

Warframe:Mag Complete Guide – ドロップ、アビリティ、ビルド

Warframe の 名ばかりのキャラクターはすべて信じられないほど強力で、幅広いカスタマイズが可能です。おそらく、Warframe のより紛らわしいキャラクターの 1 つは Mag です。Mag は、磁気特性を使用して敵を破壊する最初の Warframe です。

やや複雑な 4 つのユニークな能力により、Mag は新規プレイヤーにはほとんど選ばれませんが、Mag を使い続ける人は、彼女がどれほど強力であるかをすぐに理解するでしょう。優れた Mag プレイヤーは、敵を即座に倒したり、チームに無限のシールドを提供したり、敵を気絶させたりすることができます。 Mag Warframe について知っておくべきことをすべて網羅し、彼女のドロップ場所、アビリティ、増強 MOD、そして初心者にもベテランにも同様に Mag の最高のビルドのいくつかを紹介します.


Mag は、「覚醒」クエスト中に利用できる 3 つのスターター WARFRAME の 1 つです。 スターターとしてマグを選択しなかった場合は、フォボスのイリアッドでの軍曹のボス戦で彼女のパーツを入手できます。 彼女のメインの設計図は、ゲーム内マーケットから 25,000 クレジットで購入できます。

Mag ブループリント

ドロップ ソース ゲーム内マーケット (25,000 クレジット)
  • 25,000 クレジット
  • 1 Mag ニューロティックス
  • 1マグシャーシ
  • 1 マグ システム
  • オロキン セル 1 個
作成時間 72時間

マグ ニューロティックス

ドロップ ソース イリアス、フォボス (ドロップ率 38.72%)
  • 15,000 クレジット
  • 150 合金プレート
  • 神経センサー 1 個
  • 150 ポリマー バンドル
  • 500 ルベド
作成時間 12時間


ドロップ ソース イリアス、フォボス (ドロップ率 38.72%)
  • 15,000 クレジット
  • 1 モルフィック
  • 1,000 フェライト
  • 300ルベド
作成時間 12時間

マグ システム

ドロップ ソース イリアス、フォボス (ドロップ率 22.56%)
  • 15,000 クレジット
  • 1 制御モジュール
  • 1 モルフィック
  • 500フェライト
  • 色素体220個
作成時間 12時間

クイック リンクに戻る

Mag Prime の作り方

Prime WARFRAME は、標準 WARFRAME のわずかに強力なバージョンです。新しいプレーヤーの場合は、最初に Mag の非プライム バージョンを入手することに集中してください。

Mag Prime のコンポーネントが 保管庫 からドロップする場合があります すでにインベントリにある、または他のプレイヤーから購入したレリック。 執筆時点で、Mag Prime は現在保管されています。彼女の遺物はどのドロップテーブルにもありません。 彼女のパーツを入手したい場合は、他のプレイヤーと取引して、彼女のレリックまたはコンポーネントを完全に入手する必要があります.

幸いなことに、保管された WARFRAME は毎月のローテーターで入手できるようになります。 Mag Prime が保管庫から取り出されたら、Maroo's Bazaar で Aya のために Mag Prime Relics を購入できます。金庫に保管された Warfarmes の獲得に関する詳細については、プライム リサージェンス ガイドをご覧ください。

Mag Prime 設計図

ドロップ ソース
  • リス M1 (レア)
  • リス M2 (レア)
  • メソ M1 (レア)
  • 25,000 クレジット
  • Mag Prime ニューロティックス 1 個
  • マグ プライム シャーシ 1 個
  • マグ プライム システム 1 つ
  • 3 オロキン セル
作成時間 72時間

Mag Prime ニューロティックス

ドロップ ソース
  • リス B1 (コモン)
  • Neo N9 (コモン)
  • Axi V2 (共通)
  • 15,000 クレジット
  • 150 合金プレート
  • 2 神経センサー
  • 150 ポリマー バンドル
  • 750 ルベド
作成時間 12時間

マグ プライム シャーシ

ドロップ ソース
  • メソ B1 (アンコモン)
  • メソ B3 (アンコモン)
  • ネオ B3 (アンコモン)
  • 15,000 クレジット
  • 3 つの形態
  • 1,000 フェライト
  • 400ルベド
作成時間 12時間

