

パーク エスケープ:第 5 章のチュートリアルとヒント

パーク エスケープへようこそ !私たちのエージェントは容疑者の基地の真ん中にいることに気づき、今追跡中です。このチャプターでは、多くの難解なパズルがあなたを待っています。パーク エスケープのチャプター 5 ウォークスルーを始めましょう!

以前: パークエスケープ第4章ウォークスルー

1階 ロビー




1階 エレベーターロビー

エレベーターのドアに詰まったはさみを持ってください。灰皿を調べて、数字が入った奇妙な円を見ながら、2 つ目の抵抗器をつかみます。左の壁の絵を調べ、はさみを使って 3 つ目の抵抗器とロケット ドライバーを入手します。ドライバーでエレベータ ボタン パネルを開き、抵抗器を図のように配置して、スイッチを入れます。

電源はすぐに回復するはずなので、エレベーター パネルの下向きボタンを押してください。



独特の模様が現れます。エレベーターで 9 階まで上がってください。

9階 ロビー


1階 ロビー



9階 ロビー

部屋の右側にある足場の上部にある小さなケースを調べます。バッテリーをスロットに挿入して、キーパッドをアクティブにします。中央から開始し、強調表示されたボックスを上下左右に移動できます。あなたの目標は、エレベーターに示されているように、32 まで足すことです。次の順序に従ってください:

  • 4
  • 5
  • 4
  • 2
  • 4
  • 7
  • 4
  • 2

セメントを取り、スティックします。地面のがれきをもう一度調べて、棒を使って鍵を釣り上げます。キーを使用してドアのロックを解除します。樽入りの水をつかみ、キーパッドを調べます。象限が塗りつぶされた円は、手がかりを与えるためのものです。灰皿の番号を象限と一致させる必要があります。コードは 3689 です。


くぼみのある怪しい岩を調べて、くぼみに法令を置いてシャッターを上げます。ドアはキーパッドでロックされていますが、エレベーターの奇妙な図を覚えていますか?赤い四角は、1 階のロビーにある電話のキーパッドを参照することになっているため、コードは 4926 になります。


ペインティング ルーム

エージェントは再び分離されます。ボーエンはガラスのセキュリティ ドアの後ろに閉じ込められますが、現時点では手がかりがないため、Qiuyu に切り替えます。


グラフィティ ルーム


  • 左の列を下へ
  • 下段右
  • 上段左


  • 左上の列
  • 下段左
  • 右カラムダウン
  • 上段右
  • 中列左
  • 左カラム x2
  • 中段上 x2

これにより、2 番目のライトが点灯します。続き:

  • 左カラムダウン x2
  • 右カラムダウン x2

鍵をつかみます。植木鉢が置かれている棚を調べ、植木鉢をタップして横にスライドさせます。 Use the key on the lock that’s hiding underneath the pot and grab the plastic card. Use the plastic card on the graffiti scribbled on the wall and line it up with the little lemon cut to see a string of letters:CPLF.


Painting Room

Input CPLF into the keypad and the gate will disappear. Slide the cabinet open and grab the lever. Examine the painting and look closely:you’ll see parts of the painting flash for a brief moment. You need to hit the buttons that match the color of the fruit flashing. There are seven button presses you need to input, and this sequence is randomized every time you examine the painting. You’ll get half of a key. Move through the open door.

Ball Pit Room

Take the red ball from the ball pit, then examine the stink and grab the razor. Combine the ball with the razor to get a cut ball and the other half of the key. Combine the key halves to get a tubular key. Combine the cut ball with the razor one more time to get a star. Examine the penguin doll in the back and open its mouth to get a piece of paper.

Examine the pedestal in the middle of the room and place the star in the indent. Examine the four dials below the pedestal and set them like this, making sure to turn the top left dial one more time.

With the star placed, the pedestal will project a interesting number pattern on the wall.

Painting Room

Examine the small panel on the left wall and use the tubular key to activate it, then press the big button.

Ball Pit Room

Examine the door on the right and punch in 7851 – the down arrow is to let you know it’s the code on the wall, just upside down.

