

Warframe:Volt コンプリート ガイド – ドロップ、アビリティ、ビルド

Volt は Warframe の 1 つです 電気の力を利用して敵を崩壊させ、味方に力を与える3人の開始キャラクター。スターターのうち、ボルトは間違いなく最も用途が広いです。彼は速く走り、強力なダメージを与え、オーバー シールドと電気バリアでチームをサポートできます。

その力には大きな妥協が伴います。 Volt は、ほぼ間違いなく、最初からビルドを作成するのが最も難しい最初の Warframe です。しかし、このキャラクターに投資する気があるなら、Warframe で最も用途の広いキャラクターの 1 つを手に入れることができます.これは、Warframe で Volt を構築して使用するための完全なガイドです。


Volt は、「覚醒」クエスト中に利用できる 3 つのスターター WARFRAME の 1 つです。 ボルトをスターターとして選択しなかった場合、クラン Dojo のテンノ ラボから彼のコンポーネントを複製できます。 開発されたクランに参加し、ファウンドリから Dojo キーを作成してから、Tenno Labs にアクセスしてください。

Volt ブループリント

ドロップ ソース テンノ ラボ (35,000 クレジット)
  • 25,000 クレジット
  • 1 ボルト神経内科
  • 1 ボルト シャーシ
  • 1 ボルト システム
  • オロキン セル 1 個
作成時間 72時間


ドロップ ソース テンノ ラボ (15,000 クレジット)
  • 15,000 クレジット
  • 150 合金プレート
  • 神経センサー 1 個
  • 150 ポリマー バンドル
  • 500 ルベド
作成時間 12時間


ドロップ ソース テンノ ラボ (15,000 クレジット)
  • 15,000 クレジット
  • 1 モルフィック
  • 1,000 フェライト
  • 300 ルベド
作成時間 12時間

ボルト システム

ドロップ ソース テンノ ラボ (15,000 クレジット)
  • 15,000 クレジット
  • 1 制御モジュール
  • 1 モルフィック
  • 500フェライト
  • 色素体220個
作成時間 12時間

クイック リンクに戻る

Volt Prime の作り方

プライム WARFRAME は、プライム以外の WARFRAME のわずかに強力なバージョンで、外観が異なります。新規プレイヤーの場合は、最初に標準の Volt Warframe を入手することに集中してください。

Volt Prime のコンポーネントは、特定の Void Relics からドロップする可能性があります。これを書いている時点で、Volt Prime は現在保管庫に保管されているため、通常のゲームプレイでは Void Relics を取得できません。以前に獲得した Volt Prime レリックとコンポーネントは、引き続きプレイヤー間で交換できます。

Volt Prime が保管庫に保管されていないときはいつでも、Maroo's Bazaar にアクセスして、Aya のために Volt Prime の Void Relics を購入してください。ボールト解除イベントは毎月ローテーションします。保管庫からの取り出しプロセスの仕組みの詳細については、Prime Resurgence ガイドをご覧ください。

Volt Prime 設計図

ドロップ ソース
  • リス O2 (コモン)
  • ネオ O1 (コモン)
  • Neo V1 (アンコモン)
  • Axi N3 (アンコモン)
  • 25,000 クレジット
  • 1 Volt Prime ニューロティックス
  • 1 ボルト プライム シャーシ
  • 1 ボルト プライム システム
  • オロキン セル 1 個
作成時間 72時間

Volt Prime ニューロティックス

ドロップ ソース
  • ネオ V8 (レア)
  • Axi V1 (アンコモン)
  • Axi V8 (レア)
  • 15,000 クレジット
  • 150 合金プレート
  • ニューロード2体
  • 1,000 ポリマー バンドル
  • 750 回路
作成時間 12時間

ボルト プライム シャーシ

ドロップ ソース
  • メソ O3 (アンコモン)
  • Meso V2 (アンコモン)
  • Meso V3 (アンコモン)
  • Axi V8 (アンコモン)
  • 15,000 クレジット
  • 3 つの神経センサー
  • 1,000 合金プレート
  • 400ルベド
作成時間 12時間

