Android と iOS 向けの 15 のベスト レストラン ゲーム
スマートフォン ユーザーは、Apple App Store または Google Play Store から何千ものゲームを入手できます。 Android でも iOS でも、アーチェリー ゲームやさまざまな種類のソリティア アプリなど、ほぼすべてのニッチ向けのゲームを見つけることができます。これらのゲームやジャンルの中から、この記事で取り上げるレストラン ゲームのニッチを見つけることができます。スマートフォン向けの最高のレストラン ゲームを見てみましょう!
レストラン ゲームとは
最高のレストラン ゲームでは、ステーキ、ベーコン、ソーセージのおいしい香りを期待しながら、熱いストーブで点火された炎の穏やかな鼓動を想像できます。その間ずっと、あなたはスタッフを忙しく管理して、全員を幸せで満足させています。レストラン ゲームは、別のニッチなジャンルである料理ゲームと多くの重複がありますが、これは主に両方のゲームがファースト フード管理と顧客サービスの要素を持っているためです。レストランやベーカリーでは、顧客に食事を提供したり、日々の問題を処理したりする要素がありますが、両者の大きな違いの 1 つは、彼らがどこに焦点を当てているかです。
実際の料理とフード サービスに大きく依存するクッキング ゲームと比較して、レストラン ゲームは、ビジネスを成長させ、食品市場での確固たる地位を管理することに重点を置いています。とはいえ、ゲームのプレイスタイルによっては、レストラン ゲームはマネージメント ゲームとタイクーン ゲームの両方のサブセットであると言えます。
最高のレストラン ゲーム
Android および iOS デバイスで利用可能なゲームを選択し、ランク付けしました。 Apple または Google ストアのレビュー スコアだけでなく、私たちがどれだけゲームを愛しているか、私たちにとってどれだけユニークであるかにも基づいてランク付けしています。また、レストランの管理がもう少し脇に移動され、展開されるプロットとキャラクターの相互作用がより重要になるゲームもいくつかあります.
1.フード ストリート
プラットフォーム: Android と iOS
デベロッパー: Supersolid Ltd.
価格: アプリ内購入で無料
フード ストリートはレストラン ゲームの完璧な例です。 Food Street には、ほとんどの「フリーミアム」ゲームのメカニズムがすべて備わっています。これは、ゲームに時間制限のあるアクションと、宝石やコインなどのゲーム内通貨があることを意味します。
フリーミアム モデルを除けば、Food Street はレストラン ゲームの最高の部分の良い例です。シングルプレイヤー セグメントだけでなく、ゲーム内の「フード クラブ」や季節のイベントによるマルチプレイヤーもあります。
ゲームは、ゆっくりと構築できるシンプルなカフェから始まります。ゲームの改善はゆっくりと積み重なっていくため、一度に 1 人ずつゲストにサービスを提供することは任せて、代わりに人を雇って夢のレストランを実際に手に入れることができます。
2.ハングリー ハーツ ダイナー:星を越えた魂の物語
プラットフォーム: Android と iOS
デベロッパー: 株式会社ガジェックス
価格: アプリ内購入で無料
ハングリー ハーツ ダイナーは、最高のレストラン ゲーム リストの 2 番目のゲームとしてランク付けされていますが、このゲームはストーリーの面でトップの座を占めています。このゲームには、何十年にもわたって店と心を顧客に開いてきた勤勉な老婦人としてプレイする、心温まる甘いプロットがあります。目標は、家族経営の食堂に来る疲れた社会人や学生に最高の家庭料理を提供することです.顧客の悩みや話を聞くことは別として、あなたの目標は、店舗で利用できる調理器具とツールをゆっくりと構築することです.
Apple と Google の両方のアプリ ストアでの高いレビュー スコアは別として、このゲームは、アップグレードしておばあちゃんのために雇われた助けを得るオプションがもっとあれば、最初だったでしょう。このゲームは、英語で利用可能な最大 3 番目のゲームのゲーム シリーズも生み出しました。 Hungry Hearts Diner は、時間制限のある注文により、料理ゲームのジャンルに傾倒していますが、間違いなく、どちらのジャンルでも最高のゲームの 1 つです。
3.デリシャス – 新たな始まり
プラットフォーム: Android と iOS
デベロッパー: GameHouse ゲーム
価格: 無料試用版;フルバージョンのゲーム内購入 $9.99。
長時間実行されているシリーズのもう 1 つのゲーム、Delicious – New Beginning は、スマートフォンで利用できる多くのデリシャス ゲームの 1 つです。ゲームは、エミリー・オマリーが生まれたばかりの娘ペイジのために夫と落ち着くためにスナッグフォードに戻るというシンプルなものから始まります。しばらく家事と家族の世話だけをしていたエミリーは、以前のゲームですでに多くの成功を収めていたレストラン事業に手を戻したいと思うようになりました。
デリシャスは、料理ゲームとレストラン ゲームの両方をコア メカニズムとするシリーズの一部です。このため、日中はカウンターの後ろで常連客にサービスを提供していますが、日没までにアップグレードと作業設定を決定するのに一生懸命取り組んでいます。優れたレストラン アプリ ゲームが必要な場合は、Apple App Store と Google Play Store の両方で、Delicious シリーズ全体を調べてください。
プラットフォーム: Android と iOS
デベロッパー: Google Play ストアの DH-Publisher; Apple App Store での伟王
価格: アプリ内購入で無料
最高のレストラン ゲームの 1 つ、この信じられないほどかわいいアプリはアニマル レストランです。 Focusing more on the management side of the genre, the game has an adorable art style filled with cats, rabbits, and other furry critters. Originally wandering the woods with scuffed and matted fur with a hungry, grumbling stomach, you find yourself in a clearing with a restaurant built under the roots of a tree. With the restaurant short of hands and you willing to work to eat, Chef Gumi brings you into the soon-to-open restaurant.
