

Z Day:Hearts of Heroes チート:より多くの戦いに勝つためのヒントとガイド

今日の記事では、Z Day:Hearts of Heroes のヒントとチートをすべて取り上げ、ゲームで知っておく必要があるすべてのことを学ぶのに役立ちます.


そのため、アップグレードして前進するための最良の方法を説明するつもりです。それでは、Z Day:Hearts of Heroes のヒントとコツ に飛び込みましょう。


たくさんのゲーム タスク (またはクエスト) があり、すぐにゲームを進めたい場合は、クエストから目を離さず、常にできるだけ多くのクエストを完了するようにしてください。なぜなら、クエストから得られる報酬はそれだけの価値があるからです。 、リソース、スピードアップ、通貨、経験値など、何でもかまいません (通常はすべてが含まれます)。

ターゲット ミッションに従う

ターゲット ミッションまたは個々のミッションは画面の左下にあり、非常にシンプルで簡単に完了するさまざまなタスクが表示されます。

セクション ミッションをタップすると、個々のミッションが EXP を獲得し、司令官のレベルアップに役立ち、パワーが増加することに気付くでしょう。各セクションには 5 つのミッションがあります。

5 つのミッションをすべて正常に完了すると、画面の下部にある報酬を受け取ることができます。ここから得られる報酬は非常に便利なので、すべてのミッションを完了するたびにそれらを受け取るようにしてください.


ゲーム序盤のミッションをあまりやりたくない人 (私も含めて) は、自分のペースでゲームを進め、アップグレードなどを好きなように行うことができます。





デイリー ミッションを毎日行う

デイリー ミッションは [ミッション] タブ -> [デイリー リワード] にあり、デイリー リワードを獲得できるタスクのリストが表示されます。デイリー タスクをすべて完了すると、最終的には大量の便利なアイテムと勝利の鍵が入った大きな報酬箱を受け取ることができます。

デイリー ミッションを完了するとアクティビティ ポイントを獲得できます。アクティビティ ポイントは一定のマイルストーンに到達すると、それぞれに報酬が入った箱を開けることができます。

7 日間のミッションはクールです







Build resource farms ASAP

As soon as you start playing, you will unlock a few empty plots of land in your territory outskirts in which you can construct. I suggest that you immediately start building all the resource farms that you can, because they will be super useful in the long run.

By having more resource farms (such as Oil Well and Food Factory) you will be producing more resources, and that will be very good if you want to make a ton of upgrades.


I suggest that you start building the Oil Well, Food Factory, Ironworks and Alloy Plant as soon as you have unlocked them and try to build the maximum amount of them possible. They will constantly produce resources for you, so they are the most important. Then, you can focus on Barracks, and finally on the Hospitals.

Claim your free Supplies whenever you can

While you are on the map, if you check next to the 3rd LION Corps Squadron you can find the Supplies drop center. Every few minutes you will be able to collect some supplies for free, which is definitely a good thing.

Try to check the timer and always tap on it when they become available. From this, you will be able to claim speedups for free, as well as VIP Points and tons of resources. So just check them out daily because they are a small boost towards you becoming stronger.

Join an active Alliance

An Alliance is a super important feature in the game, because of several features which it will allow / give you. Let me tell you why you should take your time to find the right alliance and join it ASAP (and stay active while in it).

– First time you enter an Alliance you will receive 200 Gold free. This is a one time thing only, but I would suggest that if you are not in rush of making VIP level over 9000, then you take your time and find the right one – and when you do, stay there!

– Joining an Alliance will allow for free speedup boosts. Once you have joined an Alliance you can ask the other Alliance members to help you speed up the building process. This is super useful and it’s completely free!

– You can teleport your base next to the Alliance’s HQ. This will help you move your base in the World Map into a safer spot, next to your alliance’s HQ location along with the other members. Do this because it will help keep your base safer from enemy attacks.

Speed up the building process

Whenever you are building, you will be able to speed things up in case they take a long while. I suggest that you try to first join an Alliance before you decide on speeding up stuff, because it will save you several Speedups.

So basically once you joined an Alliance, just ask the others for help, and that will drastically reduce the building time. Do this before you spend any Speedups. Once you’ve received all the help possible, you can start using Speedups.

Try to use the only if you need a building to be completed immediately, otherwise just wait it out. If a building takes several minutes, better wait it out because that way you can do other things in the meantime.

I always prefer to just spend the Speedups I get on Headquarters, because that one is your main building and more often than not it also takes the longest to upgrade.

Always be researching something

In the Research Lab you will be able to start researching various features. There are 6 main sections, and if I were you I’d start by focusing on the Development -> Construction as much as possible. That will allow for faster building and it is something that will help a lot in all stages of the game.

– Development:this section will focus mainly on your base improving, such as storage increases, building speed increases, training speed and stamina recovery among other stuff. It’s a good field to be researching whenever you are not sure what to go for next – you can’t go wrong with these.

– Economy:this field will focus mainly on your resource production by increasing them or decreasing the speed it takes to produce. It’s a good field, if you are having issues with resources, but I wouldn’t focus on it early on.

– Combat:this will help you increase your troops’ Attack, march speed and other stats. It’s definitely useful, and it will have quite a big impact when you want to fight.

– Combat II:the same as Combat, but you will need your Research Lab level 26 or higher to unlock – so it’s basically it will give you end game Combat upgrades.

– Defense:the Defense is another field which focuses on battles, but mostly on the Defensive side.

– Supersoldier:these upgrades will cost more, but it have very targeted upgrades. Give them a quick read and you’ll understand, because they can give you more storage slots, increased HP, ATK and so on.

Hire the extra builders for free ASAP

As soon as you are starting off in the game, if you want to have a very fast progress, then you should hire the extra builders for free. By doing this you will have for 2 days some extra builders which will let you construct and upgrade twice as fast.

I suggest that you do this because early on it is a very fast process to build and upgrade, and if you can do it faster, then it’s much better! After the two days of free builders expired, you can hire them again, but I don’t think it will be necessary as by then you will have quite a powerful base.

Use your Skill Points!

The Skill Points will give you even more extra stats, and you can find them by tapping on your commander portrait in the upper left corner of the screen. There, you can tap on Skill Points and start allocating them as you see fit.

I always prefer to go for the Economy -> Construction -> Food or Oil Production -> Research Speed -> Instant Yield and try to max out Construction as much as possible. In my opinion Research and Construction should be the first ones to max, because they will help you out in the long run by reducing the timers for everything else.

These would be all of our Z Day:Hearts of Heroes tips and tricks that we have for you right now! Do you know some more useful game strategies or have some game tips of your own? Feel free to share them with us and the rest of the players down in the comments section below!