

Phasmophobia 完全ガイド – ヒントとコツ

Phasmophobia は楽しいゲームです。唯一無二のホラーゲームです。このPhasmophobiaの完全なガイドでは、最も重要なPhasmophobiaのヒントとコツをカバーして、困難に関係なく簡単に調査できるようにするための準備を整えます.たとえば、次の FAQ を取り上げます:Phasmophobia の十字架の使い方、Phasmophobia のスマッジ スティックの使い方、Phasmophobia のカメラの配置方法など。


  • エビデンス ジャーナルとゴースト タイプ:
  • 正気とゴーストの狩りの防止:
  • 幽霊が狩りをするときのヒント:
  • ファズモフォビア装備ガイド:
  • ファズモフォビアでの十字架の使い方
    • ファズモフォビアにおける十字架の働き:
    • Phasmophobia Crucifix の使用方法:
    • 十字架についてしてはいけないこと:
  • ゴーストは恐怖症を生み出す場所
    • 幽霊の部屋を見つける方法:

証拠ジャーナルとゴースト タイプ:

幽霊は、あなたが対処している幽霊の種類を特定するために必要な証拠を提供するために、非常にケチになることがあります.また、非常に簡単な場合もあります。必要な証拠を入手するために最初に行う必要があるのは、ゴーストルームを見つけたらセットアップすることです。部屋に入るとすぐに幽霊がどこに足を踏み入れるかが聞こえます。ここでカメラをセットアップする必要があります。ビデオカメラを使用する場合、三脚は必需品です。幽霊が足を踏み入れた場所に 1 台のカメラを向けるだけです。次に、スピリットボックスの電源を入れて、部屋のどこにでも置いて、「あなたは何歳ですか?」と尋ねることができます。または「どこにいますか?」。さらに進んで、EMF を持って部屋を歩き回り、幽霊が最も活発な場所であるため、幽霊の足音が聞こえた場所に EMF を置きます。ゴースト ステップが聞こえる場所 (通常は常に同じエリアにあります) に基づいて、そのエリアにゴーストライティング ジャーナルを配置できます。この順序ですべてを実行する必要はありません。これは、狩りを受ける前に必要な証拠を最も効率的に収集するためのガイドラインにすぎません。

2 つの証拠を見つけたら、最後に使用する必要のあるアイテムを絞り込むことができます。これは、最後のアイテムを見つけたときに、2 つから 3 つのゴーストをサーフィンできる可能性があるためです。 3 番目のスロットの各アイテムを調べて、残りのゴースト タイプのいずれかとペアになるかどうかを確認します。可能性のある幽霊の 1 つで、証拠の最後の部分が氷点下である必要がある場合 氷点下の温度に達していない場合は、その証拠を簡単に除外できます。


あなたの正気は不可欠ですので、あなたと一緒に正気の薬を持ってくるのが賢明でしょう.これは、Professional をプレイしている場合に特に当てはまります。 困難。 中級者をプレイする場合 またはアマチュア 正気の丸薬を持ってこなくても乗り越えられる困難。これは、Intermediate で 2 分間のバッファ期間が得られるためです。 Amature の 5 分間のバッファー あなたの正気度が通常のように低下​​し始める前に。

ゴーストがあなたを狩るのを妨げるものは 2 つあります。 1 つ目はサニティ ピルです。50 ~ 60% 程度のサニティ ピルを 1 回処方すると、幽霊が狩りをするのを防ぐことができます。持ち込めるサニティ ピルの処方箋が 2 つあります。そうは言っても、正気度が 50 ~ 60% になるたびに 1 つ服用することをお勧めします。また、チームメイトの正気度が 50 ~ 60% 以上である必要があることも意味します。幽霊が狩りをするのを防ぐ2番目の方法は十字架です。十字架を適切な場所に配置すると、幽霊が狩りをするのを防ぐことができます。十字架ごとに2回。十字架の使い方の詳細については、こちらをご覧ください。


最も恐ろしいことの 1 つは、幽霊の種類がわからないときに幽霊に追われることです。これは、あなたよりも速いレヴナントである可能性があるためです。また、遠くにいると非常に速く追いつくジンに直面している可能性もあります。幽霊は通常、それが住んでいるのと同じ部屋にスポーンします。以下は、幽霊が狩りをするときに死なないようにするためのヒントです:

