

Massive Warfare:Aftermath ガイド:敵を倒すためのヒント、チート、戦略

スマートフォンで利用できるマルチプレイヤー ビークル シューターの海の中で、Massive Warfare:Aftermath はプレイヤーに独自の長所と短所のセットを持つツリー ビークル クラスの 1 つを提供することで差別化を図っています。戦車やチョッパーだけに限定するのではなく、戦車、ヘリコプター、そして興味深いことにホバークラフトの中から選ぶことができます。他の多くのシューティングゲームでホバークラフトが使用されているのを見たことがありませんでした。この水陸両用車が含まれていることを本当に気に入っていると言わざるを得ません.

そうです、Massive Warfare:Aftermath では、他のプレイヤーとの戦いに入る前に、さまざまな車両の制御に関する必要な知識や、戦争マシンをアップグレードするために必要なリソースを提供するシングル プレイヤー キャンペーンをプレイするオプションなしで、マルチプレイヤー マッチにのみ着手できます。 .これをゲームの欠点と見なす人もいるかもしれませんが、Massive Warfare:Aftermath がシンプルで爆発的なマルチプレイヤー バトルを提供するという事実が気に入っています。これは、ゲームがこれらのオンライン バトルを可能な限り優れたものにするという 1 つの目標に焦点を合わせていることを意味するからです。

これは、最初のオンライン マッチを開始するとすぐに表示されます。 3 種類の車輌はすべて競争力があり、それぞれを使用して他のプレイヤーを圧倒できることがすぐにわかります。各車両には独自のマイナス面がありますが、利点を最大限に活用すると、それらのマイナス面はそれほど重要ではなくなります。たとえば、戦車は速度が遅いため厄介な場合がありますが、建物の迷路の間に車両を保持し、常に他のプレイヤーを避けようとし、1 人の敵をロックして遠くから発砲するような方法で使用すると、タンクはかなり遅いものですが、適切な殺人マシンになる可能性があります.

すでに述べたように、ゲームにはマルチプレイヤー ゲーム モードのみが付属しており、同盟に参加するまでは、デスマッチ (全員無料) モードと、時々表示される特別なゲーム モードに限定されます。それぞれが他の人を殺す以上の特別な目標を持っているので、これらは興味深いものです.たとえば、現在アクティブなピニャータは、マップ全体に散らばっている金を集めると同時に、他のプレイヤーを殺して自分自身が破壊されるのを避けるようにプレイヤーに求めます。これらの特別なイベントは、この種の必要最小限のマルチプレイヤー タイトルに必要な多様性をゲームにもたらします。

現在、Massive Warfare:Aftermath には約半ダースのマップが付属しており、それらのほとんどは似ていますが、ほとんどのマップとは異なる戦術を好む完全に異なる戦場がいくつかあります。ほとんどの試合では、多くの建物の間に留まり(ほとんどのマップは、多くの建物、トンネル、狭い通路がある都市の迷路として設計されています)、撃たれるのを避けようとしますが、ほとんど完全に建物がなく、有利なマップがいくつかあります。プレイヤーが他のプレイヤーから隠れるのにかなり苦労しているオープン環境戦争。

ビジュアルに関して言えば、Massive Warfare:Aftermath はベスト ルック ゲーム アワードを受賞しませんが、魅力的でないビジュアルのためにゲームをスキップしないほどきれいに見えます。また、Snapdragon 835 を搭載したテスト デバイスでも非常にうまく機能します。スタッタリングがゼロでフレームレートが低いということは、マルチプレイヤー ゲームに関して最も重要な機能の 1 つがゲームにあることを意味します。優れたフレームレートを提供し、フリーズやスタッタリングがなく、すべてが最大限に滑らかに動作します。

ゲームを紹介し、主な機能を説明し、ビジュアルについて少し説明したので、Massive Warfare:Aftermath を約 1 週間プレイして発見したヒントとコツを共有しましょう。このゲームは古典的な無料プレイのタイトルであり、マイクロトランザクションが隅々まで忍び寄りますが、私たちの経験から、少なくとも私たちが参加していたリーグでは、競争力を維持するためにゴールドを購入する必要はありません (ブロンズ、シルバー、そしてここ数日間はゴールド)。私たちと一緒に、Massive Warfare:Aftermath で優れた能力を発揮する方法と、アドレナリン全開のマルチプレイヤー バトルを支配する方法を見つけてください。そうは言っても、以下の完全な戦略ガイドで、大規模な戦争の詳細なヒント、チート、トリックを読むことができます.


これは、ガソリン ペダルにブロックが配置されたツイン ターボ エンジンを搭載した車両のように、マップ内を移動する必要があるという意味ではありません。ただ座って他のプレイヤーがあなたの車を破壊するのを待つべきではありません。しかし、そこに座っていることが最善の方法である場合もあります。詳しく説明しましょう。

クローズド マップ (建物がたくさんあるマップ) では、ターゲットを見つけて破壊し、狭い通路に数秒間隠れることが最善の方法です。別のターゲットを見つけてみてください。しかし、誰かがあなたを狙った場合、逃げるのが最善の戦術です。特に、敵があなたを攻撃するのに苦労しているときに建物の迷路の中で逃げることによって逃げる.

