

Hardspace:Shipbreaker – ゲームプレイに関する FAQ


Q:ゲームプレイ ループとは何ですか?


  • 船を回収してクレジットを獲得し、LYNX Corp でのランクを上げましょう。
  • 新しいランクは、新しいツールとアップグレードのロックを解除します
  • アップグレードされたギアを購入するための LYNX トークンを取得するための作業指示を完了します
  • 新しいツールを使用して、より大きく、より難しく、より危険な船に継続的に取り組みます。

Q:ストーリー キャンペーンの開始時に、Lynx にいくら借りがあるのですか?

A:$999,999,999 です!キャンペーンの早い段階で死亡し、クローンを作成するためにお金を払わなければならない場合、10 億のマークを超える可能性があります。


A:現在、クレジットは借金の返済に直接使われています。特定の消耗品は、ベイのキオスクで購入でき、借金に追加されます. Lynx トークンは、アップグレードの購入に使用されます。


A:時限シフトがあります!湾に入った瞬間から時計が刻み始めます。ただし、船を完成させるために必要な数のシフトを取ることができます。 LYNX では、シフトごとにベイのレンタル料金が請求されるので、効率が良いことを覚えておいてください。




A:初日にプレイヤー キャラクターの「声」を 1 つ選択できます (性別は未定) が、早期アクセス中にさらにオプションを追加する予定です。キャラクターが可能な限りプレーヤーを代表して、可能な限り体験に没頭できるようにすることが重要です.


A:シフトの合間に HAB に戻ります。そこでは、利用可能な船のカタログを探索したり、ツールを修理またはアップグレードしたり、回収したデータ ドライブの内容を表示したりできます。これは、今後も拡張していく予定です。

Q:プレーヤーのカスタマイズ オプションはありますか?

A:今後、この点をさらに詳しく調べて、プレイヤーがゲーム内で自分自身を表現できるように、他にどのようなカスタマイズが必要かを確認したいと考えています。私たちの長期的な目標の 1 つは、プレーヤーが HAB スペース (およびギア) をカスタマイズできるようにすることです。例えば、船の側面に名前を彫って壁に掛けたりするのもいいですね!しかし今のところ、これらはゲームに採用されるかもしれないし、採用されないかもしれないアイデアにすぎません。ご意見をお待ちしております!


A:現在、プレイヤーはモリガン ステーションにサルベージ ベイを 1 つ持っています。 :slight_smile:


A:アーリー アクセスのリリース日には 15 時間以上のゲームプレイが用意されています。しばらくプレイしてみてどう思うか楽しみです!最終的なゲームのリリースに関しては、約 40 時間以上のキャンペーン コンテンツを検討しています。 But there will be 3 different Campaign difficulties to play in, each with different rules and rewards, so that number could grow exponentially for those that enjoy the challenge. Plus we have additional game modes incoming during Early Access that will provide hours and hours of additional gameplay goodness. That 40+ hour mark could end up being laughably low for Players that dive deep into the game.

Q:Is the gameplay hours estimate describing the time players will take to finish the story or how much voiceover/other story work must be done in order for the story to be considered “complete”?

A:Those numbers “roughly” represent the amount of time the average Player will spend interacting with meaningful narrative content, whether it’s the main story-thread of the game or other worldbuilding seeded throughout (such as personal data drives you find inside ships, which can be decrypted to view the files on them and learn more about the world). There’s LOTS to do in between all that of course; Players are free to spend as much time as they want perfecting their salvage skills!

Q:What are the ships releasing in Early Access? What are their differences besides size?

A:The Mackerel and the Gecko(formerly known as the Salamander) are the first ships in Early Access. Each comes in a variety of roles / functions that dictate how they’re configured and what kind of salvage you’ll find inside them. The Mackerel currently has three such “variants” and the Gecko has two. We’ll let you discover what those roles are. And more roles for both are coming in Early Access. In terms of size difference, the Mackerel can be between 20 to 30 meters, and the Gecko is between 50 to 60 meters.

Q:What is the largest planned vessel for the game at the moment?

A:We’re aiming for 100+ meters. There are obviously technical constraints we need to work within, but that’s the target!

Q:How many different internal systems are you looking at having? What sort of other obstacles might we have to work around when deconstructing a ship?

A:There’s a lot going on inside these ships! There are electrical systems (which also affect whether lights / doors / airlocks work or not), coolant systems, fuel lines and pressurization. There are also multiple “grades” of material that are uncuttable until you upgrade your cutter further. Because all of these things get mixed and matched via the procedural ship building system, every ship is going to be a unique challenge.

Q:Is the story of shipbreakers superficial or will we get some insight into the character we play, and where we are going as we play?

A:The “story” of Shipbreaker, told via the campaign, revolves around the industrial sci-fi world of the Hardspace Universe and YOUR role within it, because YOU are the character. That’s all we can say right now without spoiling anything 🙂

Q:How many different corporations are there? What range of space-businesses are covered?

A:Lots! Our goal is to make the world feel populated, realistically structured, and highly corporatized. There are mining companies, freight / delivery (person, commercial and industrial), tech companies, shipwrights, medical corporations and so on. Some of the ships you salvage will belong to some of these companies, others manufacture your tools &equipment and yet more show up in the lore.

Q:In the short videos the cutter seems to cut simultaneously with 2 lasers that move to opposite directions. How does this version of the cutter work?

A:The cutting tool (actually called the Splitsaw!) is a rail-guided handheld laser-cutting tool. Lining up your cut for the perfect split involves wrestling with zero-gravity drift, explosions, decompressions, and a variety of other hazards. You’ll have full freedom to bisect objects into two pieces from any angle you wish — and some objects may even have other surprising reactions to being cut!

Technical addendum:Our physics simulation relies on all individual objects to be convex, (or a collection of convex pieces). By allowing our cuts to be planar in shape, we can always guarantee that no matter the angle a convex object is cut, the newly created object(s) will also be convex. It’s part of what allows us to have thousands of dynamic physics objects at once!

Q:Is there a definitive goal in the game aside from just salvaging because you want to?

A:At a high level the goal for the Player is to pay off their debt to LYNX so they can break free of their contractual obligation and forge their own way out in the Solar System. When we release acts 2 &3 of the story during Early Access, we’ll see if this goal shifts for the Player at all.

Q:Is the game centered around a more comical approach or will it seem more gritty and sincere story wise?

A:There are many layers to the game’s “story” so the answer is BOTH and more! We found early on that space can be a cold, dark and lonely place and that we needed to do our best to provide players with moments of humor when and where we could.気に入っていただければ幸いです。 But at the same time, we do have some very gritty and sincere – sometimes even tragic – moments because while there are some great things that have comes out of LYNX’s “Pave the way to the galaxy” program – there has been a lot of not great things that happened in its wake.

Very much like some of the inspirations we had for the HARDSPACE Universe as a whole with things like the Gilded Age and the “real world” Shipbreaking that takes place all over the world. Some pretty serious and gritty things that we try to pay respect to as best we can. There are many lenses to view the Hardspace Universe through, many of which will be there for you on Early Access launch day.

Q:Will there be any Warship’s which you could take apart?

A:No warships planned for launch, but they’re definitely in the long roster of possible ship types we have.