

インシデント コマンダー – ミッションのプレイに関するヒント

Incident Commander の各ミッションをプレイする上で役立つヒントをいくつか紹介します。これはヒントの完全なリストではありませんが、各ミッションを成功させるための正しい道を歩み始めるのに役立ちます。頑張って楽しんでください!


Incident Commander で危機に対処する最善の方法は、現場のリソースをすぐに動員して、インシデントが制御不能にならないようにすることです。火災や化学物質の流出は広がり続け、銃撃者は民間人を攻撃し続け、負傷した民間人は、これらの問題を制御するための迅速な行動をとらない限り、死亡し続けるでしょう.危機を迅速に管理するためのヒントをいくつか紹介します。


このシナリオは、おそらく最初に試すミッションの 1 つであり、すぐに手に負えなくなる可能性があります。列車の脱線事故は町外れで発生するが、墜落現場周辺には多くの民間人が潜んでいる。問題が迅速に制御されない場合、多くの民間人が負傷したり、危機が展開するのを傍観しているだけで命を落としたりする可能性があります.

  • 現場の警察と消防士を動員し、すぐに行動に移します (現場を配置する前に)。火災や化学物質の流出が広がり、墜落現場周辺で爆発が起こり、より多くの民間人の命が危険にさらされるまでにそれほど時間はかかりません。消防士にすぐに火を消し始めてもらいます。民間人が墜落現場に近づきすぎないように、警察に境界線を設定してもらいます。必要に応じて、邪魔にならないように「エスコート」してください。
  • ユーティリティ クルーを動員して、電線の損傷の修理を開始します。民間人はダウンしたワイヤーに迷い込み、感電死し、負傷し、場合によっては死亡します。市民の安全を確保するために、迅速に修理してください。
  • 現場の EMT クルーを動員し、ミッションの開始時に負傷した民間人に応急処置を施します。そうすることで、あなたが状況全体をコントロールしようとしている間、彼らが死ぬことはありません.死んだ市民ではなく、負傷した民間人を中国共産党に引き渡すのが最善です。


これは最も挑戦的なミッションの 1 つであり、その内容の性質上、プレイするのが難しい場合があります。射手は、シナリオの開始直後に銃を撃ち始めるため、犠牲者を出さずに危機から抜け出すことはほぼ不可能です。したがって、重要なのは死傷者をできるだけ減らすことです。

  • 述べたように、ガンマンはミッション開始直後に発砲を開始します。彼ができるだけ多くの生徒に危害を加えるのを防ぐために、教師と生徒がいる2つの部屋をすぐにロックダウンしてください.これにより、それらの部屋にいる生徒がプレイ中に害を受けないようにすることができます。ホールにいる 2 人の教師については、「エスコート」命令を使用して近くの生徒を集め、近くの部屋に全員を移動させてから、それらの部屋を「ロックダウン」します。繰り返しになりますが、これにより、これらの生徒が銃撃によって害を受けることはありません。 射手が鎮圧されるまで、これらの部屋を「ロック解除」しないでください。
  • リソースオフィサーを連れて、通常は後ろの廊下にいるガンマンを探しに行き、部屋から部屋へと移動します. RO は通常の警察や SWAT ほど良いショットではありませんが、運が良ければ、SWAT が到着する前に彼を倒すことができます。マップ外のリソースを要求した場合、銃声の交換は銃撃者の注意をそらし、時間を稼ぐことにもなります。
  • ミッション開始時、学校の外にいるリソース オフィサーの近くに立っている 3 人の民間人は無視してください。それらを制御しようとして時間を無駄にしないでください。彼らは、すべての死傷者が出るまで、あなたの「護衛」または「直接」命令を拒否します。 CCP、およびすべての学生に引き渡されました 避難所に届けられました。すべての死傷者と生徒が CCP と EP に届けられたら、避難所に送るよう命令できます。



  • 町から出て火事に向かう道に、3 台の放棄された車両があります。レッカー車をすぐに動員し、障害物を取り除きます。他の車両 (ワイルドランド トラックを除く) は通過できません。危機に完全に対処する前に、それらを削除する必要があります。
  • 車両が撤去されたら、警察を危機地域に移動させ、火事からすべての民間人を「護衛」し始めます。 Gobble them all up like candy with the “escort” order, and do not stop doing so until you have as many civilians as you can under police protection. Then, walk them all to the Evacuation Point in one large herd. Do not try to find the two civilians stuck in the wood behind the fire wall. Let your Helicopter do that.
  • Regular Fire trucks cannot move off-road like the Wildland trucks. But, normal Firefighters can move off-road; and, they can draw water from the Wildland trucks just like the Wildland Firefighters themselves. This will allow you to double and triple up on the number of crews you can put in the field to fight the fires.
  • Finally, don’t even think about playing this mission without calling in the Helicopter. Place its landing site as close to your water source (the river) as possible and then call it in immediately. Use it to carry water to the fire, and to find and rescue the two civilians trapped in the woods on the opposite side of the firewall. If you don’t, the mayor will get very angry with you.