Gameplay-wise, the game works similarly to other management games where you click and respond to customer orders and get paid in in-game currency. You then use the currency, fish, to trade for better working facilities, more food recipes, and hire more staff. The game has a nice story that you follow along as the restaurant gains popularity and patrons.
5. Cafeland – World Kitchen
プラットフォーム: Android and iOS
Developer: GAMEGOS
Price: Free with in-app purchases
Cafeland – World Kitchen is a game that falls a little bit short against our first game on the list, Food Street. Despite that, Cafeland is a good alternative to Food Street due to its many similarities in terms of both playstyle and game mechanics. Another similarity is that both work on a “freemium” model where the game is bright, colorful, and cartoony but has features that let you buy in-game currency using real-world money.
Aside from the similarities, Cafeland – World Kitchen has a few unique traits that go in its favor. These traits include a more balanced shift to managing the different restaurants and cafes instead of just serving and taking orders from customers. Cafeland also has the advantage of having a robust worldwide player ranking system that lets you see your scores against the top scorers in the world. This system also lets you send your help to friends and send gifts to them.
6. Bakery Story 2
プラットフォーム: Android and iOS
Developer: Storm8 Studios
Price: Free with in-app purchases
Bakery Story 2 is the second game in Storm8 Studio’s Bakery Story series. Judging from its mechanics, we can say that it’s something different from the rest of the restaurant app games on this list. The game has a cute plot where you’re given a tiny spot to open your bakery, your dream job. From that tiny space, you’ll slowly rake in money, patrons, and recipes that will let you move on to better and bigger shops.
As a freemium game, Bakery Story 2 lets you have the option of buying for yourself some in-game currency to help you in the game. Although the game is pretty generous when it comes to rewards and points, you might want to take advantage of their “Starter Pack” that would net you some early coins, gems, and oven mitts.
7. My Cafe
プラットフォーム: Android and iOS
Developer: Melsoft Games Ltd.
Price: Free with in-app purchases
Quite similar to the previously mentioned Bakery Story 2, My Cafe places you in the shoes of a new cafe owner. Your job in this game is to slowly build your dream cafe where people can mingle, relax, and eat in your carefully constructed shop.
Gameplay-wise, the game plays like your typical freemium game with in-game currency available to buy and timed actions. Where it does excel, though, is its decoration and shop builder that is surprisingly well built. This system is good enough to make us think of the earlier Sims 1 and Sims 2 games due to how you place furniture and how you choose them from the list. My Cafe offers not just a story-rich single-player game, but it also lets you compete against and join other players through multi-player tasks and activities.
8. Diner Dash Adventures
プラットフォーム: Android and iOS
Developer: Glu Games Inc.
Price: Free with in-app purchases
The eighth game on our list is Diner Dash Adventures. It is part of the long-running Diner Dash game series and is the second smartphone game for the franchise. The game still stars Flo, the much-loved heroine of the Dash games, who has come back to her hometown to discover that Mr. Big has plans to take over the entire town! Your job in this game is to slowly revitalize the buildings and places in your hometown and help the people with their hopes and dreams.
Gameplay-wise, Diner Dash Adventures is a good mix of features from the “Dash” game series. Although a lot of your time would be spent cooking and serving customers in your diners, restaurants, and hotels, the main pull of the game is actually managing these locations and renovating, decorating, and exploring Flo’s hometown!
Due to the slight lean on the “cooking” side in this game, Diner Dash Adventures is also the seventh game in our best cooking games list.
9. Food Truck Pup
プラットフォーム: Android and iOS
Developer: Game Start LLC.
Price: Free with in-game purchases
Food Truck Pup is another insanely cute restaurant game. Compared to the cat-centric Animal Restaurant, Food Truck Pup stars, well, a pup. You play as an adorable Shiba Inu down on his luck until you start up your idea to create your food truck in the local park. This game has a lot going for it, like the many mini-games it has. Some of these mini-games include garden mechanics, ingredient procurement, and people hiring games.