マグ プライム システム

ドロップ ソース
  • ネオ D1 (コモン)
  • Axi R1 (コモン)
  • Axi S4 (共通)
  • 15,000 クレジット
  • 3 コントロール モジュール
  • 1 モルフィック
  • 500フェライト
  • 色素体500個
作成時間 12時間

クイック リンクに戻る

マグ アビリティ


マグ マグ プライム
  • 鎧: 100
  • エネルギー: 125
  • 健康: 75
  • シールド: 150
  • スプリント速度: 1.0
  • 鎧: 125
  • エネルギー: 175
  • 健康: 75
  • シールド: 150
  • スプリント速度: 1.0


パッシブ: 近くにあるアイテムは Mag に引き寄せられ、簡単に収集できます。

マグには常にバキューム効果があります。マグから 8 メートル以内のアイテムは彼女に吸い込まれます 、レベリング中にリソース、エネルギーオーブ、および弾薬を非常に簡単に取得できるようにします。このパッシブは、両方のモッドの半径が 11.5m であるため、バキュームまたはフェッチ モッドと一緒にコンパニオンを取得すると、実質的に役に立ちません。真空効果はしません マグのパッシブとスタック。

さらに、Mag には Polarize Shards と呼ばれる独自のリソースがあります。 装甲ユニットで彼女の 3 番目の能力である Polarize を使用してスポーンします。 Walking near these shards will create a cyclone of blades around Mag, dealing constant damage to enemies within melee range. Enemies hit by Polarize Shards take guaranteed Slash and Puncture procs. These shards may also be used as projectiles for Mag's second ability, Magnetize.


Pull: Mag stuns enemies as she manifests a magnetic vortex. The vortex pulls in Polarize Shards and stunned enemies to place them directly in front of her.

This ability can be subsumed with the Helminth system.

Pull Stats
Drain 25 Energy
Range 25 meters
Damage 300 Magnetic
Applicable Mods
Duration Range Efficiency Strength
N/A Affects cast range Affects cast Energy cost Affects damage dealt

Mag will raise her arm and pull targets toward her, behaving as a one-handed action. This means you can fire your weapons and perform other actions mid-cast. All enemies in a frontal cone will be pulled directly in front of Mag and clumped into a tight ball, lasting for about a second. Enemies will collapse on the ground shortly afterward.

Ability Range is fantastic for Pull , allowing you to grab enemies from much greater distances. If you're a newer player, speccing for Ability Strength isn't a bad idea either, allowing Pull to outright kill enemies at lower levels. Duration does not affect Pull's vortex duration , so focus on other stats. We recommend using this ability when surrounded to quickly group enemies up for your melee or Mag's second ability:Magnetize.


Magnetize: Enclose a target in a magnetic field that ensnares nearby enemies and deals damage over time. The field pulls Polarize Shards that orbited Mag and shrapnel into the deadly mix. Hold the ability to surround Mag in a magnetic field that absorbs ranged attacks and reflects damage back in a destructive cone.

Magnetize Stats
Drain 50 Energy
Duration 15 seconds
Range Explosion Radius: 15 meters
Bubble Radius: 4 meters
Absorption Angle: 120°
Damage Absorption Magnetic Field: 25%
Absorption Field: 25 Blast per second
Damage Explosion: 300 Blast
Shrapnel Damage: 500
Magnetic Field Multiplier: x2
Absorption Field Multiplier: x2
Applicable Mods
Duration Range Efficiency Strength
Affects magnetic field duration &absorption channeling efficiency Affects magnetic field radius, explosion radius, and absorption field angle Affects cast and channeling Energy costs Affects damage dealt and damage multipliers

This description is absurdly long and highly confusing, so we're going to simplify what this skill does. Before we continue, it's important to note that Magnetize is technically two skills. Pressing the cast button will perform one action, and holding the cast button will perform an entirely different skill. Here's a quick rundown of each variant of Magnetize:

  • Tap Cast: Mag creates a magnetic dome around the target. Projectiles fired into the dome will continuously ricochet until the ability ends. Enemies inside the dome contribute to the projectile ricochets and cannot damage you.
    • On ability expiration, the dome explodes and deals Blast damage to nearby foes.
    • This is a one-handed action.
  • Hold Cast: Mag drops her weapon and absorbs incoming projectiles. Cast the ability again to release the projectiles in a frontal cone, knocking back nearby targets.
    • This is a channeled ability, continuously draining Energy each second until you stop casting the ability.