Volt Prime システム

ドロップ ソース
  • リス V1 (アンコモン)
  • ネオ O1 (アンコモン)
  • Axi L4 (アンコモン)
  • 15,000 クレジット
  • 3 つの制御モジュール
  • オロキン セル 1 個
  • 1,000 サルベージ
  • 500 サーキット
作成時間 12時間

クイック リンクに戻る



ボルト ボルトプライム
  • 鎧: 100
  • エネルギー: 100
  • 健康: 100
  • シールド: 150
  • スプリント速度: 1.0
  • 鎧: 125
  • エネルギー: 200
  • 健康: 100
  • シールド: 150
  • スプリント速度: 1.0


パッシブ: 地上での動きは電荷を生成し、次の攻撃で解き放たれる 1 メートルあたり 10 のダメージを蓄積します。

Volt が移動するメートルごとに、次の攻撃に電気ダメージ +10 が追加されます。このボーナス ダメージは、+1,000 電気ダメージに上限があります。このボーナス ダメージに影響を与えるのはクリティカル ステータスのみです。 Warframe のアビリティ バフ、アビリティ ストレングス、武器の改造 (エレメンタルの改造を含む) はしない この付加的なダメージ源に影響を与えます。

ボーナス電気ダメージが すべて に作用することは注目に値します 釣り槍でさえ、ダメージを与えるアイテム。これにより、Volt はオープン ワールド タイルセットで釣りをするための素晴らしい Warframe となり、槍を交換することなく、どんな魚でも即座に捕まえることができます。


ショック: ターゲットを気絶させてダメージを与えるボルタ発射体を発射します。ターゲットから電気のチェーンが伸び、近くの敵にショックを与えます。

この能力は Helminth システムに組み込むことができます。

ドレイン エネルギー15
範囲 15 メートル
チェーン 最大 5 体の敵
ダメージ 200 電気
適用可能な Mod
期間 範囲 効率 強さ
該当なし キャスト範囲に影響 キャストのエネルギー コストに影響 与えるダメージに影響

Volt は指先からチェーン ライトニングを放ち、カーソル上の誰かを攻撃します。最大 5 人の近くのターゲットが Shock のチェーン ライトニング効果で命中し、アビリティから完全なダメージを受けることができます。キャスティング ショックは片手アクションで、武器を発射したり、キャスト中にリロードしたりできます。チェーンの数は改造できません。

ショックはアビリティ威力と射程にうまく比例します。 強度は電気のダメージを増加させ、範囲の仕様はターゲット間のチェーンリンク距離を大幅に増加させます.これは、低レベルのコンテンツでグループを殺すための強力な低コストの能力です。よりタフなコンテンツに入ったら、Shock Trooper オーグメント (後で紹介) を使用するか、Helminth システムを介して Shock を別の能力に置き換えることをお勧めします。


速度: 電流を体現する。 Volt とその味方は、短時間の移動速度ブーストとリロード速度バフを受け取ります。

ドレイン エネルギー25
範囲 25 メートル
期間 12 秒
バフ 移動速度: 1.75倍
近接攻撃速度: +75%
リロード速度: 25%
適用可能な Mod
期間 範囲 効率 強さ
スピードの持続時間に影響 キャスト半径に影響 キャストのエネルギー コストに影響 バフの大きさに影響

速度は、次の 12 秒間、Volt と近くのすべての味方に電気を吹き込みます。バフがかかっている間、移動速度が 75%、リロード速度が 25%、近接武器の振り速度が 75% 速くなります。移動速度の増加は他のソースと相乗効果があり、Volt の機動性を大幅に向上させます。リロード速度と近接スイング速度のバフは、それぞれのモッド タイプに加算されます。

スピードは、アビリティの持続時間と強さで最適にスケーリングされます。 持続時間はアビリティの短いアップタイムを強化し、Strength は Speed によって提供される移動速度と近接スイング速度のバフを大幅に増加させます。この能力は、スピードランニング ミッション、オープン ワールド タイルセットの横断、攻撃速度の値が低い強力な近接武器の強化に最適です。


