

Best Fiends Stars Cheats:より多くのステージをクリアするためのヒントとガイド

今日の記事では、このゲームでより多くのステージを通過するのに役立つように、これまでに収集した Best Fiends Stars のヒントとチートをすべて取り上げます。

Best Fiends ゲームに精通している場合は、Best Fiends Stars も同じくらい好きになるでしょう。これは非常にキャッチーで楽しいゲームで、私はかなり長い間このゲームのファンであったことを認めなければなりません!しかし、あなたがここにいるのだから、もう一秒も無駄にせず、あなたがここに何を見に来たのかを見せましょう!

それでは早速、ベスト フィーンド スターのヒントとコツをご紹介します。 ゲームでより多くのステージを通過できるように、私たちはあなたのために集めました!


プレイ中は、同じ色 (またはアイテム) が描かれた複数のブロックを一致させることができ、敵の力をチャージすることができます。ゲームにはさまざまな力を持ち、さまざまな色のブロックを要求するさまざまな悪魔がいます。進行するにつれて、それらのロックが解除されます!

余分なポイントが得られるので、できるだけ長くマッチさせることを常にお勧めします。つまり、最小である 3 つのブロックだけをマッチさせるのではなく、より多くのブロックをマッチさせることができる最善の方法を考えてみてください。 .

最初にボードをチェックして、それらがどのように配置されているか (および場所) に注意を払うことをお勧めします。

同じブロックを 2 回通過することはできません


そうしないと、ステージに失敗する可能性があるため、事前にルートを計画することをお勧めします。これは、初期のステージよりもはるかに難しい後のステージで特に役立ちます.したがって、同じブロックを 2 回通過しないでください できないから!

Facebook に接続して無料のコインを獲得

ゲームを Facebook アカウントに接続すると、100 コインを無料で集めることができます!したがって、アカウントを持っていて、この無料の特典を利用したい場合は、ゲームの進行状況を保存するのにも役立つため、アカウントを作成することをお勧めします。別のデバイスからプレイしたい場合は、アカウントを作成する必要はありません。レベル 1 からやり直して、中断したところから続行できるので、非常に優れた機能です。

すべてのステージを 3 つ星でクリアしてください

あなたができる最善のことの 1 つは、すべてのステージを 3 つ星で終了することです。これにより、より多くの悪魔のロックを解除し、より多くのボーナスを得るために必要な星を集めることができるからです。基本的に、画面の左上隅に、開くには20個の星が必要なチェストに気付くでしょう.

このチェストにはフィーンド、ブースト、コイン、その他の便利な報酬が含まれています。 There is a total of 20 stars needed to open this, which means that if you complete stages with 3 stars one after another, you will be able to unlock this chest every 7-8 stages.

I suggest that you play the levels as much as you can and always try to finish them with 3 stars, and if you happened to not finish one stage with 3 stars, then you go back to playing it again because eventually you’ll get it.

ヒント: I always prefer to go about the stages one after the other, so that I won’t have to come back and re-play them – but if a stage is just so difficult that I can’t pass it, then I would just play it and finish it as best as I can, then once I have unlocked a new fiend, I give the stage another try.

The tiles and randomly generated, so it really depends on your luck as well as how good you make the matches. That’s why I think that if you keep playing a difficult stage again and again, eventually you will pass it (even without boosts) because the RNG gods can’t be that much against you!

Move the special tiles to where you need them

Unlike in many other match three games out there, when you create a special tile in this game you will be able to actually move it to where you need it, or at least close to where you need it.

Whenever you create a special tile and you will be ready to activate it, all that you need to do is match it with 2 other tiles at least. But one thing that you might notice (or not, until it is too late) is that as you tap, hold and drag over that tile it will get moved to the last block which you are selecting.

Basically you will need to think about where you want to use that tile and try to release it in that area. So for example if you want to release a purple bomb on the left side and it is located all the way to the right, then all that you need to do is start matching on the right side and finish the matching on the left side, where you can also release it.

Try to make the special tiles that you need

I would suggest that you always try to create the special tiles that you need the most, and depending on what they are, you should try to match the colors needed for them. So for example if you want a bomb early on, match purple mushrooms.

However, don’t match only those if the level requirements asks you for a certain tile color to be collected. Try to always work towards completing the stage requirements (so if it asks for blue, don’t go for yellow) and in the process try to make special tiles which will help you achieve this level requirements.

Level up the Fiends

All of the fiends which you will unlock can be upgraded, but that will require more shards of that certain fiend. Basically all of the little critters that you start off with will start at one star. As you upgrade them, they will increase in power and the special boost that they give will get more powerful.

So for example a level 1 Temper will give you a One-Row Bomb. When you upgrade it to level 2, it will give you a Two-Row Bomb and at level 3, a Three-Row Bomb which is super powerful!

The same goes for all of the other fiends – so whenever you collect enough of their shards, go ahead and upgrade them because that will make things a lot easier for you to pass the stages!

Get a head start with bombs

If you have played a stage and it proved to be quite difficult, then you might be able to pass it more easily by starting off with bombs! Right before you play a stage you will notice that there will be an option which shows below the level goals and lets you choose a type of bomb to start with:

– 1 row bomb:this will release a bomb which explodes in one row

– 1 column bomb:this will release a bomb which explodes in one column

– 1 explosion bomb:this will crease an explosion in a small radius around where it’s detonated.

I suggest that you only use these if you need them, and if the level proves to be quite difficult – otherwise it’s better to save them for later on in the game (stages 200+) where it can get a little difficult.

A few other Best Fiends Stars tips and tricks:

– If you have a TNT barrel and the blocks of the color that you matched can be found before and after the barrel (around it) you can match through the TNT barrel and all the way to the same color tiles you started with.

– If you started making a match and you don’t know how to go about next, you can hold and go back over the last tile that you went on to un-select it (basically undo your move).

– You can join a Guild! This option will be available after you passed level 20 and it will let you select a profile name and also join a guild by heading on to the Social button. There you will be able to ask for gifts from your guild mates which can be done once a day! It’s super useful so pass level 20 ASAP and don’t forget to ask for gifts and help others with their as well!

These would be all of our Best Fiends Stars tips and tricks that we have for you right now!もっと役立つゲームのヒントやコツを知っていますか? Feel free to share them with us and the rest of the players down in the comments section below!