  • ゴースト ハントの前に、脱出計画を立てておく必要があります。
  • 常に正気を保ってください。正気度が低すぎると、隠れているときに見えてしまう可能性があります。
  • 正気度が 0% の状態で長時間滞在しないでください。数回狩りをすると、幽霊は速くなります。
  • 角を曲がると、ゴーストが別のルートをたどったり、方向転換したりする可能性が高くなります。
  • クローゼット、ロッカー、またはバスルームが取り付けられた部屋に向かいます。バスルームやユーティリティ ルームなど、クローゼットのない部屋に向かう場合は、必ずドアから離れてください。幽霊はドア越しにあなたを見つけることができるかもしれません.
  • 幽霊との距離があまりなくて部屋に入ることができない場合は、部屋の中にソファなどの大きな物体を見つけて、その周りを数周します。レヴナントでなければ、逃げることができます。
  • 正気度が低すぎる場合は、幽霊の部屋に入ってはいけません。あなたが幽霊の部屋にいる間、幽霊が狩猟モードに入るのは絶対に避けたいことです。これは、一緒に遊んでいる人の正気を知る必要があることを意味します。あなたの正気度が 100% で友達が 40% の場合、幽霊はハンティング モードになります。

Phasmophobia 機器ガイド:


  • ファズモフォビア スピリット ボックスの使用方法: スピリットボックスは、手に持っても地面に置いても機能します。 "どこにいるの?"おいくつですか?"幽霊が本当に答えるのが好きな 2 つの質問です。スピリット ボックスが機能していない場合は、電源をオフにしてからオンに戻します。これでスピリットボックスがリセットされます。通常、幽霊のタイプがこの証拠を利用すると、その後すぐに機能します。
  • Phasmophobia 使い方 EMF: これは、立ち去るのに頑固なものになる可能性があります。幽霊の足音が聞こえる場所に置きます。次に、部屋の別の側にもう 1 つ配置します。 EMFがオフになるように、ゴーストの名前を呼び出してチェックマークを付けることができます。 EMF はゴーストが狩りを始める直前にオフになる可能性があるため、十字架を正しい場所にセットしてください。
  • Phasmophobia 使い方 ゴーストライティング ジャーナル: 幽霊が足を踏み入れるのが聞こえる場所にジャーナルを置きます。ゴーストはすぐに書き込むことも、時間がかかることもあります。幽霊が最も活発に聞こえたり見たりする場所は、ジャーナルを配置する必要がある場所です。地面に置くか、ベッドなどの部屋の物の上に置くことができます。代筆日記は、書き込み後に写真を撮って現金化することができます。 2 番目の日誌の別の写真を撮ることもできます。
  • ファズモフォビア カメラの設置方法: カメラをゴーストの活動に向けて配置します。これは、幽霊が物を踏んだり投げたりするのを聞く場所かもしれません。ライブ映像を見るときは、1 分ほど待ちます。オーブは少し頑固なので、ビデオ カメラの位置を移動する必要がある場合があります。
  • ファズモフォビア 使い方 十字架: 十字架が機能する唯一の方法は、幽霊が狩りをする前に地面に置くことです.また、ゴーストが存在する部屋内でスポーンする場所の半径 3 ~ 5 メートル (バンシーの場合は 5 メートル) に配置する必要があります。そうしないと、効果がありません。 Place a crucifix down where you hear the ghost stepping. Make sure to place the other crucifix down three-to-five-meters apart. It will prevent the ghost from hunting twice then the crucifix will disappear. We go into a lot more detail here.
  • Phasmophobia How to Use Salt:  Place salt down where you hear the ghost stepping. After the ghost hunts, more than likely the ghost will spawn in a different location within the room it resides. With that being said, you can place salt down in another area of the room. The salt is a great indication of where the ghost may spawn. Where you hear the ghost step along with placing the salt down in that location go hand in hand with where the ghost may spawn. You can also take pictures of the salt after the ghost has stepped in it for extra photo cash. It should show up as Footsteps .
  • Phasmophobia How to Use UV Light:  Check the doors, windows, and light switches within where the ghost resides and you will either see a handprint on the window or door or you will see a fingerprint on the light switch. You will be able to see the prints best with the lights off – including your flashlight – but will work with the lights on. You can also see the footsteps of the ghost when using salt.
  • Phasmophobia How to Use Motion Sensor:  I do not want to sound redundant but I am sure you get the pattern:listen to where the ghost is stepping and place the motion sensor on the wall in that vicinity. Make sure you place it at shin level. This has never failed us in getting the motion sensor to go off.
  • Phasmophobia How to Use Smudge Sticks:  Smudging the room is fun but can be harder the larger the room gets. Again, start where you hear the ghost stepping or other ghostly activity. In a larger room, go about it in an organized pattern. For example, do half of the room going back and forth each time covering the area you didn’t cover already. You have about 10 seconds of the smudge. If it is for an objective, check the objective before starting the second smudge stick.
  • Phasmophobia How to Use Thermometer:  The temperature will be below 55° F or 12° C when you have found where the ghost resides. Or it will immediately be below freezing and you will be able to see your breath. If it is not below freezing then it can gradually drop below 55° F or 12° C to 38° to 47° F or 1° to 9° C if you found the room early enough. The temperature will not be in one place of the room, rather, it will be the entire room. That being said, all you need to do is peek through the door aiming your thermometer in the room. You can also detect a temperature change through walls, however, do not count on this. You always want to be sure. If it is in a hallway or the living room it may get tricky to find where it ends or starts. Simply aim to the ground to find out exactly where it ends.
  • How to Use the Crucifix in Phasmophobia

