

エイジ オブ ヒストリー II – 究極のオスマン帝国ガイド (およびアンロック方法)




新しいプレイヤーは、各プレイスルーで政治地図だけを見る傾向があり、常に自国と近隣の州の両方に関する重要な情報を学ぶという犠牲を払っています.私が常に最初に行うことの 1 つは、開始するたびに地形図を確認することです。これにより、農場やワークショップを構築するのに最適な場所、ユニットを駐屯させる場所、ユニットを募集する場所、侵略中に攻撃する場所などを知ることができます。




  • 防御ボーナス:-2%
  • 軍事維持費:-5%
  • 人口増加:+2%
  • 経済成長:+4%
  • 建設コスト:-5%


暗い地域は人口が多いことを意味し、トルコで最も人口の多い地域はイスタンブール、フェティエ、アンカラ (この順) です。最初に軍隊を募集したい地域がありますが、撤退しすぎないように注意してください.兵士は常に人口の中から募集されます。つまり、募集すればするほど、その州または都市に残る労働者が少なくなります。労働者が少なければ少ないほど、経済を維持することができなくなり、その州/都市が不安定になり、分離主義者の蜂起に陥るリスクが高くなります.軍事と経済の安定したバランスを維持すれば、大丈夫です!



まあ、実際には、最初に行う最善のことは、キプロス島に侵入することです.これは、ゲームが北キプロス トルコ共和国の存在を認識し、島が 2 つの州に分割されているため、七面鳥の撮影になります。ドック、農場、およびその他のインフラストラクチャを構築するために数ターンを費やした後、フェティエと近隣のアンタルヤから数千のユニットを募集し、すぐに島を併合するために送ります.どちらを先に服用しても構いません。



エディルネとテキルダグのトルコの都市から数千の部隊を募集し、ギリシャ北東部の回廊を押し進めます。これは転用です。 You should organize your main attack in a direct assault on Athens and the island of Crete, using either whatever forces you have leftover from the annexation of Cyprus or those recruited from Fethiye and Antalya.

Greece will have moved the bulk of their forces north and will be unlikely to mount an effective defense of their capital. Remember your geography. Hill and mountain provinces grant a defense bonus of 3 and 5% respectively, and with your armies holding them, whatever counter-attack Greece might attempt to recapture them will be doomed to fail. After they’ve exhausted their units clashing against you in the hills and mountains, move into the plains for a swift victory over Greece.

War weariness is an important thing to look at in this game, as it also contributes to instability. After annexing three (or four, depending on who you ask) countries, now might be a good time to consolidate control over your new territories. That means not only assimilating foreign populations into the Turkish nationality, but also building more infrastructure driving your economy and tech research. Below you can see how I set mine up:

By turn 150 or so, you should be ready to hose down the former Yugoslav states, starting with North Macedonia and Albania. Alternatively, you can issue an ultimatum to them that they become your vassal under threat of invasion. If so, you can call on them to aid you in invading Serbia, or even invading smaller states such as Kosovo and Macedonia on their own (just make sure you annex them later). Some countries, such as Romania, do not need to be annexed entirely, as you only need a few of their provinces to satisfy the territory requirement to form the Ottoman Empire. It is, though, a good idea to release Romania as a vassal to act as a buffer state between Turkey and aggressive/powerful European powers like Germany and Russia. Do the same with Croatia until you’re ready to annex the required provinces too.

Beforehand, you should focus on taking territory from Ukraine and Russia, particularly Izmail, Odessa, the Crimean Peninsula, and Anapa. If Ukraine isn’t already at war with someone (Russia will probably have already invaded by this point), negotiate with a nearby country to go to war with Ukraine. (preferably to the north, such as Belarus, so you can come in from behind). I would recommend deploying a force of 15~20,000 troops to land at Sevastapol and take Crimea, and a similar force to strike at Izmail. Push until you control the Gulf of Odessa and the whole Crimean Peninsula, then negotiate a peace agreement separate from the other invading country, keeping everything you took. Do the same against Russia, while negotiating an arrangement with China and Kazakhstan to declare war against Russia.

During this time, it’s almost certain other countries will interpret your European campaigns as a distraction from West Asia and attempt to take advantage, notably Iran and Egypt. If at any time they declare war against you, stop what you’re doing and deal with it. If you can’t adequately defend yourself, vassal states you may have in the Balkans will take notice and try to declare independence, immediately going from being useful buffer zones to potential adversaries.

By turn 400, this should be what your territorial extent looks like:

Southward Expansion

Now that Europe has been taken care of, it’s time to push into the Middle East. Negotiate a deal with Israel for military access and mass an invasion force of around 130,000 troops along the border with Syria. If you haven’t done so already, construct castles so nobody catches wind of what you’re doing. We’re going to knock both Syria and Iraq out at the same time.

Avoid attacking Mosul and Erbil directly, as they’re both in hill provinces. Set a route for about 20,000 troops to make their way to Haditha by way of eastern Syria, forcing the Iraqis garrisoned in Mosul and Erbil to come out and fight you there. You are likely to lose fewer men defending the plains than attacking the hills. At the same time, more than 30,000 troops should be making their way across the Eastern Mediterranean to Haifa, Israel to launch a cross-border attack on Damascus. Once Damascus is under your control, move half your forces to capture the semidesert provinces spanning from Homs to Mayadin. Then Hold.

Capturing desert provinces so soon puts unnecessary upward pressure on costs associated with upkeep and movement. Now, gather a force of maybe 70,000 and move to capture Tikrit and Ramadi before finally pouncing on Baghdad. By this time, it’ll be safe to mobilize units from Turkey (Siirt and Hakkari) to sweep into northern Iraq. Keep your focus on capturing plains provinces until you’ve reached Basra on the border with Kuwait. Afterwards, proceed in any way you see fit to take total control of Iraq and Syria. Once they’ve surrendered and you’ve negotiated their total annexation, it’s all downhill from here on out. Use the same strategy of invasion/vassalization to deal with Lebanon, Kuwait, Israel, etc.

That you did with the Balkan countries, and they’ll fall like dominoes. Make sure to also take time to consolidate control over your newly conquered territories and build farms, workshops, universities, barracks, supply camps, etc. in geographically advantageous areas while assimilating them into the Turkish nationality.

The quickest way to deal with Saudi Arabia is to attack in conjunction with either Yemen or Oman. When you invade Egypt, don’t attack from across the Sinai, as it’s entirely desert and semidesert. Instead, launch a direct attack on Alexandria and Damietta with the bulk of your army having been recruited from Cyprus, then move onto Cairo and seize all the provinces along the Nile River until the Egyptians are confined to the desert and semidesert regions, putting them at a significant disadvantage.

Once you have what you need from Saudi Arabia and Egypt, make peace and declare yourself Caliph and ruler of all the Islamic Ummah, because you have just rebuilt the Ottoman Empire!