

RuneScape – 新規プレイヤー ガイド

RuneScape は初めてですか?このガイドでは、ゲームの基本、チュートリアルの後に何をすべきか、必要に応じてさらにヘルプを見つけることができる場所について知っておくべきことをすべて説明します.


RuneScape での移動は簡単です。移動したい場所をクリックするだけで、キャラクターがそこを走ります (または歩きます)。話したい NPC がいる場合は、クリックするだけで対話できます。同じことが、木のようなオブジェクトとのやり取りや、ゴブリンのようなモンスターとの戦闘の開始にも当てはまります。場合によっては、オブジェクトを右クリックして見つけることができる「調査」オプションなど、相互作用のための追加オプションがオブジェクトにある場合があります。

道を見つけるのに役立つように、インターフェースの右上にあるミニマップを使用できます。ミニマップには、近くの NPC (黄色の点)、他のプレイヤー (白い点)、ドロップされたアイテム (赤い点) など、キャラクターの周囲の領域が表示されます。ミニマップには、銀行、かまど、釣り場など、近くにある機能を示すさまざまなアイコンが表示されます。キャラクターを動かしたいものを見つけたら、そうすることができます。ミニマップ自体をクリックするだけです。

新しいエリアに移動すると、地面にあるロードストーンに出くわすことがあります。 Lodestone をクリックしてアクティブにすると、ミニマップの近くにある「H」アイコンをクリックすることで、Lodestone Network を使用してエリアに自由にテレポートできます。

町や都市を冒険していると、独自の冒険をしている他のプレイヤーに出くわします。挨拶しませんか?ゲーム内チャットはインターフェースの左下にあり、そこから近くにいた他のプレイヤーから送信されたすべてのメッセージを見ることができます.キーボードの Enter キーを押すと、周囲のプレイヤーに表示される独自のメッセージを送信できます。誰かと友達になったら、チャット メッセージの 1 つを右クリックして [追加] をクリックすると、その人を友達リストに追加できます。友達」。


キャラクターを作成してチュートリアルを完了すると、バーソープと呼ばれる場所で、ギリノールの世界の真ん中に放り込まれます。 Gielinor は最初は圧倒されるかもしれませんが、誰もが楽しめるものがあります。

優れたストーリーが好きなら、いくつかのクエストを通じて、世界の豊かな歴史と 6 つの時代を探索できます。ハックアンドスラッシュが好きなら、近くにウサギや牛がいて、殺してアイテムを手に入れることができます。いくつかのスキルを磨く準備ができている場合は、相互作用できる木や釣り場がいくつかあります.または、単に探索するのが好きなら、バーソープからファラドールの街に向かって冒険することもできます。


クエストについて話しましょう。クエストは Gielinor の歴史を理解するのに役立ち、一部のクエストでは、特定の種類の武器や防具、さらにはまったく新しいエリアなど、時にはユニークで強力な報酬へのアクセスが許可されます。ほとんどのクエストは完了すると経験値がもらえるので、スキルをレベルアップするための出発点として最適です。

コンパスの内側にある青い星のようなアイコンを探すと、マップ上でクエストを見つけることができます。世界地図上でそれらの上にカーソルを置くと、それらを開始するための要件を確認できます。画面の右下隅にあるメイン リボン インターフェイスのクエスト アイコンをクリックして、すべてのクエストのリストを開くこともできます。

ゲーム内のすべてのクエストは、難易度と長さによって分割されており、一部のクエストは他のクエストの前に時系列で行われます.モリタニアで吸血鬼に対処している場合でも、アードゥーニュで謎の疫病を調査している場合でも、さまざまなクエスト ストーリーを体験できます。

RuneScape を始めたばかりの方に最適なクエストをいくつかご紹介します:

