

原神インパクト |パイモン アンサーズ ガイドの千の質問

MiHoYo は Genshin Impacts でミニイベントを行うことで有名です 生活。より頻繁なものの1つはクイズです。脳に負担をかけ、パイモンで質問に答える準備はできていますか?

原神インパクト |パイモン回答ガイド付きの千の質問

ときどき、最大 50,000 モーラを獲得できる多肢選択式クイズがあります!このクイズに参加するには、Genshin Impact にサインインする必要があります アカウントを取得し、アドベンチャー ランク 10 以上であること。

すべてのプレイヤーは、順不同ではなく、ランダムな質問を受けます。 1 問正解するごとに 5,000 モーラを獲得できます。もちろん、10/10 を完全に達成すると 50,000 モーラを獲得できます!あなたがゼロにならない限り、誰も手ぶらで立ち去ることはありません...

Mora が届くまでに通常よりも時間がかかる場合があることに注意してください。モーラが届いた場合、有効期間は 7 日間です。必ず集めてください!

開始するには、この Web サイトにアクセスしてください:Paimon の千の質問



Geovishap Hatchlings に関する次の記述のうち、間違っているものはどれですか?

ジオビシャップは GEO ダメージを受けません

ヒリチュル バーサーカーのトーチを消すためにハイドロを使用した場合、ヒリチュル バーサーカーはどのように反応しますか?


正誤問題:友人のキャラクター ショーケースで、友人のキャラクターのアーティファクトの特定の接辞に関する詳細を表示できます。

ドヴァリンの「Caelestinum Finale Termini」能力に関する次の記述のうち、間違っているものはどれですか?

ウインド グライダーを使用してひびの入ったプラットフォームの上を滑空すると、キャラクターはダメージを受けます。

次のレイ ライン障害のうち、特定のドメインで取り上げられていないものはどれですか?


Windblume Festival イベント「Floral Freefall」に同時に参加できるプレイヤーの最大数は?


Windblume Festival イベント「Floral Freefall」に同時に参加できるプレイヤーの最大数は?


モンドシュタットで評判レベル 8 に到達すると、どのウィンド グライダーを入手できますか?




Primo Geovishap がドロップできない素材は次のうちどれですか?

ヴァユダ ターコイズ ジェムストーン


Oceanid を直接攻撃してダメージを与えることができます。

Venti のエレメンタル スキルを保持すると、彼は風の流れを生成し、プランジ攻撃を実行するために使用できます。


ヴァルナダ ラキュライト ジェムストーン



プリモ ジオビシャップは、戦闘が進むにつれて属性を変更します。変更できる要素でないのは次のうちどれですか?


正誤問題:Contending Tide イベントでは、友達を招待して協力モードで難しいステージに参加することができます。


すべてのオプションが true です

正誤問題:PC バージョンでは、左 Alt + 1/2/3/4 を押すと、パーティ内の対応するキャラクターに切り替えて、エレメンタル バーストをキャストできます。 .

オーシャニッドは全部で何種類のハイドロ ミミックを召喚できますか?





ルインガードと戦うとき、弱点を攻撃して麻痺状態にすることができます。 Ruin Guard にはいくつの弱点がありますか?


ジオ トラベラーのエレメンタル スキル、スターフェル ソードに関する次の記述のうち、間違っているものはどれですか?

エレメンタル スキルを保持して、隕石を別の隕石の上に積み重ねることができます。

ドヴァリンの「Caelestinum Finale Termini」能力に関する次の記述のうち、間違っているものはどれですか?

ウインド グライダーを使用してひびの入ったプラットフォームの上を滑空すると、キャラクターはダメージを受けます。



ジーンのストーリー クエスト「しし座の章」で、マーガレットの迷子になった猫の名前は?




Fatui Skirmishers は戦闘で自身に力を与えます。これらの力をすぐに打ち負かすには、これらの能力を取り除く必要があります。次の相互作用のうち、最も効率が悪いのはどれですか?

エレクトロ ヴァンガード - パイロ DMG を使用


ストーリー クエストを完了する。



Wangshu Inn の特製料理は次のうちどれですか?


Xinyan は Liyue Harbour の唯一の____ミュージシャンですか?


