

Sokpop S10:懐中時計 – 100% 達成ガイド

Sokpop の懐中時計の 100% アチーブメント ガイドへようこそ。この居心地の良いキュートなゲームで、くつろいで毎日を思い出してください。


こんにちは、親愛なる読者。前に言ったように、Sokpop の懐中時計の 100% 達成ガイドへようこそ。達成の種類に応じて、ガイドを 3 つのセクション (ゲームプレイの達成、収集の達成、エンディングの達成) に分けて設定しました。特定の成果を探している場合は、スクロールを続けてください。以下、ゲームのネタバレがありますので、ネタバレしたくない場合はいつでもこのガイドを後で読むことができます.あなたは警告されました!これ以上何もせずに、楽しんでいただければ幸いです!


12 の成果のうち、半分はゲームプレイに関連しています。

アジェホ! これは非常に簡単です。満潮になるまで待たなければならないので、レンチを手に入れるためにストレージアイランドまで泳ぐことができます.その後、ボートを操作して修正できるように、干潮になるまでもう一度待ちます。レンチを使用する前に、ボートのパーツをボートに取り付けることを忘れないでください!

奇妙な時計 これもかなり簡単です。火山が噴火する前にオークションで懐中時計を手に入れると、懐中時計が揺れるカットシーンがあります。インベントリに懐中時計がある場合は、「x」キー (対話のデフォルト ボタン) を押して、自分でこれをトリガーすることもできます。あなたは一日の始まりに送り返されます。初めてのタイムループおめでとうございます!

採用されました! 雇われるには、ヘビのフェズの帽子とほうきの 2 つが必要です。最初に帽子を手に入れる必要があります。それで、それほど悪くはありません.まず、休憩中のヘビに話しかける必要があります。ホテルの左側の外に座っているのが見えます。彼らと話した後、あなたはその夜遅くにバーで彼らに会うことを知っているでしょう.再会すると話しかけることができ、彼らの話を聞いた後、彼らが辞めた後にフェズの帽子を手に入れることができます。次のタイムループでは、フェズの帽子をかぶって、キツネが眠っているオークション エリアでほうきをつかむ必要があります。次に、ホテルに入って、ベルを鳴らしてブームを鳴らすだけです。あなたは仕事を得ます!これは、クラブへの招待状を受け取るために重要です。

フロッグロック! パスワードを取得するには、クラブに入る必要があります。まず、ホテルで仕事を得る必要があることを意味する招待状を取得する必要があります。上記の実績でそれを行う方法を説明しました。その後、派手なものを着ていることを確認してください。ショップのシルクハットか、フェズの帽子でこれを行うことができます.バウンサーへの招待状を見せびらかして、おめでとうございます。これが招待状を受け取ったタイムループと同じであることを確認してください。この成果を得るには、金持ちのカエルがクラブに現れないようにする必要があります。以前のタイムループから招待状を取得した場合、それはまだインベントリにありますが、金持ちのカエルはまだコピーを持っています.その場合は、ホテルに戻ってもう一度お試しください。続けて、クラブにしばらく滞在し、2階の椅子に座って、別のカエルが現れるのを待ちます.午後 7 時までに彼と宝石について話すことができ、シークレット クラブに入るパスワードを取得できます!

ホットダック これは、この成果の統計が示すほど悪くはありません。まず最初に、ゲートを過ぎて本土の左側に行かなければなりません。これには 2 つの方法があります。秘密のクラブを通り抜けるか、小さな胸の島を飛び回って、ゲートの周りの階段まで泳ぎましょう. 2番目の道を行く場合は、壊れた傘を手に入れて空中にいる時間を確保することをお勧めします。また、階段にジャンプできるように満潮になることをお勧めします.どのように反対側に行っても、そこに着いたら、湖の真上にある暗赤色の岩に飛び乗って、隙間を飛び越えて火山の主な基盤に行くことができます.次のプラットフォームでジャンプを続けてください。トップに登ったら、ジャンプしてください。心配しないでください。これを行うと、その日は再開されません!

