


9Splay Entertainment は、2013 年以来、モバイル ゲーム業界、特に RPG ジャンルで活躍しています。同社の以前のゲームの多くは、韓国と一部の地域でのみリリースされましたが、ほとんどのゲームは好評を博しています. 9Splay は最近、Blades Tale で世界のモバイル ゲーム シーンに参入し、ユーザーからの好意的なレビューと成長し続けるユーザーベースを維持し続けており、同社は式神神話の形で別の RPG を世界的に解き放ちました。

式神神話は、すべて女性のキャラクター キャストをホストするユニークな戦略 RPG です。評価の高い日本のアニメやビデオ ゲームの声優によって描かれたユニークなアート スタイルとキャラクター ボイスが満載の式神神話は、ゲームのコンテンツの質と量に加えて、視覚的にも聴覚的にもファンを楽しませてくれます。経験豊富でベテランの RPG プレイヤーは、大まかに類似したゲームで見られる多くの通常のコンテンツをモバイル ゲーム市場にあふれていることに気付くかもしれませんが、式神神話は、完全に新しい多くのゲームプレイ メカニズムと追加機能を提供し、戦闘やミッションを超えてゲームプレイをさらに強化します。現在、ガチャ要素と多数のアップグレード オプションを備えた新鮮でおなじみの戦略 RPG を探している場合は、必ず式神神話を試してみてください!


自動戦闘と調整可能な戦闘速度を最初から利用できる式神神話は、ゲームで良いジャンプスタートを得るためにあなたをセットアップします.すべてを考慮すると、式神神話は手に取ってプレイするのが簡単なゲームですが、特定のレベルで行き詰まったり、アリーナで試合に負けたり、単にチームのレベルをさらに上げたい場合は、以下の式神神話の初心者向けガイドをお読みください。 、役立つヒント、チート、戦略が満載です!


式神神話には多数のゲーム モードと機能がありますが、それらの多くは最初はレベル要件の背後にロックされており、ゲームのストーリー モードの進行に従って最終的に満たすことになります。式神神話の主要なゲーム モードとして、またストーリー モードをホストする典型的な RPG として、それを進めるためにプッシュすると、レベルアップに必要な経験値を獲得できるだけでなく、常に強化して強化するために必要な最も基本的なリソース マテリアルを取得できます。キャラクターをアップグレードします。各ステージを完了することで得られるすべての報酬に加えて、一部の章ではコレクションに追加できる式神も報酬として与えられます。

式神神話のストーリーモードはチャプターに分かれており、各チャプターには9つのステージがあります。各ステージを戦い抜くと、最後に 1 ~ 3 つ星の評価が得られます。 3 つ星の評価を獲得することは当然のことですが、チームのアップグレードにまだリソースを費やしていない場合は特に、早い段階で圧倒される可能性があるという課題に気付くでしょう。いずれにせよ、各ステージ間の宝箱には豊富なリソースも含まれているため、3つ星の評価を達成できなくても、各ステージをクリアしてください.強くなったら、残りのステージでいつでも 3 つ星評価を確保することができます。

獲得した星の数に基づいて、ストーリー マップの下部にも請求できる追加の報酬があることに注意してください。チャプターごとに究極の報酬のロックを解除するには 27 スターの完璧な評価が必要ですが、比較的簡単に 3 つの宝箱のうち 2 つを確実に確保できます。さらに、評価が 3 つ星のステージをクリアすると、その後の実行で「スイープ」コマンドを使用して、追加料金なしでそのステージを即座に終了できます。


式神神話には基本的に 3 つのクラス タイプがあり、チーム内でこれらの役割を適切に組み合わせることは、参加する各戦闘に勝利してゲームを進めるために不可欠です。取得した各式神は、タンク、DPS、またはサポート キャラクターのいずれかになります。また、それらは物理的または魔法的である可能性があり、これらの攻撃タイプのバランスを考慮することで、すべてのタイプの敵に対して効率をサポートします.早い段階でチームのメンバーを選ぶ選択肢はほとんどないかもしれませんが、メイン ストーリーを進めてクリスタルを獲得し、イベントからチケットを召喚すると、すぐに十分な数のキャラクターから選択できるようになります。

あなたが RPG の完全な初心者である場合、各基本キャラクター クラスが何を表し、チームの生存と戦闘での勝利を確保するためにどのような役割を果たしているのかを知り、理解することが重要です。 First off are tanks that are essentially the heroes who take point in the formation. Tanks can take in a lot of damage as they tend to have higher amounts of HP and defense stats than other characters. DPS characters, on the other hand, are designed to prioritize the elimination of enemies. These characters have superb offensive skills as well as possess high attack attributes.

In contrast with tanks, though, DPS characters are typically frail and will more likely fall earlier in combat without any tanks or support units to protect them. Last, but not the least are support units that ensure the team’s survival through healing and defensive buffs. These units are essential in any party and should always be a consideration across all game modes. To determine the clas type of each shikigami in your roster, tap on the “Member” icon at the bottom of your screen, then tap on a shikigami and click the detail button.

