

東方 LostWord 初心者向けガイド:強力なチームを編成し、すべての課題を克服するためのヒント、コツ、戦略

『東方ロストワード』は、ゲーム『東方Project』シリーズのキュートでカラフルなキャラクターたちが登場するグッドスマイルカンパニーの新作ターン制ストラテジーRPGです。オリジナルのフランチャイズ シリーズは弾幕シューティング ゲームのジャンルに属していましたが、東方フランチャイズの人気により、他のメディアでさまざまな化身が生み出され、キャラクターのキャストを他のジャンルに持ち込むゲームの作成にさえつながりました.

しかし、東方 LostWord は、ターン制ストラテジー RPG のステージとして幻想郷の世界を生き生きとさせる、モバイルで初めて正式にライセンスされたゲームです。博麗霊夢、霧雨魔理沙、魂魄妖夢、その他の伝説的なキャラクターたちと一緒に、これまでに出会ったことのない冒険に出かけましょう。

東方フランチャイズの熱狂的なファンは、非常識な難易度のために人気を博している発射物で満たされたレベルとシューティングゲームのボスを見逃すかもしれませんが、東方 LostWord で愛されている各キャラクターの化身を高く評価することは間違いありません.

Touhou LostWord は、アニメや戦略 RPG の熱狂的なファンにとって、このゲームが提供するもの全体で見るべきものを確実に見つけるので、フランチャイズの常連客のためだけのものではありません。素晴らしいアートワーク、スタイリッシュなバックグラウンド ミュージック、素晴らしいボイス キャストを超えて、東方 Lostword のゲームプレイは、各キャラクターのシューティング ゲームの能力をターン制の RPG スキルに完璧に変換したものです。

『東方ロストワード』には独特の仕組みや要素がたくさんあり、特に完全な初心者にとっては一見すると圧倒されるように見えます。ただし、チュートリアル セッションでは、以前の課題を進めるために必要なすべての基本機能とメカニズムを非常に簡単に理解できます。

新しい機能やゲームモードのロックが解除されたときにポップアップするガイドウェルがあり、最も単純なものから複雑なものまで、東方 LostWord のコンテンツを段階的に理解することができます。さて、東方ロストワードに飛び込んでマンネリ化してしまった場合は、強力なチームを編成してゲーム内のすべての課題を克服するために必要なすべてが記載された東方ロストワード初心者向けガイドをお読みください!




開発者がどのゲームでもプレイ可能なキャラクターのバランスを取ることに熱心であるのと同様に、キャラクターをより適切に分類するレアリティ グレードが含まれていたとしても、一部のユニットが他のユニットよりも際立っていることは仕方のないことです。言うまでもなく、一部のユニットは最初は十分にうまくいきますが、冒険を進めるにつれて徐々に輝きを失います.一方、一部のヒーローは、最初は大部分と同等ではありませんが、ゲームの中盤または終盤に到達するにつれて徐々に輝き始めます.



Touhou LostWord でのリロールは、1 回の試行で数分しかかかりませんが、最初からどの友達とでも冒険全体を楽しむタイプの場合は、この部分を完全にスキップできます。それ以外の場合は、必ずゲスト アカウントでゲームを開始し、最高の開始プルを取得するまで、ゲームの進行状況をソーシャル メディア アカウントにリンクしないでください。

Touhou LostWord は、旅の開始時に選択できる一連のカードを提示し、他の選択肢の中からキャラクターを選択できます。数回のチュートリアル バトルの後、最初の 10 倍プルを実行するように導かれます。早い段階でフレンドを選択しなかった場合は、1 人のフレンドを獲得することが保証されます。

東方ロストワードの独自のティアリストはまだ作成していませんが、博麗霊夢、魂魄妖夢、レミリア・スカーレットがトップピックです. Touhou LostWord のウェルカム イベントの一環として、メールから博麗霊夢を入手できますが、すべての限界突破を完全に実行するには各キャラクターの複数のコピーが必要になるため、追加のコピーを購入することも役に立ちます。