スピードラン 命を救うためにスピードランをしない人として、このスピードランの成果は、因果関係で成功するほど悪くはありません。引っ張る必要があるいくつかのトリックがありますが、それを行うのに十分な時間があります。 speedrun.com のトップである secswrecks は、5 分 4 秒という記録を (私がこれを書いている時点で) 保持しています。これは、この実績で達成できる時間の半分です!この実績を達成したとき、私は 7 分 31 秒を記録しました。私ができるなら、あなたもできる読者、私はあなたを信じています!この実績を行うには、新しい保存が必要です。設定で古いものを削除できます。そうしないと、時間が古い保存に追加されます。また、残りの実績を完了していない場合は、これを試みる前にそれを行うことをお勧めします.この実績を達成する方法の詳細については、次のセクションで説明します。

スピードラン ウォークスルー


  • ベッドで起きて、すぐにまた午後 2 時まで眠ります。あなたは地震のせいでずっと寝ていません。急いで家を出て、家の左側にある小さな島々に飛び乗り、ボートに乗ります。これはランの時間に敏感な部分です。ボートに乗れなかった場合は、再スタートする必要があります。あまりイライラしないでほしいと思います。これは、スピードラン全体の中で唯一リアルタイムに敏感な部分です。残りの時間は(もちろん理にかなった範囲内で)どうぞ!
  • ボートを降りて、正門のある場所に向かいます。バナナの木と岩壁の間を歩きます。上キーを押したまま、右キーを使用して右にタップします。飛ぶな!ジャンプするとうまくいきません。壁と切り株の間で「スタック」するまで、上矢印キーを押しながらタップし続けます。 You can stop holding the up arrow key now. Hold the left arrow key while spamming “z” to jump on the rocky wall. From here, make your way to the side of the mayor’s office and throw out the stack of papers. Talk to them, and afterwards you can tell the gatekeeper to open the gate.
  • Next, make your way to the umbrella services. Normally you would need to find three coins to use their services, but think again! You don’t need to. Once you go inside, go to the right side of the desk and jump on it. Walk across to the left side and hop towards the back of the room. This might take a few times, but if you do it right you will be floating on air! It’s odd, but congrats you are doing it. Make your way to the right of the room (still above the desk area where the elephant is) and you will be out on the balcony at the beginning of the umbrella course. Go back inside, and you will see that you are on the second floor. Grab the broken umbrella and make your escape outside to the mainland.
  • Once you get the broken umbrella, go to the left corner of the blue building (the bar); you should be behind the building. Now, jump! Keep jumping until you are on the roof of the bar. Do this again with the right corner of the red building (shop/inn) until you are on top of the roof. Walk off the edge and land on the little balcony of the shop. You can walk inside and get the first gem! You have to collect them all for this speedrun.
  • Now make your great escape! Jump off the balcony on your left and onto the barrel. Congrats, you are over the wall. If you mess this up, don’t worry–you opened the gate earlier. Make your way up to where the octopus is and talk to them. You will receive a broken sail. Make your way to the repair shop, hold on to your new sail and ring the bell. Funny enough, the game will give you a coin pouch and repair your umbrella in the same interaction. Don’t worry about the coin pouch, you will not need it for this speedrun.
  • Make your way to the east island to get the second gem! You have to do the same glitch again for getting the umbrella once you make your way inside the umbrella services. This time you have your fixed umbrella so you can clear the course and get the second gem. Once you get it, start making your way back to the mainland by clearing the rest of the course, and once on shore, hop over the wall behind the auction area.
  • On the left side of the mainland (past the gate), you have to make your way up to the top. To do this, just walk along the edge of the island until you are on the leftmost side of the base of the hill. If it is low tide this will be clear as day, if not, as long as it is not high tide you will be fine. There will be a platform just behind the base of the hilly part of the island. As you walk right, you will disappear from view. Keep going until you find a room. You can go up the ladder, and now you are on top of the hill. Make your way to the lighthouse. Once you go up the ladder, you will find a chest. Inside is the third gem, congrats!
  • Don’t jump off the ledge yet! Pull out your umbrella, and then jump off, and go off to the left carefully until you land outside the little storage tower’s door. Go inside and get the crack! You will need this to open the dam to get the fourth gem! Put the crack into the hole next to the dam, and let it open. This will drain out the lake. If it is not already low tide, then you will have to sleep in the rabbit’s bed in the house just next door. Either way, when the lake is drained there will be a chest revealed. Open it up and there will be a shiny gem!
  • You are close to the end of the run! Now all you have to do is follow the frog rocks party up into the volcano. They will open up a door to get into the fort and go across the wooden bridge into the heart of the volcano. You can sit on the chair and wait as they dig up the last gem. Throw all the gem into the fiery pit below, and now, time stands still! Go up the little ladder to the right and meet the crow on top of the volcano to end your run.

Hopefully, if you do it correctly, your time should up under 10 minutes.

Collectathon Achievements

There are only 3 collectathon related achievements for the game. These achievements are Gem Found!, Moon Duck, and Completionist. One of them is for the gems, one is for the blue moons, and one is for the coins around the island.

Gem Found! If you read the speedrun walkthrough section, you have a rough idea on how to get the gems. For the normal way to get the gems, here is what you would need to do.