Stormterror's Lair から入手できる地域の特産品は次のうちどれですか?



Anemo は Geo で Swirl 反応をトリガーできます



Zhongli の Passive Talent "Resonant Waves" は、いくつの Fortify スタックを提供できますか?


「現在、各深淵の祠は一度しか開くことができず、リセットすることはできません」 - この説明は本当ですか?

Which of the following characters is unable to destroy the rock pillars the rock pillars that the Geo Hypostasis:Gimel summons?


How many Elemental Resonances can a single party have active at once?


How many members does Benny's Adventure Team have?


In Liyue, there is a plant that carefully listens to people's singing. That plant is called:

Glaze Lily

"The constructs that Zhongli, Ningguang, and the Geo Traveler summon can all be climbed" - Is this statement true?


How many Ley Line challenges can exist in Mondstadt and Liyue at any one time?


Can two characters of the same element activate Elemental Resonance in Co-Op Mode?


What reaction will occur when an Elemental Attack is used against Anemo Hypostasis:Beth?


What is the name of the hotel where the Fatui diplomats were staying during Mondstadt's Stormterror issue?

Goth Grand Hotel

Which of the following is not one of the Cryo Regisvine's weak points?


Which of the following statements about Elemental Reactions is true?

The Burning reaction itself deals DMG

Which of the following monsters will not emerge from a Blossom of Revelation challenge?

Unusual Hilichurl

From which of these locations can Musk Reef be reached via a black hole.

Cape Oath

What is the name of the Anemo Hypostasis?


Attacking a Geo Slime not infused with by Geo with Geo attacks will deal DMG


Which of the following areas do not contain any Philanemo Mushrooms?


Which of the following is the customary Hilichurl greeting?


Which of the following locations does not belong to the Mondstadt region?


Which of the following characters is not a bard from Mondstadt?


What is Amber the champion of in Mondstadt?


Childe is which of the following Harbingers

11th Harbinger

Which of the following characters is the most suitable counter to Electro Hypostasis:


"Cryo attacks can destroy Pyro Abyss Mage shields at the same rate as Hydro attacks" - is this statement true?


Which of the following Book Collections was written by Klee's mother, Alice?

Teyvat Travel Guides

When Kaeya is in the party, character Stamina Consumption when sprinting is decreased?


Which of the following dishes is not a Mondstadt staple?

Mora Meat

What is Keqing's title in the Liyue Qixing?


What does Lupical mean?


Which of the following Elemental Resonances can reduce the CD of Elemental Skills?

Impetuous Winds

Diluc used to be Knights of Favonius

Cavalry Captain

Who wrote the Favonius Survival Rulebook for Klee?


Wangshu Inn's cat is called


Which of the following characters will not have their Charged Attacks infused by Cryo DMG by Chongyun's Spirit Blade:Chonghua's Layered Frost?


What is the name of the night shift guard of the Northland Bank?


Which of the following areas do not contain any Violetgrass?

Qingxu Pool

In which locations can Dandy not be found to try a time trial challenge?

The highest point of Qingce Village

Which of the following characters did not have a pet turtle as a kid?


Which of the following animals did not appear in "The Boar Princess"?


Who occupies the eighth seat among the Eleven Fatui Harbingers?


Sucrose is the assistant to whomst?


Pyro Regisvine is immune to Pyro damage


Which place's topography is the result of Archon hurling giant spears of rock during a time of war ?

Guyun Stone Forest

Kaeya's Elemental Burst can freeze


Which Archon created the Mora

Geo Archon

Xingqui's Passive Talent is about enhancement


Which of the following does Boreas drop?

All of the above

Geo attacks on Anemo Hypostasis will not cause crystallize


Something like what does break the shield of Hydro Abyss Mage?


Amber is the Knights of Favonius' only


Which of the following elements can attack the Pyro Regisvine's weak points most effectively?


Which location is not covered by Teyvat Travel Guide

Wuwang Hill

Which of the following material does not drop?


Which of the following local specialties are not found in Liyue


Which of the following statements about the Sacrificial Bow is true?

An Elemental Skill must deal DMG for the Sacrificial Bow to have a chance of resetting it.

How much stamina does Keqing's Charged Attack consume?