上記の友達のいずれかを最初のキャラクターとして入手した場合は、アカウントをリンクして進行状況をバインドし、冒険を続けることを選択できます。それ以外の場合は、ゲームを終了し、デバイスの設定内からアプリ データを消去して、最初からやり直す必要があります。 iOS デバイスの場合、リロールを試みるたびにゲームをアンインストールして再インストールする必要があります。

または、最初の 10x プルの後、もう少し長くプレイして、追加の通貨を実行するためにより多くの通貨を取得することもできます。早い段階で実績やイベントからの報酬として大量のリソースが流入することは確かに期待できます。ただし、次の 2、3 回の 10x プルの後にリロールするには、さらに多くの忍耐と運が必要です。


Touhou LostWord には探索できる機能がたくさんありますが、ロックを解除するには進行マイルストーンが必要なものもあります。ゲームで自由に冒険する前に通過する必要がある簡単なチュートリアル セッションは、実際にはメイン ストーリーのプロローグの一部を形成し、いくつかのキャラクターの背景と、幻想郷とその人間と法界の住民の伝承を提供します。

もちろん、メイン ストーリー レベルは冒険の最も基本的な課題として機能し、メカニクスや友達のユニークなスキルや能力をよりよく理解することで、今後のより大きな課題に備えることができます。

ゲームのストーリーとすべての基本的なメカニズムをしっかりと把握するだけでなく、メイン ストーリーを進めることが、東方 LostWord の残りのコンテンツのロックを解除するための鍵となります。ゲームには、リソースを獲得して経験を積むことができる機能がたくさんあります。そのため、できるだけ早くすべてのロックを解除する必要があります。特に自動モードが利用可能になると、メイン ストーリーの最初の章とレベルを簡単に通過できます。

メインストーリーを進めながら戦うたびに、6 ユニットのチーム内のすべてのフレンドに経験値が付与されます。EXP を獲得する方法は他にもありますが、彼らをバトルに連れて行くのが最も効率的な方法です。トップユニットを強化およびアップグレードするために必要な最も基本的なリソースは、通常、ストーリーモードのステージからもドロップされるため、必要なほとんどのリソースの最初のソースになります.少しずつ進行することで、目標やイベントの目的を達成することもできるため、新しいストーリー ステージを征服するたびに、多くの追加報酬を獲得できる可能性があります。

ストーリー モードからも星の評価が得られます。全体的なパフォーマンスには、主にチームの何人のメンバーが戦闘の終わりまで到達したかが含まれます。 Although some missions and accomplishments require that you secure a 3-star rating, you can proceed to the next stage even with 0 stars acquired. If such is the case, though, then chances are you will perform as poorly on the next stage, making it reasonable enough for you to take on other game modes and challenges.

There are recommended levels and strategies for each battle stage to take note of. As much as the starting levels will prove too easy for your team, you will quickly enough discover how much challenging latter levels can be, especially if you do not pay attention to strategy or need to work more on your team’s composition and synergy.

3. Assemble A Balanced Team

It’s no argument that a huge chunk of a strategy RPG’s fun factor often relates to its cast of characters. Most especially in the case of Touhou LostWord, where the cast of characters have already been hugely popular, many players familiar with the franchise would revel in the idea of mixing and matching their favorite characters to form their own sets of perfect teams.

While it can be immensely fun to build teams around the idea of mixing together characters that you like, efficiency dictates employing a more objective approach towards building your 6-character team. Even in the absence of a complete tier list as a guide, there are plenty of ways for players to build up a cohesive and synergistic team to take on challenges in general. Relative to tier lists, in addition, simply lumping together the characters deemed to be at the top tier will not necessarily lead to a balanced, efficiently functioning team.

Beyond each friend’s unique set of stats and abilities, each unit can be categorized in 2 ways, both of which are important to consider. The first category deals with each unit’s specific roles and there are 8 different roles available. These are ATK, Yin DEF, Yang DEF, DEST, HEAL, SPD, SUPP, and TEC. Despite hardly exhibiting noticeable variances in the characters’ individual stats, their unique abilities more or less fall within these categories.

