

7 Days to Die – 100% 達成ウォークスルー ガイド

7 Days to Die のすべての実績を完了するためのウォークスルー。



7 Days to Die は、プレイヤーが黙示録後の世界でサバイバーの立場に立つことを可能にするゲームです。このゲームの特徴の 1 つは、ゲームプレイを通じて得られる成果です。このガイドでは、これらの成果を達成することに特に焦点を当てています。あなたの目標が、通常のゲームプレイで気軽に実績を獲得することである場合、これはあなたのためのガイドではありません.

最初にゲームを開始し、「新しいゲーム」をクリックします。次に、ゲームの世界として「Zehayu Territory」でゲーム名を作成します。ワールド サイズは 4096 x 4096 にする必要があります (これらはすべてオプションです)。 [全般] タブでは、サーバーの可視性を公開に設定し、不正な接続を防ぐためにゲーム パスワードを作成する必要があります。最大プレーヤー数は 16 にする必要があります (繰り返しますが、これらはすべてオプションです)。

基本タブでは、難易度設定を「スカベンジャー」に設定して、人への環境の影響を軽減する必要があります。 24 時間周期は「120 分」、日照時間は「18」に設定されています。ブラッドムーンの頻度と警告は両方とも「無効」に設定する必要があります。ゾンビの速度を「歩く」に設定し、プロファイルを「オン」に維持し、XP 乗数を「300%」に設定する必要があります。

Advanced タブでは、プレイヤーのブロックダメージを「300%」に設定する必要があります。 AI ブロック ダメージと AI ブラッド ムーン ブロック ダメージは両方とも「25%」に設定する必要があります。戦利品の豊富さは「25%」に設定する必要があります。戦利品のリスポーン時間は「無効」にする必要があります。死亡時または終了時に何もドロップしないはずです。ブラッドムーンのカウントは「4敵」に設定する必要があります。敵のスポーンは「オフ」に設定する必要があります。エアドロップ、チートモード、マークエアドロップはすべて「無効」にする必要があります。

マルチプレイヤー タブは重要ではなく、このガイドでは何の役にも立ちません。

初めてゲームに参加するときは、PC キーボードの F1 をクリックします。これにより、ゲーム内の多くの機能を調整できる管理コンソールが表示されます。コンソールで、「 」を除いて「cm」と入力し、Enter をクリックします。これにより、クリエイティブ モードがオンになり、ゲーム内で可能なアイテムをスポーンできます。また、「 」なしで「dm」と入力し、Enter をクリックします。これにより、デバッグ モードがオンになり、飛行や特定のゲーム内メカニズムの調整などを行うことができます。

キーボードの F1 をクリックして、管理コンソールを終了します。キーボードの U をクリックして、クリエイティブ メニューに入ります。ここから、必要と思われる数のアイテムを集めることができます。以下は、ゲーム内のすべての実績を完了するために必要なものの図です。


  • 木材 12,000 本
  • 6,000 の植物繊維
  • 6,000 個の小さな石
  • 土地請求ブロック。
  • オージェ
  • 20,000ガス
  • 紅茶10杯
  • .44 マグナム。
  • 150 .44 Magnum Ammo.
  • 1,000 bedrock (You will need to click on Dev Blocks icon in creative menu to display this item).
  • 40 Meat Stew.
  • 40 Yucca Juice.
  • 2 Rocket Launchers.
  • 120 Rockets (Ammo).

When you are done gathering these items from the creative menu, click U on your keyboard to close the menu (If it doesn’t work, double check to make sure you’re not typing in the search bar in the menu).

Before you move onto the next section, make sure to turn off creative mode and debug mode through the admin console (F1) by typing “cm” and “dm” respectively and without the ” “.

Cause He’s the Ax Man

This achievement is pretty straightforward:Craft your first stone axe by entering the crafting menu.

Good in the Sack

Again, this is pretty straightforward. Create a bedroll using the crafting menu.

Handy Man

This is also pretty straightforward. Craft a wood frame block using the crafting menu.

The Homestead Act

Simply place the Land Claim Block anywhere in your immediate location.

Alexander Bell, Benjamin Franklin, Henry Ford, and Thomas Edison

These achievements are easy to obtain. Enter the crafting menu and create 5000 wood frame blocks. You can set the number to 5000 and the character will automatically craft everything. Keep in mind this will take approximately 41:40 minutes. It may be helpful to keep an eye on hunger and thirst levels.

Evil Knievel

For this achievement, you will need to stack the wood block frames you created 20 blocks high by jumping and placing them right underneath yourself before you land. You will then jump off this column and “hopefully” break your leg, earning you the “Evil Knievel” achievement.

On Top of the World

Using the 20 blocks from the previous achievement, open the admin console (F1) and type “dm” without the ” “. Then click H on your keyboard. This will turn on flight mode. You can then position yourself over the 20 wood frame blocks you already stacked. Make sure to turn off debug mode before continuing to place more wood frame blocks. You should unlock this achievement when you hit the ceiling of the world.

