

Android のドリーム ファームに最適な Stardew Valley Mod 15 選

Stardew Valley には、何年も経った今でもプレイヤーが戻ってきます。そのため、象徴的な農業シミュレーターの魅力的なグラフィックスと楽しいメカニズムからインスピレーションを得て、Stardew Valley のようなゲームが同じ偉業を達成しようとしているのです。ゲームを終えて、まだ新しいタイトルに移行したくないファンにとって、Stardew Valley MOD は、夢の農場を再構築するためにもう一度やりたいと思わせるものです。あなたがそのようなプレーヤーの 1 人なら、あなたは正しい場所に来ました。

この記事では、今日ダウンロードできる Android 用の最高の Stardew Valley mod をリストしました。読み進めながら、デバイスにインストールする方法も学びます。


  • Stardew Valley Mods の目的は何ですか?
  • Android向けの最高のStardew Valley Mods <オール>
  • スターデューバレーの拡大
  • インスタント ツールのアップグレード
  • トラクターモッド
  • 釣りのミニゲームをスキップ
  • CJBアイテムスポナー
  • 自動化
  • 海辺の谷
  • エリーの理想の温室
  • Dawn's Fluffy Dogs とその他の代替犬
  • エルの猫の代用品
  • 携帯電話
  • モダン ゴシック インテリア
  • 無制限のプレーヤー
  • Stardewvalley アニメ MOD
  • スターデュー水族館
  • Stardew Valley MOD はすべてのデバイスで動作しますか?
  • Stardew Valley MOD のインストール方法
  • Stardew Valley MOD は安全に使用できますか?
  • よくある質問
  • Stardew Valley Mods の目的は何ですか?

    何よりもまず、Stardew Valley の MOD が農業シミュレーション ゲームに何をもたらすのか疑問に思うかもしれません。

    MOD に慣れていない場合は、

    これらは、さまざまな方法でゲームを変更できるファイルです。たとえば、MOD は、新しいキャラクター、マップ、イベント、ダイアログ、ゲーム メカニクス、アート スタイル、農業用品と作物、釣り道具、水中生物をゲームに追加できます。これらは、テクスチャや色などのマイナーな側面にも影響を与える可能性があります.

    Startdew Valley の mod は、Minecraft の mod が Minecraft に対して行うこととまったく同じことを行います。ほとんどのモッズは新しいコンテンツを追加しますが、他のモッズは既存の機能を強化できます。一部のリリースでは、Stardew Valley の釣り、農業、およびツールのアップグレードが通常より高速になったり、マルチプレイヤー モードでのプレイヤーの制限が拡張されたりします。

    Android 向けの最高の Stardew Valley Mods

    ゲームの PC またはコンソール バージョンとは異なり、モバイルの Stardew Valley には公式に動作する多くの Mod がありません。これにより、あなたや他のプレイヤーが、夢の農場を改良または強化するのに役立つモッズを見つけるのが非常に困難になります. Android デバイスで動作する最高の Stardew Valley MOD を提示することで、検索をより簡単にしました。以下のリストには、デザインとゲームプレイを強化するバリアントが含まれています。

    1.スターデュー バレーの拡張

    Stardew Valley の続編または DLC を希望しますか? Stardew Valley Expanded であなたの願いが叶います。

    FlashShifter によって作成された Stardew Valley Expanded は、ベース ゲームを拡張します。 850 のロケーション メッセージ、220 のキャラクター イベント、32 のロケーション、25 のキャラクター、18 の魚など、多くの新機能があります。

    Stardew Valley Expanded には非常に多くのアドオンがありますが、ベース ゲームと同じ楽しさを体験できるようにすることを目的としています。 mod は、キャラクターから環境まで、Stardew Valley のオリジナルのアート スタイルにこだわることでそれを実現します。