Each hero you obtain in Shikigami Myth are also classified according to rarity and while higher rarity characters do have better stats and skills to start off, it should not be an automatic reason for them to be a part of your team. When it comes to forming a balanced team, primarily look into each role as well as the skills that each shikigami has. For starters, you should have a tank, a support, and 3 DPS characters in your team. While having less than 3 DPS heroes may work as well, keeping 3 of them will help you secure a star rating in the story mode that requires you to finish a stage within 60 seconds. If you find that you need more defensive characters, feel free to mix in an additional support character later on.

3. Keep Selected Heroes Upgraded

There are numerous enhancement and upgrade options available for you in Shikigami Myth and while you will continue to earn resources needed to perform each of these upgrade options, you will hardly have enough to maximize their consumption on all the shikigami you have. While progressing further in the game demands that you make your team stronger every step of the way, choosing to invest on selected characters for starters is the more efficient way to go.

Take note that while “R” stands for rare characters in most games, this actually represents the most common characters you can acquire in Shikigami Myth. As such, while some of them may prove useful on the initial stages of the game, do not heavily invest on them as you will soon obtain a number of “SR” or “SSR” ranked shikigami soon enough. You can initiate the basic enhancement options by tapping on the shikigami and then clicking on the upgrade button.

The most basic upgrade option is levelling your heroes up. While the team of shikigami you use in battle earn experience points and occasionally gain new levels after each battle, it will not be sufficient to keep up with the increasing demands of the succeeding stages. As such you will need to spend experience potions to have them catch up. Keep in mind that the maximum level each shikigami can obtain cannot exceed your account level so to ensure that you will not waste any resource, level them up just enough to be at the same level as your account is.

Each shikigami you obtain starts off with a white border around their portrait and essentially represents that they have the most basic quality. Ranking them up will change that color on top of boosting their overall stats. Ranking up has minimum level requirements on top of the stones you need to collect in order to initiate it. If you have the minimum level requirements to rank up a shikigami but needs a few more of the needed stones, you can simply tap on the needed resource to show you where the needed item can be obtained. Again, this makes securing 3-star ratings on chapter stages important as you can farm the needed materials a lot faster through sweeping previously beaten stages.

Attempting to summon more shikigami through the use of crystals or summoning tickets will not always net you new characters. In some cases, you will only receive shards of a shikigami or obtain a duplicate one that automatically becomes converted into extra shards. These extra shards are not a waste at all as these are needed to level up the star rating of the shikigami. This maybe the most challenging enhancement option in the game but also the most rewarding as ranking up a shikigami’s star level tremendously boosts her stats an unlocks an additional skill as well. In addition to consuming specific spirit shards of the shikigami you wish to star rank up, you can also use universal shards that can be obtained from various in-game events.

Each of your shikigami’s skills can also be upgraded based on her level. Doing so only consumes gold but is dependent on the number of ability points you have. Ability points are capped at 20 and once you consume them, they will begin restoring over time. As a basic strategy, be sure to prioritize skill upgrades based on your current needs. If your team needs more offensive strength then prioritize on your DPS heroes first and bank on the tank and support character’s skills when you need extra defense. You may want to constantly log in on the game to spend the ability points you have earned over time.

Each shikigami in the game comes pre-loaded with the necessary equipment. Each piece of gear they have, though, can be further strengthened to boost their stats and combat power. You can visit the equipment page by clicking on a shikigami on the member page and then tapping the equipment button. Under the upgrade tab, you can spend gold to level up each piece of equipment up to the level cap and once the cap is reached, you can rank up the equipment to increase the level cap. Ranking up the equipment will require various resources you can initially obtain from story chapters.

Again, securing a 3-star completion rating on the stages where you need to farm something will be easier with the sweep function. Like shikigamis themselves, each piece of their equipment also has star ranks that can be boosted using a different set of consumable resources through the awakening function. As this enhancement option is rather costly, you may want to be very selective when it comes to performing this enhancement and prioritize only on your most needed heroes.

As every enhancement option available to equipment impacts one particular stat, be sure to have a distinct priority based on the class of the shikigami whose gears you are upgrading. More concretely, enhance the weapon of your DPS characters first and likewise invest primarily in the armor of your support and tank.

A unique aspect in further enhancing your heroes is the sublimation feature of Shikigami Myth. You can access this via the emotion button on the member screen and you can boost a specific hero’s affection by offering her some items. Sublimation can be leveled up once you secure the necessary ingredients to initiate the process and once you earn enough sublimation points, you can unlock the shikigami’s talent and further boost her stats.

4. Unlock More Farming Locations Via The Elite Story Chapters

Once you reach chapter 3 of the story mode, you will be able to finally access the first chapter of its elite mode. Elite chapter stages have the same mechanics as the regular story mode stages but are a lot tougher to accomplish. In contrast, these stages offer better rewards that are not available in the regular chapter stages and some stages also offer spirit shards of specific heroes.

Additionally, while you can farm regular story chpters indefinitely, you can only complete each elite stage 3 times per day. As such, unlocking more of these stages early on will be beneficial for you as you will have earlier access to materials and shards you may need to enhance your heroes faster.