Another point of consideration relates to the elemental affinities that each friend in Touhou LostWord belongs to. There are 8 distinct elements that largely work within the usual rock-paper-scissors mechanic of giving a bit of advantage when it comes to dealing and receiving damage. These elements are Sun, Moon, Fire, Water, Wood, Metal, Earth, and Star.

While the majority of characters in Touhou LostWord only exhibit 1 element, it is common to have friends that have multiple elemental affinities. Relative to both roles and elemental affinities, it is important to consider having a decent mix of roles and elemental affinities on your main team.

As we mentioned earlier, you can certainly stride across all of the early levels but will soon be faced with trying challenges that require strategy more than sheer power. Be sure to get used to peeking into the strategy tab of the pre-battle screen as you may want to make adjustments to your team’s roster based on what is recommended to be advantageous for the coming battle.

4. Enhance And Upgrade Friends Sparingly

Obtaining the best friends to get from prayers, given the random elements of pulling them successfully, leaves a deep sigh of satisfaction for every player. Having one of the many characters you want to recruit is a joyous moment already on its own but then you would naturally want a full squad of units in accordance to your concept of what your dream team ought to be comprised of.

Obtaining the friends you want is just part of the challenge to building your dream team, though, as each one has to undergo various enhancement and upgrade methods for their full potentials to be unlocked and realized.

Touhou LostWord certainly does not fall short when it comes to providing means to empower each friend in your collection. To start off, the most basic way to raise each friend’s stats is to level them up, which can primarily be gained by bringing them to battle. Even back row units who do not participate in the battle earn as many experience points, which means that you can carry newer, low level units to boost their growth. Once you unlock the school, you can train units passively to have them earn experience points idly.

Almost every battle you engage in earns you bits of resources you need to boost each friend’s individual stats. Under the enhance tab of the friends menu, which you can access via its icon from the lower side of your screen, you can consume items individually or simply hit the max button beside each stat attribute and click on the enhance button to raise your friend’s stats. The limitation to this is the character’s level but it will take a lot of resources just to max out enhancements for one unit.

Upgrading a character raises her rank and unlocks passive abilities and skills alternatingly with each upgrade. Upgrading requires the same materials but are needed in bulk. You need to taop on the “+” icon on the material portrait to add the items you need before clicking on the upgrade button. This will also consume coins, which is a basic but much needed currency in Touhou LostWord.

Be sure to have plenty of spare coins for other needs before expending it all on friend upgrades. You can expect as well that both material and currency requirements increase as the upgrade level rises.

Going for a 10x pull through prayer always comes with some high level of excitement. For one, you would want to obtain 1 character with every pull, although it does not always end that way. Having a different character to join your growing collection leads to more friends you can mix and match to arrive at a different team roster. This also means that you have more units you can send to errands to claim idle rewards.

For some reason, however, Touhou LostWord makes it important for you to obtain duplicate copies of the heroes you own. This is because duplicates are required for you to limit break each character. Limit breaking a character costs a lot of coins in addition to the duplicate card you need to initiate the upgrade.

Characters start off with a maximum level of 70 and limit breaking increases the level cap by 10. There is also a level requirement the unit needs to meet before they can limit break. In addition to increasing the level cap and raising stats tremendously, each limit break unlocks an additional spell for your character. Note that paper dolls can be used as a substitute for the friend’s copy for limit breaking. These are very rare items usually obtained through special events.

Each unit you recruit starts off with a grade of 1 star and this can be raised through the awaken feature. Awakening is perhaps even more challenging to pull that a limit break as you need tokens to do so and they are not easy to acquire. Beyond the huge stat increase, awakening raises the cost of the unit and increases the level of the unit’s spell card.

