

ディシディア ファイナル ファンタジー オペラ オムニア:必見のモバイル ファイナル ファンタジー

モバイル ゲームは、スマートフォンがアクセスしやすくパワフルになったことで、ゲームの未来のように見え始めています。そのため、多くの愛されている PC ゲームがモバイル プラットフォームに進出しています。さらに、優れたグラフィックと充実したストーリーを備えたモバイル ゲームを作成する傾向があります。したがって、ゲーム業界で長期にわたるフランチャイズであるファイナル ファンタジーが、ディシディア ファイナル ファンタジー:オペラ オムニアで最愛のキャラクターをモバイル プラットフォームにもたらすことで、同じことを行ったことは当然のことです。

Opera Omnia を通じて、ファイナル ファンタジーの豊かな世界とキャラクターを感じることができます。シリーズ全体にキャラクターが組み込まれているため、すでにフランチャイズのファンである場合はさらに良い. Opera Omnia は、優れた戦闘と多数のキャラクターと機能を備えた外出先でのファイナル ファンタジー体験をもたらします。これについて知っておくべきことと、今すぐ試してみるべき理由がすべてここにあります。

ディシディア ファイナルファンタジー オペラ オムニアとは?

Opera Omnia は無料のターン制ガチャ JRPG であり、多くのロールプレイング ゲームの伝統的なターン制メカニズムを主な戦闘に取り入れています。ゲームの世界とストーリーを進めながら、キャラクターを選択し、パーティーを編成し、敵と戦います。 Opera Omnia には他とは一線を画すユニークな機能があります。たとえば、攻撃をブレイブ (BRV) と HP 攻撃に分割するというディシディア ファイナル ファンタジーの伝統に従います。勇敢な攻撃は直接ダメージを与えないため、敵のHPにダメージとして与える前に数字を積み重ねることができます.これにより、どのキャラクターを戦闘に参加させるかについて慎重に戦略を立て、パーティを存続させながらダメージ出力を最大化することができます.

ファイナル ファンタジー フランチャイズのファンなら、オペラ オムニアを見逃すわけにはいきません。これは、通常のターンベースの RPG ゲームプレイとファイナル ファンタジーの世界を組み合わせているためです。戦利品箱、何千ものアイテム、キャラクターなど、ターンベースの RPG について知っていること、好きなこと (または嫌いなこと) がすべて含まれています。また、オリジナルのタイトルに存在しないものも含め、ファイナル ファンタジー フランチャイズの大好きなすべてのキャラクターが登場します。たとえば、ファイナル ファンタジー IX の貴重な黒魔道士であるビビは、オペラ オムニアの世界でプレイ可能なキャラクターの 1 つです。

オペラ オムニア開発

ディシディア ファイナルファンタジー オペラ オムニアは、スクウェア・エニックスとチーム ニンジャによって iOS および Android 向けに開発されたモバイル ゲームです。ディシディア ファイナル ファンタジーの世界を舞台にした、ミッション、バトル、ストーリーを備えたターン制 RPG です。 Opera Omnia は 2016 年 8 月 27 日に最初の予告編と共に最初に発表されました。この予告編では、戦闘システム、勇敢なメカニック、およびゲームに含まれる多数のキャラクターが紹介されました。

Opera Omnia はもともと 2016 年後半に発売されました。ただし、Opera Omnia の日本でのリリース日は 2017 年 2 月 1 日に延期されました。グローバル バージョンはその後 2018 年 1 月 16 日に発表され、2018 年 1 月 30 日にリリースされました。事前発表されたゲームでは、Opera Omnia はモバイル ゲームに事前登録したプレーヤーにゲーム内景品を提供しました。

ベルギーにいる場合、なぜ自分の国でゲームが利用できないのか疑問に思うかもしれません.まあ、これはゲームの戦利品ボックス (およびそのガチャ システム) が原因で、国からの撤退を余儀なくされたことを意味します。ベルギーの規制は、Opera Omnia がギャンブルと見なされるかどうかについて明確ではないため、開発者は 2018 年 11 月 6 日に撤回を呼びかけました。

オペラ オムニア ストーリー

他のターンベースの RPG と同様に、メイン クエストを通じて進むメイン ストーリーがあります。オペラ オムニアの世界では、ストーリーはディシディア ファイナル ファンタジー NT のストーリーを補完し、同じクリスタルと神々を特徴としています。

The basic premise of the story goes like this:The world of Opera Omnia was created by Materia and Spiritus. It was designed to be a place of respite for their champions, serving as a safe haven from their battles and fights. Unfortunately, the world was corrupted and started crumbling due to Torsions. These Torsions disrupt time and space to create portals from another dimension. Through these interdimensional Torsions, hoards of monsters emerged to wreck the world of Opera Omnia.

Of course, the crystals do not want this world to be disrupted and destroyed by these monsters. Thus, they called out for Mog, an ancient Moogle that can help restore balance and peace to the world. Mog then summoned champions from different worlds across the Final Fantasy universe to help gather light. Your initial battles in Opera Omnia thus revolve around saving the world before it ends completely.

Opera Omnia Gameplay And Mechanics

Opera Omnia has a story-based mission to save the world. Within the game, you’ll find multiple maps to traverse while following the story’s main narrative. You’ll fight battles, watch cutscenes, and explore the land as you defeat enemies and close the enemy Torsions.