Bite the dust, Knock em Dead, Your Number’s Up, and Meet Your Maker

For this set of achievements, you will need to commit suicide repeatedly. You will need to build a column of blocks about 50 wood frame blocks high. At the top, you will add a wood frame block to the column in order to make a two-tile surface for a bedroll. This will act as a “spawn point” so that you may repeatedly jump off the column. Unfortunately, this game mode does not automatically spawn you on the bed, therefore it will require clicking on the “Spawn on my bed” prompt after you die. The best method I found was to gather a stack of quarters and place them on the W button. This will force the character to run forward. When you die, rest the cursor on the “Spawn on my bed” prompt and lift the mouse off the surface. Keep the bottom of the mouse facing upright and just spam click the mouse as you watch TV or movies. Another method is to use an automatic third party program that will automatically click the prompt for you. However, this will require caution on your part when downloading untrustworthy programs. When you have completed this set of achievements, you will want to avoid dying in the future so you can progress towards the “Nearly Immortal” achievement. But if you do, don’t fret. The “Neil Armstrong” achievement takes a long time to complete and the “Nearly Immortal” will pop before then.

Dig Deep

For this achievement, you will use the auger and drill straight down into the earth until you hit bedrock.

Playing Doctor

This achievement is easy enough. You must be attacked by zombie to the point where you are sent into a critical condition. Using the admin console (F1), turn on debug mode by typing “dm” without the ” ” and hitting enter. Close the admin console and click F6. This will open a spawn gump which will allow you to spawn specific animals. For this achievement, just spawn a regular zombie, turn off debug mode, and have it hit you until you are in critical condition. Then immediately kill this zombie and proceed to use first aid on yourself.

Alive and Kicking, Fit as a Fiddle, Healthy as a Horse, and The Picture of Good Health

This set of achievement requires very little work. All you do is open the admin console and type “giveselfxp 9999999999″ without the ” ” and your character will be given a ton of xp. This xp can then be used to improve your character’s fortitude level.

The Grave Digger, The Embalmer, The Mortician, and The Funeral Director

This set of achievements will take a while to obtain. Using the bedrock, you will build a 10 by 10 pen with a foundation two layers thick. This bedrock is indestructible to rocket launchers. The reason we build it two layers thick is because the rocket launcher can damage the dirt underneath (a bug that has not yet been fixed). To spawn the zombies, you will need to open the admin console (F1) and turn on debug mode (type “dm” without the ” “). You can then click F6 for the spawn gump. Luckily, this alpha allows an option to spawn 25 at a time. When you click a zombie type, the zombies will spawn exactly where your character is looking, so don’t look down at your feet! Also, be sure to deactivate debug mode before killing zombies so everything counts!

Dirty Larry

This achievement is pretty straightforward. Kill 44 zombies using a .44 Magnum. You can spawn zombies by activating debug mode in the admin console (F1) and clicking F6. Use the pen you made in the last section to keep them contained. Make sure to deactivate debug mode after spawning zombies so everything counts!

Scavenger, Adventurer, Nomad, Warrior, and Survivalist

By the end of the last achievement section, this achievement may or may not have popped. If it hasn’t, open up the admin console and type “settime 9999999999″ without the ” “. This will give you 300 extra game stage levels. Additionally, every zombie kill is worth 1 point and every death subtracts 5 points.

Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan, Marco Polo, and Neil Armstrong

This is probably the longest set of achievements you will ever do as it will require an excessive amount of traveling. Using the 10 by 10 pen you made in the previous achievement section, place a minibike inside it. Fill your backpack with gas cans, food, and water. Fill up your minibike and hop on. With three stacks of quarters, place each stack on your D (or A depending on if you’re going clockwise or counter-clockwise), W, and shift keys. Your character will drive the minibike in a circular fashion with shift for speed. The reason we make a pen is to prevent the minibike from ending up somewhere unknown (the minibike unfortunately does not drive in a perfect circle). The walls push the minibike back into your preferred path.

Brush with Death, Near Death Experience, Cheated Death, and Nearly Immortal

This achievement will pop while you are doing the Neil Armstrong achievement (that is, if you dont die). Death will reset the timer. The best thing to do is to place yourself in the pen you built with food and water. After that, it’s simply a waiting game.

Reverting to Alpha 15.2

In this section, you will now have to revert to alpha 15.2 in order to obtain the remaining achievements. In order to do this, you must right click on 7 Days to Die in your library and click “Properties.”

Open the tab labeled “Betas” and select “alpha15.2 – Alpha 15.2 Stable” from the drop down menu. This will then proceed to download the older beta version.

Start a new game and remember to turn off enemy spawning as well as setting a password to avoid unauthorized connections.

The Polar Bare Club

This achievement can be a little difficult due to the challenge of reaching 0 degrees F while being completely naked. This will require you to revert the 7 Days to Die to Alpha 15.2 and create a new game (Unfortunately the latest alphas are not primed for this achievement). I find it best to travel to the snowy region with a pond and a nearby mountain. You should be carrying a full stack of wood frame blocks, a cowboy hat, and a leather poncho. While completely naked, equip the cowboy hat and leather poncho. Enter the pond and stay in it until you are 100% wet. Drink the red tea and then immediately take off the cowboy hat and leather poncho while heading up a nearby mountain. You will then build a wood frame block column upward until you obtain the achievement. This may take a few tries or different methods for success. There has been mentions of alpha 16.4 working for “The polar bare club” achievement as well.

Napoleon, Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan, and Alexander the Great

For this set of achievements, you will need to kill other “players.” Fortunately, killing bandits will count towards this achievement. Simply build a small prison using bedrock. Bedrock is indestructible and is unaffected by rocket launchers. It is recommended to build the foundation two layers thick to prevent damage below the foundation (Yes, for some reason the rocket launcher can destroy the dirt below the bedrock here as well).

Then you can spawn bandits and shoot them with a rocket launcher. Don’t forget to disable debug mode and creative mode before you kill the bandits. This is will allow the kills to register.

Respawn more bandits by turning debug mode back on. Repeat and rinse.