If you are wondering early on about the story cards that you collect from the prayers, along with friends, these cards are equipped on each unit. Every unit starts off being able to equip 2 cards but limit breaking them unlocks the additional spell slots. Clicking on the “suggested cards” button at the lower right side of the equip page makes it quick and convenient, but it is best to manually select the cards for your characters to build them in accordance to your preferences.

The story cards themselves can be enhanced and subjected to a limit break. As story cards provide additional stat boosts on their own, these stats can be increased with each enhancement on the card. Enhancement requires tiles and coins as well and have a limit. Limit breaking, which requires coins as well as duplicate copies of the cards, will increase the max enhancement cap of the story card. Once a card has reached limit break 4, a new passive boost will be unlocked for the card.

Considering all of these enhancement and upgrade options for each character, in tandem with the rate at which you can recruit additional friends, there is a constant inkling to upgrade each one you have. Given the amount of resources you need just for 1 unit, you will have a huge challenge ahead of you just to fully upgrade 1 unit and as you unlock new characters, it may happen that new favorites can lead to new investments, potentially wasting resources already invested in the benched units.

In this sense, it is best to enforce prudence with every resource invested in each character. Prioritize units and heavily invest in ones you are certain will always remain useful to you until the end game.

5. Take On Daily Quests And Event Quests

Tapping on the explore button at the lower right side of the main screen is your gateway towards numerous quests within the world of Touhou LostWord and the main quests are just a part of them. Once you have hit a roadblock in the story quests and find it impossible to progress further, it should be time to delve into both the daily quests and event quests.

The daily quests basically shuffle across 3 different types of battles that earn you specific rewards like books, tiles, and scrolls, with each area unlocked only on specific days of the week. You only have 3 attempts per area each day and you can take on different degrees of difficulty that offer different amounts of rewards. What’s good about this is that you do not necessarily have to take on the first stage before unlocking and taking on the next one so be sure to expend your precious attempts on the levels you can clear with your team.

Events are typically available for a limited period of time and there is a chance that the available event by the time you read this is different from what we have gone through. Event stages work very much like main story stages but offer unique currencies you can exchange for a variety of valuable resources. Just like the main story, there are different difficulty levels to conquer in the events and every bit of progress you make earns you additional rewards from the tasks feature.

For the current event which is the “Phantom Human Maid for a Day”, be wary of expending the special currency on the lottery. You should aim for the most expensive items in the exchange, the top 2 being a paper doll, which you can substitute as an ingredient for a limit break, and a card that guarantees a friend off of the prayer feature.

6. Invest In Services And Take On Errands

Touhou LostWord is a type of strategy RPG that is very free-to-play friendly and largely correlates your growth and progression with how much active time you spend on it. Engaging in main story battles along with daily and event battles can certainly earn you plenty of the resources you need to consistently power up your units. Touhou LostWord, however, still provides plenty of avenues for you to progress idly, ensuring that even players who do not have a lot of spare time can still make decent amounts of progression in their adventures.

The source of idle rewards in Touhou LostWord basically falls within 2 features. These are the services, which you can access through its icon at the bottom of the main screen, and errands through the button at the right side. The shrine and the offering box are available from the start and both constantly produce spirit power and coins over time, respectively.

You can upgrade each of these services using coins to increase the maximum amount they can hold and produce over time. Depending on your needs, which is probably more coins, invest as much as you can ensuring to save a bit for other emergency needs.

The school is where you can leave 2 of your friends to earn experience points over time. You need to put in food items for them to continue to earn experience points and although you only start off with 2 slots, additional ones can be unlocked using seal crystals. The dojo works very much like the scholl, except it increases the level of the character’s skill.

You need to use books for your friends to earn EXP for their chosen skill and using a book with a type that matches the unit’s type grants a 50% extra EXP. Just like the school as well, you can add more slots to the dojo by spending seal crystals.

Another simple and easy way to earn loads of resources is to send your friends out to do errands. Each day, there are numerous errands available for you to pursue. There are daily errands that refresh each day and then there are limited errands only available on specific times of the day. Both sets of errands offer numerous types of resources as rewards, can have up to 6 units to run them, and have level requirements as well as completion times.