Oz summon duration is a set time


All (Amber, Lumine, Ningguang) can activate a pressure plate


When the Traveler is affected by Pyro, holding the Traveler's Elemental Skill can be used to cause

Elemental Absorption

Which volume did Xingqiu borrom from Change the 9th?


When Xiangling's Guabo is breathing fire, if a character is in the AoE of the fire fire breath, they will also be affected by Pyro.


Which of the following items does not belong in the Liyue region?


Which of the following statements about Xinyan is false?

The one with "the shielded character dealt 15% more damage

When does Boreas fight refresh every week?

Monday 4:00 AM

The Karst Crawlers at Mt. Hulao can entrap anyone who steps on them, covering the intruder in amber. Who planted those plants?

Mountain Shaper

What is name of the bartender at the Angel's Share?


Which of the following statements about Geo constructs is true?

Geo constructs can be used to block certain monster attacks.

How many elements make up the continent of Teyvat?


Which of the following cannot provide energy to charge an Elemental Burst?

Interacting with the Statue of the Seven

What is the maximum number of Electro Sigils that Razor's Elemental Skill, Claw and Thunder, can generate?


Which of the following does not belong to the Liyue region?

Brightcrown Canyon

What Elemental Skill is Cryo Abyss Mage's shield immune to?

Kaeya's Elemental Skill

Which plant is not unique to Mondstadt?

Sweet Flower

Barbara's Talent, Glorious Season, is able to decrease the Stamina Consumption of all party members when Barbara is in the party.


Donna, an assistant to Floral Whisper flower store is infatuated with


How often does the Rite of Descension, one of Liyue's ceremonies occur?

Once a year

Which of the following statements about Xiangling is true?

When Xiangling users her Elemental Skill, Guoba will deal AoE Pyro DMG 4 times.

Protective Canopy provides a 15% RES against all elements to all party members


The rivalry between the two famed styles of cooking Li and Yue, is a few hundred years old. Out of the two, the Yue style is popular among the enthusiast of:

Seaside delectables

When the Anemo Traveler is affected by Pyro, holding the Traveler's Elemental Skill can be used to cause an Elemental Absorption.


Some of Lisa's attacks can apply the Conductive status onto monsters. What is the maximum number of Conductive stacks that may be applied?


Which of the following is not the name of the Hilichurl tribe in Dadaupa Gorge?


Xingqiu is the second son of Liyue Harbor's

Feiyun Commerce Guild

Klee's Plunging attack could reduce ore durability, so that mining could be made faster


How many times will Diona's Elemental Burst heal a character?


Which of the following statements concerning Mona's Elemental Burst, Stellaris Phastasm, is wrong?

If Mona takes no DMG for 2s after using Elemental Burst, she will regenerate 20% of her HP.

Noelle's Elemental Skill, Breastplate, is able to deal one instance of Geo DMG to nearby enemies. It will not generate any Elemental Particles


Which of the following methods does not decrease the character's Sheer Cold meter?

Eating Goulash

Beidou's fleet is called

The Crux Fleet

Of the following Mondstadt taverns, Diona is a bartender at

The Cat's Tail

The pet Qiqi would like to have most is:


Which of the following factors affects the DMG dealt by Shatter

Elemental Mastery

The Fortune-Preserving Talisman created by Qiqi's Positive Talent, A Glimpse into Arcanum, last for 15 seconds after being triggered.


Which of the following statements about Sucrose is false?

Sucrose's Passive Talent, Astable Invention, grants a 25% chance to return a portion of materials used in the crafting of products.

Which element does not reduce the HP of Electro Hypostasis' prisms?


What factors influence Oz's time on the field?

Duration is fixed

Kaeya's Elemental Burst, Glacial Waltz, is able to constantly freeze water surfaces allowing one to run across them.


Which of the following characters does not belong to the Knights of Favonius?


Which of the following is not a name people gave to the Archon Morax?

God of Eternity

Which of the following elements is the most efficient at breaking at Hydro Abyss Mage's shield?


Which of the following items cannot be obtained from Memories:Storming Terror I?

Vajrada Amethyst Chunk

The people of Liyue believe that the adepti dwell in:

Jueyun Karst

What is the name of the board game that Ningguang invented?

