

七つの大罪:グランド クロス ガイド:すべての戦いに勝つためのヒント



しかし、そうは言っても、あなたは私がゲーム (またはアニメ/マンガ) を称賛するのを聞くためにここにいるのではありません。あなたは 七つの大罪:グランドクロスのヒントとコツ のすべてを学ぶためにここに来ました。> それでは、もう 1 秒も無駄にせずに、すぐに飛び込みましょう!

リロールするかどうかを決定します (カジュアル プレイヤーの場合は必須ではありません)




リロールに時間を費やしたくないが、ゲームを楽しみたいカジュアル プレイヤーの場合は、与えられたユニットで移動し、プレイ開始時に召喚するだけです。これは非常に重要で簡単なことです。正直なところ、獲得したヒーローはゲームのコンテンツを非常に簡単に進めることができるからです。




十分な材料を集めたら、戻って何かを調理することをお勧めします。それはあなたに大きな利益をもたらすからです!ああ、もう 1 つ心に留めておくべきことがあります。厳しい戦いに向かう前に、必ず食事を済ませてください !これは長期的には役立つので、常に調理済みの食べ物を手元に用意しておくことをお勧めします.




また、ストアの上部に [販売] タブがあり、拾ったアイテムの一部をゴールドと引き換えに販売できます。お金の面で非常に厳しい状況にある場合を除き、必要なアイテムを売らないでください。



これを行うことで、キャラクターへの愛情がいくらか増加しますが、プレイヤーとしての全体的な経験が向上します (少なくとも私にとっては、大好きなトラックがあるので、これはとても楽しいです)。


戦闘中は、動きを組み合わせてより強い動きを得ることができるように、常にカードを動かそうとする必要があります。 3つ星の攻撃は1つ星の攻撃よりもはるかに多くのダメージを与えるため、これは大いに役立つものです.

カードを移動するには、同じスキルとアイコンを持つ別のカードの横にカードをドラッグ アンド ドロップするだけで、自動的に結合されます。これにより、ゲームにより大きな (そしてもちろんより良い) 影響を与えることができます。それぞれの動きをどのように組み合わせるのが最善かを前もって考え、機会があればそれを実行する必要があります。


In order to make 3 star spells much easier, you can combine 2 cards in 1 run to make a 2 star spell, then no matter if you have another of the same card, if you have you can keep that until next turn – once you get 1-2 more, combine them into another 2 star attack. Once you got 2x 2 star attacks, combine them into a 3 star one!

So the tip is to not always spend the 2 star attack – you can just keep it until you make another then use them both to make the 3 star attack faster.

Decorate your Tavern for increased gains

Your Tavern can be decorated in order to gain some extra benefits. Once you head on there, in the bottom left corner of the screen you can see a button “Decorations”. Tap on it and you will see several types of decors all over the place. They will have a price in Diamonds (the pre-existing ones) but in time you will buy all of them one by one.

I suggest that you first start with the Bulletin Board, because that will increase the Veronica Appearance by 5%! And yes, all of these decors give you a slight boost in something. You can see that boost in the upper left corner of the screen, on a blue background (appears only when you tap on the new furniture).

Check them all out and decide what you want to do and how you want to beautify your Tavern! It’s both beautiful and has a useful function!

Enhance your Heroes

You can Enhance your heroes by using Hero Enhance Potions and Water of Life, so I suggest that you start boosting them, starting with your strongest heroes first. That is, because that way you will not waste the materials on the other heroes.

The best heroes to focus on are the SSR heroes, which is what people choose to reroll for. Well, if you haven’t rerolled and you haven’t got any SSR heroes yet, don’t worry – the ones you have are pretty good too! Just focus on boosting one of them instead of all of them equally.

When you have more SSR heroes, it’s best to boost them all equally, but if you don’t have, then focus on just one hero at a time. You might get a good SSR the next time you pull heroes from the gacha, so you can spend your materials then!


Whenever you have 30 Diamonds, I suggest that you go on ahead and summon the 11 heroes gacha. That is going to help you get more heroes and hopefully some good ones early on in the game! When you are able to summon using tickets, by all means go ahead and do it!

But since the Diamonds gacha is the one we want to focus on, just keep in mind that even if you don’t get any good hero within several pulls, once the meter fills up to 100% you will get a SSR hero guaranteed!

A few more The Seven Deadly Sins:Grand Cross tips and tricks to remember:

– Choose your Lead unit wisely (the Lead unit is the one that you have on the left side). That is the only one which can get a 2 star skill in the first turn! So make sure that you pick a powerful one!

– Remember your team’s passive skills. When you decide on the units that you add to the team, this will help a lot because you can choose based on the ones that will get the most boosts.

– The elements counter each other in the game, There are 3 elements, and each can have an advantage and a disadvantage against another. Being strong against another means that they will do an extra 30% damage, while being weak means that they will do 20% less damage. So choose wisely!

Red is strong against Green, but weak against Blue.

Blue is strong against Red, but weak against Green.

Green is strong against Blue, but weak against Red.

– There are a few types of attacks, and you can usually tell by the color in their upper right (for each skill) what they do. Try and remember this as it will help you in the long run!

=Attack Skill

ブルー =Buff Skill

Yellow =Stance Skill

Purple =Debuff Skill

Pink =Debuff Attack Skill

=Recovery Skill

These would be all of our The Seven Deadly Sins:Grand Cross tips and tricks that we have for you right now! Do you know some more useful game tips and tricks that you want to share with us? Feel free to leve them down in the comments section below!