

ドリーム カフェ ガイド:夢のレストランを作るためのヒント、コツ、戦略

マリアは父親のレストランを再建するために多大な努力をする準備ができています。彼女の夢を実現できるかどうかはあなた次第です。 Dream Cafe は iPocket のマッチ 3 パズル ゲームで、途中の障害を乗り越えながら、マリアが父親のレストランを立ち上げて拡張するのを手伝います。楽しいキャラクターと興味深いストーリー ラインで、このモバイル ゲームは何時間もプレイし続けることができます。

他のマッチ 3 リノベーション ゲームと同様に、コインとスターを獲得するには、材料を一致させてレベルをクリアする必要があるため、レストランの現在の状態をアップグレードできます。各レベルを完了すると、星が 1 つ与えられます。毎日、やるべきことリストがあり、獲得した星を使ってレストランを模様替えするために必要なすべてのタスクが示されます。改装またはアップグレードごとに、必要な星の数は異なります。できる限り遊んで、星を使ってレストランを適切に変身させる必要があります。より多くのレベルをプレイして星を獲得すればするほど、より多くのレストランを開くことができます。

マッチ 3 ゲームはたくさんあり、どれをプレイするか迷ってしまいます。しかし、レストランやリノベーション/変身タイプのゲームとカジュアルなパズルの側面に興味がある場合は、Dream Cafe を試してみる価値があります。このゲームであなたを助けるために、ヒント、チート、戦略を読んで、マリアと彼女の父親がすぐにビジネスを再建するのを手伝ってください.


困難な状況に陥り、試合に勝てないように見える場合、ブースターはそのレベルをクリアするのに役立つものです。ゲームには、特定の方法でマッチを作成することで作成できるさまざまなブースターがあり、それぞれがボードに独自の効果をもたらします。これらのブースターは、タップするか、別のピースに切り替えることでトリガーできます。 2 つのブースターを一緒に切り替えても、特別な効果は発生しません。

4つの材料を合わせると、ダイナマイトの棒ができあがります。水平または垂直のいずれかです。 4 人でマッチしている限り、ダイナマイトのスティックが表示されます。ダイナマイトのスティックをアクティブにすると、ダイナマイトの真上と真下にあるピースとその横にあるピースが削除されます。十字に合計 4 個のピース​​を削除します。

横または縦、さらには L または T の形で 5 つのマッチを作成すると、ダイヤモンドの形で周囲のすべてのタイルをクリアする爆弾が得られます。 5つの材料が一致する限り、爆弾が作られます。ダイナマイト バンドルは、6 つの材料を任意の方法で組み合わせて作成されます。起動すると、爆弾に似ているがより大きな菱形の爆発が発生します。

ミサイルは、7 つの材料を一致させると作成されます。このブースターは、7 つのピースを組み合わせて使用​​できることは非常にまれであるため、作成が非常に困難です。自分で作成するよりも、カスケード マッチを通じて偶然に作成する可能性が高くなります。ただし注意してください。見落としがあり、ミサイルの代わりに爆弾やダイナマイト バンドルを作成することもあります。ミサイルをトリガーすると、巨大な爆発が発生し、爆弾やダイナマイトの束よりもはるかに大きな半径で成分が除去されます.

ゲームには、上記のすべてのブースターをアクティブにすることで充電される特別なブースターがあり、レインボー ジェムと呼ばれます。レインボー ジェムには、画面の左側にゲージがあり、ブースターを使用するたびにゆっくりといっぱいになります。爆発が大きいほど、ゲージがチャージされます。いっぱいになると、虹の宝石がボードの任意の場所にランダムに着地します。

The rainbow gem’s effect is that it removes all ingredients of the same kind with whatever you swap it with. For example, if you swap it with an apple, all apples are removed. Another effect is when you swap two rainbow gems together, all pieces on the board will be removed. Swapping a rainbow gem with another booster has no effect and will only trigger the effect of the booster you swapped it with.

2. Focus On The Task

As you start a level, the game shows you what task you must do in order to complete it. Each level has a different task and only gets more challenging as you progress. You’ll encounter different kinds of challenges and obstacles which can be difficult. Most levels require you to collect ingredients or items, while others require you to get rid of obstacles like destroy boxes or remove chains. It can even be both at the same time. What’s important is to make sure you know what you need to do in a level before you start making matches.

Some levels require you to do a specific task with some added distractions. You may see boxes around and might think you’ll need to destroy them too. But they’re simply just obstacles, and you don’t need to destroy every single one. Each level will be different, and playing for long hours may cloud your thinking. Always look at the requirements needed for the level that can be seen at the left side of the screen and focus on that.

