

原神インパクト通りガイド :ビルド、武器、アーティファクト

原神インパクト通り 4 つ星のエレクトロ キャラクターです 双剣を振るう .商人は、チームのメンバーを癒すだけでなく、彼らのエネルギーを再充電できるという特殊性を持っています.彼女は主にサポートとしてプレイされます 性格上、ダメージはほとんど受けません。このガイドでは 、原神インパクトのドリの資質と欠点について詳しく説明します。私たちのヒントとコツのおかげで、最高のビルドを得るためにどのアーティファクトと武器を装備すればよいかがわかります。 だけでなく、どのチームで彼女と対戦するかも。


原神インパクト通りのロックを解除できるチャンスがわずかにあります キャラクター イベント ウィッシュでウィッシュをしたとき または標準的な願い .


原神インパクト通りの確率 2022 年 9 月 9 日から 9 月 27 日までの場合と同様に、彼女がキャラクター イベントのウィッシュに登場すると、 が増加します。


原神インパクト通りをプレイする場合 ヒーラーとして、彼女の星座がなくてもできます。ただし、キャラクターと彼のダメージを改善できます。彼のC1 エレメンタル攻撃とC2でショット数を増やします 、ドリのジンは、キャラクターを癒すときに敵にショットを放ちます。

C4 回復および/またはエネルギー再充電にボーナスを与えることができます。最後に、C6 通常攻撃にエレクトロを注入できるため、Dori を DPS としてプレイできるようになります。


Genshin Impact Doriは主にサポートとしてプレイされます . 九鬼しのぶのようにできる 、あなたのチームを癒してください。それに加えて、エレメンタルの解放によってチーム内の他のキャラクターのエネルギーが回復するため、彼女は優秀なバッテリーです。

秘訣は、ゲームプレイをエレメンタルの解放に向けることです:アルカサルザライの正確さ .ドーリは彼のランプのジンを召喚します。これはフィールドに12秒間留まります。次に、彼とアクティブなキャラクターとの間にリンクを作成します。それ以降、キャラクターはヒーリング、エレメンタル エネルギーを取得し、エレクトロ エレメントの影響を受けます。敵にエレクトロ要素を適用するには、アクティブなキャラクターとジンの間のリンクがそれに触れる必要があり、不便な場合があります.

金の目で パッシブ:ジンがアクティブなときにエレクトロ エレメンタル リアクションをトリガーすると、ドリのエレメンタル攻撃のクールダウンが 1 秒減少します。この効果は 3.5 秒ごとに使用できます。

Spirit-Warding Lamp:Troubleshooter Cannon , Dori's elemental attack, is used primarily to collect energy particles to charge the elemental rampage. Unfortunately, the Djinn's cannon shots do very little damage. But thanks to the Compound Interest passive, any successful shot will restore 5 energy points for every 100% energy recharge Dori has.

In short, when playing Genshin Impact Dori, your goal will be to cast her elemental rampage as often as possible. Dori can only heal one character at a time, but her healing will be more generous than that of Kuki Shinobu.

Dori's Electro application, however, is lighter and more difficult to set up. Our advice is to play it with another Electro character if you want to multiply the elemental reactions.

You are advised to level up her elemental rampage first, then her elemental attack. You won't use her normal attacks unless you have her C6 and want to play her as a DPS.

What is the best equipment for Dori?

To be effective, Dori will need a maximum of energy recharge (at least 200%) since her elemental rampage costs 80 energy points, but also PV to provide good healings. We reveal the best artifacts and weapons to equip on Genshin Impact Dori to get an optimal build.

The best artifacts for Dori

Since you will be playing Dori mostly for his elemental rampage, the best artifact set to equip on Dori is none other than the 4-piece Genshin Impact set. It will allow you to increase the damage of his elemental rampage by 20% and especially to grant a bonus of ATK of 20% to your whole team after having launched his elemental rampage.

A 2 pieces combination from the Emblem of Severed Fate set (20% energy recharge) and 2 pieces from Tenacity of the Millelith (20% more HP) is also an excellent option for a balanced build.

You can also start with 4 pieces of Emblem of Severed Fate to increase Dori's elemental rampage damage by 25% of her energy recharge or 4 pieces of the Ocean-Hued Clam set. This set increases Dori's heal and will cause a sea foam to appear when Dori generates heal. It will deal damage in proportion to the amount of healing done.

The main statistics to be prioritised:

  • Hourglass:HP% or energy recharge;
  • Cut:HP% or Electro damage;
  • Crown:HP%, healing bonus or energy recharge.

Secondary statistics :

  • HP%;
  • Energy recharging;
  • Basic mastery;
  • ATK%.

The best weapons for Dori

To complete Genshin Impact Dori's equipment , we recommend weapons that increase her energy recharge:

  • Sacrificial Greatsword :This is the best weapon to equip on Genshin Impact Dori . The double sword, in addition to boosting its energy recharge, offers a chance to reset Dori's elemental skill. This way you can throw it more often to generate more energy particles;
  • Favonius Geatsword :The weapon will also increase the energy recharge, but to take full advantage of its passive, you will need to raise the critical rate of Dori;
  • Skyward Pride :The two-handed sword provides a lot of energy recharge and increases the damage dealt by 8%;
  • Katsuragikiri Nagamasa :In addition to boosting energy recharge, this weapon to be made by the blacksmith, increases the damage of elemental skills.

Genshin Impact Dori's ascension and skill materials

To raise Dori to level 80+ in Genshin Impact and thus increase his HP to the maximum, you will need to collect the following resources:

  • 1 Sliver, 9 Fragments, 9 Chunks and 6 Gemstone of Vajrada Amethyst as well as 46 Thunderclap Fruitcores to loot from the Electro Regisvines;
  • 168 Kalpalotus :you will find them in the mountains of Sumeru. Locate them directly with the interactive map of Teyvat;
  • 18 Faded Red Satins , 30 Trimmed Red Silks , and 36 Rich Red Brocades , which you will obtain by fighting Eremites . You'll also need them to upgrade Dori's skills.

To increase Dori's skills, you will also need:

  • Teachings of Ingenuity , Guide to Praxis , and Philosophies of Ingenuity . You can loot these items on Tuesday, Friday and Sunday in the Steeple of Ignorance dungeon;
  • Bloodjade Branchs to be recovered by fighting Azhdaha .

In which team should Genshin Impact Dori play ?

Dori will be able to officiate in any team where you need a healer or a battery to charge your DPS elemental rampage.

We particularly recommend the teams :

Eula / Raiden or Fischl / Rosalia or Zhongli / Dori:Dori will perform Superconduct on contact with Cryo, which will lower the enemy's physical resistance. She will also heal your characters and charge Eula's elemental rampage faster.

Dori can also integrate an Electro-Charged team to avoid playing Kokomi and instead rely on a Hydro DPS such as Tartaglia, Ayato or Yelan. Then add a second Electro character such as Fischl and finally an Anemo hero to gather the enemies(Kazuha, Venti, Jeanor Sucrose).

You can also play Dori in a team focused on Dendro reactions such as Tighnari / Dori / Zhongli / Collei or the Dendro Traveler to boost Tighnari through Spread .

How old and how big is Genshin Impact Dori ?

Dori is a small character, she is approximately 1m35 tall. Her age is unknown, although she seems to be very young despite her experience as a merchant.

That's it for this Genshin Impact Dori guide . In short, this is a fun character to play and can vary your teams. However, while it's nice to have an extra Electro healer, supports like Fischl or Beidou are better options for damage, especially in the abyss. Likewise, Shinobu will more easily apply the Electro element. For more character and quest guides, head to our Genshin Impact tips page.