

The Battle Cats 2021 年の超レア ティア リスト

Ponos の The Battle Cats は、発売以来、複数のプラットフォームで 6,000 万回以上ダウンロードされており、現代のゲームで最高のキモカワイイをテーマにしたゲームであることが証明されています。戦略ベースのゲームプレイ、猫の可愛さ、奇妙な日本のサブカルチャーの見事な組み合わせが、この 2D カジュアル タワー ディフェンス ゲームの成功を後押ししました。日本で開発された他のゲームと同様に、The Battle Cats には、戦略、計画、かわいらしさ、戦術、興奮を促進する要素がたくさんあります。

要素といえば、今日は、ゲームで最も重要で強力なキャラクターの一部である Uber スーパーレアの猫ユニットの階層またはティア リストの概要を簡単に説明します。

The Battle Cats Uber スーパーレア ティア リスト (アップデート 10.9)

以下のティアリストは、2021 年 9 月 24 日に公開されたアップデート 10.9 に基づいています。このアップデートでは、「The Aku Realms」と呼ばれる新しいストーリーモードが導入され、一部のユニットのバランス調整が行われました。以下のリストは、The Battle Cats コミュニティから提出された 50 を超える層リストの平均です。ユニット数が非常に多いため、SS、S、および A+ ティアに属するユニットの概要のみを簡単に説明します。それはさておき、TierMaker の厚意により以下の層リストをチェックしてみてください。

SS ティア

SS 層にはミタマ ミコ、災いのカスリ、竹馬猫、スカージのカスリが含まれます。


ミコミタマは、ゲームで手に入れることができる最も強力な猫の 1 つです。まず、このユニットは、Uberfest と Superfest のイベント中にレアな猫のカプセルからしか入手できません。運が良ければ、ウェーブ、ノックバック、フリーズ、スロウ、弱体化の影響を受けないユニットが手に入ります。ミコは特性敵と遠距離攻撃にも耐性があります。言うまでもなく、この猫は生産価格と攻撃率が安いです。


Kasli the Bane は、Epicfest および Superfest イベント中に利用可能になるもう 1 つの SS Tier キャット ユニットです。 Similar to Miko Mitama, this uber-rare cat is acquired by playing the rare cat capsule. Kasli the Bane is immune to weaken, warp, curse, surges, and waves. This cat can also curse all enemies and initiate surge attacks. Kasli comes with high health and attack power, a fast rate of attack, high curse uptime, and many knockbacks.

Stilts Cat

If you do not have the resources for an uber-rare capsule, then you can try your luck with a rare capsule for a chance of getting Stilts Cat. This cat unit may not be as powerful as the first two units on our list but its fast attack rate, improved health, and 30% chance to knockback angel enemies is more than enough reason to add this cat into your roster.

Kasli the Scourge

Kasli the Scourge is another uber-rare unit that appears during Uberfest and Superfest events. Some of the notable abilities of Kasli include a chance to knock back trait enemies, can execute long-range attacks, immune to waves/weaken/surge, and 100% surge attack creation chance. When evolved, Kasli’s attack becomes super fast along with an increase in DPS (Damage per second).

S Tier

The S Tier list includes D’arktanyan, Sweet Aphrodite, and Empress Chronos.


The first cat on the S Tier is the Epicfest and Superfest exclusive cat unit named D’arktanyan. This uber-rare cat unit can inflict an insane amount of damage to enemies without traits. This unit is also immune to waves/warp and can execute long-range attacks. D’arktanyan’s attack also doubles in damage at 60% HP.

Sweet Aphrodite

As the name suggests, Sweet Aphrodite is a Valentine Gals Gacha event exclusive. At level 10, this uber-rare cat evolves into Chocoladite. This unit can execute long-range attacks inflicting massive damage to black and red enemies. Sweet Aphrodite also comes with decent health and DPS.

Empress Chronos

Exclusive to The Almighties The Majestic Zeus event, Empress Chronos is a powerful cat that acquires Warp Blocker in its true form. At level 10, this uber-rare cat evolves to Chronos the Infinite and Almighty Chronos at Level 30 with the help of Catfruit. Empress Chronos is immune to freeze and can freeze trait enemies. This unit can also execute long-range attacks and is immune to warp.

A+ Tier

The A+ Tier Shadow Gao, Lesser Demon Cat, Sanada Yukimura, D’artanyan, Tecoluga, and Baby Gao.

Shadow Gao

The first cat unit on the A+ Tier is another Epicfest and Superfest exclusive called Shadow Gao. At level 10, this uber-rare cat evolves into Diabolic Gao. Shadow Gao is immune to knockback/waves, can freeze enemies without traits, and can inflict massive damage to enemies without traits. Like all the other units in this list, Shadow Gao comes with uncommon range, DPS, and HP.

Lesser Demon Cat

Lesser Demon Cat becomes available during Superfest, Epicfest, Uberfest, and The Dynamites events. At level 10, this uber rare cat evolves into the Greater Demon Cat and the Greater Balrog Cat at level 30 using Catfruit. This unit is immune to weaken and comes with an extremely high DPS. In addition, this cat also has a quick recharge rate, low production cost, high HP, and fast attacks.

Sanada Yukimura

Available during the Sengoku Wargods Vajiras, Superfest, Epicfest, Uberfest, and Best of the Best events, Sanada Yukimura is a cat worth the Gacha risk. At level 10, this uber-rare cat evolves into Wargod Yukimura and Immortal Yukimura at level 30 using Catfruit. This unit can inflict insane damage to black enemies and comes with amazing movement speed. Other than that, Sanada also comes with high DPS, cheap production cost, many knockbacks, and an insanely fast charge rate.


Not to be confused with the SS Tier D’arktanyan, the uber-rare D’artanyan is another notable unit that appears during Uberfest and Superfest events. At level 10, this cat evolves into Meow-Skeeter and becomes immune to waves/warp. D’artanyan can inflict massive damage to trait enemies using long-range attacks. This unit also comes with many knockbacks, a fast rate of attack, fast movement, and a tolerable charge time.


Unlocked during the Tales of the Nekoluga, Superfest, Epicfest, Uberfest, and Metal Busters event, Nekoluga is an odd-looking unit that’s worth collecting. At level 10, this uber-rare cat evolves into Tesalan Pasalan, and Lufalan Pasalan at level 30 with Catfruit. Nekoluga comes with a 10% critical hit chance, impressive DPS, and an awesome range of attack.

Baby Gao

Do not be fooled by the word ‘baby’ attached to the name of this unit as this Uberfest and Superfest exclusive cat comes with insane abilities. At level 10, this uber-rare cat evolves to Mighty Lord Gao that comes with wave immunity, a fast rate of attack, enhanced range, and a 5% critical hit chance. In its current form, Baby Gao is strong against trait enemies, low production cost, high HP, and DPS.

Play The Battle Cats on PC

Now that you have an overview of the latest Uber Rare tier list, it’s now time to jump back into the game. The best part is that you can now enjoy this game on your computer today.何を求めている? Build your army of The Battle Cats today.