

真剣なサム:シベリアの騒乱 – すべてのシベリアの秘密の場所





ボーナス (秘密とは見なされません):パイプをジャンプして先に進み、インタラクティブな人形を見つけます。

ボーナス:正しい道をたどると、さらに多くのパイプに出くわします。近くにカモメがいます (近づきすぎると飛んでいきます)。それを殺して、さらなるトラブルを引き起こします。

1.2 ちょっとしたサプライズ

ショットガンを拾った後、上り坂の道をたどるのではなく、ビーチの端まで歩いて輸送用コンテナに入ります。ヘルス ポップを拾うと、グナーが前後に出現します。

1.3 アーマー

丘を上って、2 番目の古い桟橋に - 鎧を。

1.4 秘密のロケットランチャー!!!うわー…


1.5 C4


注:レベルの終わりまで、少なくとも 1 つの c4 ブロックを保持してください


リグ 1 からリグ 2 への第 2 の目標パスをたどります。最初に目標を完了するか、シークレットを収集してから戻ることができます。次の秘密は、リグ 2 の左側 (リグ 1 から見て) にあります。左側には、別の防具を備えた別の桟橋がある別の崖側の小屋のグループがあります。防具を拾うと後ろにスポーンするワーブルに注意してください。片側にカイトし、反対側にかわすことで簡単に回避できます。

1.7 クラシック トラップ

桟橋から左に行くと、孤独な木の下にさらに別のヘルス ポップがあります。それを拾うとどうなるかを推測してください。あなたの報酬は 2 つの主要なバイオメカです。なんと古典的なことでしょう。

1.8 ロケット


おまけ:焼けた車の上にある石油リグの 2 つの「堀」には、中型の医療キットがあります。

1.9 L.I.F.E.

レベルの少し後になると、グナーのグループが換気シャフトから飛び出します。その中にはもうひとつの秘密があります。穴に飛び込む必要があるキャットウォークまで道をたどってください。この穴は、そこに立つことができないように作られているように見えるため、おそらく数回の試行が必要です。スライドして出ないように飛び込む必要があります。この秘密には、おそらくセキュリティ警告が必要です笑。終了するまでに、最初の L.I.F.E. を獲得できます。

1.10 L.I.F.E.

別の人生。 「火の回廊」の後。庭を片付け、レプティロイドが最初に産卵した四角いものを上って、階段を上って建物に入り、廊下を横切って隅に行きます。

1.11 ロケット


1.12 物資のキャッシュ

同じ電車内。右側の出口を過ぎると、通り抜けることができるコンクリート ブロックがあります。


1.13 C4


1.14 C4


1.15 – アーマー


1.16 ???

ジャンプルームの出口から、左側はレベルからの出口です。まだそこには行かず、代わりに右側のパスをたどります。最後に、壁のそばのいくつかのボックスで、ボックスを壊します。背後 – C4 のスポット。自明です。


2.1 L.I.F.E.

最初からパイプで行き止まりまで進み、象徴的な SS パルクールをいくつか行い、さらに別の L.I.F.E. を獲得してください。

2.2 アーマー

線路を渡って反対側に出たら、2 つ目の道を降りて、レールに沿って輸送用コンテナに向かいます。

2.3 C4


注:レベルの終わりまで、c4 のレンガを 2 つ保管しておいてください。

2.4 C4

第 2 の目標の進行に続いて、2 番目の庭で倉庫 02. 棚の後ろに入ることができます。


2番目の目的の道を進み、岩の周りを左折できるまで道をたどり、岩の線が終わるまで進み、別の左折して森に入り、かわいい見た目の雪だるまのある小屋に向かいます.その秘密は頭にあります。明らかに、健康な雪だるまを拾うと、爆発してかなりのダメージを与えます。回避できるかは不明。 2 つでは足りませんでしたか?

おまけ:見逃した場合に備えて – 最初に左に曲がる代わりに右に曲がると、コンテナ/小屋の後ろにロケットといくつかの鎧があります.

2.6 スキル ポイント


2.7 Armor

Back to the main path. Get to the “Extremely Uncool”. On that arena, behind a concrete barrier, some armor.

2.8 Hacked Drone

Some helicopter and scrapjacks later you’ll come upon an open gate by some shipping containers by the right side. Prize is behind those containers.