Liyue Millenial

Who is that red, burny friend mentioned by Razor?


Which of the following statements about Amber is false?

Amber's Precise Shot Talent allows her to gain additional CRIT Rate for certain period after hitting an opponent's Weak Spot

"When Chongyun uses his Elemental Skill, Spirit Blade:Chongua's Layered Frost, Diluc's attacks within that field will be infused with Cryo DMG" - is this statement true?


Barbara's Elemental Skill, Let the Show begin will intermittently apply Hydro to the active character. This can be used to clear Electro from a character who has had it applied to them.


What is the Energy Cost of Diluc's Elemental Burst, Dawn?


The Symbol of Mondstadt can be found at:


Which of the following Hilichurl tribes does not appear at Dadaupa Gorge?

Lunar Tribe

How many Boss Enemies are currently recording in the Adventurer Handbook?


Which of the following statements about Keqing is false?

Keqing can perform her Elemental Skill, Stellar Restoration, while in mid-air.

Which of the following items will not drop when fighting a Lv. 40 Electro Hypostasis

Vajrada Amethyst Chunk

The second charge level of Bennett's Elemental Skill, Passion Overload, will launch him, and this cannot be prevented by any other operations - is this statement true?


After using his Elemental Burst, Lightning Fang, Razor's Normal Attacks will deal Electro


Which of the following Archons was Mora named after?

Geo Archon

Which one of Noelle's stats affects the DMG absorption of the shield created by Noelle's Elemental Skill, Breastplate?


Which of the following locations can Crabs be acquired from

Yaoguang Shoal

What about Hu Tao's "Guide To The Afterlife" is true?

It can still be cast under 100 HP

Which of the following statements about the Spiral Abyss is true?

If you fail the Spiral Abyss challenge, you can temporarily leave the stage and continue later on.

How many mini games in Peculiar Wonderland?


From the following artifact sets, which one doesn't include 4-Stars or above?

Travelling Doctor

In a friend's Character Showcase, we can view details on specific affixes of characters' artifacts.


True or false:Rainy weather extinguished Flaming Flowers, allowing us to gather them immediately.


Which of the following drinks cannot be purchased in the Mondstadt tavern?

Holy Water

Which of the following is not a buff provided by Bennett's Elemental Burst, Fantastic Voyage?

Energy Recharge Increase

Which of the following statements about Daily Commissions is true?

We can receive a maximum of 4 commissions rewards per day.

Which of the following statements about Elemental Reactions is true?

The Melt itself deals DMG

Which of the following characters can provide a bonus when forging the Whiteblind?


Which of the following statements about Serpent Spine is true?

The DMG-Increase stacks do not reset if the character leaves the field

Which of the following weapon's abilities is generated differently from the others?

Solar Pearl

Which of the following items cannot be converted using the Parametric Transformer?

Spirit Locket of Boreas

How many works of calligraphy are in Wangshu Inn?


Which wing glider can be obtained from reaching Reputation Level 8 in Mondstadt?

Wings of Azure Wind

Which of the following creatures or items cannot appear when you destroy a chunk of amber on Mt. Hulao?


Which of the following rewards cannot be obtained from challenging Ley Line Blossoms?

Character level-up material

What is the CD of the World Level adjustment function?

24 hours

Which of the following will not increase Repuation?

Completing a Story Quest

Which of the following statements about artifacts is true?

Artifact affixes will never provide the same effects as main attributes.

The Sunsettia is the most commonly found food in the game. It has no other uses apart from being eaten as-is.


On the page for the event wish "Epitome Invocation," select the magnification icon to view the effects of the current featured weapons.


How many kinds of elemental Primordial Showers do Primo Geovishap have at their disposal?


Entering a Domain consumes Resin?


Normal and Charged Attacks with Snow-Tombed Starsliver may generate an everfrost Icicle above the enemy, which deals Cryo DMG.


Which of the following statements about fighting Geo Hypostasis:Gimel is false?

You can use Geo attacks to damage the Geo Hypostasis's core.

Which of the following statements about artifacts is true?

Artifacts in the Thundering Fury set can be obtained from Midsummer Courtyard.