  • Wolf Whistle – Taverly までの短い距離を移動し、ドルイドのグループを支援して召喚スキルを紹介します。
  • 血の契約 – ランブリッジのカタコンベでモンスターと戦い、RuneScape で戦闘について学びましょう。
  • クックの助手 – これは古典的な RuneScape クエストで、ランブリッジ城のシェフのために材料を集めます。短くて甘い報酬は、あなたの料理スキルの向上に役立ちます。
  • ガートルードの猫 – ガートルードが行方不明の猫、フラフスを見つけるのを手伝ってください。お返しに、毛むくじゃらの小さな友達を連れてきてください。
  • 1 つの鋭いメモ – 聖エルズペス修道院の修道女たちは、謎を解くためにあなたの助けを必要としています。
  • アシュデールを覆う影 – 美しいアシュデール島を探索し、戦闘スキルのレベルアップに役立つ経験値を獲得しましょう。
  • 私のものはあなたのもの – ドリックという名のドワーフを助けながら、採掘と鍛冶のスキルについて学びましょう。

最終的に、あなたはギエリノールで有名な冒険者になり、スキルが向上するにつれて、巨大な報酬が得られるいくつかのクエストを引き受けることができます.プレイ中に完了する必要がある主なクエストは次のとおりです。そのうちのいくつかは RuneScape メンバーシップが必要です:

  • ドラゴン スレイヤー – 強大なドラゴン エルヴァーグを倒すと、ルーン プレートボディを購入できるようになります。
  • 砂漠の宝物 – ハリディアン砂漠に隠された宝物を発見して、強力な古代魔法の呪文書を解き放ちましょう。
  • センティステンの神殿 – ディグサイトの下にある古い神殿を復元して、新しい「呪われた」祈りのセットにアクセスできるようにします。
  • 世界の目覚め – 伝説のギルドの近くにある遺跡に入り、Guthix 神の背後にある歴史と、Gielinor を永遠に変える出来事を発見してください。
  • 疫病の終焉 – 西アルドゥーニュの疫病を終わらせ、プリフディナス市へのアクセスを手に入れましょう。


スキルは RuneScape のほぼすべての場所で使用され、ゲームの世界でスキル アクションを実行すると、経験を積み、より多くのアイテムのロックを解除できます。それらはあなたのキャラクターの訓練可能な能力です。 Levelling certain skills, like Slayer, provide more places to explore, and more quests to do. Activities which train skills in RuneScape range anywhere from catching fish, to delving deep into the depths of dungeons.

During the tutorial, you learned about some of the basic skills in RuneScape – Fishing, Woodcutting, Firemaking, Cooking, Mining, and Smithing – but there are many more that you can level up. Free players have access to 17 skills, while being a member grants you access to all 28.

For players that are interested in combat, it will be important to not only consider improving your combat skills like Attack, Strength, and Defence, but also to improve “secondary” skills like Herblore and Summoning. These skills will help you in combat, as you can brew new potions to give you the edge over enemies, or summon familiars who can fight on your behalf.


Like most fantasy worlds, Gielinor is inhabited by a variety of creatures:some of them friendly, many of them not. From dungeon rats to dragons, killing these monsters provide valuable experience in combat, and the ability to sell their loot for money. Monsters each have their own combat level, as indicated by the number shown above their head when you hover over them. These vary from easy level 1 rats, to super hard level 60+ dragons and bosses.

You also have your own combat level, which is a general indicator of how well your stats compare to the monsters you want to fight. Your combat level increases through training Attack, Defence, Strength, Prayer, Summoning, Magic, and Ranged skills – usually by killing monsters with the respective skill items. Levelling up your combat level unlocks more armour for you to wear, and weapons for you to use, which can help you kill stronger monsters.

When you first jump into the world after the tutorial is finished, your character will be quite weak, and only able to wield basic weapons and armour, such as bronze gear. By killing weaker monsters such as cows, goblins, and chickens, you can slowly increase your levels and gain the ability to wear even higher tier gear. Soon, you’ll be ruling the world with a dragon longsword, or even a weapon as mythical as a godsword.

