

PAYDAY 2 – 究極のスノーボール ガイド

Snowball throwable のガイド。

Snowball の決定版ガイド


これは Snowball throwable のガイドです。待ってください、あなたが尋ねるのを聞いたことがあります。はい、読者の皆様、雪玉にはいくつかの非常に珍しい特性と創造的な用途があります。それでは始めましょう。



  • 最大収容人数 6.
  • 280 ダメージ
  • 爆発半径1m。
  • 0m アラート半径 (つまり、サイレント)
  • クリティカル可能 (ローブロー/見えない攻撃による)
  • 枯渇すると、2 秒ごとに雪玉 1 個の割合で再生します。
  • 空中で撃たれても爆発しません (つまり、モロトフのように、手榴弾とは異なります)。

また、2021 年 1 月 12 日までしか利用できないという、おそらく最も悲劇的な性質を持っています。このガイドをその日以降に読んでいる場合、これはあなたが逃したすべての楽しみの記念碑です。

スノーボール オディティズ


さらに面白いのは、金属製のドア (アート ギャラリーの入り口など) の破壊可能なロックを雪玉で叩くと、ドアが開くときに「爆発」音がします。面白さを増すために、雪玉は静かなので、ステルス状態にある人に警告することはありません.


爆発半径があるにもかかわらず、スノーボール キルはギフト ギバー アチーブメントにカウントされます。




ライトは雪玉 2 個、または雪玉 1 個で消滅します。

彼らが雪玉に当たったが死ななかった場合、雪玉は彼らから傷ついた反応を強制するのに十分なダメージを与えます.ライトが最大の健康状態にあると仮定すると、軽いダメージ (ほとんど反応なし) の場合は 40%、中程度のダメージ (0.9 ~ 2.5 秒間よろめく) の場合は 40%、重傷 (0.9 ~ 4.8 秒間よろめき) の場合は 20% です。

盾は雪玉 3 個、または雪玉 1 個で消滅します。

雪玉に当たったが死ななかった場合、常に爆発による負傷反応を示します (1.5 ~ 2.5 秒間よろめきます)。シールドが単独であれば、この時間を利用して敵を回避し、横/後ろから撃つことができます。


ブルドーザーは、スノーボールだけで倒すにはタンクが大きすぎますが、スノーボールはバイザーを取り外すのに最適です。雪玉ごとに 1 つのバイザーが取り外され、ブルドーザーには 2 つあるため、雪玉が 2 回当たると顔が完全に露出し、武器を持って町に行くことができます。




装備時間の短い武器を選ぶのは良い考えです。平均装備時間は約 0.5 秒です (ほとんどの akimbo、SMG、および一部の AR はこの範囲内です)。ピストルは一般的に高速 (0.35 秒) ですが、LMG やミニガンなどの「重い」武器は低速 (0.9 秒) です。

さらに、雪玉と同様の役割を果たす武器を持たないようにしてください。最も顕著な例は 5/7 と HE/AP ジャッジです。これらは主にシールド キラーとして使用されますが、スノーボールはすでにシールドを扱っているため、同じビルドで両方を使用するのは冗長です。代わりに、5/7 + コンカッション グレネード、またはその他の 30 隠蔽武器 + スノーボールを組み合わせることができます。


壁や天井が視界を遮っているため、敵が部屋や換気口 (No Mercy の敵など) や廊下の周りにいるかどうかわからないとします。 You can eliminate any nasty surprises by simply throwing a snowball ahead. The snowball takes time to travel through the air, so by the time it impacts with a wall or enemy, your weapon should already be back up and ready to fire.

This is a low-risk, high-reward move. If there happens to be an enemy there, it will be damaged in the snowball’s explosion, and your hit marker will display a red X to notify you of that. Then, you know that you should be more cautious when proceeding. If there is no enemy, well, nothing happens. But it doesn’t cost you much to throw the snowball anyway; you get it back in 2s.

