

Life on the Earth チート:さらなる進化を遂げるためのヒントとガイド

今日は、最新の記事で、Life on Earth のヒントとチートをすべてお届けし、より多くの組み合わせ、突然変異、進化を実現できるようにします。


このゲームは美しい放置型ゲームですが、すべてを始めるのにかなりの時間を費やす必要があります。まだどのように機能するかを理解できていなくても、心配する必要はありません。 !

それでは、 Life on the Earth のヒントとコツ に飛び込んでみましょう。 ここで、ゲームについて私たちが知っていることすべてと、それを上達させる方法を教えてください!


アップグレードは、ロックを解除した各生物をレベルアップすることで行うことができます。これは、各種の右側にあるアップボタンをタップすることで実行できます。これにより、各ユニットから得られる DNA の量が増加します。

常に最新のものからアップグレードを開始することをお勧めします。これにより、ポップするバブルごとにより多くの DNA が得られるため、最高のもののアップグレードを開始することをお勧めします。

より高度な種 (最新のロックが解除されたもの) のアップグレード コストは高くなりますが、バブルを弾いて得られる DNA もはるかに高くなります!したがって、最初にそれらにすべての適切なアップグレードを行うことに投資してみてください。次に、レベルの低いものに進むことができます.



最初の時代である先カンブリア紀では、最後のものである Spriggina ASAP のロックを解除しようとしました。その後、かなりの数のアップグレードを行い、最終的に Noctiluca、Paramecium、Archaea のアップグレードに進みました。そうすれば、DNAの利益が入るように、常に最高レベルのものを他のものよりも先にアップグレードすることができます!

Tap the bubbles and collect DNA

As you tap on the bubbles for each individual organism, there will be various amounts of DNA that you get from each one of them, according to the level that you’ve upgraded it to. So whenever you see a new blue DNA bubble, make sure that you pop it because it’s going to come in handy!

You can go back and forth between Eras to collect all the DNA that the organisms have produced, so try to do that if you are on a DNA-collecting-spree! You’re most likely not going to get a ton of it from the very first organisms, Archaea and Paramecium, but it will definitely add up and eventually you will be able to make upgrades!

Unlock the new species whenever it becomes available

Whenever you are able to unlock a new organism you should immediately do so, because it will unlock a new organism which is something that you will always want to do! So try to not overlook these, and whenever you have enough DNA, unlock the next and then the next organisms – eventually, once you unlocked all of the organisms in one Era, you can unlock a new Era!

Keep an eye on your chests

At the very top of your screen you will be able to notice your currently available chests. There are three slots for chests, and those are given as rewards for completing the tasks written below them!

I would suggest that you try to keep a close eye on your chests and all the tasks that you need to do in order to open them, because inside them there will be rewards such as cards or catalysts, which will help you evolve the organisms you currently have! So do your best to try and follow what the tasks are and open the chests whenever you can!

Tap on the orbs

There will sometimes be some Orbs which will fly right through your screen and will offer you DNA. I suggest that whenever you see one you tap on it immediately to claim all of the free DNA that they give. This is a super easy way to collect more DNA without actually keeping track of the DNA bubbles.

Make sure that whenever you can you claim them because there is good amounts of DNA points inside which will usually let you make a couple of level upgrades to the latest species you’ve unlocked. The amount of DNA in these orbs is directly proportional to how many species you unlocked and upgraded, so the more you progress through, the better the rewards!

Answer the quiz question and get 10x the rewards

These orbs will also have an option to give you 10 times the DNA shown if you answer one of the questions correctly. This option is available once every 2 minutes, so while you claim the rewards, I suggest that you try claiming them 10x even if you fail!

It’s better to try and even if you fail at least you tried – the rewards from the orbs will not reduce, and all that you gain is a chance to get 10x the rewards, so it is definitely worth it! Another tip that I have when it comes to answering these questions correctly is trying to remember what Era the species you have belong to – and if you ever have any questions regarding these, there is also Google!

Speed up production!

In the upper right side of the screen you will notice the option to Accelerate . This will give you a question to answer, much like the mini-quiz you get every time you open an Orb, and if you answer correctly, the reward will be better!

But even so, if you don’t know the answer, the reward will be 3x Acceleration buff which speeds up the process of DNA creation for 3 minutes straight! So make sure that when the Acceleration is available, you take advantage of it to give you a good DNA boost.

Spin your lucky wheel every day

Right below the Accelerate menu there will be a Lucky Wheel which you can spin every day and receive some super useful rewards. Among these rewards there is Skip buffs (which allow you to fast forward the game), Diamonds, Catalysts and Chests! There are a few spins which you can do for free every day, but you have to wait a few minutes between spins!

Apart from the free spins, you can pay 5 Diamonds per spin, but I really suggest that you don’t waste your Diamonds for that because there are other things which you can get to make a better use of.

Learn from the mistakes

Whenever you answer one of the questions given to you by the game, you might answer wrong sometimes. When that happens what you should do is try to remember what the correct answer is (because after each wrong answer, the correct one will be highlighted) and use that the next time a question pops up!

Claim all the in game free rewards

There are quite a few free rewards which you can claim in game for doing various tasks, some easier and some more difficult! To claim them, there is a button on the right side underneath the Lucky Wheel called “Reward”. Head on there and you will have the following:

– Rebirth rewards:given to you upon achieving different levels on Rebirth.

– DNA/s rewards:given to you by achieving various milestones in DNA received per second.

– Online rewards:you can claim these by spending certain amounts of time in game – just remember! You need to claim the previous ones so that the timer can start counting upon the next reward, and then the next one and so on. So even if you stay in game for 5 hours, if you haven’t claimed the 1 minute reward, it will not count!

– Sign In rewards:these are rewards which you claim for simply logging in to the game, without having to do anything else! So just make sure that you claim them as soon as you log in game because on the 30th day the rewards are 11 Chests! So it’s definitely worth it.

– Medal rewards:these are similar to achievements – try to read them and complete them as you can!

– Diamond rewards:these rewards are given to you by spending Diamonds in game – they will reward you back with Diamonds, the more you spend!

I suggest that you try to claim as many as possible, and also read their requirements before so that you will know what to expect as rewards!

Work on the Evolution chain!

The Evolution can be found in the second tab on the bottom side, and if you want to reach the top of the Evolution chain, then you will have quite a lot of nodes to go through – you will start with the Algae, then you can upgrade Carbon Dioxide, Chloroplast, Mitotic Division!

From all of these, you can then move on to Photosynthesis and Vertebral. And that is when it starts getting fun! After you unlock Vertebral, you will unlock all the other interesting parts which will eventually create us! So make sure that you always add points into these whenever you have enough DNA!

When production starts going slow, Rebirth!

Rebirth is available in the very first tab on the bottom side of the screen, and you will unlock that after you have completed Cambrian Era. There, you can choose the Rebirth option which will reset the level of all of your species, but give you instead boosts to DNA production per second and level up your Assistant!

I suggest that you go into Rebirth only when you see that the production is going super slow, otherwise wait it up because the more upgrades you make, the better the Rebirth rewards will be!

Add points to your Assistant

After you’ve performed Rebirth at least once you will receive points for adding to your Assistant. The Assistant is that little Wall-E lookalike which will give you some more bonuses and boosts. I suggest that first and foremost you add to Processor, then to Sensor and the rest is up to you – just make sure that you max out these two first!

These would be all of our Life on the Earth tips and tricks that we have for you right now! Do you know some more useful game tips or have a few more strategies to share with us?以下のコメントセクションにそれらを残してください!