5. Participate In Various Daily Challenges

While initially locked behind minimum level requirements, you will naturally be able to unlock and partake in a variety of daily challenges in Shikigami Myth that offers plenty of rewards to further boost your growth and progress in the game. Each one of the challenge modes offer an important resource that you will constantly need which is why pushing to progress faster in the main story to earn experience points and reach new levels is important early on.

The first additional challenge mode you will unlock is the arena where you pit your team of shikigamis against another player’s team. While you may feel discourage initially to test your mettle in PvP, understand that everything here is exclusively in auto mode and more importantly, you can freely select whom you will challenge. As such, be sure to try your team first against an opponent that has a lower combat power. You should expend all 10 daily attempts to obtain as many honor gold coins as you can. Be sure to visit the arena shop to view a variety of goods that you can exchange your honor gold coins for.

While each of the new challenge modes you will soon unlock should all be participated in on a daily basis, be sure not to miss expending your daily attempts in the coin challenge, shard challenge, and the experience challenge as these offer the most basic necessities you will never have more than enough of. For starters, you may have an abundant supply of gold which is the basic currency in the game. As your heroes grow and their needs with them, you will soon find that your saved gold will soon diminish faster than you can replenish it.

6. Accomplish Daily Missions And Achievements

On top of the immediate rewards you receive from each battle you engage in as you progress in Shikigami Myth, there are more in store for you to claim following the accomplishment of daily missions and achievements. Daily missions pertain to immediate objectives you need to fulfill within the day while achievements signify milestones you reach as you continue to make progress within the game’s story of the numerous other activities available for you to partake in.

As both requirements in these quests form part of the usual activities you engage in as you normally play Shikigami Myth, you will naturally find that you have successfully cleared some of the targets without even knowing what they are. In any case, be sure to visit the quest icon at the upper left side of the screen to view objectives on both missions and achievements so you can focus more on completing the objectives you are close to reaching.

There are huge amounts of gold and some crystals up for grabs via the completion of objectives in both daily missions and achievements. While some targets under the achievements tab require a lot more time to complete, you should push to complete them as soon as you can if you want to progress faster in the game.

7. Take Advantage Of The Seven Days Limited Event

As soon as you dive into the world of Shikigami Myth, a time-limited 7-day event also initiates. This event holds a wide variety of rare and valuable resources as rewards for every objective you meet within the first 7 days of your play and progressing enough to complete 50 of these objectives will earn you an ultra rare shikigami which will be very difficult to obtain outside of the event.

If you really enjoyed the first few minutes of gameplay and want to push farther in terms of combat power and overall progress, meeting as many objectives laid out within the seven day event should be a priority. Keep in mind that all objectives listed in this time-limited event follows the activities you would normally engage in as you play the game.

In essence, viewing the list of targets via the Seven Days Event icon at the upper side of your screen serves as a checklist to guide you on what you must purse next. Keep in mind that you can still accomplish and secure rewards for tasks listed in day 1 even if it is your third or seventh day of playing the game. As such, if you have not been that active on a particular day within the 7-day period, you have several more days to make up for it.

8. Extra Stamina Is A Must To Push Farther Ahead

As a sort of delimiter to how much time you can spend on Shikigami Myth in one go, the game features a stamina system where most of the battles you engage in consume stamina. While it replenishes over time and completely refills each time you level up, it can easily be diminished if you partake in a lot of activities. As stamina is your key towards making progress, do not pass up on every opportunity to gain any extra amount of it. While you can always log off and wait for stamina to replenish later on, there will certainly be situations where you need more of it to reach a new level or perhaps to complete a particular task.

There are free stamina that you can claim via the tea time event that takes place in specific hours of the day. Be sure to take note of these times, as the free stamina will only be around for 2 hours before they expire. As even claiming all these free stamina may not be enough to satiate your needs to progress even faster in the game, do not hesitate to purchase more of it by spending crystals. While it is understood that crystals are premium currency that ought to be saved for 10x summons and other important resources, spending at least once per day on stamina is definitely a wise decision especially if doing so will net you a level up and an instant stamina refill.

9. Check Your Warehouse For Useful Items

While you may typically view the resources you need while on the members’ upgrade or equipment page to check which ones you need more copies of, there may be several consumable items in your inventory that is best used sooner than later. As a reward from events or achievements, you may receive a chest full of materials that can raise the affection level of your heroes. Additionally, you may also earn extra amounts of stamina that you can save for emergencies in your inventory.

Be sure to always check the warehouse icon at the bottom of your screen especially when there is an indicator on it. Items are classified under different tabs so feels free to browse through each of them. As you may have a preferred set of heroes to form part of your team early on, you may also chance upon extra shards of other shikigamis not in your party but would otherwise be a better option once you rank them up. Looking into the extra spirit shards you have collected may very much impact your subsequent decision on which shards to pursue.

There are certainly still a lot more to dive into as you venture deeper into the world of Shikigami Myth. For now, though, this is all we have for you as far as our Shikigami Myth beginner’s guide is concerned. We are fairly certain that the ideas and concepts we shared with you in this guide will basically apply to the other features and game modes that Shikigami Myth has in store for you. If you happen to know additional tips or tricks for the game, then be sure to drop us a line!