

原神インパクトの 5 つ星キャラクターすべて

5つ星のキャラクターが登場してウィッシュスターが金色に変わるのを見るよりも良いことはありますか?ええ、私たちもそうは思いません。 Genshin Impact のすべての 5 つ星キャラクターのリストを以下で確認してください。 プリモジェムの保存を開始する必要がある人を決定します。



要素: ジオ

武器: ソード

推奨ビルド: サブDPS

確かにメインの DPS パーティ メンバーとしてアルベドを構築することはできますが、彼の防御への依存度は、別の強力なキャラクターのスワップインとして使用する方がよいことを示唆しています。アルベドの特徴的な攻撃は効果的であると同時に美しいものであり、彼の爆発的なジオフラワーで戦場全体を一掃します.


要素: パイロ

武器: クレイモア

推奨ビルド: メインDPS

他の原神インパクトの中で最高のDPSを誇る Diluc がゲームで最も人気のあるパーティー メンバーの 1 人である理由は不思議ではありません。ディルクは強力な攻撃で敵のシールドを引き裂き、敵の攻撃を妨害する能力を持っており、あらゆる戦闘の流れを素早く変えることができます。


要素: クライオ

武器: クレイモア

推奨ビルド: メインDPS

Eula が Genshin Impact にバースト ダンスの動きと氷の破片が飛び交うシーンで、敵の上をバク転し、クレイモアを軽い剣のように振り回します。ファヴォニアス騎士団の団長は、最前線を一人で制圧する能力を十分に備えており、スタイリッシュにそれを実行しています。


要素: クライオ


推奨ビルド: メインDPSまたはサブDPS



要素: パイロ

武器: ポールアーム

推奨ビルド: メインDPS

スピードと迅速な連続攻撃に頼るポールアームの使用者は、当然ながら優れた戦闘機です。 Hu Tao の強力なパイロ アビリティと組み合わせることで、この組み合わせは戦闘で手ごわい存在感を発揮します。 Hu Tao の Elemental Skill は ATK のステータスを強化しますが、欠点もあります。その過程で HP を犠牲にするため、戦闘中は彼女の健康状態に注意する必要があります。念のため、別のメイン DPS キャラクターをパーティーに入れておくことをお勧めします。


要素: アネモ

武器: ソード

推奨ビルド: サブ DPS またはサポート

彼女のアネモ能力により、ジーンは敵を動かすのが得意で、崖のような高い表面から敵を吹き飛ばすことさえできます. In addition to crowd control, Jean's Elemental Burst provides major healing to your party while damaging nearby foes. She may not be the star of the battlefield, but Jean will offer you all kinds of tactical advantages to make conquering your enemies that much easier.


Element: Anemo

Weapon: Sword

Recommended Build: Sub DPS

Kazuha amplifies the Elemental Mastery of your other party members, and his Anemo abilities spread the effects of elemental attacks further across the field. When his Elemental Skill is activated, Kazuha even gains a special bonus to his Plunging Attack. Overall, Kazuha is a great team player and a boon to just about any team comp you can come up with in Genshin Impact .


Element: Electro

Weapon: Sword

Recommended Build: Main DPS

Keqing is the perfect character for players who value speed. She is able to dominate the battlefield with lightning-fast movements thanks to her Elemental Skill, which teleports her to any direction you choose and also unleashes a powerful attack. Her Elemental Burst is not only fantastic for dealing with mobs, but is also one of the most visually appealing moves in the entire game.


Element: Pyro

Weapon: Catalyst

Recommended Build: Main or Sub DPS

While Klee is able to deal lots of damage at once, her chain attacks leave her vulnerable to enemy interruptions (unless you keep jumping around). Furthermore, her impressive attacks are trickier to pull off at close range, so it might be wise to use Klee from a distance and then switch to a melee fighter when the flow of battle shifts.


Element: Hydro

Weapon: Catalyst

Recommended Build: Sub DPS

Mona works best in cooperation with other party members, since her Elemental Burst heightens the amount of damage you can deal through elemental reactions. The astrologer carries unique traits like the ability to travel across water, as well as an Elemental Skill that sends out a decoy which attacks nearby enemies with Hydro.


Element: Cryo

Weapon: Sword

Recommended Build: Support

Qiqi's healing abilities are currently unrivaled by any other character. Both her Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst feature heavy healing along with cyro damage, so you can protect your party all while setting up new elemental reactions (and buying time by freezing enemies solid!). Even better, the healing effects continue when you switch characters, making Qiqi the hands-down best support character in Genshin Impact .


Element: Hydro

Weapon: Bow (primary)

Recommended Build: Main DPS

Much of Childe Tartaglia's appeal is his unique ability to switch between ranged and melee attacks. Unlike Mona, whose Hydro skills are better suited for creating elemental reactions, Tartaglia is able to wipe out enemy mobs himself through his combat versatility and unique abilities like Riptide.


Element: Anemo or Geo

Weapon: Sword

Recommended Build: Sub DPS

Whether equipped with Anemo (which we all know is the superior option) or with Geo, Traveler is the least impressive member of Genshin Impact 's 5-star character cast—which is only fair, since Traveler is also the only 5-star character we're automatically given. At the very least, using the Geo Elemental Skill helps with obtaining hard-to-reach oculi!


Element: Anemo

Weapon: Bow

Recommended Build: Sub DPS

Venti offers lots of mobility with his Elemental Skill, which creates an air current you can ride (useful for both in and out of combat). His Elemental Burst is also perfect for crowd control, since it sucks in all nearby enemies and holds them suspended above ground while you chain attacks and elemental reactions.


Element: Anemo

Weapon: Polearm

Recommended Build: Main DPS

Xiao is an excellent close-range fighter, able to deal lots of damage with his polearm and speed. Like with Hu Tao, however, you'll need to keep an eye on Xiao's health since his Elemental Burst drains HP in order to raise his ATK output. Having a healer like Qiqi on hand is always a good idea when employing Xiao as your primary DPS character.


Element: Geo

Weapon: Polearm

Recommended Build: Sub DPS

Zhongli may not have the greatest damage output, but his Elemental Burst can petrify a crowd of enemies for a short period of time, allowing you a brief respite (or an opportunity to hack through foes without interruptions). Zhongli's abilities strengthen Geo attacks, so he's best paired with your other Geo Vision party members.

Read about Inazuma and upcoming events in our Genshin Impact 1.7/2.0 Leaks and Release Date article. We've also got you covered on the next Genshin Impact banner and codes to redeem for in-game freebies!