In just about every scenario, you should use the tap variant of Magnetize. The dome created by Magnetize is absurdly powerful with a good build, capable of locking down chokepoints and dealing absurd damage. Create a dome on someone, start shooting the bubble, then watch everything inside take continuous damage. A quarter of your weapon damage is absorbed by the bubble, dealing constant damage to enemies inside.

This makes weapon choice incredibly important for Mag. Critical effects don't transfer to the dome, so you'll want to use hard-hitting weapons like sniper rifles and shotguns. Weapons with physical projectiles and shards generated from Polarize will ricochet in the dome as well. Up to three domes may be created at a time.

Ability Synergies

Casting Pull on targets inside a Magnetize bubble will double your damage output. Polarize shards ricochet inside Magnetize domes, and Crush deals an extra 1,500 Magnetic damage to targets affected by Magnetize.

Magnetize works best with Ability Range. Strength does improve your damage multiplier, yet that only affects the target you magnetized, not anyone nearby. Range is essential since it makes your Magnetize bubble affect more targets. For the protective variant of Magnetize, spec for Ability Range to absorb damage from a wider angle.


Polarize: Emit an energy pulse that depletes enemy shields and armor as it restores ally shields. Debris left over from the pulse becomes Polarize Shards. Nearby Polarize Shards orbit Mag and cut enemies, inflicting bleed status.

Polarize Stats
Drain 75 Energy
Radius 8 meters
Duration 8 seconds
Damage Contact: 400 Magnetic
Multiplier: 2.5x
Applicable Mods
Duration Range Efficiency Strength
Affects energy pulse duration Affects initial wave radius Affects cast Energy cost Affects damage dealt and damage multiplier

Polarize creates a wave of magnetic energy around Mag that expands outward for a few seconds. Shielded targets take a massive amount of damage toward their shields, and armored targets have a flat amount of armor ripped from them, creating Polarize Shards on contact. Having shields or armor stripped will cause the target to explode, damaging nearby enemies based on how many shields and/or armor got stripped. Mag and any allies that make contact with Polarize's energy wave will receive 400 shields.

Mag can use this ability to quickly kill Corpus enemies in low-level content and strip shields and armor in endgame activities. It's also a great way to recharge your shields across all content. Build around Duration and Strength to maximize this ability. Strength makes Polarize strip more resources and restore more shields, while Ability Duration extends the duration of the energy pulse, allowing it to hit more targets in a single cast. Range only affects the starting radius for the energy pulse; you don't need to spec for it.


Crush: Magnetize the bones of nearby enemies, causing them to collapse upon themselves.

Crush Stats
Drain 100 Energy
Radius 18 meters
Damage Initial Damage: 500 Magnetic
Magnetized Damage: 500 Magnetic
Shield / Hit 25 Shields
Applicable Mods
Duration Range Efficiency Strength
N/A Affects cast range Affects cast Energy cost Affects damage dealt and shields restored

Crush is much simpler than Mag's previous two abilities. Mag grabs every enemy within 18 meters of her, levitating them in the air before crushing their bones. The ability deals three instances of 500 Magnetic damage, totaling 1,500 Magnetic damage throughout the whole cast animation. Crushing targets affected by Magnetize will deal an additional 1,500 Magnetic damage, and Polarizing targets beforehand will make it easier to kill them with Crush.

Ability Strength and Range are fantastic for Crush , increasing your damage output and effective radius. This is also your main source of overshields , overcharged shields that absorb even more damage. Mag can have 1,200 overshields in addition to her base shield capacity, so using Crush on enough foes can make Mag virtually unkillable in low-level content.

クイック リンクに戻る

Mag Augments

Augment mods infuse your Warframe abilities with new properties, sometimes overhauling them entirely. Mag has access to four augment mods—technically six, but two of them only work in PvP. All of Mag's augments may be purchased from the New Loka and Perrin Sequence Syndicates for 25,000 Standing each. You'll need to be at max rank with either Syndicate to purchase these augment mods. Alternatively, you may trade these augment mods with other players through Warframe's trading system.

Greedy Pull

Greedy Pull: Pull Augment:Adds 100% chance to pull pickups towards Mag.

Pull is normally restricted to just grabbing enemies. With Greedy Pull, your Pull ability can now grab resources, ammo, Health and Energy Orbs, and other notable pickups within line of sight. Bear in mind that only the person casting Pull receives the pickups; all other players do not have their pickups moved. The chance to pull pickups is unaffected by mods. While niche, this augment is great if you subsume Pull onto a crate-breaking Warframe like Limbo or Xaku.