Xinyan's Passive Talent "...Now That's Rock 'N' Roll!" increases the Physical DMG dealt by shielded characters by 15%.


Using Geo attacks against Anemo Hypostasis:Beth will cause a Crystallize reaction.


Which of the following kinds of information is not available in the Living Beings section of the Archive?

Attributes of monsters

How many tunes can be played in Windblume Festival event Ballads of Breeze?


Each character has their own Fullness meter. Once it is fill, that character cannot continue to consume Dishes. Based on what factor does the Fullness meter return to normal?


Which of the following cannot be achieved with the Archive?

Obtaining detailed information on items that have not yet been obtained.

Which of the following statements about Geovishap Hatchlings is false?

Geovishap Hatchlings are immune to Geo DMG.

When the World Level does not change, raising your Adventure Rank increases the level of monsters in the world.


Which of the following methods increases the growth of the character's Sheer Cold meter?


What is the maximum number of characters that can be displayed in a friend's Character Showcase?


Which of the following statements is true about Dragon's Bane?

The Elemental Mastery attribute can effectively increase the DMG dealt by the Elemental Reactions.

During the Windblume Festival event "The Great Bubble Crash," how many bubbles may there be in a row?


Dust of Azoth can be used at an Alchemy Workbench to convert any material to another materials of the same type. The quantity of Dust of Azoth required differs depending on the material.


Which of the following cannot be purchased from a shop in Mondstadt?


Which of the following is not a method of restoring characters' Stamina?

Stop swimming and treat water for a while.

The location of the Contending Tides event is Dadaupa Gorge?


"Xingqiu's Passive Tallent, Flash of Genius, allows him to sometimes refund materials used in crafting Talent Enhancement Materials."


True or false, Fischl's Elemental Skill summons Oz to assist her in battle. Oz attacks with Freikugel, which can trigger the Elemental Skill DMG bonus given by The Stringless.


During the Windblume mini-game "Stepping Stone Antics," you will respawn after falling and can continue playing.


Which of the following statements about Zhongli's Elemental Skill, "Dominus Lapidis," is false?

Zhongli can use Elemental Skill's Holding Mode to destroy Electro Crystals.

Which of the following statements about the City Reputation system is true?

The number of Bounties and Requests is shared between all cities.

Which of the following is not a minigame that ca be experienced during the Windblume Festival?


Hu Tao's Talent "Flutter By" increases Hu Tao's CRIT Rate by 12? for 8s.


After lowering the World Level, the maximum available difficulty level of the Stormterror challenge, will also decrease.


Which of the following dishes increases character DEF?

Jewelry Soup

Which of the following World Level does not require an Ascension Quest to reach?


How often does the Abyssal Moon Spire reset?

1st and 16th of each month

Which of the following statements about Klee is false?

Opponents who are hit by Klee's Elemental Skill, Jumpty Dumpty, will have their Pyro RES decreased.

Which of the following methods cannot be used to acquire Crystal Chunks?

Shop Purchase

Other than using her Elemental Skill, Mirror Reflection of Doom, what other methods can Mona used to create Phantoms?

By entering Illusionary Torrent for two seconds and being near an enemy.

When fighting Anemo Hypostasis:Beth, dealing elemental DMG to the Anemo Orbs summoned by Anemo Hypostasis converts them into elemental Orbs of a different type.


Which of the following methods does not raise your Adventure Rank?

Defeating monsters.

At which of the following Liyue restaurants can you try Xiangling's cooking?

Wanmin Restaurant

Which of the following dishes cannot be acquired by purchasing it at a shop?

Adeptus' Temptation

At which Mondstadt Reputation Level is the Anemo Treasure Compass diagram obtained?


When making Mystic Enhancement Ore from a Magical Crystal Ore, what quantity of Original Resin is consumed to make 6 Mystic Enhancement Ores?


Xiao's Talent Transcension:Gratify Defier guarantees that Xiao will never take damage from a Plunging Attack.


Beidou's Elemental Burst "Stormbreaker" creates a Thunderbeast's Targe around her. Which of the following statements about Thunderbeast's Targe is false?

Thunderbeast's Targe absorbs DMG and has 250% Absorption against Electro DMG.

In Peculiar Wonderland, mini-games are selected at random from a pool What is the total number of mini-games in the pool?


