

Forza Horizo​​n 5 Barn マップとガイドを探す

Forza Horizo​​n 5 は、これまでで最高のアーケード レーシング ゲームの 1 つですが、それは単なるレース以上のものであり、14 の Barn Finds のセットは、時折頭を悩ませることになるでしょう。

これらは、時間の砂の中に失われたと考えられていた 14 台のクラシックカーです。ゲームをプレイしていると、これらの自動車史の伝説の 1 つがどこで見つかる可能性があるかという噂を聞くと、脇役のキャストが知らせてくれ、マップ上におおよその場所をマークします。オレンジ色に塗られたドアがはがれている白い納屋を見つけようとするかどうかは、あなた次第です。

Barn Finds の一般的なヒントとコツ


  • 最初に行うことは、紫色の検索エリア内の道路を運転することです。ゆっくりと進み、これらの道路の脇にある標識のない分岐点を探してください。フェンスに囲まれた、他の場所よりもはっきりしている場所もありますが、多くの場合、納屋に通じる砂利や未舗装の小道があります。
  • さらに、ゲームのマップを調べて、秘密の道の兆候を探すこともできます。
  • 他の建物の近くを見てください。納屋が農家やその他の小さな建物と一緒に集まっている場合もあります。
  • 木や葉が納屋の視界を遮っていることがよくあります。数本の木をすり抜けると、ちょっとした幸運が訪れるかもしれません。
  • または、納屋に出くわすまで捜索エリアを行ったり来たりしてください!


Forza Horizo​​n 5 Barn Find の車とは?

これらは、Playground Games が老朽化した古い納屋に押し込むために選んだ 14 の伝説的な乗り物です。発見されてから少し時間がかかりますが、すぐにこれらのクラシックカーの鍵が与えられます:

  • ルノー 4L 輸出
  • フォード レーシング エスコート Mk1
  • ポルシェ 911 カレラ RS
  • BMW 2002 ターボ
  • フォード マスタング GT 2+2 ファストバック
  • フォード F-100
  • シボレー コルベット
  • フェラーリ 250 GTO
  • トヨタ #1 T100 バハ トラック
  • ジャガー スポーツ XJR-15
  • ダッジ ダート ヘミ スーパー ストック
  • GMC ジミー
  • ダッジ バイパー GTS ACR
  • フェラーリ F40 コンペティツィオーネ
  • Forza Horizo​​n 5 納屋の検索結果はどこにありますか?



    1 – ルノー 4L 輸出

    マップの左上隅 (北東) から始めます。 The Renault 4L Export is a pretty simple Barn Find with one of two basic instructions.

    • Start from the XP board on the road that winds its way to the north and head due east over/around the rocky hill.
    • Start from the crossroads (it has the Ruta Norte street racing event) and head south, going straight when the road turns right.

    2 – Ford Racing Escort Mk1

    The Escort Mk1 feels like a bit of a pain to get to, but very easy to find. As you’re heading up the Gran Caldera from the western trail, there’s an XP board down an unmarked path from a hairpin. Follow that path further and voila!

    Or get a good truck and just head north-northwest from the first Horizon Festival in the game.

    3 – Porsche 911 Carrera RS

    Now on the eastern trail up or down the Gran Caledera, the best way to find this is to note that (for once) the barn is actually quite close to the edge of the search area, if you’re going by simply heading toward a dot on the map.

    Alternatively, as you’re coming down the mountain, look for a diamond-shaped yellow sign before a kink in the road. There’s a faint trail that you can follow from this point that goes along and then up the hillside.

    4 – BMW 2002 Turbo

    This is maybe my favourite Barn Find in Forza Horizon 5. taking the main road into the search area from southwest to northeast, you’ll spot some red buildings off to the left of the road. The barn is behind those buildings. In a ditch.

    5 – Ford Mustang GT 2+2 Fastback

    Here’s another fairly easy find. From the Horizon Rush Outpost, take a left from its entrance, then take the first right. As that road sweeps to the left, you instead want to take a dusty fenced path up the side of the hill. Follow that to the barn.

    6 – Ford F-100

    This is one of those “it’s just in the middle of a massive field” barns, but you have a massive help from the fact that, while the white barn is relatively well hidden from some angles, it’s part of a small group of buildings, one of which is a very distinctive blue. I’m not sure, but this particular barn find might be classed as breaking and entering?

    7 – Chevrolet Corvette

    Heading east on the main highway that crosses the Forza Horizon 5 map, you’ll cross over a massive bridge that goes over a river. Once you’ve crossed, take a sharp right down the wooded hill and you’ll find your barn. Alternatively, spot it from the bridge, crash through the barriers, land in the water and come up the river banks…

    8 – Ferrari 250 GTO

    From that same highway, keep following it east, head straight on at the roundabout and keep following until you can turn right onto a dirt road. Follow that dirt track until it turns to the left. At this point looked for an unmarked path between two fences on the right. Follow this and you’ll come to the barn.

    9 – Toyota #1 T100 Baja Truck

    Wrapping back to the bottom left corner of the map, finding this iconic Baja Truck could not be easier. It’s at the south-eastern edge of the huge circular field. Heck, the path that cuts through the field leads almost right up to where the barn is, disguised only by the fact that there’s a couple other small buildings alongside it.

    10 – Jaguar Sport XJR-15

    This one is hidden off to the southern-most side of the abandoned Aerodromo en la Selva runway. Follow the dotted trails for dirt roads, and near some wrecked airplane tails, you should spot the barn recessed a little bit into the jungle.

    11 – Dodge Dart Hemi Super Stock

    This one is basically slap bang in the middle of a wild open expanse. It’s not particularly hidden from view by trees, and it’s on a bit of an incline so you might be able to see it from the road.

    12 – GMC Jimmy

    This one’s a tricky one to find. From the start point of the Dirt Racing event Cascada Trail, head down the dirt road. Just after you pass through the river ford, turn 90º to the right and head through the thick woods. Go straight ahead, across another section of water and you should be at the barn doors.

    13 – Dodge Viper GTS ACR

    You can easily get lost in the huge open space of this Barn Find zone. The best way to find it is to start from the main road at the bottom of the area, heading East, turn left onto the marked dirt road on the map and then immediately left again onto an unmarked trail. Follow this fenced trail all the way up to the golden yellow barn doors.

    14 – Ferrari F40 Competizione

    The Final Barn find is a pain in the backside… unless you have a map! It’s to the eastern corner of the largest open space in the search area, thankfully quite close to some marked dirt roads. Not that this will help you spot it through the thick foliage.

    I’ll readily admit to phoning that final one in, but hopefully all 14 cars have proven to be useful in your hunt for rusting treasure in Forza Horizon 5.