電気シールド: Volt は発射物をブロックする電気シールドを展開します。

ドレイン 50 エネルギー
期間 25 秒
追加ダメージ +50% 電気 (基本ダメージ、シールドごとのスタック)
200% のクリティカル マルチプライヤー (乗算、複数のシールドとは重複しません)
適用可能な Mod
期間 範囲 効率 強さ
シールドの持続時間に影響 該当なし キャストのエネルギー コストに影響 該当なし

Volt は自分の前に 6x4 のシールドを作成し、25 秒間持続し、アクティブな間はすべてのダメージを吸収します。ヒットスキャンと発射体の攻撃は Volt の Electric Shield によって吸収されるため、これは強力な防御ツールになります。エレクトリック シールドが作動している間に撃ち抜くと、投射物に 50% のボーナス電気ダメージと 2 倍のクリティカル マルチプライヤーが吹き込まれます。どちらも武器改造の恩恵を受けますが、そうではありません。 アビリティの強さ。一度に最大 6 個のシールドを出現させることができ、シールドをスタックするとボーナス電気ダメージが複数回付与されます。クリティカル乗数バフはしません 複数のシールドをスタックします。


Casting Shock through an Electric Shield will buff Shock's damage and infuse your shield with lightning. All hostiles that touch the shield will take damage equal to your Shock ability. You can increase this damage output further by charging Volt's passive before casting Shock.

At any time while the shield is active, Volt can interact with the shield to pick it up, turning it into a smaller riot shield. Holding the shield doesn't restrict your actions in any way and blocks all incoming frontal projectiles. Running into targets with a riot shield will cause them to ragdoll. You can only hold one shield this way at a time.

Since the buffs from your shield and its size are unaffected by mods, Electric Shield scales best with Ability Duration and Efficiency. As for its viability, Electric Shield is a fantastic ability for defending objectives and buffing your weapons. Every weapon is buffed from this shield, even weapons that aren't tied to your Warframe like turrets. Cast your shield whenever you have spare energy to maximize your damage and survivability.


Discharge: Volt discharges the electricity that courses through him. The shockwave paralyzes and damages nearby enemies. Enemies on the edge of the shockwave are stunned.

Discharge Stats
Drain 100 Energy
Range Cast: 20 meters
Discharge Arcs: 8 meters
Duration Initial Wave: 4 seconds
Discharge Effect: 6 seconds
Damage 1,200 Electricity per second
Applicable Mods
Duration Range Efficiency Strength
Affects the duration of Discharge's debuff on targets Affects the cast and discharge arc range Affects cast Energy cost Affects damage dealt

A massive wave of electricity releases from Volt's body, expanding outward for the next four seconds. Every enemy hit by the wave will become discharged for the next six seconds, affected by Ability Duration. Discharged targets are stunned and release bolts of arcing electricity once every 0.5 seconds. Anyone caught near a discharged target will get hit, taking an immense amount of damage. This makes Discharge a devastating ability against tightly-packed groups of enemies.

Discharge benefits greatly from Strength, Range, and some Duration. Range allows you to tag far more enemies with the initial wave and chain the discharge lighting bolts further, killing entire hordes of enemies in a single cast. Paired with enough Strength and Range, entire hordes will drop from a single Discharge cast. This ability truly excels in activities with high enemy density, notably Steel Path and Sanctuary Onslaught. Bear in mind that Electricity damage isn't effective against armored targets, so consider replacing one of Volt's abilities with an armor-stripping ability to increase Discharge's damage output in high-level content.

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Volt Augments

Volt has six augments for players to use. Four of these augments may be purchased from the Arbiters of Hexis or Red Veil Syndicates, requiring 25,000 Standing each. The Recharge Barrier augment may be purchased from the Nightwave Cred Offerings store or obtained through PvP.

A sixth augment mod named Kinetic Collision also exists for Volt, but we've excluded it from this guide since it only works in PvP.

Shock Trooper

Shock Trooper: Shock Augment:Hold to cast will grant all allies within 15m an additional 100% Electricity Damage for their attacks for 40s.