Before entering the Spiral Abyss, you can consume food to strengthen your characters and improve your combat performance once you are inside.


Which of the following statements about artifacts is false?

You can obtain Sand of Eons that increases elemental damage.

Which of the following statements about Albedo's Elemental Skill "Abiogenesis:Solar Isotoma" is false?

Transient Blossoms scales of Albedo's ATK

Which of the following drops Chilled Meat when defeated?

The Great Snowboar King

Tartaglia's Passive Talent, Master of Weaponry, increases the Normal Attack Level for characters in the party by 1


Which of the following statements about Tartaglia is correct?

Unable to use Plunging Attacks in his Melee Stance.

Which of the following statements about the Artifacts section of the Character Screen is corrent?

All of the other options are true

Which of the following statements about Xingqiu is false?

Xingqiu's Elemental Burst only empties his Energy meter out once its duration ends. As such, it is possible to switch characters to deal DMG during the duration of his Elemental Burst.

Which of the following statements about Elemental Reactions is true?

Using Hydro to trigger Vaporize deals greater DMG than triggering it using Pyro.

Which of the following characters can provide a bonus when crafting Vajrada Amethyst Chunks?

None of the other options are true.

In Co-Op Mode, you can cause Seelie in friends' worlds to move and guide you.


Which of the following statements about Plunging Attacks is false?

Plunging Attacks can only deal AOE Physical DMG.

Which of the following methods can be used to obtain Fowl?

Killing pigeons

For which of the following can Geo Sigils not be exchanged?

Talent Level-Up Materials

When fighting Electro Hypostasis:Aleph, which of the following elements is unable to decrease the HP of its prisms?


Which of the following statements about Ganyu's Elemental Skill "Trail of the Qilin" is false?

The Ice Lotus generated by casting Trail of the Qilin only applies the Cryo element to nearby enemies and does not deal DMG to them.

After Xiao casts his Elemental Burst, he gradually loses HP. If his HP is too low, this effect will cause him to die.


Who is the owner of the best pharmacy in Liyue?


What is the CD of the Parametric Transformer?

7 days

Which of the Fatui Harbingers is Childe?

The Eleventh

In the Story Quest 'Bookworm Swordsman', which volume of "Legend of the Shattered Halberd" did Xingqiu borrow from Chang the Ninth?


When Kaeya is in the party, character's sprinting Stamina Consumption is decreased.


We can still accumulate Adventure EXP without ascending the World Level.


Which of the following cannot be obtained via Domains?

Traveler Friendship EXP

Venti's Elemental Skill will generate a lot of Elemental Particles upon hitting monsters. This feature can be taken advantage of by using his Elemental Skill before switching to a different character to help them gain Energy faster.


Which element is most effective at attacking a Cryo Regisvine's weak points?


Which of the following statements about Diluc is false?

Diluc's Passive Talent, Tradition of the Dawn Knight, refunds 15% of the ore used when crafting Sword-type

Which of the following is not a feature of Statue of The Seven?

Temporarily increases characters' ATK and Max HP.

Which of the following materials cannot be found in the Archive?

Wing Gliders

Lisa's General Pharmaceutics Passive Talent gives her a chance to refund materials used in crafting Character Ascension Materials.


What is the load limit of a Wind Catcher?


Which of the following statements about the Spiral Abyss is true?

None of the other options are true.

Which of the following methods will not allow a Traveler to gather a Flaming Flower Stamen in the world

Attacking the Flaming Flower with a Physical attack using a Claymore character.

In the current live version, what is the maximum Condensed Resin you can hold?


Which of the following characters can activate treasure chests that can only be accessed through pressure plates?

All of the other options are true

Which of the following items does not belong to the Liyue region?


Which of the following statements about Xinyan is false?

Xinyan's Passive Talent, "...Now That's Rock 'N' Roll" increases the DMG dealt by characters being shielded by Sweeping

Sucrose's Passive Talent, Mollis Favonius:On hit, Sucrose's Elemental Skill and Burst increase the Energy Recharge of all other party members by 20% of Sucrose's Energy recharge for 8s.


Want to know Where to find the Final Ruin in Genshin Impact or more information about the Contending Tides Event?