

GNOSIA – 完全なクルー データ/イベント ガイド (ネタバレあり)

各キャラクターのクルー データを入力する方法、すべての討論コマンドを学習する方法、特定のオプション イベントを確認する方法。

全クルー データとイベントのガイド

Steam バージョンの AI バグに関する注意 (重要)

ゲームのSteamバージョンでは、現在、しばらく連続してプレイすると、他のキャラクターの討論AIが「基本」状態に戻り、高度なコマンドを使用できなくなるという非常に厄介なバグがあります.これにより、Sha-Ming と Gina の第 4 乗組員データ メモなど、特定のイベントの起動が不可能またはほぼ不可能になる可能性があります。


キャラクターの肖像画が見つからないバグを修正するためにベータ ブランチでプレイしている場合は、通常のブランチに切り替えてください。

ゲームを再起動します (つまり、タイトル画面に戻るだけでなく、完全に終了してから再度開くことによって)。



  • 一時停止メニューからアクセスできる「遊び方」セクションの記事は、ゲームの仕組みの非常に役立つ包括的な概要です。序盤の機械的なスポイラーがいくつかあるので、それが気になる場合は、「バグ」とは何かを理解するまで待ってから開いてください。
  • クルー データのメモと討論コマンドは見逃すことはありません。イベント チェーンの 1 つをアンロックするための要件 (死亡またはコールド スリープ状態など) に失敗した場合、イベントは、成功するまでに必要な回数だけ、将来のループで単純に再表示されます。
  • クルー データのノートにクルーまたはグノーシアのシンボルが付いている場合、そのノートのロックを解除するには人間またはグノーシアである必要があることを意味しますが、そのキャラクターがそうである必要があるという意味ではありません。
  • ループ 11 以降、キャラクターのクルー データ情報を表示しているときに、下にスクロールすると、プレイスタイルの簡単な説明とステータス分布のグラフを含む 2 ページ目を表示できます。
  • 表示される設定を変更するだけでなく、イベント検索を使用すると、舞台裏で役割の割り当てが調整され、まだ見たことのないイベントに参加できる可能性が高くなります。このボーナスを削除するので、そうしないでください!ただし、見栄えの良いセットアップの検索に到達するまで、複数の検索を続けて実行することで、結果をある程度制御できます.
  • すべてのステータスとアクションには用途がありますが、特にステルスやチャームのステータスが極端に低くならないようにする必要があります。ご参考までに、このゲームで最も強力で有用なアクションには、後悔、明確な人間/明確な敵、自分は人間だと言う、投票しないなどがあります。
  • 明確な人間と明確な敵は、少なくとも 1 つの有効なターゲットがある場合にのみ可能なアクションとして表示されます (ただし、このターゲットには自分自身を含めることができます。その場合、セルフ ターゲットにすることはできません)。評判を著しく損ないますので、よく考えてからご利用ください!彼らは、絶対に真実であると誰もが知っている情報に基づいて動作するため、例えば、「彼らが嘘をついているのを見つけた」または「私の未確認のエンジニアの報告によると、彼らはグノーシアである」などは、有効な証拠とは見なされません。技術者 / 医師のレポート、誰が夜間にコールド スリープに入れられたのか、いつ排除されたのか、ループの全体的な役割設定を調べて手がかりを得てください。
  • ステータス分布を変更したい場合は、バグとしてプレイし、夜にユリコを訪ねて、「変更したい」と言ってください。これは、初期条件が満たされる任意のループで、ループごとに 1 回、何度でも実行できます。

クルー データ (セツ、ジーナ、SQ、ラキオ)

最初の 13 回のループで自動的に取得されるため、各キャラクターの最初のクルー データ メモは省略されていることに注意してください。


セツ 2: セツが生きていて、あなたと同じ側にいる状態でループに勝ちます (両方の人間または両方のグノーシアが機能します)。

  • これにより、非常に便利なイベント検索機能もアンロックされるので、できるだけ早く入手してください!

