

HighFleet – Radios, Warfare and You (EWAR へのクラッシュ コース)

ELINT、ミサイル、および一般的な EWAR 原則の非常に必要最小限の説明であり、ゲームが何を伝えているかをよりよく理解するのに役立つかもしれません.


SEARCH Radar パネルの基本的な操作は、ほとんどの人にとってなじみのあるものです。線は円を描き、何かを見るとビープ音を鳴らします。しかし、それは何をどのように見ているのでしょうか?


オブジェクトが検出されると、あなたからの方向に垂直な水平線として表示されます。これはリターンの強さを表しています。これは少しぼやけています。現実の世界では、これは送信された放射線が返される割合であり、検出されたオブジェクトのサイズを決定するのに役立ちますが、いくつかのものはより鏡に似ているため、小さなパネルボックストラックは、たとえばよりも大きなリターンを持つ場合があります. 、丸みを帯びた旅客機。


リアルタイムで物事を追跡したい場合は、レーダー装置が回転するのにかなりの時間がかかるため、「セクター モード」に切り替えて、特定の 60 度の領域ですばやく振動させて、一定の情報を得ることができます。


最後に「一」と「無限」ボタン。インフィニティ ボタンが押されている間は、レーダーが常にオンになっていることを意味します。それを押すと、システムが無効になります。 「1」を押すと、現在のサイクルが完了し、システムが無効になります。または、システムがオフの場合は、システムを 1 サイクルパルスします。これを管理する理由については、次のセクションで説明します。



エリントは「エレクトロニック インテリジェンス」の略です。これはかなり目まぐるしいほどの実用的な分野をカバーしていますが、私たちの目的では、敵のレーダーの検出だけです。


ここで ELINT パネルの出番です。RADAR になるほど強力な電波源が検出されると、パネルが点灯し始めます。外側の一連の円ランプは、信号源の相対的な方向を示します。いっぱいになる小さなランプは信号強度の指標です。これはあいまいな方法で範囲に変換できますが、必ずしもそうとは限りません。遠くにある強力なレーダーと近くにある弱いレーダーは、同じ「リターン」を引き起こす可能性があります。



レーダーをパルスしてから進路を変更して、敵の迎撃を逃すことができます。主要な艦隊やその他の戦術を露出させないように、独自のレーダーを備えた攻撃グループを使用してください。 Much like stealth games you may be more familiar with though, only turn your ‘flashlight’ on when you must, and when you’re comfortable being seen.


Tactical Missiles (the kind you fire from the map screen,) come in several flavors, but only two guidance types.

Most missiles are a combination of ARH and SARH. That is, “Active Radar Homing” and “Semi Active Radar Homing.”

If an enemy is within the range of your tracking radar, that is, they’re now a real-time red marker on your map, any missile you fire at them will be in SARH mode. The missile is ‘watching’ the return from your ships own radar, using its stronger energy and the displacement from itself to accurately triangulate the enemies speed and direction to intercept it. It will thus be very accurate.

If you do not have tracking resolution on the enemy, missiles will default to ARH mode. They will boot up their own, smaller onboard radar and use it to less accurately close with the enemy. This means you can fire at enemies you know the location of but can’t ‘see’ but without the help of your ship’s radar, your weapons will not be as accurate as they could be.

The other type, on missiles with a designation ending in P, is ‘ARM’ or “Anti-Radiation Missile.” Instead of using radar to detect the enemy, these missiles instead simply point themselves at the strongest source of radio waves and dive at it. In essence they SEEK OUT enemy radar. This is another reason to keep your own radar off! With no radiation to seek, the missile will simply wander off, or even turn on another enemy target. (It’s possible your own missiles will seek you in absence of any other radiation source! This may be a bug or not, but consider turning your radar off before firing.)


Jamming is easily misunderstood as a ‘stealth’ capability, due to it being used this way in other games, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Consider it this way.

In our prior example of a radar being like a flashlight, the enemy can see you if tehy can see your light. Their own weapons will be tracking the reflection of their lights. If you don’t want them to find you, you can turn your light off, but what can you do if they already have?

Since their weapons systems are looking for the reflection of their ‘light source,’ what you can do is turn on the strongest light you can. Now any missiles heading your way can only see light wherever they look. With no way to differentiate targets, they’ll miss! huzzah!

But there are two problems. In order to confuse the enemy missiles, you are essentially setting off a flashbang that never stops, as long as your jammer is on. There is no way that enemy ELINT can miss this. An active jammer announces your location to EVERYONE. That said, it will also stop them getting a good read on you with any of their actual RADAR. The Jammer is to confuse people who already know where you are, not for hiding!

The other problem is our friend from the prior section, the ARM. He’s not blinded by the jammer. Quite the contrary, the jammer is the biggest bullseye he’s ever seen. If the enemy has launched an AR missile at you, an active jammer will draw it in like a magnet! This can be used to protect more valuable ships as an absolute last ditch resort, but ideally we turn our RADAR off and not try to jam ARMs.


I won’t really go into SIGINT or the IR widget here, yet. Maybe later but they’re out of scope for this mini-guide.

I just saw a lot of confusion about the radar-related aspects of the game and wanted to help clear them up.

In closing; imagine Highfleet as a stealth game. Played in near pitch blackness on an infinite flat plane. You have control of a flashlight, and a device that shows you where you see enemy flashlights. Using these things together, your objective is to see, and not be seen, for as long as possible.

Hopefully that helps people who came in without knowing the technicalities of these systems!