

PewDiePie の Pixelings ビギナーズ ガイド:すばやくレベルアップしてバトルを制覇するためのヒント、チート、戦略

Outerminds Inc. は 2014 年からモバイル ゲーム業界で活躍しており、同社のアプリ ポートフォリオには現在 5 タイトルしか含まれていませんが、同社の過去および現在のアプリの累計ダウンロード数は 3,000 万以上に達しています。 PewDiePie の Tuber Simulator、Tadpole Tap、および PewDiePie:Legend of Brofist は現在 Outerminds Inc. のトップ ゲームであり、PewDiePie の Tuber Simulator は Google Play ストアだけで 1,000 万回以上ダウンロードされています。同社の各ゲームは、ほぼ完璧な平均ユーザー レビュー評価を獲得しており、今日まで人気が高まり続けています。

PewDiePie の Pixelings は、Outermind Inc. が iOS および Android プラットフォームでリリースした最新のモバイル ゲームです。過去 7 年ほど岩の下に隠れていたのでない限り、YouTube の有名人 PewDiePie は見知らぬ人ではないはずです。彼のスマートでグーフィーでエネルギッシュな行動は、ある種のビデオ ゲームをプレイすることを中心に展開しているため、PewDiePie が彼の名前と評判をどのようなゲームにも付けることを許可しないことが期待できます。

PewDiePide の Pixelings は、リリースからわずか 1 週間でダウンロード数が 10 万回を超え、いくつかの国でゲームのトップ 10 リスト内にランクインしたことで、チャートのトップのリストに留まる独自のユニークなゲームになることが期待できます。久しぶりのゲーム。病みつきになるコレクション要素がすべて見事な 2D ピクセル グラフィックに包まれた戦略的アドベンチャー RPG を楽しみたいなら、PewDiePie の Pixelings をぜひお試しください。

ほとんどのファンタジー アドベンチャーと同様に、PewDiePie の Pixelings は奇妙でかわいい Pixelings の本拠地である Pixelland への旅にあなたを連れて行きます。トラブルが住民だけでなく、ピクセルランドの存在そのものを危険にさらし始めたとき、あなたは土地を脅かす邪悪な侵略者を倒すための探求に出発しました.旅を進めていくと、戦闘に参加するたびに経験値が得られ、それがあなたとあなたのチームをより強くします。当然のことながら、より多くのピクセリングをグループに参加させることができ、報酬を通じてより多くのピクセリングのロックを解除できます. PewDiePie の Pixelings での戦いは、各チームの強さに影響される可能性がありますが、戦略とユニットのまとまりのある名簿との連携により、より強力な敵に対する勝利を確保できます。

PewDiePie の Pixelings は、すばやく簡単に理解できるチュートリアルを提供します。チームを戦闘に参加させる簡単なドラッグアンドドロップ方法で、開始するのに必要なすべてです。また、ダメージを与えることに関する基本的なタイプのユニットについても紹介します。この違いをよく理解するために多くの戦略が要約されるため、近接タイプと遠隔タイプの違いに注意してください。

このゲームは、ほとんどの戦略 RPG と比較して、実際には非常にシンプルで基本的なものです。ただし、特定のレベルで行き詰まっている場合や、レベルアップして戦闘に勝つためのより効率的な方法を探している場合は、PewDiePie の Pixelings 初心者向けガイドをお読みください。ゲームをすぐに開始するためのヒント、チート、戦略が満載です!


チュートリアルを完了すると、ほとんどの場合、5 ユニットの完全なチームを完成させるのに十分な数のピクセリングしかありませんが、すぐにそれらを組み合わせて一致させるのに十分な数になります.早い段階で重要なことは、コレクション内のそれぞれをよく見て、それぞれが戦闘で他のすべてのメンバーとどのように同期するかを判断することです.前線に 1 つ、後線に 2 つと、一度に 3 つしか展開できないことに注意することが重要です。これにより、近接戦闘員と遠距離戦闘員の健全な組み合わせを考慮する必要があります。