セツ 3: Sha-Ming が存在する場合、ループの開始時にランダムにトリガーされます。比較的大きなキャストで Event Search ゲームをプレイすると、最終的に発生するはずです。

セツ 4: あなたとセツが両方とも人間で、ククルシカがグノーシアであるループで、セツがまだ生きているシーンで勝利します。次のループの開始時に、セツと自動的に話し合います。その後、ククルシカとジョナスがいるループで、ジョナスをなんとかして排除し (コールド スリープまたは夜に姿を消すことはどちらも機能します)、データを提供する別のシーンのためにセツと一緒に夜に格納庫を訪れます。

節5: ループの開始時にセツがループで疲れ果てているシーンが表示されたら、2 番目のダイアログ オプション (「Let's play」) を選択します。

  • その後の会話の選択に対するあなたの答えに基づいて、次のシーンには 2 つの異なる相互排他的なバージョンがありますが、どちらも最後にデータ入力を提供します。

セツ 6: This one’s quite complex, so we’ll split it up into multiple steps.

  • Initial prerequisite:In a loop where the Yuriko 6 event happens, keep Raqio alive until the end of the loop for another scene.
  • Next, win a loop on the same side as Setsu for a scene where you discuss your newfound knowledge. Pay attention to what they say here.
  • At this point, your Event Search will be disabled, and the next course of action won’t be immediately obvious. Try and solve it yourself first—if you need a hint, the title screen has an interesting new look at this point, and for a more direct one, try winning a loop alongside Yuriko (might require you to both be human). If you do a few more regular loops without figuring it out, Setsu will repeat the hint they gave you from earlier upon winning a loop with them.
  • If you’re still stuck and just want to be given the answer directly, here it is:You can now change the number of Gnosia to 0 in the loop setup. Do so, with the number of crew set to 15.
  • Afterwards, Event Search will become available again. Go through another few regular loops, and at some point you’ll get a scene at the start of a loop where Setsu seems to not recognize you. The data will be unlocked later on in that loop after some more events.


Gina 2: Win a loop where you and Gina are both human and survive.

Gina 3: Randomly triggered during a loop where Gina is Gnosia and you are not. First there’s a night event where you overhear a conversation, then there’ll be an event during the debates shortly after.

Gina 4: Night event after a human Gina notices someone other than you lying (may also require her to trust/like you a certain amount); use actions like Say You’re Human and Step Forward in big games to increase your chances.

  • There’s a unique additional scene you can get at the end of the loop if it triggers when you’re Gnosia and you then go on to win while keeping her alive, but that isn’t required to get the data, and if you miss it the first time the event chain can repeat in future loops to give you additional chances at this until you see it.

Gina 5: Night event when Gina and Stella are both alive.

Gina 6: Randomly triggered at the start of a loop, when Gina, Raqio, Shigemichi, Sha-Ming, and Stella are present. Should happen eventually if you play Event Search games with relatively large casts.


SQ 2: Occurs at the start of a loop when you and SQ are both Gnosia and Remnan is human.

  • There’s a (short) unique, missable additional scene you can get at the end of the loop for winning with SQ and Remnan both alive, but that isn’t required to get the data.
  • Also unlocks Remnan 3.

SQ 3: Prerequisite:obtaining SQ 2/Remnan 3.

  • When SQ asks Remnan to collaborate, he’ll sometimes have a unique response where he gets especially upset over it (this is easier to tell if you check the Discussion Log). In a loop where this happens, visit Remnan at night with Raqio still alive for a scene where the three of you talk about it, then put SQ into cold sleep with Remnan still alive (and SQ not being the last Gnosia remaining) to trigger another event. The following night, visit Remnan again to get the data.
  • Note that the Raqio event only needs to be seen once, so if you fail the chain after getting it you’ll be able to go straight from the collab offer to sleeping SQ in any future attempts.
  • Also unlocks Remnan 4.

SQ 4: In a loop where you and SQ are both human, collaborate with her and then win with her alive.

  • Note that collaborating with a Gnosia SQ as a human and then losing to her gives a similarly-structured scene that’s unique but optional.

SQ 5: Prerequisite:obtaining all of SQ’s other data.

  • In a loop where you’re Gnosia and SQ is human, have her notice you lying to trigger a series of night events. Be honest with her and agree to her plan, then win while keeping her alive.
  • You don’t strictly have to have you and her be the last two alive like the event suggests to get the data, but doing so will affect the final scene, and it’s easier than it sounds thanks to SQ always supporting you in the debates once the event chain starts.


Raqio 2: Win a loop where you and Raqio are both human and survive.

Raqio 3: Night event when Raqio and SQ are both alive. Select the “Look” dialogue option when it comes up.

Raqio 4: Prerequisite (possibly):Seeing other “quiz” events with Raqio, like the one that unlocks the Definite Human/Definite Enemy actions.

  • Night event with them, no other requirements. You’ll get the data regardless of whether or not you answer their “quiz” correctly.