No RPG is complete without its battles. That is why the gameplay revolves around enhancing your battle prowess. Basically, you collect items and materials to upgrade your gear and enhance your character abilities. There’s also the matter of unlocking and collecting multiple characters as you play. These characters fill different roles, with each one contributing a unique set of skills to your battles. All of these will help you as you strategize to win your next battle.

In Opera Omnia, you form a party of three for your battles. These come in waves of monsters that you must overcome to achieve victory. You have to use a combination of Brv and HP attacks to do so.

Bravery System

We’ve mentioned the Bravery system a few times now, and here we shall explain it in further detail. The Bravery system is similar to the one used in Dissidia 012 and NT, where you “break” your foes to gain a Bravery bonus. These attacks don’t deal direct damage; instead, it lets you accrue Bravery points which you can then convert into HP attacks to deplete your foes’ HP bar.

Once you use up your Bravery through HP attacks, you have to start collecting them again with Bravery attacks. This cycle repeats until you defeat your opponent or they defeat you.

Characters, Equipment, And Abilities

The Bravery system is a unique system that prompts you to think through your strategy before you start a battle. Do you bring a party with good healers? What about good attackers when you’ve accumulated enough Bravery? It’s all about planning and balancing your party. There are also bonuses in certain battles for using specific characters. Hence, you might want to strengthen more than the standard number of characters to increase your odds of winning.

When it comes to abilities, characters have a combination of active and passive abilities. Active abilities are categorized as such:15 CP, 35 CP, EX, LD, and Burst. With the exception of EX abilities, the rest have a limited number of uses; you’ll have to plan their usage instead of spamming them haphazardly! Passive abilities, conversely, either provide your character with stat boosts or even buffs to your actives, making them perform better in battles.

Gacha System

Free mobile games tend to have in-app purchases in the form of micro-transactions and Opera Omnia is no different. Instead of characters behind a paywall, Opera Omnia’s gacha system has you roll for weapons. The active abilities we mentioned in the previous section? Enhancements for 15 CP and 35 CP abilities, along with EX, LD, and Burst abilities come from these weapons. To complete a character you love and/or want to use, you’ll need to pull all their weapons and fully upgrade them.

Co-Op Mode

While Opera Omnia is mainly a single-player game, you can also play it with other players in co-op events. This can be a good break from the regular gameplay that you get with the mobile game.

Opera Omnia Review:Is It Good?

Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia is a pretty decent game for Final Fantasy lovers who like turn-based RPGs. There are enough characters across the franchise to draw in the average fan; even if you’ve only played some of the games, chances are you’ll find your favorites already added to the game’s roster. Furthermore, the Bravery system, in conjunction with turn-based RPG battles, makes for more interesting gameplay compared to similar mobile games.


Surprisingly, the story of Opera Omnia holds up pretty well for a gacha game. It is split into acts that are further divided into chapters, with each one focusing on a different numbered Final Fantasy title. Much of the story involves the heroes that Materia summons working together to defeat monsters and confront the antagonists that Spiritus calls into the world.

It is interesting to note that Materia’s warriors are summoned from different points of time in their respective stories. As an example, Ace from Type-0 is brought into the world before the ending sequence of the game, and this means he has no knowledge of both his and his classmates’ fates. This is different from his classmate Machina, who is brought into the world with all his memories intact—this opens up avenues for the characters to make repatriations or even seek vengeance.


It is also fun to watch the characters from different worlds interacting with each other. They will often try to understand each other’s idiosyncrasies and even the different ways that their worlds work. As an example, there is a point where summoners like Yuna, Eiko, and Rydia will gather together to understand how summoning works in each other’s worlds.

Of course, the story isn’t necessarily the best, since the game has a staggering cast of characters. This translates into the characters not being able to be fleshed out more than simple impressions that make them recognizable and familiar to players. After all, the game is meant to be a fan service to the devotees of the Final Fantasy franchise.

Regardless, the number of characters isn’t detrimental to the game. It does bring players some level of satisfaction, especially when known enemies and characters fight. Of course, fan service penetrates every crevice of the story just to tickle the player’s bones.


When it comes to gameplay, Opera Omnia boasts a truly unique system. There are also plenty of things that you can find within the game because of its many modes and challenges. If the story won’t keep you engaged, then the gameplay should suffice. There are tons of weapons and items you can unlock and characters to explore. You can even find info on each character in case you want to do a little digging on unfamiliar faces. Furthermore, the number of characters means there’s a wide variety of fighting styles and abilities to tinker with.

Apart from these, Opera Omnia also features good online mobile gaming. Although it’s mainly a single-player game, being able to play Final Fantasy with friends online is refreshing. The graphics are also pretty decent and the game comes with great music to enhance your experience.

And on top of that, the developers are known for their generosity. Apart from the huge number of tickets and gems you can normally gain from playing the game itself, they also periodically give out these resources—this means more free draws to help you increase your chances of getting hold of your favorite characters’ weapons.

The Verdict On Opera Omnia

Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia is a great mobile game to play if you’re a fan of Final Fantasy. It has enough characters and a solid turn-based battle mechanic to keep players occupied and entertained. Moreover, there are more than enough characters and items to keep you interested as you fight the in-game battles.

While you can’t expect a super compelling story or characters that are well fleshed out, Opera Omnia still does a decent job at bringing together the Final Fantasy franchise’s characters to tell a solid tale. Its gameplay is nothing to scoff at too, borrowing traditional turn-based RPG mechanics and adding its unique spin to the formula.

In a nutshell, if you love Final Fantasy and want to revisit your favorite characters, Opera Omnia is the game for you.