

Dawn of the Dragons:Ascension Cheats:Tips &Tricks Guide

ドラゴン大戦再燃!戦いの準備はできていますか? ドラゴンの夜明け:アセンション は、戦術的なグリッド ベースの RPG ドーン オブ ザ ドラゴンのエキサイティングな続編です。プレイヤーは、ドラゴン アーミーを倒そうとして、ヒーローの寄せ集めバンドを率いて土地を横断します。

Dawn of the Dragons:Ascension のヒントとコツ ガイドでは、さまざまな戦闘戦略、味方の強化、パーティーへのより多くの味方の採用について説明します。 Dawn of the Dragons:Ascension の攻略、ヒントとコツの戦略ガイドを始めましょう!


Dawn of the Dragons:Ascension は、すべての攻撃がグリッド上の特定のスポットをターゲットにする、グリッドベースの戦闘システムを特徴としています。モンスターを攻撃するには、バトル アクションをドラッグして、グリッド上のヒットしたい場所に配置し、火花が飛ぶのを見るだけです。



2 つのダメージ タイプがあることを覚えておいてください!

このゲームでは、ダメージは物理と魔法の 2 種類に分けられます。味方は全員物理耐性と魔法耐性があり、敵もまったく同じです。これは、敵が 1 種類のダメージに対する抵抗力が低い場合に、敵の弱点を利用できる可能性があることを意味します。



キャラクターは戦闘に直接参加しませんが、移動能力を利用して敵を移動させることができます。左下隅に表示されている移動アビリティは、1 ターンに 1 回無料で使用できます。つまり、敵のターン カウントはカウントダウンされません。

移動能力は、パターンで示されるように敵を動かします。一度の攻撃ですべての敵を攻撃できるように敵を動かしてください!敵を移動できる回数に制限はありませんが、最初の 1 回だけがフリー アクションであることを覚えておいてください。それ以降のすべての移動能力により、ターン カウントが減少します!


任意の攻撃 (または移動能力) を右下隅のクリア セクションにドラッグできます。これにより、問題の攻撃が新しい攻撃に循環します。これには時間がかかりますが、より良い攻撃オプションが得られる可能性があります。



冒険のゲーム序盤では、開始時の 2 人のヒーローであるアントン オースバウンドとアラベラにかなり長い間悩まされます。


One of Anton’s abilities is Provoke, which causes all enemies to target him for one turn while boosting the party’s physical and magic defense by 50%. This move is very important for Arabella’s survival.

If, during a turn where multiple enemies are on zero turn count, then that is a great time to use Provoke. Remember that it only lasts a single turn, so you need to use it right when monsters are about to attack. Careful usage of this ability is required to get through some of the early struggles.

As a side note, Anton also has an ability called Rise of Terracles, which attacks in a triangle-like formation. Using this ability makes the party take 20% reduced physical damage for one turn. If you do not have access to Provoke, this is a good substitute.

Equip gear on your character first!

You will often times find sweet loot for defeating evil creatures, and you can outfit your character or your allies. It is recommended to first equip your character with the best gear you have, then use any leftovers for your allies.

The reason being is that, as you learned in the tutorial, the stat bonuses you get from gear is applied to all of your allies, whereas gear equipped to allies will benefit them only.

Train up your allies!

Your allies do not receive experience for triumphing through battles, only you do. To keep your allies sufficiently leveled up, you will need to use experience potions on them. You will find these as monster drops and level rewards.

Do not hang onto these – use them as soon as you get them. Dawn of the Dragons:Ascension has a rather steep difficulty spike, and you will not last long if your allies are underleveled.

Revisit past areas and 100% complete them!

It is okay to go from quest to quest, but doing so will bring you into areas that you might not be ready yet for. Always check the power level (PL) of the areas you are hanging around and see if your team is ready for it.

Since you probably still only have Anton and Arabella, we recommend revisiting the earlier levels and completing them fully. To complete a level fully, you must go through it multiple times and go down every possible path.

Completing a level fully will reward you with additional rewards, including gems, gold, and character medals, which are required for summoning new allies. You also gain more stat points to use for your own character as well.

Summon Chaddeus!

Before you go too far into Northern Baird, we recommend replaying the levels in Central Baird. If you run through the levels enough and complete them 100%, you will have almost have the 50 medals needed to summon Chaddeus, a Gnome Wizard.

When you get your first third character, your party’s PL will go up drastically, so you should do this as soon as you can.

Join or create a guild for bonuses!

You can band together and complete the high-end raids with other players using a guild. When in a guild, you have easy access to join other players’ groups, and you even have access to the special Guild Shop where you can buy a random assortment of ally medals and gear (with a chance for rare gear) for the price of 5,000 gold.

Save your gems for character medals!

In the general shop, you can purchase a Premium Medal Bag that has 25-50 ally medals in it for 350 gems. For that same price, you can also buy the Premium Equipment Bag that has rare or better gear in it. There is also a special bag that focuses on specific allies which runs for 450 gems. This bag cycles out every few days.

If you ask us, we think character medals are the most precious thing in the game, because you can get gear through the level drops, but farming for ally medals takes a very long time.


If you are ever unsure of what to work towards next, simply take a look at your quest log and see what you have not done yet. As we mentioned, you will have to stop to grind out some more PL before you are able to go from quest-to-quest, but once you get some more allies on your team you can continue with them.

Quests reward you with stat points, lots of experience, gems, experience potions, and sometimes even ally medals. They are a great way to bolstering your resources, so complete all of them in a region before you move on.

That is our guide on Dawn of the Dragons:Ascension for now. If you have any other strategies to share with us, let us know in the comments below!