

Niche – A Genetics Survival Game – Homecoming Achievement Guide

おそらく、ニッチで取得するのが難しい成果の 1 つであるホームカミングの成果は、ホーム アイランド免疫遺伝子を使用してストーリー モードでアダムのホーム アイランドに到達することでロックが解除されます。これは、この実績を取得する方法を説明する詳細なガイドです。



アダムとして沼地から島を降りたら、聴覚を使ってできるだけ早くイブを見つけようとします。すべての耳には最低+3の聴覚があり、+2の視力よりも大きいため、イブを見つけるのにそれほど時間はかかりません.次に、Eve が水かきのある後ろ足を持っている場合は、後ろ足に突然変異を与えてそれらの足を取り除くことをお勧めします。もし海の部族を作ろうと計画しているなら、遠慮なくそれらを維持してください。

イブを見つけたら、まだ永久的な巣を見つけていない限り、アダムに彼女と交尾させ、イブに巣を作ってもらいます。 10個の巣材を簡単に回収できるので、わざわざ探しません.それ以外の場合は、イブを見つける島は非常に簡単なはずです.50以上の食料と5-6のパックメンバーがいるときに移動することをお勧めします.



選択は完全にあなたとあなたのプレイ スタイル次第です。小さなキャンプを設定し、できるだけ早く島から出ようとして、両方を組み合わせていることに気づきました。 1)をすることにした場合は、島から島への移動を遅くしないように、イブの島の後に見つけた小さな島で食べ物を集めるのに多くの時間を費やすことをお勧めします.ランナーの足とクラッカーの顎は、スピードと海岸線に沿ったナッツの収集のためのこのセットアップに最適です.あなたの生き物はすぐに年をとってしまうので、繁殖するためにいくつかの島ごとに立ち寄らなければなりません.



単体では役に立ちませんが、翼が 2 つあると非常に低コストで驚異的な移動速度が得られます。 +8 飛行では、アクション スペースごとに 8 個のタイルを移動できますが、高速であってもそれ以上は得られません。空を飛ぶことで木にとまることができ、生き物から年齢、毒、病気以外のすべての脅威を取り除くことができます。ならず者のオスはメスと交尾することができず、捕食者はあなたを傷つけることはできず、クラッキング能力がなくても木のてっぺんからナッツを集めることができるので、食べ物は問題ではありません.あなたが持つことができる最高の遺伝子ですが、私のような不敬な運があり、最初の島で翼のある生き物を手に入れない限り、翼を見つける確率はかなり低くなる可能性があります.コウモリの翼は翼とまったく同じように機能するため、どちらでも機能します。






一部のプレーヤーは、ミディアムボディが提供するジェネラリストアプローチを好むかもしれませんが、クリーチャーから受けるダメージが1少ないことは非常に役立ち、ラビルを一撃できることは非常に便利です.大きな体と翼を組み合わせると、移動速度が速く、ラビルを一撃で倒せるだけでなく、ラビルの位置に急降下して1回のアクションで殺すことができます。大きな体の翼のある生き物は非常に強力ですが、唯一の欠点は、ベリーを集めないでください。鳥のくちばしはこの目的のために存在しますが、それは 1 つの収集と 1 つの香りにすぎないため、木に住むために植える場合を除き、ベリー コレクターを持つことは依然として重要です。

チャレンジ島 #1 – 列島

あなたのスキルをテストするために、ゲームは群島、ジャングルの島、雪の島などの島に挑戦します。最初に目にするのは群島です。1 つの島ではなく、すべてが海で隔てられた群島です。



3 番目の島 (アダムとイブの島は数えません) に群島への港があります。基本的に、列島を見つけるために北に行くように指示するヒントがポップアップします。群島に持ち込めるクリーチャーは 10 体までなので、多様な免疫遺伝子プールがあることを確認してください。最低6つの遺伝子を持ち込む必要がありますが、ホームアイランド免疫を持ち込む必要があります。この遺伝子を失うと、Adam の家族と友達になれなくなり、さらに重要なことに、成果を得ることができなくなります。


  • 翼: 便利な木に生き物がとまると、海をすべて飛ばして水の上を飛ぶことができるかもしれません.
  • 水域 / 鰓: はい、これらの遺伝子は役立ちますが、これを早期に取得するにはかなり不便です.水中で呼吸する能力を得るには、クリーチャーを溺死させる必要があります。少量の溺死ダメージをタンクするだけの方がはるかに効率的です。
  • 水泳/釣り尾/尾びれ: ここで言うことはあまりありませんが、泳ぐ時間が増えると海で過ごす時間が減り、釣りをすると近くに迷い込んだ魚を捕まえやすくなります。





交差点島 #1 – 沼

え、「交差点島」って何?交差島はチャレンジ島とチャレンジ島の間にある島です。最初に遭遇するのはスワンピー ヒルです。中程度の難易度の島で、主に沼地で構成され、森と驚くほどジャングルが点在しています。進行に関する次のポートは、燃えるサバンナまたはジャングルへのポートである必要がありますが、島はランダムであり、ストーリーモードでここに2回以上行ったことがないため、それについては引用しないでください.