    2.インスタント ツールのアップグレード

    Stardew Valley でツールをアップグレードするのは簡単ですが、待ち時間はそれほど簡単ではありません。常駐の鍛冶屋クリントに強化するアイテムと金と金属の延べ棒を渡すと、彼が仕事を終えるまでゲーム内で 2 日かかります。ただし、Instant Tool Upgrades を使用すれば、もう待つ必要はありません。

    Binarynova による Instant Tool Upgrades は、ゲームの仕組みを高速化するため、最高の Stardew Valley MOD の 1 つです。クリントにアップグレードを依頼した直後に、改善された農業、釣り、採餌、または採掘ツールを返してくれます。 mod はシンプルですが、非常に便利です。


    スターデュー バレーでの農業は手工具を使っても面倒だと思うなら、トラクターで十分かもしれません。ゲームにはそのようなものはありませんが、Tractor Mod を介して使用できます。

    Pathoschild によって作成された Tractor Mod は、その楽しい要素と機能性により、Stardew Valley の最高の Mod の 1 つです。トラクターに乗って種をまき、肥料をまき、作物を収穫し、小枝や石で塞がれた通路をより効率的に片付けることができます。ロビンという名前の町の大工から購入できるそれぞれのガレージに自動車を駐車することもできます. mod は、Stardew Valley と Farming Simulator を組み合わせたようなものです。これは、多くの農業用車両を運転できる農業ゲームです。


    スターデュー バレーで漁師になることもできますが、誰もがこの仕事に向いているわけではありません。多くのプレイヤーは、水中の生き物、特に希少なスターデュー バレーの伝説の魚を捕まえるのに苦労しています。

    ゲームで魚を釣り上げたいが、あまり頑張りたくない場合は、Skip Fishing Minigame が唯一の解決策かもしれません。

    DewMods によって作成された釣り mod は、完璧なキャッチを得るために、動きの速い魚のアイコンに緑色のバーを追従させる必要をなくします。 With it installed, underwater critters are caught automatically when you cast your fishing line, bait, and tackle. It works for all fish, whether the movement type is smooth, mixed, or dart.

    5. CJB Item Spawner

    There are nearly 400 items in Stardew Valley, and you can make many of them. If you are replaying the game, though, you might not want to go through the entire gathering and crafting process again.

    That is why many players use CJB Item Spawner, one of the top Stardew Valley mods for in-game items. With the mod, you only need to launch a menu, pick an item you want and its quality then the object will be instantly available for you. It works like magic.

    The menu is easy to navigate. You can use key bindings, the Android counterpart of the hotkeys on a computer keyboard, to open it. Additionally, the items are convenient to arrange by type via the side tabs or alphabetically by the name sorter option.

    The CJB Item Spawner is developed by CJBok and maintained by Pathoschild.

    6. Automate

    Stardew Valley requires you to craft your items manually. If you are not a fan of making farming and fishing supplies or the best Stardew Valley gifts from scratch, you might want automatic machines in the game. While those are not available, there is a workaround – the Automate mod from Pathoschild.

    Automate lets you use chests to convert a series of manual machines into an automatic system that yields finished products. For example, when you place a chest containing copper and coal beside a furnace, the latter will produce purified bars in an instant. There is no need for you to equip materials and place them into the workstation. When Automate is activated, the workstation itself will get the supplies from the chest.

    7. Seaside Valley

    Is Stardew Valley’s original palette too vibrant for you? If yes, then put Seaside Valley on your bucket list of Stardew Valley mods.

    The mod, created by Rainkius, is a recolored version of Stardew Valley. It is perfect if you only want appearance changes in the game.

    The hues applied by the mod to the buildings are muted and described by the maker as New England-inspired. That said, the palette can also add a “cottagecore” ambiance to the game. Cottagecore is a rural life aesthetic popularized in social media, digital art, and life simulation games such as Animal Crossing that features environment customization.

    Seaside Valley also features design changes to Joja Mart and the Bathhouse to match the overall theme of the mod.

