

Rome:Total War – 始めるためのヒントとコツ

Rome:Total War ゲームをプレイする前に、これらのシンプルだが役立つヒントとコツを知っておく必要があります。何かヒントがありましたら、お気軽にお知らせください!


このゲームでは、最初のキャンペーンを Julii Romans としてプレイすることを想定しており、かなり弱い対戦相手に対するロープを学ぶことができます。他のキャンペーンでは、ゲームの仕組みを少し理解する必要があります。

傭兵の重装歩兵を雇って部隊を強化します。彼らに死にかけてもらいましょう。ローマの歩兵は一般的に価値がありすぎて、簡単に犠牲にすることはできません。また、Cretan Archer と Baelric Slingers を雇いましょう。彼らはどこにいても優れた傭兵ですが、ローマに質の高い遠距離部隊が不足していることを補う上で特に重要です.


別の意見 – AI に対して防衛戦を行うのは簡単なモードです。コンピューターが有利な位置を選択し、断片的に交戦し、側面を無防備にすることができるからです。敵の位置にある弱点を特定し、それを利用するために攻撃を開始することを学ぶことは、より興味深いものです (そして、マルチプレイヤーへのより良い準備になります)。

背後に予備歩兵の第 2 列を維持することを恐れないでください。最初の戦線に離脱を命じることができます。見栄えはよくありませんが、2 番目の戦線を通過させることで、疲れたユニットを救えることがよくあります。ギャップを埋めるために予備ユニットを注文することを忘れないでください。




カルタゴと戦うときは、小競り合いを持ってきてください - 具体的にはヴェライトです。象に対してそれらを使用します。それらは安価なので、象のユニットを暴れさせるためにそれらのユニットを失う価値があります-特にそれらの象がまだ敵軍の中にいる場合.


彼らが人口過剰の問題を解決したとは思いません.最終的には、あなたの都市は非常に巨大になり、幸福度が大幅にマイナスになり、基本的に管理不能になります. You can either dick with the game files to fix this or abandon the city, let it revolt, recapture it, and then massacre the inhabitants. It’s not pretty, but it’s sometimes the only way to keep a city under control. Toward the later stages of the game, you can find yourself doing this about once every five years for cities like Rome or Athens, who tend to grow very, very quickly.

Plan your conquests one at a time. If you can expand consistently in one direction, you’ll avoid the efforts of shifting around your powerful stacks and managing reinforcements in several directions simultaneously. Veterancy bonuses are incredibly potent, and having several legions of upgraded gold-chevron troops in a single stack will make you very difficult to overcome.

Divide and conquer. You can often bait enemy armies and slaughter them piecemeal. Try not to fight enemy armies where they can pile on you, because even with Rome’s so-so AI you can get overwhelmed, especially if attacked from multiple directions by Roman Legions or Hellenic Hoplites.

As a Roman faction, after building your first Imperial Palace you will undergo the reforms of Gaius Marius, which will turn your Republican tripartite armies into Imperial Legions. Your former troops will no longer be buildable or reinforceable. It sucks, but the troops to which you gain access following the event are stronger than those you used before, and you’ll gain from it in the long run.

Two attacks in a single round on the world map will allow you to destroy an enemy stack. The first attack will cause them to retreat; the second will force them into battle.

Don’t let AI reinforcements enter the battle with a general about whom you care at all, especially a king/emperor or other member of the royal family. The battle AI will rush your general and his bodyguards into the thick of battle and you will lose a seven-star commander and you will hate all programmers ever. If you absolutely can not keep reinforcements out of the battle, charge the enemy before your fellows can get there. Your legions can be replaced; your generals largely can not.

Ship-to-ship battles almost always come down to number of ships and veterancy. Build lots of ships if you plan to fight on the sea and sacrifice half of them in battle to turn the rest into veterans. They can be reinforced like ground units, so keep them at full strength as best you can.

The AI is bugged out – it will disregard diplomatic agreements when figuring out who to attack. You can set up trade agreements, exchange map information, and even get alliances going with factions fighting your enemies, but the moment another faction borders you, it’s only a matter of time before they invade.

Apparently this isn’t as intuitively obvious as you’d think – artillery is slow, while troops are fast. You should set your artillery pieces more or less where you intend them to stay for the rest of the battle, and move your troops around to defend them or to take advantage of enemy movement.