Magnetized Discharge

Magnetized Discharge: Magnetize Augment:Recast on the target to detonate. Enemies hit have a 50% chance to be disarmed. Passive:+45% Magnetize Range.

Magnetize may now be detonated early by recasting the ability on an affected target. The explosion created from Magnetize—whether manually detonated or otherwise—also has a chance to disarm targets. At 200% Ability Strength, Magnetize's explosion is guaranteed to disarm foes. Magnetized Discharge's range bonus is additive with other sources of Ability Range.

The disarm effect itself forces ranged units to use melee weapons. If they don't have a melee weapon, they'll be given a stun baton instead. Ranged units that can't equip melee weapons, notably Corpus drones, will stop attacking altogether. Conversely, melee units won't be affected by the disarm in any way. This effect lasts until the target dies.

Counter Pulse

Counter Pulse: Polarize Augment:Enemy weapons are jammed and robotics are disabled for 4s when hit by Polarize.

Similar to Mesa's Shooting Gallery, Counter Pulse causes enemy weapons to jam for a short duration when hit by Polarize, affected by Ability Duration. Enemy robotics are put to sleep for the duration , making them open to stealth finishers and finisher multipliers. It's a stronger debuff than Magnetized Discharge but only lasts for a set duration.

Fracturing Crush

Fracturing Crush: Crush Augment:Crush gains +50% casting speed. The armor of surviving enemies decreases by 75% and they are unable to move for 7s.

Crush gains a few bonuses from this augment, notably a permanent armor strip and a cast speed bonus. Anyone hit by Crush's final hit will have their armor reduced permanently, affected by Ability Strength. With only 134% Ability Strength, you'll fully strip a target's armor with Fracturing Crush, making this augment fantastic for Steel Path content and Grineer in general.

Additionally, Crush will make targets immobile for seven seconds after it's finished casting, affected by Ability Duration. Targets can still attack while in this state , but they'll be unable to move in any capacity. You also gain a 50% cast speed buff with Crush only, stacking additively with other cast speed sources.

クイック リンクに戻る

Mag Builds

We'll be looking at three builds for Mag today, one of which is tailored for newer players that don't have many mods or a spare Orokin Reactor. Mag is quite a versatile Warframe and has quite a few builds available for her, so feel free to experiment and try new things. Most builds focus on scaling her Ability Range with a bit of Duration and Strength. Despite her damage-oriented abilities, most of Mag's damage comes from the scaling of Magnetize, something that isn't overly reliant on Ability Strength mods. If you're a newer player, Ability Efficiency is a must

In general, Mag is a Warframe that survives through shields and shield-gating —the invulnerability period that comes when your shields break. Since Mag can recharge her shields so easily, it's trivial to refresh your full shield gate to become nigh-invincible for endgame content. Although for most content, you'll be just fine increasing your shield capacity.

For your Focus school (spoilers), use Zenurik. Mag wants as much Energy as she can get, so gaining a constant influx of Energy helps fulfill her niche as a casting Warframe.

Archon Shards

Just about every Archon Shard effect is useful on Mag, but we highly recommend speccing for cast speed, Ability Strength, and Ability Duration. Cast speed is an amazing quality-of-life improvement for her kit, and Ability Strength and Duration are useful for just about all of Mag's abilities. Use two yellow shards for cast speed, then use three red shards for ability stat buffs.

None of the builds showcased below use any Archon Shards.

The Essentials (0 Forma, No Reactor)

  • Forma: 0
  • Subsume: None

This build is meant to be a guiding star for newer players, giving you a rough idea of what to aim for during your first dozen hours. We focus on Ability Range and Efficiency to showcase Mag's excellent casting potential. You'll have far-reaching abilities, a massive Energy reserve to rapidly cast abilities in tough situations, and you'll deal more damage than normal.

Before we start, we highly recommend you level Vitality instead of Redirection . Mag has excellent shield-generating abilities in her kit, so having a larger shield battery isn't as important. Many Warframes attacks and status effects bypass your shields entirely, so increasing your HP makes it tougher to die from Toxin or Slash effects.

For damage, we go with Intensify , increasing your damage by 30% for all skills. Your Magnetize will also scale incoming damage more aggressively, making it far stronger. For casting, we use Flow and Streamline together to help Mag's Energy economy. Streamline makes your abilities cheaper, and Flow massively increases your Energy reserves.