For vents, aim for the rim of the vent and not the hole where enemies pop through. If you throw a snowball through the vent, it will land on the ceiling way above, too far to catch any enemies in its explosion radius.

This can also be done with grenades, but snowballs regenerate the fastest. The explosion radius on snowballs is smaller than grenades though.

Assisting Offense

Let’s say you’re in cover right now, and unlike the example in Scouting Ahead, you already know there are enemies in front of you. What you can do is press the throwable key before you start moving out of cover. It takes some “startup” before the snowball is thrown, so if you time it right, the snowball should leave your hands right as you peek out.

If you are too slow, the snowball will hit the cover you were hiding behind and possibly damage you. If you are too fast, you will be exposed to enemy fire for slightly longer than you’d want.

After throwing the snowball, you have a few options. You can continue with your plan of attacking with whatever weapon you’re holding. Or, if the enemies noticed you and broke your armor before your weapon came back up, you can duck back into cover and reconsolidate.

Reload Canceling

If you are in the middle of reloading and press the throwable key, your reload will be interrupted and you will throw a snowball. This is useful if, for example, you’re reloading in cover, but an enemy rushes your position and gets in your face. You can cancel the reload and counterattack with a snowball. If the enemy is a light/heavy, you can shout at it to neutralize it while restarting your reload.

Note that this can be done with other throwables too (melee as well), provided there’s an actual throwing animation (so not the injector, flask, dispenser, pocket ECM, or ampule). It’s just that the snowball is more practical than most other throwables – the Ace of Spades does too little damage, and you wouldn’t want to waste a grenade of any kind just to cancel a reload.

Self Damage

The snowball’s explosion can be used to damage yourself for various purposes, such as:

  • Reducing your health for Berserker’s or Yakuza’s boosts.
  • Breaking your armor to trigger Second Wind, Dire Need, or to set up Ex-President’s health recovery.

If you’re wearing the suit and do not have any armor bonuses (from Iron Man basic, Anarchist, the Protector crew boost, etc), you can break your armor by looking straight down and throwing a snowball. This also damages your health slightly, so be careful if you’re very low on health.

As with reload canceling, other throwables can be used to damage yourself, but the snowball has two big advantages:it is silent, and regenerates. Being silent means it can be used anywhere in stealth – molotov cocktails have an alert radius of 15m, so you have to use them far away from enemy territory, usually at the spawn point. Regenerating means you’ll always have access to them in loud, no matter how many times you healed to full health with doc bags.

Bag Moving

Throwing a snowball at a bag on the ground causes it to bounce, much like shooting it with an HE shotgun. This can be used to push bags away – just aim at the ground in the opposite direction of where you want the bag to go, and throw a snowball.

Experienced Overdrill players should be familiar with this trick to speed up the transport of all those bags of gold. Now, instead of reserving a weapon slot for a HE shotgun, you can reserve your throwable slot for snowballs instead, with the same purpose.

Sample Snowball (+Saw) Build

  • Saw:Concealment boost, any other mods of your choice.
  • Mark 10:The Bigger The Better Suppressor, Concealment boost, Compact Laser Module (if you have the DLC).

Snowballs provide a solution to one of the dilemmas that saw builds face:how do you cover every enemy type when one of your weapon slots is sacrificed for the saw? The weapons that beat shields (grenade launchers, sniper rifles, flamethrowers) are ineffective against Bulldozers, so usually you would just use an ammo efficient, non-explosive/piercing weapon (like an AR/SMG/LMG), and grab the Shock and Awe skill aced for shields.

This build uses a crit SMG, but has snowballs for shield coverage instead of Shock and Awe. The crit SMG has decent ammo efficiency, but if you ever find yourself low, you can just start chucking snowballs. Or better yet, use snowballs liberally to scout; every time you guess right and hit an enemy that you didn’t know was there, it saves you some ammo from finishing them off.


The snowball is a fun throwable option, and opens up lots of unique, interesting new plays. It’s such a shame that it will be removed, so be sure to try it out while you can.