Statue Room

Examine the panel below the phonograph and you’ll see four buttons with icons on them. Tap on them to cycle through the icons, and set them like this:

You might recognize these symbols from Qiuyu’s side of the beginning room. Get the pulley.


Graffiti Room

Examine the panel by the right side door and you’ll see there is a new puzzle on it. You need to rearrange the dots in a way that none of the lines are intersecting, and here’s one quick way to do it. Make sure to drag the top middle dot down below the red line.

Qiuyu’s Ball Pit Room

The next room will look pretty familiar with a ball pit and a penguin doll. Take the rope from the penguin and push it aside to reveal a hole in the floor. Examine the bag in the background and take the tablet and Chinese style key.

Take a closer look at the tablet in your inventory. Drag the bell in the middle of the screen and position it all the way to the right. When the bird on the bell is near the top, tap on the red switch to make the bird hit the bell and emit a sound wave. The sound wave will travel between bells – wait until it hits the middle bell, the quickly drag it all the way to the left. It may take a couple of tries, so hang in there. When you’re successful, the tablet will display a bunch of colored spheres.

Graffiti Room

Examine the shelf and use the chinese style key on the lock and get the iron box. Examine the iron box and you’ll see a bunch of colors – you need to repeat the colors you saw on the tablet. A bulb will light up when you input a valid combination. Here are all the patterns:

You’ll get a bottle of lubricant.

Qiuyu’s Ball Pit Room

Examine the ball pit and grab all of the yellow balls. Examine the door and you’ll be presented with a formula but you have to fill in the math. From left to right, slot in the multiply (X), then addition (+), and finally division (/). The bar will unlock, but it’s old and rusty so use the lubricant.

Tree Room

Examine the conveyor belt and place the rope on it to send to Bowen.


Statue Room

Grab the rope and combine it with the pulley. Examine the conveyor belt and place the lever in the side mechanism, then place the pulley and razor on the conveyor belt and send them to Qiuyu.


Qiuyu’s Ball Pit Room

Use the razor on the ball pit to cut it open and get the plaster apple.

Tree Room

Use the pulley on the little mechanism next to the tree to attach it. Activate it to lift the tree then grab the wrench underneath. Examine the panel under the gramophone to activate a circle puzzle.

Follow this order carefully:A1, E5, A2, B1, B3, B5, C1, B2, A2, C2, D1, A1, A3, A4, E3, C4, D4, D5, D3, D2, D3, D2, D1, D5, D1, D3, D5, D1, C1, B1, A1, B1, A1, C5, C1, C5, C1, C2, B1, D1, C5, E5, A5, B5, B4, B5, B4, E4, D4, C4, B5, D5, E5, D1, C1, D2, then tap the red circle in the middle. Take the plastic dipper. Send everything back to Bowen.


Statue Room

Place the apple in the statue’s hands to get an access card. Use the wrench to tighten the pipe.

Ball Pit Room

Use the wrench on the sink cabinet. You’ll have to rearrange the pipes, starting from the top drain all the way to the bottom. Here’s the solution, but make sure to rotate the bottom middle pipe.

Use the plastic dipper in the sink after you turn the lever to get some water.

Statue Room

Send the plastic dipper filled to Qiuyu.


Tree Room

Grab the plastic dipper then go to the Ball Pit room.

Qiuyu’s Ball Pit Room

Examine the hole in the floor that the penguin doll was covering and pour water into it. You’ll get a key from the ball in it.

Tree Room

Use the key on the cabinets above the conveyor belt to get salt. Send the salt to Bowen.


Statue Room

Use the salt on the vinyl to defrost it. Play the vinyl on the gramophone and you’ll see a code flash:4806. This code is for Qiuyu’s door – note the green color of the numbers. Take the vinyl back and send it to Qiuyu.


Tree Room

Play the vinyl in the gramophone to get another four digit number:5492. As you can guess this one is for Bowen’s door. Examine the marking on the door and you’ll see it lit up with color now.

You have to set the triangles to certain colors. Note the “B” above the panel – you need to set the middle circle on the door to black so rotate all three smaller circles until no color is selected.


Statue Room

Now you have to do the same for Bowen’s door, but his must be set to white. Set the three circles to blue, green, and red to get white.

Congratulations, that concludes chapter 5 of Park Escape!