The main combat system in RuneScape revolves around “action bars” and is called Revolution. When you attack a monster, your character will automatically cycle through abilities on your action bar to deal damage, apply bleeds, and stun it. All abilities have a cooldown, and generate adrenaline. Adrenaline allows you to use higher tier abilities, known as “threshold” and “ultimate” abilities. They usually deal an epic amount of damage compared to the basic abilities, and can even deal damage to multiple enemies in the area. You’ll have access to a number of action bars that you can switch between depending on the combat style that you’re using or the situation that you’re in.

Each action bar can have a number of abilities on them, which you can activate manually using hotkeys on your keyboard if you like, but if you have Revolution enabled, the game will automatically cycle through them (indicated by a yellow border around the slots on the action bar that will be cycled through).

Some monsters have certain weaknesses that mean that certain weapons are more effective against them. For example, you may find that attacking a hellhound with “slash” weapons will do more damage to them than shooting at them with a crossbow.

A good way to level up your combat skills is to train Slayer. By speaking to a Slayer Master, you can be assigned a task to kill a specific number of a type of monster, which will not only grant Slayer experience but also experience in whatever combat skills you’re using along the way. Maximum efficiency!

While travelling around Gielinor, be careful of an area called the Wilderness. The Wilderness is a dangerous PvP-enabled area on the north side of the world, where if you die, all of your items drop to the ground for any other players to freely take. Of course, there is no risk without reward, so be aware that some of the best training methods for skills in the game may require you to venture into this dangerous area.

Earning Gold

Money or gold pieces (GP) is the main currency in RuneScape and used for purchasing and selling items in the game, so you’ll need to accumulate a lot of it to progress through the game. You can primarily earn money from quest rewards, selling monster drops, or selling items made through training skills.

Some simple methods for making your first big bucks in RuneScape can be found over on our Money Making Guide, however here are some tips to keep in mind while playing:

When monsters drop coins on the ground, you can see a rough visual indication of how many coins are in the stack. If there’s only a few coins on the ground, it won’t be worthwhile further into playing the game. If there’s a bigger stack, then the monster could have dropped thousands of coins, and you should definitely pick them up. After you train up your Dungeoneering skill, you can use a Gold accumulator to pick up monster dropped coins for you.

You can sell items gained while training your skills – such as logs from Woodcutting, fish from Fishing, and ores from Mining. Sometimes, it’ll be useful to keep some of these items to allow you to train up other skills. For example, logs could be used for Fletching, or burned to raise your Firemaking level. Always weigh up the value of an item with how useful it is to your progression in the game. If you were chopping Oak logs and you can already fletch/burn Yew logs, it’s probably worth selling the Oak logs instead of keeping them.

Keep an eye on your bank. At every point through your experience with RuneScape, your bank will slowly become full of junk that you’re hoarding from previous quests, monster fights, or skilling. In bulk quantities, a lot of these items can become valuable and give you an extra boost.

The primary way of buying and selling items in-game is using the Grand Exchange (GE), which is located north-west of Varrock. By interacting with one of the booths at the GE, you can create buy or sell offers for specific items, and see their current price. The price of an item on the GE is a good indicator of how much the item is actually worth. When you list an item on the GE, as soon as a buyer tries to buy that item for your price (or higher), your transaction will complete and you can collect the coins from the GE, or at any bank by right-clicking a bank booth and clicking ‘Collect’. If you try to buy an item on the GE, you’ll buy it as cheap as possible – no higher than the price you entered.

Trading directly with other players in the game couldn’t be easier. You can right-click another player and click ‘Trade’ to start a trade with them if you find a worthy buyer, but always check to see what the current price of an item is on the Grand Exchange first to ensure you’re getting the correct payment.


RuneScape is a free-to-play game, and a lot of the content in the game can be accessed without paying for a membership subscription. However, if you’re enjoying the game, paying for membership will allow you to access even more skills, monsters to kill, and areas in the game for you to explore. You’ll also get access to members-only worlds, and complex stories in the form of quests.

Membership costs a fixed amount of real-world money a month and can be purchased directly through Steam or on the RuneScape website. If you prefer, you can pay for membership using in-game money too, which’ll be possible as you grind through the later levels in the game. This requires purchasing bonds, which you can find on the Grand Exchange.

Staying Safe

While the RuneScape community is full of pleasant and helpful people, you may come across some less pleasant players during your time in Gielinor. Always be on the lookout for anything that looks like a scam or may be a phishing attempt on your account.

If anyone asks you for personal information, such as your login or personal details, you should not give them this information. You may also see messages with URLs in the chat box – be cautious when visiting these websites if you do not recognise the links, as they could be dangerous.

Often, scams happen when other players advertise services, in which you have to trade them gold or items. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. For example, a common scam that has existed for as long as RuneScape has existed is that players will propose to “double” your money, by first trading them your coins. This is always a scam, and they will simply disappear with your money.

To help keep Gielinor safe, you might come across Player Moderators. These are normal players in the game that have a silver crown in the chat box to distinguish them from other players. These players have the ability to mute others in the chat, and report them directly to Jagex. Rarely, you might come across Jagex Moderators, which are represented with a gold crown in chat instead. These are actual Jagex employees, the developers who make the game. If anyone without one of these crowns tells you that they are a moderator or have the ability to mute/ban you, they aren’t telling the truth.

Another type of scam, known as luring, happens in the Wilderness. If someone asks you to enter the Wilderness holding something that you aren’t willing to lose, don’t listen to them! They are trying to kill you inside of a PvP area so that they can take your items.

You can report any player by right-clicking their message in the chat box and clicking ‘Report’.

What Next?

So, you’ve been playing RuneScape for a little while now. You’re levelling up your skills, exploring the world, making friends, and doing quests. But what should you work towards next?

If you’ve been enjoying quests, one of the hardest quests in free-to-play is Dragon Slayer. It involves navigating your way to the abandoned island of Crandor, where the dragon Elvarg awaits you. This will be a challenge, so make sure you have a good combat level, strong weapons, and sturdy armour before giving it a go.

Speaking of armour, what type of equipment are you currently using? Rune equipment, made of runite ore, is some of the strongest early game melee armour available. You can either make this yourself (with high enough Mining and Smithing levels), or purchase it with your hard earned gold.

If you’re more of a skiller, you can try working towards accessing Guilds – special buildings across the world, which can only be accessed once you have enough experience in their relevant skill. They can provide a good space for training up certain skills through mid levels, and you may find other people training the same skill there too that can help you out! A guild you can access early on is the Cooks’ Guild at level 32 Cooking. It has cooking ranges, a windmill, and water sources nearby for you to cook to your heart’s content.

To help progress your skills faster, there are a number of boosts that can help you. For example, wearing certain equipment can increase your levels in certain skills, allowing you to access higher level content before you’ve reached the required level. Some boosts can provide extra experience, such as portable skilling stations which can be placed down by other players for anyone to use and provide an increase to the experience you get while skilling with them.

If you’re a sucker for being a completionist, completing achievements are a great way to explore what RuneScape has to offer, level up, and get some unique rewards in return. The Lumbridge achievements are a good start to see what achievements are all about – they come in Beginner, Easy, Medium, and Hard difficulties, so there’ll be something you can do whatever level you’re at. See if you can complete them all!

Want to take a break from the traditional skilling and killing of RuneScape? You can check out the various minigames and Distractions &Diversions (D&Ds) dotted around the map. A lot of these provide experience in several skills, cool rewards, and allow you to have some fun with friends. Minigames can usually be accessed as often as you like, while D&Ds are accessible on a schedule. Early on in the game, you may find it useful to take part in the Tears of Guthix (members-only) and Giant Oyster D&Ds for a chance to get some experience and potentially valuable items.

Lastly, the Stronghold of Security is a great place to train your combat early on, learn about keeping your account secure, and get some nice rewards along the way. The Stronghold is full of monsters that get stronger the deeper you go – make sure you’re well prepared with food and strong equipment before you enter.