    8. Ellie’s Ideal Greenhouse

    Ellie’s Ideal Greenhouse is one of the best Stardew Valley mods for green thumbs. Whether your dream Stardew Valley greenhouse is small, medium, or large, the mod can get it organized for you.

    The mod from Elliebear117 has three greenhouse options:Modest, Expanded, and Spacious. The Modest Greenhouse is the smallest, letting you place up to four Iridium Sprinklers, eight trees, and 192 plants.

    The Expanded Greenhouse is midsize, housing eight Iridium Sprinklers, eight trees, and more than 400 plants via two square and four horizontal plots.

    The Spacious Greenhouse, meanwhile, is the biggest of all for it features two rooms. The first can fit eight Iridium Sprinklers and more than 400 plants in one big and three small rectangular plots, while the second houses up to 48 trees.

    9. Dawn’s Fluffy Dogs and Other Alternative Dogs

    Dogs are a man’s best friends. You can befriend your preferred dog breed in Stardew Valley, thanks to Dawn’s Fluffy Dogs and Other Alternative Dogs mod.

    With the mod applied, you can have a Samoyed, Shiba Inu, Pug, or Mutt in the game. The dogs are available in many color options including white, brown, black, and yellow.

    The adorable dog sprites are from Dawnblairr, except for Missile from the video game Ghost Trick. The missile in the mod features recoloring done by Ceylon.

    10. Elle’s Cat Replacements

    If there are Stardew Valley mods for dogs, there are some for cats as well. Elle’s Cat Replacement stands out among the mods for felines.

    The mod by Elle retextures the cat in the farming simulation game. It lets you pick from more than 50 skins for your pet. With that, you can change your cat’s color and breed, including Short- or Longhair Solid or Pointed, Tortoiseshell, Calico, Striped, Socks, Tuxedo, and Spotted. The collars are customizable, too.

    11. Mobile Phone

    Mobile Phone by Aedenthorn made it to our list of best Stardew Valley mods because of its functionality. With it, you get an in-game mobile app that you can use to communicate with your favorite villagers no matter where they are.

    The mod lets you make and receive calls, participate in chats, reminisce about events with a character, and send friend invites. Chat is the feature that uses the daily dialogues while Reminisce replays your past activities with the villager. Friend invites, meanwhile, could work with other mods that let you date your favorite bachelor or bachelorette.

    What is even better about Mobile Phone is that it allows you to add app shortcuts as a substitute for hotkeys. According to the creator, the mod benefits Android users who already have plenty of bindings set for other mods.

    12. Modern Gothic Interior

    Stardew Valley gets a blast from the past with the Modern Gothic Interior mod by Coldazrael.

    The interior design-focused mod is inspired by medieval times and will remind you of the 2D action-adventure hit Castlevania. It can make your house look like a tavern or soldiers’ guild from a classic RPG through different wooden furniture, wall decorations, and emblems.

    13. Unlimited Players

    When you love playing with family, friends, or other people online, Unlimited Players is one of the best Stardew Valley mods to use.

    Created by Armitxes, the mod allows you to invite more than four people into the game, letting you go beyond the hardcoded cabin and player limit. Only you, the host, need to have the mod installed for it to work.

    Additionally, the mod permits you to remove the cabin requirement for each player. That is great if you want to save the gold and supplies needed to build housing.

    14. Stardewvalley Anime Mods

    Stardew Valley isn’t just about farming; there’s is a little romance involved, too. As players, you can form relationships by gifting NPCs and marry one of them eventually. But if you don’t like how they look, you can change their appearances to your liking using Stardewvalley Anime Mods.

    This Stardew Valley mod gives NPCs a different style that is vibrant and has a striking appeal. It includes skins for all six bachelors and bachelorettes, as well as non-marriage NPCs. If you like anime, this Stardew Valley mod might be for you.