    The game does not give you a clear tutorial on how to use the crucifix or other items for that matter. Instead, you have to commit to trial and error, which can be frustrating and cost you money, time, and/or your life. You may be here for the objective, “Prevent the ghost from hunting using a crucifix”, or maybe you just do not know exactly where to place the crucifix. Either way, you should always use a crucifix to protect yourself. Nonetheless, your objective when using the crucifix is to prevent the ghost from hunting, not stop the ghost from hunting. Whatever the reason, we have you covered in this complete Phasmophobia crucifix guide. You will learn what you need to do, what not to do, and some “surefire” methods to make sure you are accurately placing the crucifix in the right spot.

    How the Crucifix Works in Phasmophobia:

    • A crucifix has a five-meter radius against a Banshee but in general, it has a three-meter radius.
    • The crucifix prevents the ghost from hunting.
    • The crucifix will last for a fairly long while. It can prevent a hunt twice per crucifix. You know it has hunted twice when a crucifix disappears.

    Phasmophobia How to Use Crucifix:

  • First and foremost, you need to find the room/hallway where the ghost is located.
  • Then, the ghost will typically spawn within that room and there are telltale signs where the ghost may spawn, which we will go over. For now, keep a mental note of where you are hearing the ghost step. Finding where the ghost is going to spawn is harder the larger the room is. You can learn all about where to find the ghost’s spawn point here as well.
  • Make sure you bring two crucifixes, however, hold off from placing your crucifixes down at the beginning of the investigation as the ghost may not always show itself with those crucifixes around. By doing this, you made it easier for you to complete an objective of witnessing a ghost event or taking a photo of the ghost; taking a photo of the ghost is also extra cash in your pocket whether it is an objective or not. Instead, wait until you are below 60% sanity, though, the ghost may hunt as high as the upper 70 to lower 80 percentile; we have fallen victim to this phenomena before, whether it was a bug or the ghost just had a bad day, however, below 60% sanity is a great rule of thumb. Instead, worry about finding where the ghost resides within the house and then set up the room to start the first objective.
  • Once you are below 60% sanity, it is time to place the crucifixes down. Keep in mind the size of the room. If it is a smaller room, such as the utility room, you simply need to place one crucifix down in the center of the room just as long as it covers a 3-meter radius. If it is a smaller room, such as a bathroom in one of the farmhouses, then place each crucifix in the center of either side of the bathroom. With these smaller rooms, you do not need to try and locate the ghost’s spawn point because the crucifixes will cover that entire room.
  • In all other medium to large-sized rooms or hallways, you need to accurately locate where the ghost will spawn within the room it resides. The most accurate way is to listen to where the ghost steps. Wherever you hear the ghost step, place a crucifix down. Generally, it is in the same location as where the ghost will spawn. Then, you can place the other crucifix down near the one you just placed on the ground but make sure it is 3-5-meters apart.
  • Another way to increase the accuracy of finding where the ghost is going to spawn is by placing salt on the ground. First, place it on the ground where you heard the ghost step. Then, place salt on the ground in a different area of the room. If the ghost walks into the salt in the other area as well then place a crucifix down there as well. Just make sure that both of the crucifixes are 3-5-meters apart from one another.
  • You can also add to the accuracy by using an EMF. The EMF will not always go off, however, if you do hear it go off then you can place a crucifix down in that location.
  • You can also utilize the spirit box to find the ghost’s spawn point to accurately place a crucifix. The spirit box will only go off if it ties into the first objective, however, you can use this to locate where the ghost may spawn nonetheless. Simply ask the ghost, “Where are you”, and the ghost will respond with either “Close”, “Here”, “Behind”, etc. You want it to say “BEHIND” or “HERE” to find where the ghost may spawn. Place a crucifix at your feet at that point.
  • Another step would be a ghost event in the means of the ghost showing itself for a few seconds. You can place a crucifix down where the ghost showed itself. Typically, that is where the ghost may spawn.
  • A general rule of thumb is to place one crucifix down where you hear the ghost step. You can then place the second crucifix down by utilizing the salt method or any other method.

