

バロトラウマ – 株式市場を暴落させる農家向けガイド





最初に知っておくべきことは、農業とは何か、どのように農業を行うか、いくつかの効率的な農業技術 (少なくとも私が見つけたもので、最も効果的ではないかもしれません)、そして最後に、エウロパで最も裕福な庭師になる方法です!


農業は、(少なくともこのガイドを作成している時点では) やや新しい機能であり、その名の通り、植木鉢を置き、種を入れ、時々水をやります。


第二に、種が必要です。ゲームにはさまざまなシードがあり、正確には 4 つです。


  • 塩の球根
  • 塩の球根は、クラフト材料であるナトリウムに変わるスクラップにのみ使用されます (もちろん、すべての果物に適用される販売を除く)。これは成長するのが危険な植物です。水と接触すると爆発し、やけどや一時的な気絶を引き起こします。Salt Bulb が多ければ多いほど、気絶時間が長くなり、やけどの致死率が高くなります。

    1. ざくろ

    その名の通り手榴弾のようなもので、ざくろの植物がざくろを吐き出すと、いつものように地面に落ちますが、地面にとどまらず、わずかな確率で炎上します。 、小さな火を起こすので、これを育てる予定がある場合は、火が急速に大きくなるので、消火器の近くに置いて待機してください。

    Pomegrenades には主な用途が 1 つあります。Pomegrenade Extract と呼ばれる薬を作るためです。Pomegrenade を 5 つだけ使用して Medical Fabricator で作成でき、構築には比較的低い医療スキルが必要です。ザクロ抽出物も販売できますが、その主な目的は治癒として使用され、鈍的外傷、火傷、深部組織損傷などの基本的な怪我を治すことができますが、そのような少量しか治癒しません.ザクロは成長する価値がありません. .

    いくつかの果物は変異する可能性があり、さまざまな効果があります.Mutated Pomegrenadeは非常に単純で、何かを作成するために使用することはできませんが、投げると爆発する可能性があります.手榴弾のように.

    1. Raptor Bane

    Raptor Bane can be crafted into Raptor Bane Extract, which can be used as a lethal poison against Mudraptors, if used on a human though, they will only get dizzy, not entirely sure what other effects it has on humans though.

    Similar to Pomegrenades, Raptor Bane also has a mutated variety, sadly, it has no use, it cannot be crafted but can be deconstructed into carbon and its seed.

    1. Tobacco Bud

    Tobacco is the only reason I’m making this guide, It’s harmless to grow, and takes the slowest to die out (will talk about watering in the next chapter)

    Tobacco Buds can be used to craft Tobacco, which takes 3 of its fruit, which also needs, and will give helm when crafted.

    Tobacco is fuel for a captains pipe, a captains pipe is used for getting rid of psychosis, as it gives psychosis resistance, and thankfully, no lung cancer.

    How to Take Care of Your Plants Like My Mother Didn’t Do to Me

    Now before I talk about how to crash the stock you have to know how to take care of your plants (unless you want to skip straight to it assuming you know how to take care of plants, which is perfectly fine.).

    Third, you need to know how to water your plants, it’s pretty easy, all you need is a watering can, which you can also get from wrecked subs and outposts. Using it is like using any other tool, it will dispense water from the end of it drooping down in lots of tiny droplets, if those droplets fall into the plant pot that has a seed in it, it will show a water bar, if that bar reaches 0, your plant dies and it will shrivel up and you have to uproot it, so whenever you pass by your plant, give it a little watering, also, watering cans have infinite water, so you don’t have to get more.

    Another way you can take care of your plant is to give it fertilizer, fertilizer can be found in blah blah blah outposts and crap. Fertilizer when used on a pot with a seed, uses only 50 percent of it, so fertilizer has 2 uses. Fertilizer, as you expect, speeds up the process of spitting out fruits.

    The most important part of taking care of your plant, don’t let it consume salty Europan waters, as, when your plant is in said water, it will be drained of its water, so, have a pump nearby and patch up any leaks in your gardening room.

    Plants constantly drain water, but at slower rates depending on the plant, this is the order of slowest to fastest water draining.

  • Tobacco Bud
  • Salt Vine
  • Pomegrenade
  • Raptor Bane
  • How to Crash the Stock Market

    For all you new gardeners out there, congrats on making it this far, you have been enlightened on the basics of gardening. Now, lets get to the juicy part.

    First, you will need a lot of space, without much devices, or things on the walls, like junction boxes, suit lockers, lockers, or emergency supply lockers, as, all the branches from the plant will obstruct that, which will not be in your favor, pumps on the floor, are relatively fine.

    Now, you may be thinking:“Oh plants don’t take up that much space on the walls.” And you’re right! However, this next step is how that will change.

    Next step:get a bunch of plant pots, and I mean lots of them, or at least, as much as your Gardening Room will hold.


    Get all the tobacco seeds you can get, if you care about your money for the moment, then get a little amount, 1 at the minimum. Then place down a pot, then place another one, but place as you may notice when you place a pot, it moves in little studs, like one every inch, so, hover over the place you put your first pot, then move over 2 spaces or more, make sure they are touching, the place, then place, then place, until it goes from the start to the end of your Gardening Room. Now, from here, its your choice if you want to place more pots, if so, then do the same thing, except floating above your pots, that’s right, your plant pots can FLOAT, which we can use to make more space by placing them in the air.

    From there, place all your seeds in your pots, if you still need seeds to place in your pots, wait until it grows a tobacco bud, then deconstruct it, you will get carbon and a seed, so plant that seed, wait for it to grow, deconstruct its bud, rinse and repeat until your pots are all full.

    A tip when placing pots in the air:make sure they aren’t too high so you can still water them.

    Now, fertilizer isn’t required, actually, it isn’t really that important, you have so many tobacco plants, that you might as well sit there and watch the buds fly out.


    Your farm should look a little something like this:

    If so, great! You’re doing it right! I usually have a duffel bag of our suicidal engineer or just a crate/storage container to store the buds into and then bring it up into the outpost and sell it.


    Hey, you made it! Soon, you will now be the richest Gardener on Europa.

    Usually you will still have buds left over in your storage container because of how little money outposts have, or how much buds you have.