Holding the Shock input will release a wave of energy around Volt. Both Volt and everyone near you will gain 100% of their damage as bonus Electricity damage for the next 40 seconds, the damage being affected by Ability Strength. Once you trigger Shock Trooper, the effect will remain until the duration ends, even if allies leave the 15-meter radius. This mod is affected by Ability Strength, Range, and Duration.

The bonus damage provided by Shock Trooper is additive with elemental damage mods. Treat Shock Trooper as an elemental mod that goes on your Warframe. The damage bonus merges with other elements as well, allowing you to change the damage profile of your weapons and Warframe abilities. For example, buffing an Ember with Shock Trooper will cause all of Ember's abilities to deal Radiation damage instead of Heat.

Shocking Speed

Shocking Speed: Speed Augment:Enemies touched while sprinting under the effects of Speed will take 175 Electricity damage with a guaranteed Status effect.

Running within three meters of a target will shock them, dealing 175 Electricity damage and inflicting the Electricity status. The damage triggers upon touching enemies, containers, or any environmental effects with health bars. You can increase the damage of this ability with Ability Strength mods, but you cannot enhance its effective range with Ability Range effects. All allies affected by Speed get the effects of Shocking Speed, not just Volt.

Transistor Shield

Transistor Shield: Electric Shield Augment:Allies can pick up Electric Shield. 300% of damage absorbed will be added to Volt's Static Discharge.

Allies can now grab Volt's Electric Shields, following the same mechanics and restrictions as Volt. Allies may only grab one shield at a time. Allies that absorb damage this way will charge Volt's passive equal to 300% of the damage prevented. You still cannot exceed the passive's cap of +1,000 Electricity damage through this augment. The damage conversion is affected by Ability Strength.

Recharge Barrier

Recharge Barrier: Electric Shield Augment:Allies that pass through have 35% Shields restored.

Recharge Barrier grants 35% shields to anyone who runs through the shield, Volt included. This effect may only trigger once per cast , significantly reducing its effectiveness in PvE builds. The shield restore is affected by Ability Strength, although it cannot provide overshields.


Capacitance: Discharge Augment:Converts 3% of Damage dealt into Shields split between Volt and squadmates.

Capacitance converts 3% of Discharge's damage into shields for Volt and his allies, capable of granting overshields. The conversion rate is unaffected by mods, but Ability Strength indirectly buffs it by increasing Discharge's damage output. So long as you deal enough damage, it's possible to maintain maximum overshields for yourself and your squad solely through this augment.

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Volt Builds

We'll be looking at five builds today that showcase Volt's excellent utility. Since Volt is a starter Warframe, our first two builds will have minimal investment to give newer players a good idea of what they should be aiming for. More niche builds are shown near the end of this section. Bear in mind that the first two builds use standard Volt; the rest of the builds showcase Volt Prime.

As for overall playstyle, Volt relies on Electric Shield and shield-gating to stay alive. You'll want to use the Capacitance augment if you're farming activities with hundreds of enemies. If you dislike Discharge for whatever reason, you can sustain your shields through Harrow's Condemn, Hildryn's Pillage, or by spamming your Electric Shield ability with Brief Respite and a few Augur mods. Sevagoth's Gloom is also a great option for melee-focused builds.

However, most players use Volt for speedrunning missions or hunting Eidolons, both of which aren't tough enough to make survivability a major concern. If you're using Volt to kill bosses, consider replacing Discharge with a damage ability like Rhino's Roar. For your Focus School (spoilers), use Zenurik. The passive Energy regeneration from Zenurik is fantastic for just about every Volt build.

Archon Shards

If you want to install Archon Shards on Volt, we recommend two yellow and three red shards . The two yellow shards should grant cast speed, making it much safer to cast Discharge. Your three red shards should give Ability Strength or Duration, your choice. None of the builds listed below use Archon Shards.

The Essentials (0 Forma, No Reactor)

  • Forma: 0
  • Subsume: None

This build should make Volt a solid pick for most of the Star Chart. We first get our hands on Steel Charge to increase our mod capacity by a whopping 18 points. You can purchase this aura mod from the Nightwave store. If it's not currently available, wait for the store to refresh. If you don't own Steel Charge, any aura works.