    What NOT to do with a Crucifix:

    • Do not throw it at a ghost when the ghost is hunting. This will not work and you will be putting your life in jeopardy.
    • Do not hold the crucifix and wait for the ghost to come to you. You will die.
    • Do not throw the crucifix down in the path of the ghost when it is hunting. It will not affect the ghost’s hunting mode in any way.
    • Do not place the crucifix outside of the room where the ghost is located.
    • Do not place a crucifix at the exit because it will not have any effect on the ghost during a hunt.
    • Do not place both crucifixes within three to five-meters of each other.

    Where Does the Ghost Spawn Phasmophobia

    Once you have found the room where the ghost resides the next thing on your list may be to find out where it spawns for reasons to Smudge the room and/or lay down the crucifix. The ghost will typically spawn in the same room that it resides in. Finding out where the ghost spawns in Phasmophobia can be tricky; nothing is guaranteed but you have come to the right place.

    Phasmophobia How to Find the Ghost’s Room:

    The ghost will not spawn in the same spot every time, but the below methods will guide you to find out where the ghost may spawn each time:

    • In a smaller/normal-sized room, such as a bedroom, you need to listen to where the ghost steps. You will typically hear one loud step. This can be an indication of where the ghost is going to spawn. You can add to the accuracy by placing salt in that area. You can also pinpoint the spawn location by looking out for other ghost activity, such as items being thrown.
    • In a larger room/hallway will be harder to pinpoint the location of where the ghost spawns. You will need to listen to where the ghost is the most active just as you would in a smaller room. Then you would place salt down in that area to find out if the ghost really is in that area. You can also pinpoint the spawn point by looking out for the ghost throwing items.
    • Another good way to locate a ghost’s spawn point is by using an EMF. Keep in mind, however, the EMF will not always go off. When it does go off, it is usually concentrated in one area of the room. From our experience, it is usually in the same location every time but can vary from time to time.
    • You can also utilize the spirit box to find the ghost’s spawn point. The spirit box will only go off if it ties into the first objective, however, you can use this to locate where the ghost may spawn nonetheless. Simply ask the ghost, “Where are you”, and the ghost will respond with either “Close”, “Here”, “Behind”, etc. You want it to say “BEHIND” or “HERE” to find where the ghost may spawn.
    • Another item you can use to find where the ghost’s spawn point is is the motion sensor. Generally, if you place the motion sensor in a larger room you may get nothing, so you will have to move it around a bit. Once you place it in the right location it will start going off quite a bit. This could be a sign that the ghost may spawn in that general location.
    • You may also be able to locate where the ghost’s spawn point is by witnessing a ghost event. The ghost will make itself visible, so this is where you can place the second crucifix. You will not always get a ghost event especially with a shy ghost like the Shade, so this is a bit harder but another method nonetheless. Use this when all else fails. The accuracy of this can be a bit shotty but we want to give you as many options on the table as we can.

    Keep in mind that the above key points are not 100% effective. However, it is valuable information to guide you in the right direction. Committing to our methods will help you better pinpoint the ghost’s spawn point instead of just throwing it in the dark and hoping for the best.

    We hope this has helped you in your ghost investigations. If you have any questions regarding our tips or something else then please do not hesitate to leave us a comment down below.