Whatever resources you need the most, it is best to always take not of the errand completion times so you can collect the earned resources and send your friends out once again. Of course, you should save the 6-hour errands for when you are going to take a long break from the game. This is one of Touhou LostWord’s feature that would make you want to recruit as many friends as possible. The more people you send out for errands, the more resources you can earn.

Note that characters you send out for errands or deploy to either the dojo or school can still be used in all battles. The only limitation is that duplicate copies cannot be sent on any errand.

7. Expend As Much Energy As You Can

Having an energy system in any game sets the impression of it as a delimiting factor to how much time you can spend on your adventures in one go. For almost all instances of it, there will hardly be enough in-game stamina and players find themselves wanting more action after about an hour or less of gameplay.

Touhou LostWord does have a similar system in the form of spirit power, which is consumed with errands and battles you engage in. The unique part, however, is that you will have an overabundant supply of it, making it a pretty big challenge to expend you stocked up spirit power in a day. Of course, there is a lot of farming and grinding involved as you need vast amounts of resources to consistently enhance and upgrade your friends as well as their equipped story cards.

Although you can practically just farm blindly across both story stages and event stages, you can always refer to what your units specifically need to ensure that each battle is aimed towards a specific goal. EXP is always an important gain from battle so higher level stages will give you more of it.

Relative to the limited events, clearing some stages the first time should not be the end of it. Each day, there are random stages across different difficulty levels that can earn you 9x rewards for battling through them. Be sure to consider these stages as among your priorities especially if you have limited time for adventuring.

Some tasks related to these events also have objectives relating to stages you have already completed and are available only within the day. Accomplishing these feats will earn you additional event currencies that are important especially if there are still items in the exchange you long to have.

8. Align Activities With Completion Of Tasks

If you have already played a bit of Touhou LostWord at this point in time, then you should already know that the game does not fall short when it comes to letting you earn resources you need with every battle you engage in. The actual rewards you earn from each endeavor, along with the idle rewards from the services and errands features can be a huge boost towards strengthening your characters but then there is also a task system that grants you even more rewards for feats relative to your progression in your journey.

For the most part, the “tasks” button at the bottom of the main screen will almost always have an indicator on it, telling you of rewards awaiting to be claimed. There are daily tasks, weekly tasks, main tasks, sub tasks, and even event tasks. Each tab contains a long list of objectives you can accomplish and each one pays you off with handsome rewards as well.

The daily tasks are the easiest bunch of objectives you can clear and these tasks should form part of your daily routine early on. Weekly task objectives should be naturally cleared within a week especially if you engage in the usual activities you should pursue on a daily basis. Main quests are comparable to achievements in most other games, serving as your milestones across various aspects of progression in your adventure.

Some of these feats may take a while to accomplish but it is because some feats simply require a lot more time for you to even reach. Sub tasks are much like the main ones but do not necessarily progress in a more linear method. These are usually tasks you can accomplish at your own pace.

Due to the limited period of time associated with event quests, it is often best to prioritize them as far as tasks go as limited events often have much better rewards than regular quests. Some of these event tasks are only available for a day and additional tasks will only reveal themselves once you have completed the current ones. In any case these tasks should be easy enough if you play actively.

Considering each and every quest objective available, it is always best to browse through all of these lists and have them serve as your guide towards accomplishing the ones that are easier to do so and take note of those feats where you seem to lag behind in.

There are certainly a lot more we expect to be added to the already huge and remarkable world within Touhou LostWord, especially considering that the roster of friends in the Japanese version is much larger than the global one. We no longer delved much into the auto mode function, but be sure to consider mastering battles on manual mode as you will certainly perform much better with strategic freedom by your side.

That’s about all we have for you as far as our Touhou LostWord tips, tricks and strategies are concerned. We certainly hope that you learned a great deal from our collection of tips we shared in this article. If you happen to spend an awful lot of time immersing yourself in its world and uncovered something beyond what we have already shared, do not hesitate to tell us about it in the comments!