Bonus:on the other side of the channel some armor behind concrete blocks.

2.9 …???

Right out of the last secret, look down the edge right across from the hole you crawled out of. Jump down and then once more down the middle of the platform. Be ready for a fight. Those…things take 2 SS shots (on hard) and don’t do AoE, so it’s not exactly challenging, just strafe and spam SS.

2.10 C4

After your “factory equipment” runs out of juice. Tucked away in a corner behind some shipping containers, a brick of C4. This one comes with small arachno-party.

2.11 ???

This one is not even that hidden but requires 2 bricks of C4. Near the previous arena exit/this area entrance. Inside if you are not familiar with classic secrets, in the second room take left in the dark corridor and in the weird letters room you have to spell the name of the big bad by jumping on letters – M-E-N-T-A-L (jump from T to A is pretty tight).


Oh god, it’s Breakfast in France with a vengeance. 27 secrets. Nigh impossible to explain where exactly anything is. Gonna take a while.

3.1 Skill Point

I’m not sure how exactly this one is a secret, as no parts of it are exactly hidden, but by collecting 3 key cards in the first part of the level you can get a skill point in the hut between parts 1 and 2.

This covers the entire first area, or rather – entire first area is exists just for those key cards cause if you don’t collect keys and secrets you can just b-line to the exit. I’ll split this one into parts and put them in appropriate “sequential” order.

Bonus:solved puzzles if someone needs it.




3.2 Secret oil field encounter

In the field of pumps closer to the beginning, you might notice that 3 pumps are not working. Press the button on the side of each one and enjoy this games new twist on an old enemy.

3.1 Skill Point – 1/4

To find first key just follow the yellow gas pipe you’ve been riding along since you got snowmobile. Big outpost has a secret behind the other building.

3.3 Rockets

In the aforementioned big outpost with a keycard, go behind the building on the right and jump into a group of cube barrels.

3.1 Skill Point – 2/4

For the next key ride through the outpost till the crossroads and take left. Small outpost is by the right hand side after a yellow pipe arch.

3.4 Time Warp

In the “Hide and Seek” side quest area. Pretty much unmissable. When you reach an ominous looking formation of rocks on the left side is a clearly visible blinking pink gadget. Take hard left around this rock and hug it until you come upon a totem-marked cliff-rock. Climb it to reach the gadget.

Bonus:at the side quest objective there’s a hole in the ice, down which you can find a hateful friend from the past electro-fish. Not sure if there’s anything else because just to even see the thing I had to spam L.I.F.E.s and even that doesn’t give much time in the icy water.

3.1 Skill Point – 3/4

Backtrack to the crossroads (maybe do the “Hide and Seek” first) and take the last, sawmill, path. Right after crossroads there’s a secret on the left and you’ll pass by sawmill that has another secret. Ride until you make a hard right turn. By the left there’s another secret and by the right is last outpost with a key. Following the same road will lead you back to oil pumps and the area exit with your prize.

3.5 Rage Serum + Russian joke that no one will get

Near the aforementioned crossroads in between key card outpost and “Hide and Seek” entrance. Follow the Sawmill road till you see a yellow pipe arch. Into that arch and to the old cart with a hole in the ground nearby. Secret is in the hole. Who is this Dmitry and how is he still alive?

3.6 C4

Finally, some good secret that was fun to find. Following the sawmill road you’ll discover the…sawmill, who could’ve thought. Jump on the tractor by the sawmill building, then on the roof, from the roof jump on the tank connected by the pipe to the silo thing, follow the pipe, climb the ladder and get your C4.

3.7 T.A.C.T.

Follow the same road until a right turn. After the turn, to the left you can find an alien pump thing. Under it are remnants of a brave resistance member who clearly put up some fight before going down. He left us a SS and a T.A.C.T. gadget.

3.8 Hoverboard

Back to the pumps field. Closer to far end you can find a big rock formation. It has path to the top of it. There you’ll find a hoverboard gadget.

Bonus:across the road from this secret you can find a path in the snow leading to a cliff edge where octanian soldier is just enjoying the moment.

3.1 Skill Point – 4/4

The reward for this key hunt awaits you in the checkpoint you have to go through at the end of the area. Exit the building, go left and back into the building through side door.