  • Red gem:Get onto the blue building’s roof (the bar) by hopping off of the roof of the club. Make sure you have an umbrella with you. Off of the roof, use your umbrella to make your way to the balcony of the shop/inn. Go inside and look in the chest, and boom, there is a gem!
  • Yellow gem:You have to go the east island on the right of the map. How you do this is to use the umbrella services. You need to find three coins around the island to pay for the fee. Once you do, you will find a broken umbrella. To fix it you need to get the broken sail. To get the broken sail you will need to talk to the octopus when they realize that their sail is broken. That can only happen if you meet up with the octopus in the lake on the left side of the mainland, past the gate. Going past the gate you would need to either a) go through the secret club (see the Frogs Rock achievement for more on that) or b) hop and swim around the little treasure island that is to the left of the secret club. Regardless on how you do it you would need to go to the rabbits house and talk to them. They will give you their appointment letter with the mayor at 2 pm. You can go back in time to go and speak to the mayor and let them allow you to open the gate. Finally, the gate will open and you can meet up with the octopus in the lake, and get the broken sail. You can fix your umbrella with the broken sail in the repair shop and have a functioning umbrella. From here you can get the rest of the gems since you will have an working umbrella and the main gate is open. For this gem, once you fixed your umbrella, you can go back to the elephant that runs the umbrella services and start the course. This is where you can get the gem and make your way back to the mainland.
  • Green gem:Assuming you opened the gate (if not, see above) you can make your way to the left storage tower just off the mainland. You would need to wait until it is high tide before swimming over to the little island. Once you are there you can go inside and hop your way to the top of the pile of stuff to get the crack. Simply walk out, swim your way back to the main part of the island and put the crack in the hole next to the dam. Open the dam and either wait for the lake to drain or sleep it off in the rabbit’s bed. When it is drained, it will reveal a hidden chest. Congrats, you found the green gem!
  • Pink gem:Assuming you opened the gate (if not, see the yellow gem section above on how to) this one is not that bad. Make your way along the shoreline up until you are along the base of the hill. If it is low tide, this is easy to spot, if not that is ok, it is still there. Hop up and to the right, keep going until you are inside the secret area. Take the ladder up, and now you are on top of the hill! Make your way to the lighthouse, go up another ladder and find the chest. Open it up, there is a gem waiting for you!
  • Blue gem:This one is the final gem. Funny enough the first time I played this game, this was the gem I got first, haha. To get this you would need to go to the heart of the volcano. You have to wait for the frogs rock party to unlock the fort door, and follow them across the wooden bridge to go inside the volcano. Wait inside as you watch them dig it up in front of you. You have all the gems now!

For the other two achievements in this section, “Moon Duck” and “Completionist”, I cannot do a better job than what Akhenz did for their guide on all the collectibles. Please check out their guide to figure out where the coins and the moons are. They have answered questions for coins that need further explanation, including some of mine, so I would highly recommend checking them out.

Ending Achievements

There are 3 ending to this game as you see below.

Too late… This is the easiest ending you can get in the game. To do this, you have to simply not get the pocket watch. At the end of the night, without the pocket watch, the volcano erupts and that is it. Once this happens, the game will restart, so if you are continuing to play it, you have to start from the beginning again.

Thank You, Duck This is the regular ending to this game. To get this you have to collect all 5 gems and sacrifice them in the volcano. When you do that, time stops and you meet the crow at the top of the volcano to end the game. If you need help finding the gems, please see the Collectathon section.

A New Home This one is the secret ending. To unlock this, you have to still collect the gems, but now you have to collect all 7 moons too. Once you do, you have to travel to the island offshore of the mainland. To do this, you have to open up the dam to the lake. There you would have to give the octopus that is on the boat a new sail. How to get a new sail is not as straightforward as it seems. First, you would need to get the map of the buried treasure that is on this mainland. To get this, you would have to trade a bottle of rum to the pirate parrot for a treasure map. This will make it clear where the marked spot is, it is above the lake! It is hard to miss once you have the map. Now you go and dig up the treasure, that is certainly worth 2,000 coins! Give this to the mayor’s secretary to buy the vacant house on the mainland, but before that, you have to cut off the phone line. Go to the start of the umbrella course and with a wrench (if you didn’t buy it off the dog, please do, it is only one coin), you can break the power line. When you do this and speak to the mayor’s secretary, they will ask you if you want to buy the house. Buy the house, and when you open it up, you will find a new sail! You can give this to the octopus, and they can sail you to the offshore island. On that island there is a stone you can interact with as long as you have all 7 moons. When you do that, it triggers the requirement for the secret ending! End the game like how you would in the achievement above. This will change the cut scene you will see at the end of the game!