    15. Stardew Aquarium

    Stardew Aquarium is an awesome mod that adds something that is not skin-deep. Instead of just enhancing textures, it adds new mechanics to the game. What it does is it brings an aquarium to the Pelican town where you can donate fish — a mini-game that is similar to Animal Crossing. All the fish you have donated will be displayed in the aquarium afterward for you to see. Aside from the aquarium, there is also a beach to explore with shops along the way.

    You can reach the Stardew Aquarium via the local train station.

    Do Stardew Valley Mods Work for All Devices?

    Now that you know what Stardew Valley mods to download, you might want to find out whether the files will indeed work on your Android device.

    For anyone who is wondering, the mods can function on all Android gadgets, unlike on iOS devices where they require device jailbreaking and rarely work. That is provided that you have a reliable mod installer such as SMAPI and have it and the mod file set up correctly.

    The mods will work smoothly when there are no existing mods that conflict with them. Usually, the conflicting files are those that have the same use as the new mod. To identify them, read the mod’s descriptions carefully from your source. Creators and developers usually indicate all incompatible files there.

    How to Install Stardew Valley Mods

    When installing Stardew Valley mods, you need to download SMAPI beforehand. It is the top API used by Stardew Valley mod makers and players. It also works well with files from Nexus Mods, a Stardew Valley community-recognized website that hosts mods for the hottest games. You can set up SMAPI like how you install an APK from unknown sources on Android.

    Once done, download Stardew Valley mods by following these instructions:
    1. Visit “nexusmods.com” from your Android browser.
    2. Register for a free account without choosing a package.
    3. Sign in to your account.
    4. Add Stardew Valley to your Games dashboard.
    5. Click Mods below the dashboard, then Top Files to see popular mods.
    6. Select Content Patcher.
    7. Tap Manual Download to get it.
    8. Access the search bar to find a Stardew Valley mod you want or go back to the dashboard to browse for one.
    9. Do the same steps you did for Content Patcher to download the Stardew Valley mod.


    Content Patcher is required by many other mods, so it is best to download it beforehand.

    Here is how to install the Stardew Valley mods afterward:
    1. Locate and click the Downloads folder of your device.
    2. Look for the file you downloaded from Nexus Mods.
    3. Click the Zip or RAR file, then decompress or extract it.
    4. Copy-paste the extracted file to the Mod folder within the Stardew Valley folder of your device or create the Mod folder if there is none, then move the file there.
    5. To run the game, click the SMAPI Stardew Valley icon on your device’s home screen.


    For RAR files, download an extractor app.

    Are Stardew Valley Mods Safe to Use?

    You can now try the Stardew Valley mods of your choice, but you probably want to know if they are safe for your device before you proceed.

    If you have that concern, know that mods will not be harmful to your gadget as long as you got them from a safe website. An example of a secure platform is Nexus Mods, which displays virus scan results per mod.

    For other mod hosting platforms online, safety might be hard to check. Because of that, it is recommended to have the best Android antivirus apps for device protection if you still want to get files from those websites.


    Is modding Stardew Valley allowed?

    はい。 ConcernedApe, the developer of Stardew Valley, allows modding of the game. You won’t get banned for modding. However, the mods you have added may be gone when the game receives updates in the future.

    Is Stardew Valley good with mods?

    Mods may enhance the visual appeal of the game, but Stardew Valley has a huge player base with or without mods. There are a lot of fun activities to do in the game and mods won’t drastically change its mechanics.

    What mods are available for Stardew Valley?

    There are a lot of mods available for Stardew Valley from as simple as textures to more complex mods that expand mechanics. Using Stardew Valley mods, you can improve its graphics, add minigames, expand maps, and more. You can even install a few of them altogether.

    Experience Stardew Valley Like Never Before

    Stardew Valley mods can change the game design, mechanics, and difficulty. With you being only a few clicks away from the best mods, you can enjoy your playthrough in more ways. Download one from our list now and experience Stardew Valley like never before!