

別のエデン ティア リスト:あなたの旅に最適なヒーロー

Another Eden は日本のロールプレイング ゲーム (RPG) であり、ガチャへの独自のアプローチと全体的なゲームプレイにより、ハードコア プレイヤーを魅了しています。また、プレイ可能なヒーローの豊富なリストでも知られており、チームを構成するさまざまな方法が開かれます.しかし、ストーリーをスムーズに進めるためには、どのキャラクターを運ぶ必要がありますか?この記事では、Another Eden ティア リストと、ドリーム チームを構築する方法に関するその他の重要な情報を見ていきます。

アナザー エデンのティア リストとは別に、カジュアル ゲーマーがすべてのゲームで勝利できるように、他のティア リストも作成しています。詳しくは、Apex Legends ティア リスト、Guardian Tales ティア リスト、Raid Shadow Legends ティア リストをご覧ください。


  • もう一つのエデンとは?
  • アナザー エデン ティア リスト:ベスト キャラクター <オール>
  • SSティアリスト
  • S ティア リスト
  • ティアリスト
  • B層リスト
  • C Tier リスト
  • Dティアリスト
  • ファンのお気に入りの別のエデン キャラクター
  • アナザーエデンの最高のヒーローたち
  • 別の楽園でドリームチームを作るためのヒント
  • Another Eden ティア リスト:有料 vs 無料
  • もう一つのエデンとは?

    アナザーエデンは、主人公のアルドを中心とした日本のロールプレイングゲームです。彼は妹を獣王から救い、人類の絶滅を阻止する使命を帯びています。アルドの妹、ファインネは、獣の王が世界から人間の存在を取り除き、獣の親族が支配できるようにするために使用したい休眠能力を持っています。アルドが旅に出ると、時空の歪みが主人公を 800 年先の未来に連れて行き、すべてが最悪の方向に進みます。


    Another Eden には、幸運にも出会い、手に入れることができる可能性のあるキャラクターの広範なリストがあります。特定のクエストを完了することで入手できるキャラクターもあれば、ガチャ ゲームで入手する必要があるキャラクターもあります。

    アナザー エデン ティア リスト:ベスト キャラクター

    この階層リストでは、各ユニットを SS、S、A、B、C、および D に分類しました。SS が最上位階層であり、D が最も望ましくない階層です。ティアリストは通常​​主観的なものであるため、能力に応じて別のエデンのヒーローのリストをまとめました.


    アナザーエデンの上位キャラクターのほとんどは、ガチャシステムでしか入手できない5つ星です。メインストーリーから入手できるようになることはめったにありません。ただし、4 つ星のキャラクターを 5 つ星に変換またはアップグレードするための十分な材料があり、必要なランクまたはレベルに達したら、オプションを使用できます。

    アナザー エデン ティア リスト (SS キャラクター)

    アナザー エデンのストーリーを進める可能性が最も高いため、これらのキャラクターを何人か引っ張れば幸運です。彼らはユニークな能力とキラー統計を持っているため、ほぼ常にボスに対して優位に立っています.しかし、これらのキャラクターの需要が高いことを考えると、ほとんど手に入れることができず、ガチャで入手するのは非常に困難です.

    千代 (別のスタイル) イスカ・オルタ ピチカ
    デイジー まゆ Suzette
    Dewey Alter メリッサ Suzette (エクストラ スタイル)
    エヴァ Mistrare (別のスタイル) Suzette Alter
    Flammelapis ミュンファ (別のスタイル) Thillelille (別のスタイル)
    ガランバレル ナギ (エクストラ スタイル) ツバメ (別のスタイル)
    Hardy (別のスタイル) ネココ 月葉 (エクストラ スタイル)
    Isuka (エクストラ スタイル) 乙葉 (別のスタイル)

    アナザー エデン ティア リスト (S キャラクター)

    この層のキャラクターは、最上位列のキャラクターよりわずかに遅れていますが、それでも経験豊富な人材であり、Another Eden のプレイヤーがチームに含めることを夢見ているでしょう。私たちのメイン プレイヤー キャラクターであるアルド自身は、この層に属しています。

    Akane (別のスタイル) ほおずき (別のスタイル) Mighty Sheila (別のスタイル)
    アルド イルル ミルシャ 時雨 (別のスタイル)
    Ciel (別のスタイル) イルル (別のスタイル) Mistrare シオン
    Clarte (別のスタイル) イスカ (別のスタイル) 美遊 (別のスタイル) Suzette (別のスタイル)
    キュリオ 子供 Myrus (別のスタイル) Thillelille
    サイラス 桔梗 (別のスタイル) プライ Veina (別のスタイル)
    デュナリス (別のスタイル) ラクレール (別のスタイル) Radica (別のスタイル) Victor (別のスタイル)
    Ewan (別のスタイル) マナ 半径 雪乃
    フェルミナ メロディ Rosetta (別のスタイル) Yuna (Another Style)
    ヒスメナ Melina (エクストラ スタイル) Serge Zeviro (別のスタイル)
    Hismena (別のスタイル)

