

Minecraft で馬を飼いならして繁殖させる方法:完全ガイド

Minecraft で馬を繁殖させる方法を学ぶことは、Minecraft の受動的なモブを手に入れるのが難しいため、便利なスキルになる可能性があります。しかし、馬を飼いならして繁殖させたい理由は、ゲームで馬が珍しいことだけではありません。世界をより速くナビゲートしたい場合、馬は不可欠な仲間です。サドルを載せると、外出時に余分なアイテムを持っていくことができます。さらに、自分で馬を繁殖させることで、子孫の統計と外観をある程度制御することができます.

Minecraft での馬の飼いならしと繁殖に興味がある場合は、このガイドが最適です。また、ロバの繁殖方法についても説明し、Minecraft での馬、ロバ、ラバの違いについて詳しく説明します。


  • マインクラフトで馬を繁殖させるために必要なもの <オール>
  • Minecraft で金のニンジンを作成または入手する方法
  • Minecraft で金のリンゴを作成または入手する方法
  • Minecraft でエンチャントされた金のリンゴを見つける場所
  • マインクラフトで馬を繁殖させる方法 <オール>
  • 近くにいる 2 頭の馬を探す <オール>
  • Minecraft で馬を召喚する方法
  • 馬を飼いならす
  • 馬に餌をやる
  • 子馬が増えるまでこのプロセスを繰り返します
  • 子孫の種類
  • 馬、ラバ、ロバ:それぞれの違い
  • Minecraft で馬を繁殖させるために必要なもの

    Minecraft で馬を繁殖させるには、まず 2 頭の馬と、次の繁殖用食品のいずれか 2 つが必要です:

    • 黄金のニンジン
    • 黄金のリンゴ
    • 魅惑の黄金のリンゴ


    Minecraft で金のニンジンを作成または入手する方法


  • 3×3 クラフト インターフェースに移動します。
  • クラフト グリッドの真ん中にニンジンを置きます。
  • 下の写真のように、ニンジンを囲む箱に 8 つの金塊を置きます。

  • クラフト グリッドの横にあるボックスに金色のニンジンが表示されたら、インベントリにドラッグします。
  • Minecraft の村人との取引や宝箱の略奪に従事することで、金のニンジンを入手することもできます。マスター レベルの農家に 3 つのエメラルドを渡すと、50% の確率で金のニンジンを 3 つ交換してくれます。

    ただし、チェストを略奪することを好む場合は、砦の残骸 (ネザーにある) または荒廃したポータル (ネザーとオーバーワールドの両方にある) で運試しをすることができます。これらの建造物の周りには、通常、4 ~ 17 個の金のニンジンが入っているチェストがあります。ただし、これらのチェストに金のニンジンが含まれる確率は 7% から 13% 程度です。

    Minecraft で金のリンゴを作成または入手する方法

    金のリンゴの作り方は、金のニンジンの作り方と同じです。ただし、グリッドの中央にニンジンを配置する代わりに、リンゴを配置します。さらに、金塊 8 個ではなく、金インゴット 8 個が必要です。


    Minecraft でエンチャントされた金のリンゴを見つける場所

    金のニンジンや金のリンゴとは異なり、エンチャントされた金のリンゴはクラフトできません。それらは非常にまれで、ダンジョン、廃坑、森の洋館、砂漠の寺院、廃墟のポータル、砦の残骸にあるチェストに隠されています。ただし、これらの場所のいずれかで魔法の黄金のリンゴを見つける可能性は、わずか 1% から 6% です。

    エンチャントされた金のリンゴを入手すると、Minecraft で馬を繁殖させる際に有利になります。たとえば、野生の馬にエンチャントされた金のリンゴを与えると、テイムできる確率が 10% 増加します。さらに、エンチャントされたリンゴを与えると、子馬の成長を 4 分早めることができます。

    Minecraft で馬を繁殖させる方法

    必要な繁殖用の食料がすべて揃ったら、Minecraft で馬を繁殖させるプロセスを開始できます。以下に、その方法について順を追って説明します。

    1.近くにいる 2 頭の馬を探す

    Minecraft で馬を繁殖させるために最初に行う必要があるのは、近くにいる 2 頭の馬を見つけることです。平原やサバンナのバイオームで、2 ~ 6 頭の群れで見つかる可能性が最も高いでしょう。村にスポーンすることもあり、厩舎に収容されていることがわかります。


    必要に応じて、馬の 1 つまたは両方をロバに置き換えることもできます。馬と同じように、Minecraft の Bedrock Edition ではロバも 2 頭から 6 頭のグループでスポーンします。ただし、それらは平野でしか見つかりません。

    Minecraft で馬を召喚する方法

    Minecraft では馬はかなり珍しいので、繁殖させる馬を見つけるのに苦労している場合は、チートを使って召喚することができます。 If you currently don’t have cheats enabled in your world, you’ll need to create a new world first, toggle the cheats option on, and tap on “Continue.” Once you’ve done that, you can then use the summon horses cheat in the world that you just created. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can do so in Minecraft’s Bedrock Edition:

  • Launch Minecraft’s chat window by tapping on the chat button in the top right corner of your screen.
  • In the chat window, type in the command “/summon horse” to make it spawn in your current location.
    *If you want, you can also specify the coordinates of where you want the horse to spawn (e.g. /summon horse 11 60 -7).
  • Hit enter to apply the command.
  • A horse will then appear in your exact location (or in the exact coordinates you specified).
  • 2. Tame the Horses

    The horses you found will most likely be wild horses. However, to breed horses in Minecraft, you’ll need to tame them first. Doing so doesn’t require any specific item, but it may take some time and a bit of patience.方法は次のとおりです。

  • Go to the horse you wish to tame.
  • If you have an item in your hand, tap on an empty slot in the hotbar to empty your hand.
  • Position your pointer on the horse, and then mount it by tapping on the Mount button.
  • You’ll most likely get bucked off by the horse so repeat Step 3.
    *You’ll be able to sit on the horse longer with every attempt.
  • Repeat Steps 3 and 4 until you see red hearts start to pop up around the horse.
  • Once you see red hearts around the horse, you’ll know you’ve successfully tamed it. You can then repeat the process with the other parent horse.