開いているマップでは、常に移動する必要があります。これらのマップでは、減速すると数秒で座っているアヒルに変身します。これは、全員とその犬があなたに気づき、大砲をあなたの位置に移動させるためです。ここでの最善の戦術は、移動中に敵を撃ち、誰にも後部を公開しないようにすることです。これは、数回のクリティカル ヒット (これについては後で詳しく説明します) を取得すると、車両があった場所にすぐに残骸が残るためです。

さて、Massive Warfare:Aftermath で直接射撃から逃れるのが非常に難しい場合は、最終的にどの照準スキームを選択しても照準がほぼ自動的に行われるためです。ただし、敵から逃げるためにできることがいくつかあります。まずは手抜きをしてみる。これは、建物の近くで急旋回して敵との視線を遮断しようとすることで逃げようとすることを意味します。次に、最も近い物陰に隠れて、もう一度視線を外してみてください。

3 番目の戦略は少し非論理的ですが、非常に効果的であることがわかりました。敵から逃げる代わりに、アクセルペダルを踏んで敵に向かって前進し始め、敵を追い越して遠ざけると、追跡して撃つために180度回転する必要があります. We noticed that most players simply give away from chasing us when we do this because making a quick 180 degree turn and then aiming at the escaping enemy is a pretty complex maneuver to pull off because controls are imprecise when trying to turn around quickly.

2. Don’t Limit Yourself To One Type Of Vehicle

Massive Warfare:Aftermath revolves around multiplayer battles between three vehicle types – tanks, helicopters, and hovercrafts. Tanks are powerhouses and they feature a slightly stronger attack, noticeable higher armor, and noticeable lower speed than other two vehicle types. They are great for players who don’t want to think about strategies and defense and just want to go head-on at their enemies without focusing on how to avoid damage.

Next, we have helicopters, that have one big advantage and that’s the fact they can well, fly. This gives them the best mobility, but that’s not the best thing about choppers. The best thing about them is the fact they can position themselves right above their opponents and since this game is based around different versions of auto-aim systems (even the manual aim control scheme is locking opponents) moving your gun right above you is impossible. This means that when you fly a chopper you can simply position your bird right above someone who’s shooting at you and prevent them from hitting you. This also means that you are also unable to shoot them but at least you have the upper hand and since helicopters are the fastest vehicles of them all, you can prevent opponents from moving away from you and succeeding in hitting you.

Aside from featuring an extremely strong defensive feature, helicopters are the fastest vehicle class and they come with the weakest armor. When it comes to attacking power, they are placed below tanks and are at the same level as hovercrafts.

And finally, we have hovercrafts. These amphibious vehicles are noticeably faster than tanks but lack in max speed compared to choppers. Their armor is weaker than tanks’ but a bit higher than what choppers have equipped. And finally, they are placed in the middle of the pack when it comes to attack power. Their unique ability is that they can cross water with full speed, which gives them an advantage compared to tanks. They are also the best vehicle when it comes to the quality of full package because they pack considerable max speed, feature powerful attack and don’t lack when it comes to armor.

You must choose one vehicle type at the start of the game but do not limit yourself just to that one vehicle type. You see, you will find two map types in Massive Warfare:Aftermath. The first type are labyrinthine maps that feature lots of buildings and not many clear spaces. Tanks are best for these maps because speed is of secondary importance there and what really matters is attack power. Also since they have the highest armor they are able to survive enemy pounding before they are able to break line of sight.

Now, the second map type is made of maps with huge clearances, where helicopters and hovercrafts prove to be better choices than tanks. Tanks are indeed powerful and they can take a beating but when placed in these open maps they are simply sitting ducks because they are unable to escape enemies because of their humble speed. So, get your main vehicle for free but also get the second vehicle (you should get a tank and either a helicopter and hovercraft) in order to have the most effective choice for both map types, at least during the early game. You see, starting vehicles are just 15 gold each so you will have enough resources to get two vehicle types.

And you should also pick two (or hell, even all tree) starting vehicles because you should try them all out before reaching the second rank when you get access to advanced vehicles that cost more. You should try them all because while starting vehicles are relatively cheap, second-tier vehicles are noticeably more expensive and you won’t be able to get two of those (in case you don’t want to buy gold for real money) so make sure you have your favorite class before getting second tier vehicle.

3. Save Up Money And Try Not Spending Too Much On Upgrading Your Starting Vehicle

Look, even with spending just a couple of thousands of bucks on a couple of upgrades, you can still dominate the game’s starting league (bronze) and earn a ticket to the next league populated with higher skilled players. Just upgrade your cannon and armor a couple of times and that should be enough to guarantee ending matches in one of the first three places, thus fairly quickly qualifying for the silver league. The money you save will be spent on upgrading tier two vehicle of your choice because once you earn money for it you will be stuck with it for a while because better machines are quite expensive and you will need to farm gold for about a week before collecting enough to get those.