    アナザー エデン ティア リスト (A キャラクター)


    Anabel (別のスタイル) Hardy Philo Toova (別のスタイル)
    ベトランド (別のスタイル) Heena Radica 月葉 (別のスタイル)
    Claude (別のスタイル) ほおずき Renri ベルベット
    クレス レビア (別のスタイル) Renri (別のスタイル) ビクター
    デューイ マリエル Rosetta バイオレット
    Ewella ミュンファ ティラミス Yipha
    ガリユ (アナザー スタイル) Nikeh (別のスタイル) ティラミス (別のスタイル) ユナ

    アナザー エデン ティア リスト (B キャラクター)


    エイミー Elga Mighty (別のスタイル) Shanie (別のスタイル)
    Anabel Ewan Milla Shannon
    Bertrand Feinne Myrus Shannon (Another Style)
    Bivette Gariyu Nagi (Another Style) Shion (Another Style)
    Cerrine Guildna Premaya Skull
    Claude Jade Radias Sophia
    Cynthia Kikyo Riica Toova
    Deirdre Laclair Shanie Yuri
    Dunarith May

    Another Eden Tier List (C Characters)

    We can’t exactly say that these characters are our favorite, but we don’t suggest that you discard them instantly. If you know the correct equipment, they can be a decent unit to carry in the game. You may add these characters to your reserved party.

    Altena Helena Morgana
    Azami Isuka Nagi
    Biaka Joker Ruina (Another Style)
    Bria Levia Saki (Another Style)
    Cetie Lokido Strawboy
    Cetie (Another Style) Lokido (Another Style) Shigure
    Ciel Lovely Tsubame
    Clarte Mariel (Another Style) Tsukiha
    Elga (Another Style) Melina Veina
    Felmina (Another Style) Miyu Zeviro

    Another Eden Tier List (D Characters)

    We won’t lie — the characters under this tier are not favored by many because they lack the punches you need to advance in the game. Unless you have the right synergies with the characters and equipment, we suggest that you skip adding these units to your party at least for now.

    Akane Good Macky Nomar Ruina
    Benedict Komachi Nonold Saki
    Breeno Krervo Nopaew Samora
    Chiyo Lele Otoha Sevyn
    Cyuca Lingli Parisa Sheila
    Darunis Lovinia Pom Soira
    Denny Miranda Raven Yazuki
    Erina Myron Rovella Yio
    Foran Nero Rufus Zilva
    Galliard Nikeh

    Fan Favorite Another Eden Character

    Apart from the official tier list, some units are considered crowd favorites and are popular among Another Eden players. They are as follows:

    • Favorites (First Row): Suzette, Azami, Yuna, Mariel, Deirdre, Cetie
    • Best (Second Row): Raven, Riica, Myrus, Ewan, Lokido, Mighty
    • For Beginners (Third Row): Aldo, Good Macky, Jade, Cyrus, Amy, Feinne
    • For Seasoned Players (Fourth Row): Gariyu, Thillelille, Rosetta, Mariel, Lokido

    The Best Another Eden Heroes to Have

    In general, all heroes from the Another Eden tier list are great to have and they’ll be able to carry you throughout the game without a hitch. However, there are just a few characters that many players consider to be the best to have. These characters are either great for clearing quests or great for combat and some are good for both purposes. Like any other game, you’ll have to strategize and use tactics to be able to use the characters effectively and efficiently.

    That said, here are some of the best heroes in Another Eden that you might just want to have on your team:

    1. Suzette

    While she isn’t a top-tier damage dealer, Suzette can use her AoE damage skills to great effect. She can inflict damage on all enemies, control mobs, and effectively damage opposing teams with twice the damage. She also can boost the team’s power and intelligence if you use her Valor Chant ability.

    Suzette may not be great for boss fights but she’s great in typical combat and clearing out quests.

    2. Azami

    Azami is best known for being one of the best wind users in Another Eden. She carries multiple high-damage attacks, which are great if you’re dealing with large mobs or bosses. Her Valor Chant ability is also helpful against certain enemies as it reduced their intelligence, making way for your team to grab victory.

    While Azami is one of the characters with love defense stats and her abilities don’t have any AoE capabilities. She’s great to have if you’re planning to take on boss fights with her high-damage attacks.

