

FFVII The First Soldier ガイド:戦闘スタイルの選び方

FFVII The First Soldier がモバイル デバイスに登場してからわずか 1 週間でしたが、すでに世界中で 100 万ダウンロードを突破しています。このバトルロワイヤル ゲームでは、プレイヤーは神羅兵の候補となり、他の候補や FFVII シグネチャー モンスターと戦わなければなりません。

ご存知かもしれませんが、FFVII の世界にはジョブやクラスはありませんが、FFVII The First Soldier では、5 つの戦闘スタイルから 1 つを選択できます。戦士、魔術師、レンジャー、忍者、モンク、ミッドガルの戦場に着陸する前に。このガイドでは、これら 5 つのスタイルの長所と短所、それらの 能力、および開始に役立ついくつかのヒントについて説明します!


Fearless Charge (特性):近接攻撃距離の増加バリア 敵を攻撃したり、ラッシュアビリティを使用したりすると作成されます。
サイフォン スラッシュ (スキル): 近接攻撃は一定量のダメージを体力として吸収します .
戦士の精神 (スキル): 他のアビリティのバリア強度を上昇させる。
カウンターシールド (スキル): 攻撃を受けると、ターゲット方向にシールドを生成します。
ラッシュ(アビリティ):ダッシュ 狙った方向に素早く。
パニッシャー(アビリティ):攻撃ダメージを増加 、移動速度、近接攻撃の範囲を短時間

ご覧のとおり、Warrior は接近戦での近接戦闘に優れており、強烈な攻撃とダッシュで差を縮めます。

長所 短所
長い戦いを続けることができる 生命を盗み、盾を作ることによって

■ すべての戦闘スタイルの中で最もタンカー

■ 高い機動力


より低い攻撃範囲 他のいくつかの戦闘スタイルと比較して

遅い 他のスタイルより

■ Unable to detect enemies


Basic Skills &Abilities
■ Magic Boost (Trait):Increase MP by 1 and augment elemental materia (Fire, Blizzard, or Thunder).
■ Concentration (Skill): Increase MP recovery speed.
■ Etheric Drain (Skill):Recover health or MP by a fixed amount when using elemental materia to kill an enemy.
■ Magic Detector (Skill) :Enemy materia used in close proximity will be indicated on your mini-map.
■ Arcane Field (Ability): Creates an AOE that increases MP and cooldown recovery speed.
■ Trance (Ability):Reduces MP cost , increases materia by a level, and increases movement speed briefly.

Sorcerers rely on magic and incantations to deal damage from range. In team play, they are also good supporters to buff damage and replenish MP.

Pros Cons
Able to find nearby opponents when they use materia

■ Long &wide-range magic attack

High damage spells that can fire off rapidly

■ Low defensive ability (effectively glass cannons)

■ Reliant on AOE fields, lack of mobility

■ Need to manage MP well to effectively utilize abilities


Ammunitions Expert (Trait):Increases inventory for ammo and the amount of ammo you find. Reload time is decreased by 20%.
■ Sniper Eye (Skill): Enemies appear more clearly in weapon sights.
■ Silencer (Skill): Reduces firing sound.
■ Acute Sense (Skill): If you are caught in an enemy’s scope, they will be temporarily blinded by light to help you escape .
■ Assess (Ability):Marks candidates , blizzard/gravity effects on your map.
■ Control (Ability): Manipulate a slug-ray (UAV) to scout the area .

Rangers are the snipers in FFVII The First Soldier and are capable of picking off long-distance enemies without revealing their location.

Pros Cons
■ Master of the map

■ Able to spot nearby enemies

obscure others from seeing them

■ Able to attack from the longest range

■ Especially useful in team match

Fragile at close-range attack

■ Susceptible to flanks

■  No skills to increase damage


Inner Strength (Trait): Automatically recovers damage after dropping drop 20% or less health . Also increases critical damage by 100% 一度。
Revitalize (Skill):Increases health recovery .
■ Chakra Unleashed (Skill): After suffering heavy burst damage, recover some health.
■ Awakened Strength (Skill): Increases health recovery from Inner Strength.
■ Manawall (Ability): Creates a barrier to reduce incoming damage.
■  Chakra Field (Ability): Creates a field that removes poison and restores health to those inside.

Monk can unleash massive damage and their skills remain a threat even when dropped to low health. Their lack of range is made up for their unwavering perseverance.

Pros Cons
■ Can survive heavy burst damage

Increased strength at low HP

■ Huge damage output

■ High risk, high return

■ Need to manage HP well

■ Short attack range relying only on fists 


Acrobat (Trait): Allows you to jump again midjump or after falling from parkour.
Retreat (Skill):Increases your movement speed for a short amount of time when you receive damage.
Lightfoot (Skill): Reduces the sound of your footsteps.
Escapist (Skill): Increases movement speed from inside the hazard zone.
Hide (Ability): Make you invisible for a short time (cannot perform certain actions in this stance).
Blade Shift (Ability):Instantly move to where you throw a knife .

Ninjas lurk in the shadows and have the ability to take out unsuspecting enemies before escaping back into darkness.

 Pros  Cons
■  Master of stealth combat

■  Tricky to pin down 

■  Highest mobility, Moves fast, escape fast 

■ Less durable than other 

■ Reliant on “sneak attacks” 

No barriers/HP recovery to protect himself

Combat Tips

As you can see, most of the styles offer unique playstyles and their viability is not that important. Most styles are balanced and preference should be given to the enjoyment you find either playing from range or close-quarters. That being said, here are some general tips to help you survive on the battlefield!

■  Auto-aim is your best friend
The First Soldier allows auto-firing of weapons just by hovering your crosshairs on an enemy. This is vital when playing on a smartphone device as opposed to emulating the game and using a controller.

Chopper Time Limit
When playing solo, you have unlimited time to board the typical battle royale aircraft and drop into a certain location. However, when playing with a squad you will only have 1 minute to prepare. Be sure to get everything you need during this time.

■  Find Better Weapon
Upgraded weapons can be found from; Buildings, Player Loots, Vending Machines, and Supply Drops.

■ Increase Skill Mastery
This can be increased by simply using each style in combat. However, you can speed up the process by getting kills, completing challenges, and winning your matches.

Which Fighting Style Will You Choose?

That’s all the information we have on the Fighting Styles of FFVII The First Soldier. However, as you play through the game, be sure to come back and let others know how to emerge victoriously on the battlefield.