Bonus:as you enter the village, turn around the first house on the left and check the open window.

3.9 Monty Python Reference

After emerging on the other side of the church, go down the steps, follow the road but don’t take right turn, go a bit forward and check out the big angel-in-an-arch statue on the left.

3.10 Shrine

On the approach to the village make a left turn by the electrical box into the woods. There you will find a shrine in memory of Cortana Netricsa who I didn’t know is dead? Or not “born” yet? Or never existed because she was part of a dream? Yes…it’s a bit complicated.

3.11 Armor

After exiting the village through another gas pipe arch you’ll come upon a fork. Take right, there’s a barn with a tractor in it, check the little shack on the left.

3.12 Medkit in the middle of an empty field

Back to the fork, a bit towards the objective by the right side you can find an empty field with a giant medkit. And of course it’s another trap.

3.13 Serious Snow(man)

In the woods to the left of the destroyed church.

3.14 L.I.F.E.

Upon making it to the alien bridge check under it.

3.15 ???

Follow the bridge moat towards the objective. At the end of it is a sewer pipe. Navigate right, left, right and behind the machinery in front of you is a button. You probably already noticed the door it opens in the previous corridor.

And again, if you are not familiar with classic secrets:1.For funzies you can try jumping over the guardrails of the slide for a joke secret (not an actual secret) and 2. The wall opposite to the one that gets broken by the bull is breakable too and contains some cannon balls (again – not an actual secret).

3.16 T.A.C.T.

To the side of the objective barn there’s a formation of rocks. Through the entrance behind trees, T.A.C.T. awaits.

3.17 Cannonballs

Behind the objective barn, a wooden shack, behind the shack – some BFG ammo.

3.18 Skill Point 1/4

Another multi-parter that starts in the area after alien bridge. 3 out of 4 parts are unmissable, 1 is just slightly out of the way.

First tower is right down the road from the bridge. Destroy it to get the key.

3.19 Cache of Supplies

From the first tentacle tower (one straight down the road from the bridge) there’s a silo/tower in the middle of the field. Impossible to miss. Atop – some supplies and an easter egg.

3.18 Skill Point – 2/4

Second tower is to the right from the alien gate. Somewhat heavily guarded.

3.20 Hoverboard

On your way from or to tower 2 there’s a wooden hut, in a corner behind it and a stone fence, a hoverboard.

3.21 Hacked Drone

Progressing through level, after the alien gate out of the 2 tentacle towers area, you’ll come upon a group of houses with a row of silos. To the left of it is an alien outpost. With a locked gate. Penetrate the defences from behind. One of metal rooms contains the secret gadget. Also inside – a cute Talos Principle easter egg.

Bonus:in this aforementioned group of houses you can swap your ATV for a tractor.

3.22 HOLY SH!T

Following the road you come upon a windmill, follow the winding path down and at the bottom take hard right to the river. And who could’ve expected that one – there’s a secret behind a waterfall. Be ready for a fight.

3.18 Skill Point – 3/4

Last tower is, again, impossible to miss. In the valley of windmills.

3.23 Cache of Supplies

Following the objective through the big open area, to the right of the 3rd tentacle tower is a path to a shack and some broken pier/dam/bridge something. Under that are some supplies.

3.24 Cannon

Past the last tower and the nearby rock you can see a windmill by the river. Get inside of it and look up. Big balls time.

3.25 Cannonballs

On the beach by the objective bridge you can find remnants of a hut. Inside – some cannon ammo.

3.26 Japanese Adventure Game Reference

Under the objective bridge. Prepare to die.

3.27 Secret Railroad Employee

On the objective bridge there are train carts. Last cart before the concrete barriers has an open door.

3.18 Skill Point – 4/4

You will not miss it. Case is by the level exit.

Roadside Picnic

4.1 Hoverboard

Right under the starting bridge.

4.2 A Piece of Russian Folklore

Following the objective marker, just about as open fields starts, in the rock formation on the left there’s a fairly obvious opening. This thing regenerates. You have to dump as much damage on it as fast as you can. Spamming 5 rockets, cannon. Or just TACT it. That works.

4.3 T.A.C.T.

On top of the tank shack.

4.4 Cannonballs

After the fun ride is over pass through the alien gates and go around the first shack, behind the house is a wood covered hole in the ground.