A tornado has swept through the town, causing a lot of damage, and trapping a lot of civilians in the debris. Your resources to start are limited, but there are a few things you can do to get control of the situation immediately.

  • Mobilize either your on-site CERT or Firefighters to clear the debris laying in the middle of the road leading into the town from the north. No off-map resources can enter the town without those trees being cleared.
  • Mobilize your Police Team to “escort” as many civilians as you can to the Plaza where all civilians have been ordered to gather. You can “direct” them to do so, but to start the mission, it’s best to simply wander around the wreckage and collect them up as you go.
  • You have a lot of ruined buildings to search. Mobilize as many on- and off-map resources as you can to “search,” “extricate,” and then “evacuate” all injured and/or dead civilians to the Casualty Collection Point (CCP).

Bomb Threat

This mission is one of the easiest. It’s quite possible to get through the entire crisis without any bombs exploding, any casualties, or deaths.

  • Begin “searching” all classrooms with your Teachers and Resource Officer. Have them search all searchable locations (including the lockers on the walls). Do not have them inspect suspicious packages; leave that to the K-9 and Bomb Squads.
  • Call in the K-9 and Bomb Squads immediately. They are the ones that need to inspect suspicious packages and defuse any bombs that you find.
  • Once the school has been thoroughly searched, order the Teachers and Resource Officer to search all searchable vehicles in the parking lot. And again, leave suspicious packages to the K-9 and Bomb Squads.

Vehicle Accident

The good thing about this mission is that the crisis is confined to the road where the multi-car pileup has occurred. The key, then, is to get there as fast as possible and begin clearing away the cars so that your Firefighters, EMTs, and HAZMAT resources can begin to deal with the event.

  • Immediately place both Vehicle Collection Zones (VCZs):one on the side of the town, and the other on the opposite side. Mobilize your Tow Truck on the side of the crash opposite the town and begin clearing away the crashed vehicles. Call in another Tow Truck on the town side of the accident and begin pulling vehicles out of the crisis point as well.
  • While vehicles are being pulled to the VCZs, bring in your Firefighters and begin fighting the small fire on the town side of the crash. Then call in HAZMAT and have them address the chemical spill right away. Any EMTs and/or Police who try to go into the crash site without the chemical spill being cleaned up could die in the slick.
  • Use the Police to “escort” civilians to one of the VCZs, or both. Like the Tornado scenario, you can have the Police gather up all the required civilians before delivering them to the VCZs; that can save you a lot of time in addressing this crisis.

Escaped Inmates

This one is a fun mission. It’s like herding cats, but with orange jump suited men who have broken out of prison. Ten inmates are running all over Creation trying to find ways to either cause havoc (one or two of them have guns), or to hide out long enough for the cops to stop looking for them. But you’re not going to stop looking for them, are you? You’re going to bring this crisis to a nice and tidy conclusion.

  • Mobilize your Police immediately to begin rounding up the inmates who are running around town in easily identifiable orange jumpsuits. “Arrest” them quickly. You can put up to two inmates in your squad car at a time. Round up the first two and then take them promptly back to the police station. Repeat.
  • Place your Incident Command Post (ICP), Joint Information Center (JIC), and Staging Area (SA), and then call in SWAT. These guys are best at dealing with the gunmen running around the town. They too can have up to two inmates in their van at a time. Load up that SWAT van and bring them to the police station. Repeat.
  • Near the end of the mission, you may have 1-2 inmates yet to find and arrest. These guys are often hiding in the woods. Sometimes, they are easy to find; sometimes, not. Best advice is to zoom the camera in (not necessarily all the way), and then use the keyboard controls (Q, E, <, or the middle mouse button) and “drag” to rotate the camera around so that you can scan through the woods to find those last couple goons trying to hide out among the foliage.

Jet Crash

Like the School Shooter mission, it’s impossible to resolve this crisis without some casualties. A jet plane fell out of the sky; there will be casualties, and inevitably, deaths. The key is to try to keep the number of casualties/deaths as low as possible. It’s a challenge, but it can be accomplished.

  • Mobilize your Firefighters to start dealing with the fire in the middle of the crash. Getting the fire under control quickly can ensure fewer deaths. Then, immediately call in off-map Firefighting resources. You’re going to need all the fire crews you can get, because some of the flames are in locations that are difficult to reach with only one crew. Remember, like the Wildfire Mission, multiple fire crews can draw water from the same truck. Work your fire trucks around the crash site, setting them up on the roads strategically to give your Firefighters the best locations on which to put out the flames.
  • Mobilize the rest of your on-site resources to begin “searching,” “extricating,” and “evacuating” injured/dead civilians. Like the School Shooter scenario, there are a few civilians in the crash area that will refuse to be “escorted” or “directed” to the Evacuation Point until all casualties have been delivered to the CCP. Once you find them, ignore them and instead focus on the civilians who will follow directions.
  • Mobilize your on- and off-map resources to gather up all casualties and deliver them to the Casualty Collection Point. Place the CCP as close to the crash site as possible to reduce the amount of time it takes your teams to get casualties checked in.