So, save up money and then upgrade your new and shiny tier two war machine as soon as you buy it. As with the starting vehicle, armor and attack upgrades are the most important ones and they should have a clear advantage over the speed and combined upgrades (those aren’t that good because while they provides upgrades two stats at once, these upgrades are weaker than if you upgrade each stat individually).

4. Armored Skill Is Much Better Than Flanker

Once you start the game you will be able to research skills that come with their own set of boons and downsides. The first couple of upgrades are simply prerequisites for the two final ones, which come with one advantage but will cost you by lowering some other stat. And between the first two Armored is much better.

This one gives you better armor and slightly more powerful attack power for a cost of your max speed being a bit lower. That’s the price worth paying because speed bump isn’t high while armor upgrade is noticeable. The second starting skill is called Flanker and it gives you higher critical hit value for the cost of your regular hits being weaker. That would be a good deal if critical hits were easy to pull, but they aren’t really.

You see, in order to score a critical hit you have to speak to the enemy’s rear and then hit it. But that’s pretty tricky to pull off constantly because the critical hit are is of extremely limited size. Also, it is virtually impossible to score two critical hits in a row against helicopters because they move and turn around fast, making the possibility of hitting their backside (which is a small tail space that’s very hard to hit) quite low. So, it is better to have your regular hit power untouched; just skip getting Flanker skill.

5. Try Out Both Control Schemes

Massive Warfare:Aftermath features two control schemes, and they both have their shortcomings. The first one is the automatic aim and it gives you greater freedom of movement but it makes it hard to lock on a single enemy in a group of two or more opponents. Since this control scheme used auto aim mechanic, you will jump between enemies as you move and won’t be able to pick one from the group and fire just at them while moving. In order to do so you have to stop, and then aim at them and then press the lock button and that makes you vulnerable to fire.

The second employs manual aim. You aim at opponents by moving your finger across the screen but that has a weaker freedom of movement as a result. This means you will have a hard time chasing runners and won’t be very effective at firing at helicopters because they usually move all over the place. On the other hand, this scheme gives you greater freedom at picking opponents and firing at them.

You should try playing about a dozen matches with each control scheme because they both need some time to get used to and you will need some time to decide which is the one for you.

6. A Few Bits Of Advice For Being Efficient During Matches

Once you start a multiplayer match, there are a plethora of tactics that can help you get that first place at the end of the match, here are some of the winning ones.

You should always try to flank enemies. This gives you an advantage because it makes pulling off critical hits easier (but not easy enough to opt for Flanker skill) and it also means opponents will lose a couple of seconds (or more, depending on the particular enemy) before they locate you. Just try flanking enemies whenever you can but remember that if you get a clear shot go for it; you shouldn’t try flanking other by all means.

Also, remember that in Massive Warfare:Aftermath distance doesn’t present the slightest disadvantage. If you get a clear shot the damage will be the same no matter if the opponent is right next to you or on a far end of the map. Shooting distant enemies can be a good tactic in open maps because they will have a hard time locating you.

Next, try hitting someone who’s already taking damage. This way they will have to think about who to fire at and chances are they won’t pick you in half the cases. Next, this will give you a free kill, just make sure you’re the one landing the final blow. Just let your cannon finish reloading and then wait for the enemy’s HP bar to go low enough to allow you one shot kill. And then fire the same moment their HP bar lowers because if you aren’t fast enough someone else will get the kill.

This leads us to another advice that, while not being sportsmanlike, will give you additional kills. Try stealing kills from other people. This ain’t the right thing to do but it can prove to be an effective strategy that will give you many first places at the end of a match. Just stalk an opponent who’s attacked by other players but do not fire at them. As with the aforementioned advice, wait for their HP bar to get as low as possible and then one-shot kill them. This won’t earn you any sympathy from other players but will give you higher chances to end on the first place at the end of a match.

You should skip picking up remains that are left after an opponent is destroyed except if the bonus in question is money or match points. Money is represented by green dollar bills and you should always pick it up even if that makes you an easy target because those upgrades cost and, if you are a bit lucky, you can earn a couple of thousands of dollars just by picking money that’s left after downed enemies. Next, match points are represented with a silver start and by picking those you’ll be rewarded by receiving additional match points, practically doubling the points prize for destroying an opponent, which isn’t that bad.

And finally, you should skip picking powerup except if they are attack power increase or healing powerup. The first one gives you about 25 percent higher attack power, which can be devastating and can completely change the course of a match so you should definitely try picking those even though going for powerups makes you vulnerable to enemies’ fire. And going for healing powerup is pretty self-explanatory. Now, in case you have full HP bar but you still locate healing powerup, you should simply place your vehicle next to it and then start shooting at others. And then, once your HP reaches 50 percent simply drive over the healing powerup. That’s a handy tactic that should give you a second wind and a couple of extra kills.

そこにあります! We hope this strategy guide will help you becoming a dominant force in Massive Warfare:Aftermath and you will reach higher competitive leagues. You should always aim for higher leagues because prizes get better and better as you advance through higher ranks.読んでいただきありがとうございます。楽しいゲームをお楽しみください!