We use Vitality to increase Volt's survivability, upgrading the mod to R7. Continuity and Augur Message increase Volt's Ability Duration by 54%, giving you 18 seconds of Speed and Electric Shields that last for nearly 40 seconds. Intensify will enhance your Speed buffs and make your abilities hit harder. Stretch will help the overall consistency of your kit, and Streamline will make your abilities much cheaper. If you don't have Streamline, Flow is a great alternative.

All of these mods can be earned quite early in the Star Chart. If you're struggling to get a particular mod, feel free to ask for some spare mods in trade chat. The Warframe community is incredibly helpful and will typically give you copies of essential mods for free.

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Starter Builds (0 Forma, With Reactor)

  • Forma: 0
  • Subsume: None

This build expands on the essentials we showcased earlier, giving Volt a reliable way of getting his shields back while drastically improving his Energy economy. The first notable change is the removal of Vitality in place of Capacitance , an augment you can purchase from the Arbiters of Hexis or Red Veil Syndicates. If you can't get this mod, use Vitality or Redirection in its place. This mod will give you an absurd boost to your shields on every Discharge cast, allowing you to reach maximum overshields if you hit enough targets. It gives shields to your team too.

We also replace our aura with Energy Siphon , helping Volt's Energy economy until you can unlock the Zenurik Focus School. To further improve your Energy economy, we use the Fleeting Expertise mod at R4. This grants a whopping 50% Ability Efficiency with a -50% Duration drawback. We can mitigate this drawback with Continuity and Augur Message . Paired with Streamline , your Discharge ability will only cost 25 Energy, and your Speed buff only costs 6.25 Energy to cast.

To round out the build, we use Stretch and Augur Reach to increase the range of your abilities, drastically improving Discharge's consistency. The final slot uses Intensify to buff your damage output and the effects of Speed. Feel free to adjust the mods to suit your playstyle, and consider using any Primed mod variants if you have them.

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Discharge Volt (3 Forma, Fire Blast Subsume)

  • Forma: 3 (D, –, – (Aura))
  • Subsume: Fire Blast (Ember)

This build focuses on making Discharge as powerful as possible. Our goal is to maximize the ability's effective range and enhance its damage. We start by using Overextended, Archon Stretch, and Augur Reach to give Volt 265% Ability Range. This gives Discharge's arc lightning more than enough range to chain between targets, which is where most of this build's damage comes from.

To ensure the negative Strength from Overextended doesn't affect us as much, we use Transient Fortitude and Molt Augmented to reach 155% Ability Strength at maximum stacks. You gain an additional 20% Ability Strength from Zenurik's Hardened Wellspring ability as well, allowing you to reach 175% Ability Strength in modes like ESO without much hassle. We also use Capacitance to convert that damage into shields, increasing our survivability. If you'd prefer more Ability Strength, you can replace Capacitance with Augur Secrets . Any stronger Ability Strength mods will require an additional Forma.

For Ability Efficiency, we're using Streamline to reduce Energy costs, then we're pairing Primed Flow and Preparation 一緒。 This mod combo forces you to spawn with 850 Energy at the start of every mission. For Sanctuary Onslaught, you'll spawn with max Energy for each wave. We then give ourselves some passive Energy regeneration through Archon Stretch and the Zenurik Focus School's Wellspring ability. In total, you'll regenerate seven Energy per second, removing the need to use Arcane Energize.

Since this build frequently casts Discharge, we recommend slotting two yellow Archon Shards into Volt, both of which should be set to cast speed. This should make the playstyle much more fluid. It's not required for the build to function but highly recommended.

To wrap up the build, we use Primed Continuity and Molt Efficiency to increase Discharge's duration, assisting our Energy economy. The damage of Discharge might not seem great thus far, but this is more than plenty for killing Corpus or Infested. Grineer will survive due to their armor, but we can fix that by using Corrosive Projection as our aura and by subsuming Ember's Fire Blast in place of Volt's Shock ability. Fire Blast removes 75% of a target's armor across a radius that's larger than Discharge. Corrosive Projection removes another 18%, totaling 94% armor reduction. That should make Discharge capable of killing ESO Grineer targets.