3. Plan Your Moves

Before immediately matching the first three ingredients your eyes lay on, sit back and think of what the effect of your moves might do and what the task might be. You need to have a plan for each level, but you don’t really need to spend an hour for it. Just look at your mobile screen for a good minute and think what might be the best way to remove this chain, or the fastest way to make the beer go down, or plan for possible booster combinations. You can pause after each move you make and look at the board closely for the next move.

There will be times though that you can’t seem to make a match. The best thing to do in this situation is to take advantage of the game hint. If you stay idle for a few seconds, the game will show you a matching opportunity. Now, this is what the game thinks is the best match to make. However, you shouldn’t always rely on this because there might be better matches that are more helpful to the current task you have.

While planning your moves, you should also consider the number of moves you have. You might be thinking of making matches endlessly, but unfortunately, moves in this game are limited. You might be too focused on the task and not think about the moves left, so always keep an eye out for your remaining moves. Having moves left also gives you additional coins as a reward for completing a level.

4. Know When To Use Pre-Level And In-Level Boosters

Aside from the boosters you can make through combinations, there are also pre-level boosters and in-level boosters. Pre level boosters are those that you can choose before starting a level. In-level boosters are only available in the game level itself. These boosters can significantly heighten your chances of completing a level and most of the time help you when you find yourself in a tough spot.

There are three pre-level boosters you can choose from:the bomb, the rainbow gem, and a combination of the dynamite bundle and the rainbow gem. One of each booster is given to you initially, and you get a free try the first time it’s given to you. You can get more of these boosters as a reward by doing all of the tasks in your to-do list. You can also get them through events and watching ads. With in-level boosters, there are only two types:a hammer and a thick hammer. The hammer removes a single tile, while the thick hammer makes an explosion that removes more ingredients. Using in-level boosters won’t cost a move.

When it comes to using pre-level boosters, don’t use them rashly. Only use them as a last resort when you’re stuck on a level and can’t seem to move on no matter what you do. Pre-level boosters are hard to come by, so you need to use them when you feel there’s no other way to complete a level. Using the rainbow gem on levels where you need to collect an ingredient is very efficient because you can easily reach your goal with the help of this booster. The other boosters which are explosives are helpful in levels where you need to break things or bring things at the bottom of the screen.

Difficult levels in the game are easily identified before you start a level by the red-colored pre-level screen. You should only use pre-level boosters on these levels. In-level boosters on the other hand should only be used when you’re about to complete a level but you just don’t have enough moves left. These hammers come in handy at the times you need that one last ingredient or you need to get rid of one last thing on the board.

5. Only Use Your Coins When Necessary

When you complete a level, you’re rewarded with coins and stars. Stars are used to renovate and other tasks related to the restaurant. Coins are used for earning extra moves on a level, buying boosters, and replacing already remodeled items/areas. Having moves left and unused boosters on the game board adds to the coin rewards you get per level. Free coins are also given to you if you connect your Facebook account to the game. Completing the to-do list for the day also rewards you with coins along with boosters.

An interesting feature in this game is collecting profits, meaning more coins. Since you’re helping run a restaurant business, it just makes sense that you have profits. You can collect profits every several minutes. The more restaurants you have, the more your profits will increase. Progressing in the game earns you more stars which helps you unlock more restaurants and earn more profits.

While there are lots of ways to earn coins, you don’t really earn much unless you’re extremely lucky. Buying additional moves when you run out costs 900 coins. The most you can earn in a level is less than a hundred. Only buy additional moves when you only need that one last move left. There’s no point in buying five additional moves for 900 coins and you don’t get to complete the level. Not only did you waste your coins, you also lost a life.

6. Watch Ads For Bonuses

Like with any free-to-play games, in Dream Cafe, you’ll encounter a lot of ads that you can watch voluntarily and involuntarily. Regarding the former, watching them gives you bonus rewards. After completing a level, you’ll be asked if you want to watch an ad so you can double the coins you get. You should take advantage of this opportunity as it isn’t always there. It’s the same thing for getting additional boosters through ads. They appear in the pre-level screen where you can just tap on it, watch an ad, and get a free booster. The game also gives you additional moves before starting a level by watching an ad. This option also appears before starting a level. These bonus opportunities aren’t always there, so you should grab it while there’s a chance. There’s no harm in watching a few seconds of ads for additional bonuses that can benefit your game progress.

With that last tip, we’re at the end of our Dream Cafe guide. Remember and follow the tips listed above and you’ll surely help Maria make the restaurant of her dreams. If you have any additional tips and tricks for this game, don’t hesitate to let us know in the comment section below!