

Destiny:宿られた王 – オリックスの宮廷 – ルーンを見つけ、場所を見つけ、ティア 3 に到達する

オリックスの法廷は Destiny:The Taken King の大部分です。法廷の場所を見つけ、必要なレシプロカル、盗まれた、時代遅れのルーンの詳細を説明し、ボス戦の戦略をカバーするために必要なすべての情報を集めました。コート オブ オリックスは気楽な人向けではありません。最高のファイア チームを編成してください。できる限りのサポートが必要になるためです。

宿られた王の詳細については、Destiny:宿られた王のチュートリアルとガイドをご覧ください。 .

コート オブ オリックスのヒント

  • ドレッド パトロール クエストを完了し、ドレッドノートからレベル 35 パトロール オプションを選択して、オリックスのコートにアクセスします。
  • オリックスのコートに通じる廊下には、さまざまな難易度を表す 3 つの彫像があります。 3 つの中で最も簡単なのは、190 Light を推奨することです。
  • 3 人のファイヤー チームを編成してあなたに同行させます。コミュニケーションが鍵となるため、勝利への道のりで攻撃を調整することができます。
  • 火のチームと話し、各メンバーのダメージ タイプを調整して、遭遇したエレメンタル シールドに備えましょう。
  • ルーンを提示した消防チームのメンバーが最高の報酬を受け取ります。ボス戦が完了すると、報酬はポータルのそばのプラットフォームの上にあります。


コート オブ オリックスは、ドレッドノートのレベル 35 パトロール オプションにスポーンすることで見つけることができます。これにより、ハル ブリーチ リージョンに移動します。いくつかの柱で分割されたドアにぶつかるまで、前方に向かい、右の壁を抱きしめます.扉の内側がライトアップされ、中に入ると床が上がります。

ドアを通り抜け、2 つ目のドアを通り抜けて右に進みます。ホール オブ ソウルズに向かって右に曲がりくねった通路を左に進みます。これにより、階段を上って右に上る必要がある場所の外に戻ります。それらの階段の上部近くにある洞窟の出入り口を探し、そこを通り抜けて、左側にあるさらに 2 つの階段を上ります。


コート オブ オリックス ティア

現在、オリックスのコートには 3 つの層があり、ガーディアンが光のレベルを上げ続けるにつれて、さらに多くの層が明らかになる可能性があります。 As you head into the hallway just before the Court of Oryx, there are statues on both sides. On the left wall are three statues with an arena just beyond. This is where you’ll do your fighting.

The statue closest to the arena triggers the lowest tier of the Court of Oryx, while the one to the left of it triggers the second tier, and the third and more challenging tier is triggered by the statue that’s positioned the furthest away from the arena.

Each tier has a recommended Light level and requires a specific type or Summoning Rune to be sacrificed in order begin your session in the Court of Oryx.

  • Tier 1 – Light 190 – Reciprocal Rune
  • Tier 2 – Light 240 – Stolen Rune
  • Tier 3 – Light Unknown – Antiquated Rune

How to Get Runes

Reciprocal Runes are fairly easy to find compared to some of the other Runes. You only need to complete quests and explore the Dreadnaught to obtain these Runes. We landed almost half a dozen in a few hours of playing on launch day.

Stolen Runes are a bit more difficult to come by. For one, we don’t have exact details on all of the activities that drop them. However, you should be able to find these Runes by completing tasks on the Dreadnaught. It’s also likely there’s a Tier 2 Summoning Rune dropped from Strikes, although don’t have confirmation of that at this time. Once you have obtained a Tier 2 Rune, charge it by completing three Tier 1 events in the Court of Oryx.

Antiquated Runes are considerably harder to obtain compared to the other Runes. While full details on obtaining these Runes are not yet available, information points toward the Runes dropping in the King’s Fall Raid. We’ve also heard rumblings that there’s a chance these Runes drop in Nightfall activities, as well as possibly by completing the Tier 2 event in the Court of Oryx.

Fighting in the Court of Oryx

Now that you know how to find the Court of Oryx and begin one of the challenges, it’s time to move on to more general info about what to expect when the fighting begins. It’s important to keep track of several things concerning the arena where the Court of Oryx is located. Look inside before placing a Summoning Rune in one of the statues to see a mist on the floor. Be warned that this is poisonous. Unless you have activated the Court of Oryx, stay out of it.

There’s a platform with a portal on the opposite side where the player who places the Rune must go to initiate the boss fight. This is also the location where you pick up loot once the fight has concluded. When the boss battle begins, keep a close eye on the on-screen instructions that pop up as the boss enters. These generally provide hints concerning how you must complete the battle.

Tier 1 Court of Oryx Guide

The first tier of the Court of Oryx has six possible boss battle that occur in the arena, and they’re all Level 36 enemies so you should have at least 190 Light. This is an ideal battle for a three-person Fire team that’s completed The Taken King story and are looking to see what the Court of Oryx offers.

Bracus Horu’usk

As a member of the Cabal, Bracus Horu’usk isn’t all that difficult to defeat, but you still need a solid Fire team by your side. His shield is only active when his lower level friends are around, so focus your attention on killing all of the lesser enemies first, then shift focus to dealing damage to Bracus Horu’usk for several seconds. In our experience, having two people destroy adds, while the third tracks and prepares to take down the boss, was the best strategy. We even used the sword .


One of the big keys to the battle against Krughor is focusing on the Cursed Thralls that spawn around the boss. We’ve all seen Cursed Thralls in Destiny, but this fight actually features them working to your advantage. The only way to lower Krughor’s shield is to shoot the Curse Thralls near him. When his shield goes down, focus your attacks on the boss until the shield comes back up. Repeat this process until Krughor goes down.


As the saddest boss in the Court of Oryx, Lokaar has a special ability that allows him to teleport. However, doing so causes Lokaar to become tired, which makes him easy to take down. There aren’t any tricks or gimmicks here, just use a weapon that matches his elemental shield, then lay waste to the boss. It’s important to note that Lokaar will occasionally teleport into the hallway with the statues where you won’t be able to hit him.


Vorlog is almost identical to the Prison of Elders boss that switches up his elemental shield every time you lower it. The Hive Knight will use either an Arc, Solar or Void shield. Lower it and do inflict as much damage as you can, then prepare for Vorlog to replenish the shield in a few seconds. When the shield comes back, it can be any of the three damage types, chosen at random. Each member of your Fire team should be equipped with a different elemental damage type.

Alzok Dal, Gornuk Dal and Zyrok Dal

These three Wizards don’t necessarily do anything special, but you have to kill them all within seconds of each other or they’ll simply respawn and the battle will continue. The strategy here is fairly straightforward, drop each Wizard’s health bars to roughly 10 percent, then your Fire team should take them down in rapid succession. Tracking Rocket launchers can be very useful for this battle.

Cra’adug and Mengoor

Cra’adug and Mengor are both Knights, with one being Hive and the other Taken. Their shields will only lower when they’re close to one another, so the Hunter – Nightstalker is very helpful here. Get them close together, tie them up, then your Fire team should focus on bringing one of the Knights down. When the first is down, the shield on the second one drops completely.