The playstyle of this build is incredibly simple:cast Fire Blast, then cast Discharge . Reposition while Discharge is active, refresh Zenuirk's Wellspring ability, then recast your abilities once Discharge ends. You should have enough Ability Efficiency and passive Energy regeneration to complete an entire ESO wave without needing many Energy Orbs. It's the perfect build for farming Focus in Sanctuary Onslaught or kills in general.

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Speedrunning Volt (3 Forma, Infested Mobility Subsume)

  • Forma: 3 (D, –, – (Aura))
  • Subsume: Infested Mobility (Helminth)

If you're looking to break the sound barrier, you've come to the right build. The goal of this build is to make Volt an absurdly fast Warframe that can farm Capture and Exterminate missions in a minute or less. Survivability and endurance runs aren't this build's strong suit.

We start by speccing into Ability Strength to increase the movement multiplier of Speed. Blind Rage and Augur Secrets will increase your Ability Strength to 233%, giving you a 112% movement speed bonus. You can increase this value further with Arcanes and stronger mods, but that will require another Forma and doesn't make a large difference. If you can get in the habit of using your Operator, Molt Vigor grants another 45% Ability Strength for free.

Duration is handy for minimizing recasting, so we opt for Augur Message and Primed Continuity to increase our Speed duration to 18 seconds. If you own Molt Efficiency , it's not a bad idea to run this Arcane for another 36% Ability Duration.

Efficiency is an issue due to Blind Rage, but we counteract this by using Streamline , Primed Flow , and Preparation. Preparation will start you with 850 Energy at the start of each mission, and Streamline will make your abilities slightly cheaper. This gives you a few minutes of Speed uptime, more than enough to complete most content.

To round off the build, we use Speed Boost and Rush to increase our sprint speed, and we use Primed Sure Footed to ignore knockdown effects. If you're trying to speedrun Steel Path content and need some survivability, install another Forma and replace either Rush or Augur Message for Rolling Guard (あなたの選択)。 And for even more speed, we use Infested Mobility from the Helminth system (in place of Shock) to increase our sprint speed even further. This is overkill for narrow indoor tilesets, but this can come in handy in larger tilesets or open world zones.

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Eidolon Volt (3 Forma, Eclipse Subsume)

  • Forma: 3 (D, –, – (Aura))
  • Subsume: Eclipse (Mirage)

Using the same polarities as our previous builds, the goal with this setup is to tackle Eidolons and Profit Taker as Volt. It's not the most optimal setup—for that, you'll want to install Umbral mods and spec for more damage—but this should give you a respectable Volt setup for boss fights without breaking the bank.

Before we start, we highly recommend you replace Discharge with a damage ability, preferably Mirage's Eclipse or Rhino's Roar. Both abilities grant a massive damage increase for a moderate duration, allowing you to pop Eidolon limbs or Profit Taker's armor much faster.

You'll want to focus on Ability Strength and Duration for this build. We use Transient Fortitude, Intensify, and Power Drift to increase our Ability Strength to 223%. For Ability Duration, we opt for Narrow Minded (R10) and Primed Continuity. This will give you more than enough duration for most content. Run Streamline to make casting your abilities a little cheaper.

For optimal damage, we also run the Shock Trooper augment for Shock. This grants a massive Electricity damage bonus to our weapons, stacking with Eclipse/Roar and your Electric Shield. Paired with a good sniper, most bosses should melt in a couple of shots. Deploy your shield, activate your damage buffs, then fire away.

To round off the build, we use Corrosive Projection to reduce enemy armor, Rolling Guard for survivability—although feel free to replace Rolling Guard with something else—and Arcane Nullifier to become immune to the Magnetize status effect that's rampant in Eidolon and Profit Taker fights. The second Arcane slot is entirely up to you. We recommend Arcane Momentum to reload your sniper rifles much faster between boss phases.

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