交差点島 #2 – ジャングル



港タイルの葉っぱ? Those will decrease your stealth to zero if you step on one, as you are breaking twigs when you do.

Here is what the healing plant and mud looks like:

There are 3 main threats in the jungle:

1. Sense Apes: There are 3 apes who live in the jungle, each of them have a different sense. You know those stats you’ve seen in your creatures? Camouflage, stealth and scentless? The jungle is where these stats truly shine, as each stat will help you with a different ape. The 1st ape is the big eyed ape, who has a sight stat of 6. You’ll need camouflage or distasteful appearance to have him avoid you. The 2nd ape is the big eared ape who has a hearing stat of 6. You’ll want as much stealth as you can get to avoid him. Stepping on the previously mentioned flowers will remove all your stealth causing him to be able to find you easily. The 3rd and final ape is the big nosed ape. To avoid him, you’ll either need to smell bad or not smell at all. All of these apes also have 3 strength and 4 defence, so brute force isn’t an option unless you have really powerful ancient genes.

2. Carnivorous plants: There are unique plants that live in the jungle. Some will be harmless and can be harvested for food, or left open so that they can no longer go back into their dangerous form. The other version of this plant is identical to the peaceful version, so use your senses to determine if it’s safe or not. If they are aggressive, they will eat your creatures when they get too close to it, paralyzing the creature and causing constant damage every day to it until it dies or is freed. In order to free your creature, you must have other creatures come and attack it.

The plant:

3. The heat: While the heat is nowhere near as intense and in the savanna, it is still pretty strong, meaning you will eventually lose energy points due to the heat. The heat cannot kill you directly, however it can slow you down if you are running from an ape meaning the ape could catch up to you and kill you.

This might sound like a challenge island, and while it is difficult, nothing is stopping you from just speeding through it. The next challenge island is still a ways away.

Intersection island #3 – Savanna

The burning savanna is the other island you could find instead of the jungle.

A general idea of what the savanna looks like:

The burning savanna is a much hotter island then the jungle, so hot that fires can start randomly, consuming all in it’s path. As you can see in the picture, the ocean is not an ocean, but more of an abyss. You can’t shelter from the heat in the water as it is just too deep for your creatures. Only the shade of the trees can protect you from the heat. Speaking of which, the trees give no food.

So how does one survive here? For story mode you’ll want to get off this island, as there is very little food and fires can entirely wipe out your tribe. If you do decide to settle down here, make sure to stay on the move, and check the map often for fires. Eventually you’ll unlock lean body and big ears, 2 genes that give heat resistance and are very helpful for surviving on this island. However considering a winter island is just around the corner, it may not be wise to breed them, as soon the cold will be the biggest threat to your creatures. Claws can be very helpful as they can destroy berry bushes, and since those will normally only give one berry due to the almost constant drought, you can net yourself some nice nesting material and food. Be warned though, the twig berry bushes will NOT regrow when destroyed.

Intersection Island #4 – Whale Island

This island caught me entirely be surprise. I thought I’d found a snow island, but instead I found the whale island.

Anyways, the whale island is an island with moderate heat, some jungle and it’s all situated on top of a whale. What’s more is that you can select where you want to travel when you use the port on the whale’s head. Keep in mind you can only travel to islands of the difficulties you’ve unlocked, meaning no skipping to the Home Island. If you happen to find a port with 15 blue tiles, you’ve found whale island. Head over there to grow a large tribe and store food or go to a snow island to unlock some amazing genes. The island we are looking for is a jungle island, but not a regular one, no we need to find an overgrown jungle.