Raqio 5: Prerequisite (possibly):Seeing other “quiz” events with Raqio, like the one that gives Raqio 4.

  • Night event with them, no other requirements. You’ll get the data regardless of whether or not you answer their “quiz” correctly, even though they don’t actually mention the relevant info unless you get the second question wrong (might be a localization mishap?).

Raqio 6: Prerequisites:obtaining Raqio 5 and Yuriko 5.

  • As a human, see an event on Night 1 with Setsu and then another night event with Raqio. Afterwards, win the loop while keeping Raqio alive (if you’re having trouble, being a Guardian Angel or an Engineer might help).
  • Note that despite appearances, the choice given in the final scene doesn’t actually matter aside from affecting the dialogue. Also, there’s an additional option available for it if you have the Grovel action available to use.

Crew Data (Stella, Shigemichi, Chipie, Remnan, Comet)


Stella 2: Prerequisites:obtaining Shigemichi 6/7.

  • After seeing the Shigemichi 7 scene, keep them both alive long enough to get a follow-up night event with Stella.

Stella 3: Night event with her, no other requirements.

  • There’s a unique, missable additional scene you can get at the end of the loop if it triggers when Stella is Gnosia and your character is male and then the Gnosia win while both of you are alive, but that isn’t required to get the data.

Stella 4: As human, see an event at the start of a loop with Stella and Jonas. Afterwards, keep them both alive long enough to get a night event with Stella where you talk with her about him.

  • Interestingly enough, in the loop this event chain happens, either Stella will be human and Jonas will be Gnosia, or Stella will be Gnosia and Jonas will be human, seemingly at random.

Stella 5: Prerequisite (probably):obtaining Stella 4.

  • As human, see an event at the start of the loop with Stella, Yuriko, Setsu, and Jonas. Afterwards, keep Stella and Setsu alive for a night event with them, and you’ll get the data from a scene at the start of the next day’s debate.


Shigemichi 2: Prerequisite (seemingly):obtaining Setsu 5. Yes, even though that scene has nothing to do with this one…

  • Night event when Shigemichi, Setsu, and Chipie are all alive.
  • Also unlocks Chipie 6.

Shigemichi 3: Prerequisite:obtaining Shigemichi 2.

  • Night event with him, no other requirements.

Shigemichi 4: Night event when Shigemichi, Raqio, and Sha-Ming are all alive.

Shigemichi 5: If the Engineer or Doctor role is claimed by both Shigemichi and Jonas, with no other claimants, a scene will occur during the debate. Afterwards, keep them as well as Remnan alive until the following night for a scene that gives the data.

  • There are two slightly different versions of the final scene based on which one is the real Engineer/Doctor, but you’ll get the data entry regardless. Additionally, after the final scene the real one will become an eligible target for Definite Human, and the fake one will be considered a confirmed Gnosia for the purpose of future Definite Human/Enemy determination.
  • Also unlocks Jonas 6.

Shigemichi 6: Night event when Shigemichi and Stella are alive.

Shigemichi 7: Prerequisite:obtaining Shigemichi 6.

  • See an event with Shigemichi and Stella during the debates, then keep them both alive long enough for two subsequent night events with Shigemichi.
  • There’s a unique additional scene you can get at the end of the loop if it triggers when all three of you are human and you then go on to win while keeping them alive, but that isn’t required to get the data, and if you miss it the first time the event chain can repeat in future loops to give you additional chances at this until you see it.


Chipie 2: As human, lose to a Gnosia Chipie.

  • Might also be unlocked by the Chipie 3 event, if you get that first?

Chipie 3: Occurs at the start of a loop when you and Chipie are both Gnosia.

Chipie 4: Night event when Comet and Chipie are alive.

  • Also unlocks Comet 3.

Chipie 5: Prerequisite (probably):obtaining Chipie 3.

  • Night event when you’re human and currently collaborating with him.

Chipie 6: Prerequisite (seemingly):obtaining Setsu 5. Yes, even though that scene has nothing to do with this one…

  • Night event when Shigemichi, Setsu, and Chipie are all alive.
  • Also unlocks Shigemichi 2.


Remnan 2: Night event when Remnan, Comet, and Stella are all alive and a Bug is present.

Remnan 3: Occurs at the start of a loop when you and SQ are both Gnosia and Remnan is human.

  • There’s a (short) unique, missable additional scene you can get at the end of the loop for winning with SQ and Remnan both alive, but that isn’t required to get the data.
  • Also unlocks SQ 2.

Remnan 4: Prerequisite:obtaining SQ 2/Remnan 3.

  • When SQ asks Remnan to collaborate, he’ll sometimes have a unique response where he gets especially upset over it (this is easier to tell if you check the Discussion Log). In a loop where this happens, visit Remnan at night with Raqio still alive for a scene where the three of you talk about it, then put SQ into cold sleep with Remnan still alive (and SQ not being the last Gnosia remaining) to trigger another event. The following night, visit Remnan again to get the data.
  • Note that the Raqio event only needs to be seen once, so if you fail the chain after getting it you’ll be able to go straight from the collab offer to sleeping SQ in any future attempts.
  • Also unlocks SQ 3.

Remnan 5: Prerequisite (possibly):obtaining SQ 3/Remnan 4.

  • As human, use Cover and/or Defend on Remnan early on, then keep him alive long enough to get two consecutive night events with him. Don’t pick the “I felt sorry for you” dialogue option in the first event.
  • There’s a unique, missable additional scene you can get at the end of the loop if it triggers when Remnan is human and your character is female and you pick the “I like you” dialogue option in the first event, then win the loop with both of you still alive, but that isn’t required to get the data.


Comet 2: Win a loop where you and Comet are both human and survive.

Comet 3: Night event when Comet and Chipie are alive.

  • Also unlocks Chipie 4.

Comet 4: As human, night event with her after she notices someone else lying.

Comet 5: As human, night event with her, no other requirements.

Comet 6: Prerequisite (probably):obtaining Comet 5.

  • As human, put her into cold sleep with Sha-Ming, Remnan, Shigemichi, Stella, and Jonas all alive (there are also alignment requirements for a few of those, but they’re kind of spoilery so not listing here); a series of events will occur at the start of the following day. Given the volume of specific character requirements for this one, your best bet is using large Event Search games and going for it as early in the loop as possible.
  • There’s some (optional) additional dialogue you can get during these events if your character is female, by choosing to hold Sha-Ming when the option comes up.

Comet 7: In a loop where you and Comet are both Gnosia, see an event with her at the start of the loop and then another one at night right before choosing your target.

  • There are two more additional unique scenes you can get in this loop, one on the following night and one for winning with her still alive after saying “Let’s travel!” in the previous scene, but they aren’t required to get the data. I’m not sure if they’re missable or not, though…

Crew Data (Yuriko, Jonas, Otome, Sha-Ming, Kukrushka)


Yuriko 2: Two consecutive night events; the first is with Remnan and Gina, and the second is with Gina and Yuriko. You don’t need to keep Remnan alive for the second event.

  • Also unlocks Yuriko 3.

Yuriko 3: Acquired at the same time as Yuriko 2.

Yuriko 4: Prerequisite:obtaining Yuriko 2/3.

  • In a loop where you and Setsu are both human, an event will occur at the start of the loop with them and Yuriko. Afterwards, put Yuriko into cold sleep while Setsu is still alive.
  • If you’re having trouble, it might help to avoid direct Doubts on Yuriko so as to not give her chances to use Retaliate, and/or to use Say You’re Human, which she’s likely to pass on and thus look more suspicious.

Yuriko 5: Prerequisite:obtaining Yuriko 4.

  • As human, wait for Yuriko to offer to collaborate with you during the debates and Setsu to tell you to accept her offer. Do so, then keep Setsu alive until the start of the next night for another scene (you’ll no longer need to keep them alive past this point). Visit Yuriko at night for another scene, then win the loop with her still alive (if you’re having trouble, being a Guardian Angel or an Engineer might help).

Yuriko 6: Prerequisite:obtaining Raqio 6.

  • Night event when Yuriko and Raqio are alive.
  • Note that keeping Raqio alive until the end of the loop in a loop where this scene occurs is one of the prerequisites for another piece of crew data later on.


Jonas 2: Win a loop where you, Jonas, and Remnan are all human and all survive.

Jonas 3: Night event when Jonas, Gina, and SQ are all alive.

Jonas 4: Prerequisite:obtaining Stella 5.

  • As human, night event when Jonas and Stella are alive.

Jonas 5: Prerequisite (possibly):obtaining Kukrushka 4.

  • Night event when Jonas, SQ, Kukrushka, Remnan, and Yuriko are all alive.
  • Also unlocks Kukrushka 3.

Jonas 6: If the Engineer or Doctor role is claimed by both Shigemichi and Jonas, with no other claimants, a scene will occur during the debate. Afterwards, keep them as well as Remnan alive until the following night for a scene that gives the data.

  • There are two slightly different versions of the final scene based on which one is the real Engineer/Doctor, but you’ll get the data entry regardless. Additionally, after the final scene the real one will become an eligible target for Definite Human, and the fake one will be considered a confirmed Gnosia for the purpose of future Definite Human/Enemy determination.
  • Also unlocks Shigemichi 5.

Jonas 7: Prerequisite:obtaining Kukrushka 5.

  • At the start of a loop, Setsu will suggest talking to Jonas together. Visit him at night for three consecutive nights, keeping him and Setsu alive the entire time.
  • Also unlocks Kukrushka 6.


Otome 2: Win a loop where you and Otome are both human and survive.

Otome 3: Night event when Otome, Remnan, and Sha-Ming are all alive.

  • Also unlocks Sha-Ming 2.

Otome 4: In a loop where a Bug is present, she’ll make a suggestion during the debate. Afterwards, visit her at night for an event.

Otome 5: Night event when Kukrushka and Otome are alive.

  • Also unlocks Kukrushka 2.

Otome 6: Prerequisite (possibly):obtaining Otome 4.

  • In a loop where a Bug is present, see an event about it with Otome and Shigemichi at night, then reach the end of the loop with both you and Otome still alive.


Sha-Ming 2: Night event when Otome, Remnan, and Sha-Ming are all alive.

  • Also unlocks Otome 3.

Sha-Ming 3: In a loop where you and Sha-Ming are both Gnosia and Otome is present, see an event with him at the start of the loop and then another one at night right before choosing your target. You can either agree or disagree with his proposal, but your choice of target that night must be consistent with what you said. Afterwards, visit him at night for another scene and select the “Talk about the past” dialogue option when it comes up, then win the loop with him still alive.

Sha-Ming 4: An event will occur with Sha-Ming at the end of a round of voting. Afterwards, visit him at night and pick the second dialogue option (“Teach me to grovel”).


Kukrushka 2: Night event when Kukrushka and Otome are alive.

  • Also unlocks Otome 5.

Kukrushka 3: Prerequisite (possibly):obtaining Kukrushka 4.

  • Night event when Jonas, SQ, Kukrushka, Remnan, and Yuriko are all alive.
  • Also unlocks Jonas 5.

Kukrushka 4: When Kukrusha and Remnan claim Guard Duty together, and Setsu is alive, an event will occur during the debate.

Kukrushka 5: Prerequisite:obtaining Setsu 4.

  • In a loop where you and Setsu are both human and you’ve seen the Setsu 4 scene (i.e., eliminating Jonas when him and Kukrushka are present and then visiting the hangar with Setsu), win the loop with Setsu still alive for another scene.
  • Interestingly enough, if you try to go for this data in a loop where the setup requirements aren’t met (you and/or Setsu are non-human, or Kukrushka and/or Jonas are missing), the game actually has unique dialogue pointing out that this setup won’t work and you need to wait till another loop to try again!

Kukrushka 6: Prerequisite:obtaining Kukrushka 5.

  • At the start of a loop, Setsu will suggest talking to Jonas together. Visit him at night for three consecutive nights, keeping him and Setsu alive the entire time.
  • Also unlocks Jonas 7.

Unlocking Debate Commands

In general, command events are more likely to appear when you have high friendship with the character(s) involved; it might also help to already have high enough stats to use the command.

Step Forward: Automatically acquired during Loop 9.

  • Requires 10 Charisma to use.

Exaggerate: Night event with SQ, when Setsu and Shigemichi are also present.

  • Requires 15 Performance to use.

Seek Agreement: Night event with Shigemichi, when Raqio, SQ, and Remnan are also present.

  • Requires 25 Charisma to use.

Block Argument: Night event with Yuriko, when SQ is also present; you might also need to have 40 Charisma.

  • Requires 40 Charisma to use.

Obfuscate: Night event with Jonas, when Setsu and Remnan are also present.

  • Requires 25 Stealth to use.

Retaliate: Night event with SQ, when Setsu and Shigemichi are also present. You must have seen the Exaggerate event in a previous loop.

  • Requires 25 Logic and 25 Performance to use.

Seek Help: Night event with SQ, when collaborating with her.

  • Requires 30 Performance to use.

Regret: Night event with Kukrushka, when Comet is also present.

  • Requires 25 Charm to use.

