

獲得できるコイン マスターの報酬は?

人気のモバイル ゲーム Coin Master に特化した別の包括的な記事へようこそ !あなたのために、さまざまなタイプのリワード コイン マスターを調べました それらがゲームにどのように影響するか、そしてそれらをどんどん手に入れる方法を教えてください! リワード コイン マスターの説明をお探しの場合は、 、ボーナス またはいくつかを取得する方法、あなたは正しい場所にいます。 🤩


長時間待ってからゲームに再度ログインすると、コイン マスター ボーナス報酬を獲得できる場合があります。 .これは、多くの場合、金またはスピンに変換されます。きっと気に入っていただけると思います。ただし、コイン マスターの報酬の可能性に戻りましょう。 抽選の開始時期とその使用方法

即時収益 💰

ホイールを回すと、これらのアイテムやアクションを即座に取得できます。それらはすべて 1 つまたは複数の用途があり、抽選に応じて同じ割合で取得されるわけではありません。

まず、ゴールドがあります(たくさんのゴールド ) を使用すると、村の建物をアップグレードして、できるだけ多くの星を獲得することができます .それ以外の目的で使用されることはほとんどありません。しかし、それは変わるかもしれません!

次に、10 ターン追加するだけの非常にまれなトリックがあります。 .それらが十分ではないため、タワー ゲージを上げるためにそれらを当てにしないでください。 スピン コイン マスターの詳細については、専用の記事をご覧ください。

シールドもあります 、最大 3 つのシールドがあり、他のプレイヤーの攻撃からあなたを守ります。私は攻撃を意味し、攻撃のみを意味します。確かに、コイン マスターの報酬 他のプレイヤーがあなたの村を略奪するのを防ぐことはできません ゲームのこの段階で。ドローをすべて使用している間に略奪が行われることもあります。

略奪防止の盾などというものはありませんが、トリック コイン マスターをリストアップしました。 対戦相手がわずかな機会にあなたからすべてを奪うのを防ぐために。一部のテクニックは、ゴールドの損失を大幅に抑えることができます。

アクション コイン マスター アクティブまたはイベント 🔨

攻撃ハンマー も利用可能で、選択したターゲットで使用できます。彼らは、最も報酬が高いコイン マスターの 1 つです。 頻繁に入手。あなたの攻撃は、シールドまたはサイのペットを使用して他のプレイヤーによってブロックされる可能性があります。 In this case, you will only gain a small amount of gold (200,000 / 250,000 gold at the beginning of the game).

However, if your attack is successful, you will not only be able to burn down part of another player's village, but you will also be able to make a lot of money . This can quickly add up to millions, which can have a big impact on your game. To increase the rewards of your attacks, you must have the tiger pet activated.

And finally, you will come across the looting pigs with the famous pig Coin Master . This ugly pig's head allows you to loot another player's village. By looting, the game means letting you take all of the other player's wealth if you succeed. To increase your rewards looting, you need to activate Foxy, the fox pet.

And finally, you will sometimes earn bonus points depending on the current event (very important), I will come back to this in the next section.

Note that these are the standard draw Coin Master rewards and event points change frequently. In fact, we'll also talk about experience potions and trading card chests next.

Points Coin Master bonus, experience potions and cards

During your draws, you can also earn special event points . These will be dependent on an event (or events) taking place. For example, you may have the reindeer race and Foxy's Christmas on at the same time. Foxes will then be available on the draw wheels. As a result, each fox drawn or reindeer won will be added to the gauge of the related event.

The same applies to fir trees or any other event points. Each of the gauges in question yields a different Coin Master bonus reward.

Event gauge and ranking reward 🥇

Where the main event (the one displayed directly on the slot machine) can win you coins, experience potions and spins by the hundreds , the secondary event is still more modest.

For the secondary event, the rewards are less numerous because the gift levels are more spaced out. Reindeer are a good example of this. However, if you collect enough of them and do well in the reindeer race, you will get a lot of gold at the end of the event , in addition to the rewards collected along the way.

With these events, you can win experience potions from the rewards Coin Master bonuses . These experience potions are used exclusively to level up your pets. They work in the same way on foxes, tigers, rhinos and other pets. Once the pet has leveled up, you will get biggerrewards by feeding it as each level boosts its stats.

Raid on collection cards 🃏

Finally, during your looting or during Coin Master events , you will have the opportunity to come across various and varied chests. Wooden chest, gold, magic, frozen or anything else, they all contain cards. These cards are illustrated with a picture, a name and a number of stars indicating their rarity.

The cards are, in fact, divided into thematic collections:objects, animals, sweets, etc. And each collection will earn you big bonuses. And each collection will earn you big bonuses . Several hundred tricks should make you happy, right? Some even give you access to an extra pet. On the other hand, stumbling upon a chest is like digging a "no coins" hole, which means that the loot in question will be less rich in corners .

Coin Master rewards daily

Every day, you will be able to collect Coin Master rewards simply by browsing through the game menus. The most obvious one is certainly the login bonus . This allows you to complete one box per day of a board, with Coin Master rewards bonus if you reach a certain number of accumulated login days. Normally, this menu is displayed automatically when you log in. But it can still happen that it is not the case.

For other bonuses, you can use the daily draw wheel . Spinning the wheel once will sometimes get you a very attractive reward . To spin it more, you will have to pay, so don't be too quick to hit re-spin!

On the other hand, you will also be able to access the resale of cards from a certain level. This option is not available at the very beginning of the game, but will be very useful later on. To access it, go to the menu Coin Master , in the Cards tab. Then select the second icon at the top right of the screen. You should be able to exchange your duplicate cards for a new chest ! This reward Coin Master is only available once a day. 🎁

However, it does allow you to get something other than cards. You can get gold and potions as well as new cards. And with new cards comes the chance to complete collections. You can get spins Coin Master gold and the finished village!

Coin Master Rewards bonus

In addition to all the other rewards mentioned above, it is possible to collect free rewards Coin Master every day . This means that you will always have the opportunity to collect more gold and items. To get them, nothing could be easier. You just have to use the links Coin Master set up by Moon Active, the game's publisher, correctly.

Once you know how to use them to collect the in-game reward , you'll need to find new ones every day. Fortunately, we've created an article that collects all of the Coin Master free spins of the day. This way, there's no way to miss out on any opportunities. You will be able to get tricks, gold coins or pet experience potions frequently 、 例えば。 This will speed up your progress and extend your game sessions whenever you want!