

Apex Legends モバイル初心者ガイド

最近 Android と iOS でリリースされた Apex モバイル ポートは驚異的な成功を収めています。あなたが多くの新しいプレーヤーの 1 人であり、道に迷っていると感じている場合は、私たちがお手伝いします。この Apex Legends Mobile ビギナー ガイド Respawn Entertainment と Electronic Arts から、バトルロワイヤルを始めるためのヒントとコツを見つけることができます。


Apex Legends Mobile 初心者ガイドを始めましょう 伝説とともに。ゲームを開始する前に、まずプレイするキャラクターを選択する必要があります。実際、いくつかの役割は他の役割よりもあなたのプレイ スタイルに適しています。 4 種類の凡例があります :オフェンス、ディフェンシブ、サポート、レコグニション。

この役割に加えて、それぞれに受動的能力、戦術的能力、および究極の能力を備えた独自の特異性があります。レジェンドの詳細については、Apex Legends Mobile の最高のレジェンド ティア リストにリダイレクトします。

このモバイル ポートには、カスタマイズ可能なパッシブ スキルが組み込まれています PC およびコンソール バージョンには存在しないもの:能力、実行、および能力。

レジェンドと遊ぶことで、キャラクターごとに異なるツリーでこれらのスキルのロックを解除するために使用できるポイントを獲得できます .

伝説に関するこのセクションを、少し戦略的なアドバイスで締めくくりましょう。キャラクターを選択するときにあなたがチームの最後の人である場合は、チームメイトの役割に応じて選択するようにしてください。たとえば、攻撃的なレジェンドが 3 人で終わることはありません。

エーペックス レジェンズ モバイル ゲーム モード

Apex Legends Mobile 初心者ガイドの次の部分に進みましょう 、つまりゲームモード。バトル ロワイヤルは Apex のトップ カテゴリですが、このゲームにはさまざまなゲーム モードがあり、面白さを維持できます。

まず、チュートリアル レベルから始めます .自動射撃、移動制御、および照準モードを有効にするかどうかを決定するための制御に慣れてください。

その後、自由練習に切り替えます 射撃場、ウィークリー チャレンジ、3 レベルの高度なトレーニングでゲームの学習を続けます。 Feel free to try out all the legends and weapons to find the configuration that suits you best.

Once that's done, it's time to dive into the deep end with the main game mode of Apex Legends Mobile :the Battle Royale .

The rules are simple:alone or in a squad of 3 , you land on a map without any weapon or equipment. You have to find equipment to survive until you are the last one 生きている。 Be careful, however, to always keep an eye on your map to stay in the combat zone delimited by a ring, which shrinks as the game progresses.

At the moment, only the World’s Edge map is available, but it should soon be joined by the King's Canyon.

Ranked Match mode runs in two-month seasons, with rewards being awarded according to your rank:Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond and Master. The points you earn in ranked games depend on the number of eliminations you make, but also on the assists and the place of your squad.

In Multiplayer , you'll have access to three modes in addition to Battle Royale:Team Deathmatch with base respawn, Team Deathmatch with random respawn, and Arena . In these 3-on-3 battles, you must purchase weapons and accessories from the store to eliminate your opponents in multiple rounds. The first squad to win 4 rounds wins the match. These game modes are played on regularly changing maps.

Finally, time-limited modes are sometimes available, such as Quick Battle or Flashpoint .

The weapons

Weapons selection is a large topic in our beginner's guide at Apex Legends Mobile. However, we won't go into it here. For good reason, we have already done so in our Apex Legends Mobile best weapons tier list, which I invite you to consult to find out which are the most effective and most complementary.

On these weapons, you can equip several accessories , such as a sight, an enlarged magazine, a stock or a grip. Each one has a rarity level that improves its statistics. White items are common, blue items are rare, epic items are purple, while gold indicates legendary equipment.

The equipment

In Apex Legends, in addition to weapons, their accessories and ammunition, you can collect equipment on the map. Everything you collect is stored in your backpack . Its capacity can be increased with a higher quality item.

As for protection, you can equip a helmet, armor and a shield to protect you when you are on the ground waiting for a reanimation from a member of your squad. Of course, the higher the rarity level, the more effective the protection will be.

In addition to all this, consumables necessary for your survival are scattered on the map:

  • Shield Cells :restores a shield bar in 3 seconds
  • Shield Battery :restores 100% of shield in 5 seconds
  • Syringe of Health :restores 25% of total health in 5 seconds
  • Healing Kit :restores 100% health in 8 seconds
  • Phoenix Kit :restores 100% health and shield in 10 seconds

To make it easier and save time, consider enabling automatic pickup in the settings and then sorting once you are in the shelter.

Apex Legends Mobile tips for a good start

Now that you have the basics, let's finish our Apex Legends Mobile beginner guide with some tips and tricks to improve your results.

  • Unlike other FPSs, battles can last a while if both opponents have good equipment. Remember to take cover regularly to recharge your shield .
  • Stay on the move できるだけ頻繁に。 Alternating slides and jumps will make it harder for your opponent to reach you, especially in short to medium range exchanges.
  • Pathfinder, Caustic and Gibraltar have a disadvantage, as their hitbox is larger than the other legends.
  • Anticipate the ring's reduction. If it does low damage at the beginning of the game, the more it shrinks, the more powerful damage it inflicts.
  • Use the ping system to communicate with your teammates. You can indicate a destination to your squad, but also the position of an enemy, an accessory or a weapon.
  • To avoid the frequent FPS drops, set the graphics to minimum and the framerate to maximum.
  • Finally, pay attention to where you land. Some will be more popular than others for the rarity of their loot, but we'll see that in an article dedicated to this topic.

That's it for this Apex Legends Mobile beginner guide All you have to do is apply our tips and tricks to win and earn rewards. To make sure you don't miss out on the next tips on the game, don't hesitate to consult our page regularly Apex Legends Mobile.