Don’t Be Fooled: Night event with Gina, when she’s human and has noticed someone other than you lying; use actions like Say You’re Human and Step Forward in big games to increase your chances.

  • Requires 30 Intuition to use.

Vote: Night event with Stella after she uses it during the debates, when Raqio is also present.

  • Requires 10 Logic to use.

Don’t Vote: Night event with Otome after she uses it during the debates; a Bug must be present.

  • Requires 15 Logic to use.

Definite Human/Definite Enemy: Night event with Raqio. You might have to answer their “quiz” correctly—the correct answer is”Maybe not”.

  • Requires 20 Logic to use.

Freeze All: Night event with Raqio after multiple people claim Engineer while a Bug is present (might also require having seen other “quiz” events); play big games with multiple Gnosia and the AC Follower role also active to increase your chances. You might have to answer their “quiz” correctly—the correct answer is”No”.

  • Requires 30 Logic to use.

Small Talk: Night event with Sha-Ming after he uses it during the debates (it’ll be called “Chat” then).

  • Requires 10 Stealth to use.

Let’s Cooperate: Night event with Chipie, when both of you are Gnosia and he’s collaborating with someone else.

  • Requires 15 Charm to use.

Say You’re Human: Night event with Comet, when SQ is also present.

  • Requires 20 Intuition to use.

Grovel: Night event with Sha-Ming after he uses it during the debates. Select the second dialogue option (“Teach me to grovel”).

  • Requires 35 Stealth to use.

Optional Event CGs

  • Allacosia: As human, see a night event where Gina talks about the Allacosia system, then keep her alive as long as possible. The CG event will automatically occur at the start of the day onceall other non-humans have been put into cold sleep or eliminated.
    This event chain will repeat in future loops if failed, so it isn’t missable.
  • Chaos: Night event with Yuriko, when SQ is also present. Might also require having at least 40 Charisma?
  • Don’t Be Fooled: As Gnosia, see a night event where human Gina notices someone else lying and consults you about it (the one that unlocks the Don’t Be Fooled command the first time you see it, not the generic version), then win the loop while keeping her alive.
    This event chain will repeat in future loops if failed, so it isn’t missable.
  • Fool and Be Fooled (1): As human, collaborate with a Gnosia SQ and then lose to her.
  • Gina In Love: This one’s a multi-step process:
    First, see Gina’s shower event at night (only happens with a male player character) and pick the “Apologize” dialogue option.
    Next, as human, lose to a Gnosia Gina with a high friendship level for an event at the end of the loop. Pick the “I love you” dialogue option.
    At this point, you’ll need to advance the main story until you get the Raqio 6 crew data for the final step to be available. Once you have it, ask Gina to collaborate during the debates in a loop where you’re human and keep her alive as long as possible for a series of several events over the course of the loop.
    That loop can play out in a few different ways, but the “best” ending occurs if Gina is human and you pick the “Survive together” dialogue option when it comes up, then win the loop with her still alive.
    This event is missable if you fail to meet the requirements!
  • Kukrushka’s Song: As human, lose to a Gnosia side containing Kukrushka and Jonas.
  • Lovely Kukrushka: Win a loop where you, Gina, and Kukrushka are all human and all survive.
  • Plastic Flower: See a night event with Stella about flowers when you’re human and male and she’s Gnosia, then survive until a Gnosia victory with Stella still alive.
    This event is missable if you fail to meet the requirements!
  • A Prayer To The Stars: Lose to a Bug SQ.
  • Shigemichi in Love: Prerequisite:obtaining Shigemichi’s 6th crew data entry.

In a loop where you, Shigemichi, and Stella are all human, see a series of events with them during the debates and at night, then win while keeping both of them alive.

This event chain will repeat in future loops if failed, so it isn’t missable.

After Reaching the Credits…

おめでとう! The main story may be over, but you can still load up your save to play more regular loops if you want.

Additionally, the “Return To Setup” option in the pause menu has now been replaced with a “Load” option that lets you jump to the beginning of any day or night in the current loop (i.e., effectively making it possible to savescum), and you can view a CG gallery by visiting Yuriko at night as a Bug and choosing the new “I want to remember” dialogue option.

That said, there is actually one more story event left to be seen at this point! Reaching it will take a bit of lateral thinking, but it’s definitely worth your while…

A hint as to how to reach it:Think about where Setsu is going. If you wanted to see them again, what might you do to follow them?

The outright solution:Start a new game on a different save slot, and on the very first dialogue choice (when Setsu asks if you understand) there’ll be a new option available; pick that one.