前線に配置された近接部隊はダメージを受けやすいため、部隊の種類の比率を有利に保つのが最善です。たとえば、3 つの近接ユニットと 2 つの遠隔ユニットのチームで開始できます。後で他のピクセリングを獲得するときにチームからどのメンバーを切り替えることにしたとしても、この比率を維持するために最善を尽くしてください。

ダメージの種類を超えて、名簿の各ピクセリングは特定のクラスに属しており、各クラスからチャージ スキルと統計についてのアイデアが得られる可能性が高くなります。ホーム画面のフレームの左上隅にあるキャラクター アイコンをタップすると、コレクションを呼び出すことができます。キャラクターを長押しして詳細を表示すると、右上にクラスが表示されます。同じクラスに属するキャラクターでも異なるチャージ能力を発揮する可能性があることに注意してください。

チームを編成する方法は、ゲーム内のクラスやチャージ アビリティと同じくらいたくさんあります。手始めに、前線用の戦車と、効果的にダメージを与える優れた暗殺者を用意してください。残りについては、ヒールとバフのサポート クラス、またはデバフの破壊工作員を自由に混ぜてください。チーム全体の能力を考慮して、チームに欠けているものを補う、またはサポートする呪文を選択する必要があります。たとえば、あなたのチームが健康回復部門で不足している場合は、回復呪文をそのままにしておきます。強力なダメージ ディーラーが 1 人しかいない場合は、対戦相手のランクを削るのに役立つ優れた呪文を維持することも重要です。


戦闘における各ピクセリングの一般的な有効性は、そのカードの左上隅に表示されているパワーによって決まります。パワーはユニットのレベルとランクの影響を受け、両方をアップグレードしてパワーを増加させることができます。レベルとランクの両方を確実に着実に増加させるためにリソースが継続的に必要とされるため、ユニットをパワーアップするためにリソースを費やすことを決定する前に、まずユニットについて十分に理解してください。 Given that you will most likely be having common units to begin with, you might as well wait to secure units of higher rarity before heavily investing into any Pixeling.

Each Pixeling you take with you in combat earns experience points that eventually lead to a level up. While this will generally suffice earlier in the game, expect that you will have to provide experience points for some of the units. There are fruits obtained through battles that can do just that but be sure to save it for when you are certain that you will be using that unit for a long time. With regard to levels, another point to consider is that each unit can only be levelled up as high as your account level so if you are at level 5, for example, keeping units at level 4 is the way to go as you would not want to cap on experience points and leave earnings from battles insignificant.

Upgrading a unit’s rank is a lot more challenging as you need extra copies of the unit on top of spending coins to be able to do so. While some common Pixelings can be won from quests and treasure chests, higher rarity ones are definitely harder to come by. In any case, feel free to rank up the Pixelings you use in combat but as far as spending coins or Bux at the store for copies of common units, you might as well save your currencies for rarer Pixelings.

For the best results, save your experience fruits for when you acquire rare Pixelings that need to catch up with the rest of your crew as far as level goes. If you acquire uncommon ones that look promising enough to be very useful in your team for a long time, feel free to invest on them as well. When it comes to ranking up units, extra copies of specific ones will not be of any use other than ranking those units up. What you need to be patient with, in this case, is how you spend your currencies to secure extra copies of harder to obtain Pixelings. To be safe, you may want to save you coins and Bux if you are only missing a few to rank up some a valuable Pixeling.

3. Switch Strategically In Combat

There actually is a bit of luck involved as you engage in battles through the campaign. With 5 Pixelings that make up your entire team against another team that holds as many members, your first pick of unit deployed is chosen from the initial 2 that is made available. These may not be the ones you are primarily rooting for especially if you only have one tank in the team and you would want him to be the first one to man the battle formation. Likewise, the same applies to the enemy team, making each battle on the same stage different in a sense.

While this mechanic may impact your performance in the early stages of combat, it should not be a reason for you to worry as you can swap units in and out of the battlefield and even in-between specific spots. Consider the tank in the front line taking damage from the entire enemy team especially in instances where all enemy units deal melee damage. You can switch him with another unit from the back row or even with a unit on standby.

The thing is, switching places among units in the field will not impact the bars that determine turns to attack while switching new units in from standby will leave their action bars empty. Considering this, be sure to time switching in and out immediately after the unit you wish to park has just finished attacking.