    Keep in mind that not all horses take the same amount of time to be tamed. Some may require less time, while the more stubborn ones can take up to 20 times to mount before they become completely tame. That’s because horses in Minecraft spawn with different temper stats, which are random numbers (from zero to 99) assigned to each horse. A horse’s temper increases by five every time you mount it. However, you can feed it sugar, apples, wheat, or hay bales if you want to speed up the process. Every time you feed a horse any of these food items, its temper increases by three.

    3. Feed the Horses

    Remember the golden carrots, golden apples, and enchanted golden apples we talked about at the beginning of this guide? Those, essentially, are the last pieces of the puzzle when it comes to breeding horses in Minecraft. Feeding each of the parent horses any one of those food items will cause them to enter love mode, the state they need to be in to be able to breed.

    To feed your horses, you’ll need to first select either the golden carrots, the golden apples, or the enchanted golden apples in your hotbar. Then, feed one of the horses by simply tapping the animal. Do the same to the other horse. Keep in mind that each horse only needs to eat one golden carrot, golden apple, or enchanted golden apple to be able to breed. You’ll see red hearts start to appear around each horse as you feed them. This indicates that they’re entering love mode.

    Note that a horse will exit love mode if it doesn’t find another horse to breed with within 30 seconds of eating any of the breeding foods we mentioned. That’s why it’s important to keep two horses in one place before you feed them.

    Once both horses have been fed, they’ll then turn to one another with the red hearts still around them. These hearts will disappear after a while. You’ll see a baby horse appear in between the parent horses afterward.

    4. Repeat the Process for More Foals

    You can stop at Step 3 if you only want one baby horse. But if you want more foals, you can repeat the process as many times as you want — as long as you have enough breeding food in your inventory.

    That said, there are a couple of things you need to take note of if you’re going to breed a pair of parent horses more than once. For one, you can’t repeat the process immediately after the foal has been born. You’ll need to wait five minutes before you can breed them again. Within that period, the horses won’t eat any breeding food even if you hold it up to them, but they will follow you around. Once the five-minute waiting period has passed, they’ll happily eat any breeding food you present to them and produce another baby horse.

    Offspring Types

    Besides horses, you can also get other types of equine offspring in Minecraft. The kind of foal that results from the breeding process depends on what parent animals you use for breeding. For instance, breeding a horse with a donkey produces a baby mule, and breeding two donkeys produce, of course, a baby donkey. Mules in Minecraft are sterile and therefore can’t breed, just like in the real world. However, producing a mule in Minecraft Bedrock Edition does unlock the Artificial Selection achievement.

    The species of the foal isn’t the only thing you can control when breeding horses in Minecraft; you can also manipulate the appearance of the foal as well as its stats. That said, it’s still possible that the foal’s characteristics will be random. There’s an 80% chance that the baby horse will inherit the coat markings and color of either of the parents. On the flip side, there’s a 20% chance that the foal will have random markings.

    Predicting the stats of the foal won’t be as straightforward as predicting its color and coat markings. That’s because the foal’s stats (HP, jump height, and speed) is the average of the stats of both parents and another randomly selected horse. So, if you want the baby horse’s stats to be perfect, the stats of the parent horses and those of the randomly selected horse should also be perfect.

    Horses, Mules, and Donkeys in Minecraft:How Do They Differ?

    In Minecraft, horses, donkeys, and mules are similar in many ways. For instance, you can saddle all three equine species and use them for transportation. All of them can also reach the maximum potential stats. That means that, with selective breeding, donkey and mule foals can grow up to jump as high and run as fast as a horse. When they die or are killed, all three animals drop the same resources:up to two units of leather and one to three experience points.

    That said, there are a few key differences between them. For one, only horses can carry armor, so they can withstand a certain amount of damage when hostile mobs attack them. They can’t carry chests, unlike donkeys and mules. Chests are handy since they add 15 slots to your inventory, making it easier to bring stuff when you’re on the move.

    Only horses and donkeys can spawn in the wild. When horses spawn, they get random stats. Donkeys, on the other hand, always end up with low-end stats. However, they still have the potential to reach maximum stats. Horses and donkeys are also the only equine species in Minecraft that can produce offspring.

    When it comes to appearance, all donkeys and all mules look the same in the world of Minecraft. Every donkey has a brownish-gray coat, while every mule has a dark, reddish-brown coat. On the other hand, horses can have a variety of colors (e.g. white, cream, and chestnut) as well as coat markings (e.g. spots, dots, and blazes).


    Horses don’t spawn as much in the world of Minecraft as other mobs. However, that shouldn’t stop you from having as many of them as you like. By learning how to breed horses in the game, you’ll be able to explore your world easily and have more control over what the offspring’s stats and appearance will be. It can be quite a long process, but the benefits you’ll reap are all worth it.