The star of the show here is Ability Range, allowing you to Pull and Crush enemies from afar while Magnetizing small packs in one cast. We use Stretch and Augur Reach to do this. Augur Reach is a slightly tough mod to get, obtained from Plains of Eidolon bounties. Run the low-level bounties until it drops. Our aura mod, Steel Charge , gives a ton of mod energy to play with. You can get this mod from the Nightwave Cred store, accessible from your ship. If Nora isn't selling Steel Charge, wait for the store to reset and check again.

A lot of these mods won't be in your inventory to start, so don't fret. Use flawed mods until you get the standard variants , and constantly be working on upgrading your mods with Endo. Before you embark on a massive grind, we recommend asking for spare mods in region or trade chat. Veteran Warframe players are incredibly friendly and have hundreds of spare mods.

クイック リンクに戻る

Starter Build (0 Forma, No Subsume)

  • Forma: 0
  • Subsume: None

This build seems strange at first glance, but this setup is incredibly powerful for general crowd control and DPS. We focus on scaling our Ability Range with Stretch and Augur Reach to make all of our abilities have a massive radius. We further boost it with Magnetized Discharge , an augment for Mag's Magnetize ability that grants another 45% Ability Range. It also lets you detonate Magnetize bubbles early, making it easy to manage all three domes at any given moment.

For damage, we're using Magnetize with Umbral Intensify to scale its damage. If you don't own Umbral Intensify, use the normal variant. We'll be casting our abilities a ton, so we'll be using Streamline and (Primed) Flow to benefit our Energy economy. We'll also be using Natural Talent to cast our abilities faster, making Mag feel much more fluid.

You might notice that we aren't using a survivability mod, and that's because we're using Counter Pulse . This augment is absurdly strong, effectively disabling enemy AI for four seconds upon casting Polarize. Whenever you're pushing into a big group of enemies, cast Polarize to give yourself some breathing room. Follow up with Magnetize for some damage or Crush to quickly recharge your shields. Bring a high-damage weapon to ramp up your Magnetize bubbles, and you have yourself a versatile Mag build that's great for most content.

クイック リンクに戻る

Endgame Build (3 Forma, Breach Surge Subsume)

  • Forma: 3 (V, – (Aura), D (Exilus))
  • Subsume: Breach Surge (Wisp)

Don't be fooled by the lack of armor strip on this build. Mag's damage output is so absurd that she can brute force her way through armor, provided you have a hard-hitting weapon like the Exergis or Kuva Hek. Your goal is to increase your Ability Range and Efficiency without dumping your other stats too much.

We use Overextended, Stretch, and Magnetized Discharge to drastically improve Magnetize's radius, allowing you to lock down entire hallways with a single bubble. To compensate for Overextended's negative Ability Strength, we use Transient Fortitude to counter that downside.

As for Ability Efficiency, we use Fleeting Expertise (R4) to half the cost of all abilities. This also halves our Ability Duration, so we'll be using Primed Continuity to make up for our otherwise horrible duration value. Use Natural Talent to cast your abilities faster, and equip Rolling Guard to cleanse status effects and give yourself breathing room in Steel Path content. We also highly recommend using Primed Sure Footed in the Exilus slot to become immune to CC effects. The aura is completely up to you; we use Enemy Radar to easily find targets to Magnetize.

To ramp up Mag's damage massively, we'll be using Wisp's Breach Surge in place of Pull. This ability causes enemies to emit radioactive sparks when they take damage, seeking nearby targets. Breach Surge works on Magnetized targets. You'll use Magnetize on someone, cast Breach Surge, then fire a round. Every enemy will start emitting sparks that enter the dome, increasing its damage. This extra damage will then make more sparks, creating a feedback loop. The end result is a detonation—which you can prematurely activate thanks to Magnetized Discharge—that can one-shot enemies in Steel Path, even through armor. Just make sure you have a good gun.

For Arcanes, we recommend Molt Efficiency for more Ability Duration and Arcane Pistoleer. Pistoleer is downright overpowered on Mag, granting all weapons infinite ammo upon a precision secondary kill. You can land a headshot kill with your pistol, swap to an Exergis, then fire back-to-back rounds until the Arcane expires. Your Magnetize bubble will reach damage values you never thought possible.

クイック リンクに戻る