an obscene amount of money and materials and are, best I can tell, completely unnecessary.
  • Recruiting someone adds them to your lieutenant pool, which can be used to buff your ship’s fight-stats. You should only grab people you notice to have cool, high-level traits. Or ignore it, naval combat isn’t super hard.
  • Once you reach level 50, a new array of passive bonuses unlocks in the skill menu. Most of them should be familiar to you at that point, but there are a handful of unique ones like bonuses to parrying and dodging.
  • Once you max out the left pips of the basic engravings, the only way to upgrade them further is by paying Hephaistos, found in Myson Cave in Mallis, a bunch of money per rank.