On a more advanced note, you can also consider the deployment of charge abilities whenever you switch characters in and out of the playing field. At this point, take note of the yellow diamonds under each unit’s HP as the indicator for when they will use their charge skills. Keeping track of their charge skill level, you can strategize around when you want each unit to use their special skills. This works well with buffs, heals, debuffs, and even high damage moves.

Considering everything, you can still win a lot of battles in the earlier stages without even utilizing strategies around switching between units. As stage completions have ratings, though, and securing a 3-star rating requires that all your units are kept alive, switching a lot and strategically will help you secure a perfect rating a lot easier. Do not stress as much if you cannot complete a stage with a perfect rating on your first attempt, especially the special purple-colored stages. In addition to the extra Bux you can earn based on the number of stars you acquired on each world, securing a perfect rating unlocks the instant win option for farming.

4. Expend All Stamina Before Leaving The Game

The in-game stamina is perhaps the strongest hindrance to your progress in PewDiePie’s Pixelings. With a small cap on it for starters and with instant wins costing 3 times as many stamina points, you will quickly run out of it especially if you do not reach an account level up. Given the value of in-game stamina, be sure to exercise patience in manually playing levels that you have already completed if you cannot push through with the next one. Subscribe to going for an instant win only if you do not have much time to play and especially if you have yet to secure the special reward in that stage.

You can always tap on the stamina bar at the top of the screen to determine how much time it takes for it to fully replenish. In general, you should take not of that before logging out of the game and be sure to come back and expend all of it again. In the event that you are close to reaching a new account level, you can cut off the waiting time shorter based on how much experience points are needed to level up and fully replenish the in-game stamina.

5. Accomplish Daily Quests For Extra Rewards

On top of the immediate rewards you earn from each battle you engage in, there are extra coins and account experience points to be earned from completing daily quests. Given that you would want to earn more experience points to level up your account, which in turn raises the level cap of your units and unlocks more slots for chests, accomplishing as many of the daily quests should form part of your daily routine.

For the most part, these quests all fall within what you would normally be doing in the game so be sure to visit the check icon at the upper right side of the home screen to see the available quests.

6. Watch Ads For A Variety Of Rewards

PewDiePie’s Pixelings actually contains a lot of ads but none of which will play without you choosing to do so. Considering everything, chances are that you would want more opportunities to play ads within the game given the numerous perks they provide.

For starters you should always tap on the boost button at the top of the home screen and watch a short video ad to double your coin earnings for the next 30 minutes. As you will need coins by the thousands to rank up your units, every opportunity to earn more coins should not be ignored.

With in-stamina being a necessity for you to be able to engage in battle and progress through the campaign, completely emptying it out for the first time within the day will give you an option to watch a video ad for it to be completely replenished. Be sure to always go for this even if you have very limited time to play as you can quickly deplete it on instant wins on stages you have completed with a perfect rating to farm extra coins and experience points.

Yet another very useful perk you can get from watching ads is when you line up a chest to be unlocked. Small chests take 4 hours to unlock and watching an ad can take down 4 hours of waiting time and opens the chest instantly. You can activate this once every 8 hours so be sure to take note of these cool down times. In the event that a chest will unlock in less than 3 hours or faster, you may want to reserve this perk for another fresh chest.

Last but not the least, you can unlock an additional quest after watching an ad. As quests earn you coins and experience points, be sure to go for this if you really want to progress faster in the game.

7. Check Offers For Free Bux

Bux are the premium currency in the game and are expectedly a lot more difficult to obtain through normal game play. At the shop, which is the last icon at the bottom of your screen, browse and check for the offers that offer different amounts of Bux. These offers may require you to answer surveys or install and play other mobile games and reach a certain milestone. Keep in mind that the more difficult to accomplish the offer is, the bigger the reward will be.

And that would be all for now, as far as our PewDiePie Pixelings beginner’s guide is concerned. We hope that the tips and strategies we shared in our guide has helped you understand the game’s basic mechanics more and that you enjoyed reading through it as well. If ever you have delved much into the game and have discovered some other helpful tips relative to the ones we already mentioned, feel free to share them with us!