    3. Lokido

    If you happen to have Lokido on your team, you might want to use him. Not only does he deal damage but he can also debuff against enemies. His attack, Ground Shaker, is your best bet against enemies as it builds up his speed and deals great damage. He’s also convenient if you’re going through mobs and you don’t have a healer on board as Lokido’s passive skill allows him to survive with minimal HP. You’ll be able to hold your ground long enough to heal your other heroes and continue to retaliate.

    However, if you plan on using Lokido for long runs, don’t exhaust his abilities because it will take a while for them to power up again.

    4. Ewan

    Ewan is a top-tier damage dealer who gets stronger with continuous attacks. Despite only being able to target one enemy at a time, Ewan’s abilities have a stunning effect that can be used to paralyze mobs. Further, he also can reduce the enemy’s fire resistance for three turns, which is very convenient if you have another Fire hero on your team.

    5. Mariel

    Mariel is one of the more popular characters in the game and for good reason too! She is a support character that has become a staple among players because she has the best set of healing abilities and buffs in the game. Mariel can restore and regenerate HP, as well as boost the speed of your other heroes while removing negative status effects. She can effectively carry your team through long battles as long as her skills are usable and powered.

    Additionally, Mariel can also increase the team’s type resistance by 50% for two terms. Mariel can work without any additional buffs so you’ll be safe with her as you progress through battles and quests.

    Tips for Building Your Dream Team in Another Eden

    There isn’t much science in building a “dream team” in Another Eden. In fact, with the extensive Another Eden tier list, the possibilities for the best team can go on and on. However, there are a couple of tips and tricks that you might want to consider if you’re looking to build a strong team.

    Balance Out Your Team

    The game has only two types of character nature:Attack and Support. You’ll need to figure out how you’re going to make your team depending on what your enemies will be. Usually, one support character who doubles as a healer is enough to support three attack characters but in some cases, you may need more than one support. It’s best to figure out team dynamics beforehand so you don’t get stuck.

    Remove Rarity as a Variable

    Granted that some 5-star heroes are better than others, rarity shouldn’t matter because you will still be able to progress with 4-star characters. Getting 5-star characters is great but they shouldn’t be a factor in creating your dream team because sometimes, 4-star characters have better stats.

    Don’t Think About the Gacha

    Focus on the characters that you already have because progression is harder if you’re thinking about the gacha. You will be able to get free and capable characters through the quests that you’ll finish. Don’t let the gacha element of the game intimidate you because Another Eden isn’t just about the gacha.

    Another Eden Tier List:Paid vs Free

    Another Eden, for the most part, is a free-to-play game. However, you can also pay for characters and purchase Chronos Stones with real currency. Payment is completely optional and is up to the player. However, paying doesn’t mean that you have a better gaming experience than other players.

    That said, here’s what you need to know about taking the free-to-play or paid route.

    What’s the Difference?

    There is very little difference between being a paid game player and being a free-to-play player. Microtransactions are almost non-existent in Another Eden, and you surely won’t need them if you’re looking to add characters from the Another Eden tier list to your roster.

    As mentioned before, you will be able to get free characters and free equipment as you progress through the game. You don’t have to worry about having an incomplete team because the game will supply you with whatever you need as long as you progress through it.

    The stones are the only thing that you can spend on in the game. You can, of course, opt to grind for Chronos Stones and save them. But if you’re looking for an easy way to get it, the best way is to purchase them.

    Chronos Stones are the game’s primary currency. You use them to roll for characters and to revive your team from battle, and that’s about everything you can do with them. Buying them isn’t necessary if you want to get a limited character in the Paid Banner but you will be able to make more pulls if you purchase more stones.

    Does It Affect the Gaming Experience?

    No, the overall gaming experience is not affected by paid or free-to-play elements. Players will still essentially experience the same gameplay throughout the game. The only difference that it will make is that paid players will have higher chances of getting a limited character because they opt to purchase Chronos Stones.

    Regardless, the game progresses the same way and there is no difference in the gaming experience.


    The Another Eden tier list is vast, and it will be hard for most players to decide on a favorite character. The best part about the game is that they don’t require their players to participate in the gacha elements if they don’t want to. Players are still guaranteed great characters despite not shelling out money. This makes Another Eden unique among other gacha games because it isn’t completely a gacha game — it has certain gacha elements that everyone will love.

    At the end of the day, it’s always best to remember that the players make their heroes. This means that your heroes will only be as good as you. So, even if you have a 5-star character, they won’t be better than any 4-star if you don’t upgrade them or level them up.