Whale island port:

Intersection Island #5 – First Snow

First snow is, well, the first snow island. It’s a mountain range surrounded by a ring of forested area. Rain is rather rare here, usually coming only after the first winter spent here. Toxic genes are helpful as poison berries never wilt and always give 2 berries a day no matter what. There will usually be 1-2 frozen creatures and I recommend breaking them for the chance at the armored body. This amazing gene will give you +3 defense allowing you to be immune to attacks from:

  • The 3 great apes
  • Bearyenas + Killer bearyenas
  • Balance Bears
  • Arctic Ramfoxes
  • Cacti (when harvesting)
  • Razorheanas

If you get mammoth feet, then for each foot you will have +1 defence, meaning a max of 5 defence can be attained with armored body and 2 mammoth feet. This combination allows defence from the new defender bears who have 5 attack, and only taking 1 damage from peaceful bears. However with this setup you will be unable to gather, but if you are living on a snow island such as long winter or frost lands, there is nothing to harvest there anyways so this doesn’t really matter. This marks the end of the interesting medium islands. There are some others, however they are kind of boring and not really worth talking about as this is a guide about the Homecoming achievement, not every island ever.

Challenge Island #2 – Overgrown Jungle

After many days of exploration, you will come across a jungle port to the north (if where your creatures finish their travel over ports is south of the island).

Hint: I found my jungle port on a jungle island, so look there.

The port will be a blue-green colour most likely on jungle turf and should have bones on it. This island is almost entirely jungle, meaning apes will be a large threat the longer you spend on the island. Fret not though! Depending on your luck, you could end up escaping this island in a matter of days due to how the roots spawn.

Yes that’s right, the northern port of this island is blocked off by thick brambles, and the only way to get rid of them is to destroy 5 of their roots scattered about the island. There are clearings in the jungle that often contain things like healing plants, carnivorous plants and you guessed it, vine roots. However, normally only 3 of these will spawn per island, so you’ll need to find the last few yourself.

注: it is not guaranteed for a vine root to spawn in each clearing, however they are often found in them. This jungle is also hot, so send any creatures who are not overheating to clear the vines. You’ll want to get off this island ASAP if you did not breed stealth genes, and having one less turn per day can slow you down significantly.

Vine roots:

The thick brambles:

Intersection Island #7 – Oasis

Yep, there are still more intersection islands.

Oasis! This island is basically the burning savanna, only the opposite. Instead of fires, you now have a beautiful lake in the middle of the island. There are fish swarms in here along with the occasional clown koi. This island is still hot, so don’t think you’ve escaped the heat now. The water in the center of the island will help cool you off if you’ve decided to breed water dwelling creatures (why).


The lake found in the oasis:

Intersection Island #8 – Summer Mountains

A much more lush version of first snow, the summer mountains are a warmer variant of mountainous regions. This island is the only way to get to long winter, your final destination for your quest for the Homecoming achievement. Since this island is usually so lush, stock up on as much food as you can, and breed any genes that help with staying warm and hunting. If you’ve gotten it, I recommend a combination of armoured bodied and big bodied creatures, so you can have an impenetrable fighting force while also having creatures who can explore the frozen wastes. Just be aware that if you don’t have enough cold resistance, you can still freeze on this island, although 1 is usually enough.

Summer mountains port:

You’ll generally find the port to the long winter island here.

Long winter port:

Challenge Island #3 – Long Winter (The Final One)

Well you’ve made it, your final challenge lies before you. Go forth and brave the winter, for summer is far away.

Welcome to long winter, the final challenge island, the one thing stopping you from going home. Except there’s no snow.まだ。 As you’ll quickly notice, there is absolutely no grass here whatsoever, meaning berries are not a food source you can rely on. This, this is the reason combat is the most important skill to have on this island. All your food will be coming from meat, and if you can’t kill the creatures on this island, you’ll have a pretty hard time feeding your creatures.

If you got the chance to breed with bearyenas, I’d avoid the carnivore hind legs as, like with webbed hind legs, movement is the best stat to have on hind legs. As you will soon notice, the northern port is blocked off by ice sculptures. How do you get rid of them? Why it’s simple really, you’ve just got to survive until summer arrives. How long until summer? Around 20 days. After those 20 days when summer arrives, the ice will melt and you’ll be free to leave, and to signify summer, the screen will gain an orange hue.

Intersection Island #9 – Crossing

This is the last intersection island, this island is basically the beginner island, the only difference being the ports. As you will notice, the ports on this island usually have full on animal skeletons on them. These are killer islands, the roughest of the rough, meanest of the mean, you get the point.死にたくなったらここへ。 Alternatively, head north onto a special pink port to go somewhere much nicer than, well, death.

Port of happiness:

Home Island – The End

What’s this? A popup in the bottom left corner of the screen? Oh boy is that what I think it is? You bet it is, it’s the homecoming achievement. You made it! After hours of of playing you’ve made it back home! This island is basically the best island in the game to set up on. There are tons of berries, the trees give plenty of nuts and predators are basically non-existent. Assuming you’ve managed to keep the home island immunity gene, you’ll be allowed to invite the Adam’s family into your tribe.

Happy island: