

Beyond The Wire – Medic Class Basic Guide

チームだけでなくチーム全体で最高の衛生兵になるためのヒントやコツなど、衛生兵クラスをプレイするための基本的な戦略。ゲームで現在最高の医療関係者の 2 人によってまとめられました。衛生兵の遊び方を学びたいと思ったことがあるなら、これはあなたのためのガイドです。優れた衛生兵は勝利への鍵です...方法を学びましょう.


#1 – マイクを使用してください!

  • 誰かを獲得しようとしている場合は、負けたプレイヤーのグループにいる場合と同じように、あきらめないように伝えてください。 「ここのメディック、待ってください。あなたがたくさんいます。最初にこの男を捕まえます..次はあなたを捕まえます..」
  • 別のメディックと一緒にいる場合は、他のメディックに行くことができるように、あなたが誰に行くのかを彼らに知らせてください。両方ともおんぶできます。また、「私はこの男を手に入れた、あなたはあの男を手に入れた、など」と明確にしてください。
  • 蘇生が必要なプレイヤーのグループがいる場合は、最初に衛生兵を探して助けてもらいましょう。ポイントではなく、全員が効果的に戦闘できるようにすることです...誰かが衛生兵かどうか尋ねて、彼らを優先してください!
  • 蘇生中 – 助けている仲間に、どこをカバーするか、彼らが立ち上がった後にどこに移動するかを伝えます。つまり、「私が起きたら左の塹壕に戻ってください」または「私が起きたら」私があなたを癒し、あなたの仲間を起こしている間、あなたは私たちの前の隅をカバーします。」
  • 複数の衛生兵 (3 人以上) のグループにいる場合は、散らばってください!!! 1 つの手榴弾または大砲は、1 人だけでなく複数の衛生兵を無力化できます。
  • 蘇生をしようとしていて、近くにいる、またはすでに蘇生中の別のメディックに気付いた場合は、蘇生またはカバーを提供する新しい誰かを見つけてください..もう一度、1つの手榴弾または大砲は、1人のメディックまたはその地域のすべてのメディックを連れ出すことができます.. スマートにプレイしてください (マイクを使用してください)。
  • 包帯が切れて、復活できなくなったら?すぐにあきらめるか、残りの人生をライフルマンとしてプレイするかのいずれかで、医療キットがもうないことを他の人に知らせてください。


  • あなたはサポートであって、攻撃ではありません。包帯を残したまま死ぬと、周囲のすべての人に影響を与える可能性があります。
  • 誰も迎えに来ないかもしれませんが、大丈夫です。彼らがあなたを理解していない場合、人々に対してそれを保持しないでください.医療従事者として、私たちはその現実に対処しなければなりません.勝つためにプレーしている場合、私たちはこれを乗り越えることができます.
  • 自分の限界を知りましょう。自分が生き残ることがわかっている場合を除き、敵と交戦しないでください。敵に安全に到達する方法を見つけるまで、倒れたチームメイトを狙ってはいけません。
  • チーム プレーヤーであること。あなたは自分のためではなく、チームのためにそこにいます。何度も死ぬか、負の K/D を取得する可能性がありますが、それは問題ありません。
  • 蘇生と回復ポイントは私たちの K/D です。他のロールはキル カウントに重点を置いていますが、私たちはヒール カウントに重点を置いています。 20 キルを達成したメディックは記憶されていませんが、20 回の蘇生を達成したことで記憶されています。
  • 自分が攻撃を受けていても、コメディックに嫌がらせをしないでください。キックされた場合は、新しいチームを見つけて、そこに収まるようにしてください。特に自殺した場合はなおさらです。
  • Have fun:Medic is meant to be fun for people who want to handle action in a different way while also taking a step back from that sometimes and be a soldier to help fight the enemy.
  • Be supportive:help your fellow co medics and make sure you can both have a good experience.
  • Do not leave people outside of your squad to die. Everyone is a priority, not just the squad.


  • You sprint faster with your melee weapon out.
  • If you play up front you’ll most likely die before you can help. Always play a little distanced/back so when your squadmates go down you can charge up , get them back in the game and stay alive.
  • Kill the enemy before you revive. It’s one thing if it was a grenade or artillery but if you know the guy in front of you just died from a close-range shot/melle you will die with them if you don’t kill whoever downed them.
  • Reviving people in corners is risky for the very reason said above. If you have players near you tell them in voice to move up and cover you. You can revive fast, they revive slow. Remember that. Sometimes playing the slow-game is better than charging, especially in a trench.
  • Stamina is key, you need to be able to jump outta your position to revive and push back to a slightly safer position.. try to conserve it as much as possible.
  • If you’re in a hot area it’s usually easier to prone a few meters before the guy you’re trying to revive and sprint crawl (hold shift wile prone) up to them than prone once you’re on top of them (which is slow and provides an easy target for whoever just killed the guy you’re going for). Know your surroundings and communicate them to the person you’re going for (i.e. “once you’re revived move back or move into the ditch to your left).
  • Jump and prone transition will help you restore about half of your stamina by the time you hit the ground.
  • Corner reviving is best if you lay prone and revive the body that is furthest from you, use a downed teammates body to absorb bullets and mask some cover to the enemy doesn’t notice you are reviving. Heal the person afterwards as they will spawn in a situation where they most likely will engage the enemy.
  • To maintain a less crowded trench, always revive people from the outside in, never start reviving in the middle, you will have to jump over proned bodies and be jumped up, could creates a traffic jam.
  • Use jumping across trench tops and laps to continue your momentum, jumping does not cost as much stamina.
  • If a player is out in the open, the best chance you have of getting them is running either sporadically with jumps, or to run in a direction adjacent to the downed player, and then prone behind a tree and wait 1-20 seconds before the enemy gets bored.
  • Always be running, you can rest when you’re prone and reviving. The team needs you, there will always be someone that is down and always someone that needs you.
  • Use trench tops to move around if trenches are too crowded, if the enemy is too close, stay on the outside of the trench line, so that you’re not stuck in the middle between a bunch of soldiers.

Situational Awareness

  • While you’re reviving always be looking around for the enemy who just killed the guy you’re working on as well as in the direction of the enemy advance, you can stop reviving if needed to swap to your weapon.. in that case usually they’re close enough that you shouldn’t try to aim (right click) and just hip-fire it.. that one second delay can mean life or death.
  • Downed allies have a super-long death timer, use that.. take it slow, talk with other allies and make sure they know you’re going in and to cover or advance. You don’t need to revive them within 30 seconds of them being downed… play smart, play safe so you can get both of you back out alive and stay in the game.
  • If you’re reviving someone in gas:Make sure to tell them the first thing they need to do is put their gas mask on (by hitting ‘g’).. Otherwise they’ll just die two seconds after the revive! It’s not about farming revives, its about keeping your squad alive to secure objectives!
  • Sometimes the play might be having your team hold on while you revive at your spawn point + come back to try and get them.. if that’s the case make sure to let them know via voice/chat that they should hold on and you will be right back.
  • Bleeding and alive is less of a priority than downed. Your bandages are limited, there is no resupply so choose wisely. Someone who is alive and bleeding may be shouting for a bandage, but with people downed all around him he comes last on the list. If you heal a bleed, he can still be shot once and downed and now you are about to use a 2nd bandage for 1 revive. Most medics don’t have an incentive to bandage bleeds, some feel like its a good idea for certain roles (SL, Commander, Heavy MG) Make the decision yourself, notice the medics in your area will most likely not do it, so you either follow them or make the decision for yourself.

Playing for the team, or playing for your squad

Personally my philosophy with the 2 medic per squad system is that one medic will always be attached to the squad, the other medic can roam and assist where you are needed on the map. It is up to you to choose your play-style, but just note that you should always come back if your Squad Leader asks you to.

You are a medic first and a rifleman second. If you want to play as a combat medic, you are a rifleman first and a medic second. Know the difference, and know how that impacts the team. If you want to just pick medic to be able to heal yourself, use the bandages every time you bleed, I advise you put more thought into the role and its impact on the team. You are there to support your team with the special tools given, everyone has a rifle, everyone has 2 bandages. A medic however, has 12 bandages, and a 4 second revive time instead of 12 seconds… Just know what your main purpose is and don’t let the thrill of killing the enemy distract you from doing your job