Food Truck Pup has a lot of customization available, the first of which is your pup. You have a room full of different doggos to choose from, including Golden Retrievers and German Shepherds. Aside from that, the game also lets you not just improve your truck’s cooking equipment, the staff, and the truck itself!
10. Restaurant Tycoon
プラットフォーム: Android and iOS
Developer: AppOn
Price: Free with in-app purchases
Another game with a unique art style, Restaurant Tycoon is a classic example of a restaurant game. As it runs on a freemium model, you would see ads once in a while as you play the game. You can also buy boosters and in-game currency, but you can get through the game just fine by playing it daily. The in-game currency, at first, would only let you upgrade your first restaurant. Over time, though, the game will let you expand into other locations and businesses.
The gameplay works just like most of the best restaurant games and is split into two modes. One mode is the timed “waiter” mini-game where you get and serve customer orders by clicking and moving your character. The second mode, though, lets you upgrade and pay for new workers, machines, and cooking tools that make it easier to play.
11. Night Restaurant
プラットフォーム: Android
Developer: GamesUnion Technology Co. Ltd.
Price: Free with in-app purchases
An Android-exclusive game, Night Restaurant has a lot going for it. From its calming traditional Japanese theme to the slow-paced gameplay, this game is a fun time-waster when you need to unwind. Although it does not have the heartwarming plotlines and stories that Hungry Hearts Diner has, it has its own charm. Part of it is due to the game creators and their decisions themselves. While the game is made by a Chinese company, the game’s theme is distinctly Japanese and yet, the in-game currency is measured in “W” or won, a Korean currency.
Aside from the slightly eccentric decisions on the game maker’s part, Night Restaurant is a solid restaurant game app. Gameplay lets you have control over a lot of decisions that matter in-game and simulate the day-to-day decisions of an actual restaurant. These include the shop’s recipes, furniture, arrangement, and staffing. Overall, the game is a nice addition to its genre niche.
12. Fairy Bakery Workshop
プラットフォーム: Android and iOS
Developer: Winning Starters on Google Play Store; Pujia8 Limited on Apple App Store
Price: Free with in-app purchases
Fairy Bakery Workshop or Fresh Bread! Fairy Bakery on the Apple App Store is a fun bakery simulation that lets you experience owning a bakery. Although a freemium game, Fairy Bakery Workshop is not your usual bland money sink. Aside from the impressively adorable graphics, the game is pretty well thought out. This is due to the wonderfully written plot that anyone can easily follow as it goes through the mechanics and options available in the game.
You start off with a small bakery where you do everything from baking bread to handing out fliers on the street to attract customers. All of these activities come in as fun mini-games that shows you how hard it is to actually run a bakery.
13. The Ramen Sensei 2
プラットフォーム: Android and iOS
Developer: Kairosoft Co. Ltd.
Price: Free with in-app purchases
The only game on this list from the respected developer Kairosoft, The Ramen Sensei 2 is the 13th game on this best restaurant game list. Well known for their tycoon games, Kairosoft designed The Ramen Sensei 2 following the same idea. This time though, you are in charge of a fledgling ramen shop. From your small almost-empty shop, you would slowly build up a reputation with your specially made recipes and dishes.
The gameplay for Ramen Sensei 2 is quite simple and follows the formula of other Kairosoft games. You start off slow with a recipe or two, enough to upgrade your original shop. This success only starts to snowball as you continue playing the many mini-games, including an amusing pachinko mini-game. By the end, you’ll be able to move on to bigger shops with even more options as you sit back and watch the gold come in by itself.
14. Hello Kitty Cafe
プラットフォーム: Android and iOS
Developer: Sanrio Digital
Price: Free with in-app purchases
Part of the gigantic Hello Kitty games franchise, Hello Kitty Cafe is Sanrio’s take to create the best restaurant game for smartphones. A fun gem of a game, Hello Kitty Cafe has all the basics and requirements for the genre, including store and equipment upgrades, staff management, and recipes. Aside from the allure of playing characters from Hello Kitty, the game is pretty bog-standard. There isn’t a lot to say about Hello Kitty Cafe aside from being a relatively good example for the genre.
15. Cinema Panic 2
プラットフォーム: Android and iOS
Developer: Boomware Studio
Price: Free with in-app purchases
Cinema Panic 2 is another freemium game, with its own unique twist, of course. Rather than the well-used restaurant or bakery themes, this time, you are in charge of a cinema concessionaire stand instead! Although a divergence from the usual restaurant game, Cinema Panic 2 plays a lot like Diner Dash. This similarity includes its stage-level “paths” and freemium in-game currencies. Aside from the unique theme, this game is slightly above the cut compared to other freemium restaurant games. This is mostly due to the quality of gameplay that lets it close off our list of the best restaurant games.
Managing That Michelin Star
There you have it, our list of the best restaurant games available on Android and iOS devices. While the games we have chosen for this list work on most iOS and Android versions, if the games won’t run or run slowly, it may be time to upgrade your phone. If you do want to upgrade, it might be a good idea to start off by looking at our lists of the best gaming tablets and the best gaming phones.