

I, The One Guide:より多くの戦いに勝つためのヒント

今日の記事では、I, The One のヒントとチートに飛び込み、より多くの戦いに勝ち、最後まで生き残るために知っておくべきことをすべて学びます!


それでは早速、I, The One のヒントとコツに飛び込みましょう。 より多くの戦いに勝ち、強くなるために知っておくべきことをすべて教えます!




勝つためにできることは、他のプレイヤーがアリーナから出るまで待つことだけなので (自信と力があれば、自分で投げることもできます)、他のプレイヤーが出るまで待つことができます。あなたのためにそれを行い、あなたの隣に立っている最後のプレイヤーを排除するか、戦おうとしても安全にプレイしてください.





練習は完璧という古いことわざにあるように、そうすることでゲームがはるかに上手になります。 !




I suggest that you do this every time that you play because that is some extra cash that will add up and allow you to improve your character even further! Basically you just need to save up Money in order to unlock stronger characters, because that is the key to victory.

Unlock stronger fighters

In the game it is all about having the stronger fighter pretty much, if you want to win and get a lot of KO’s often. There are a few stats which will help you win, such as agility, strength and such and you can unlock various fighters possessing these abilities!

There are two types of fighters that you can unlock:

The f2p fighters :They usually require ads to be unlocked, but they can also be purchase by using in game money which is earned by winning battles and watching ads! I suggest that you scroll through the list of fighters and find one with the stats that you like, and farm watching ads in order to unlock that fighter.

The fighters unlocked only with money :These fighters have slightly better stats than the f2p fighters, depending on the fighter. Now I would suggest that if you have one of these in mind, then make sure that you save up all the money you can and try to unlock it!

I would suggest that you don’t bother with the very first couple of fighters, and instead watch some ads to unlock the ones which give you more than 1 stat increase, even though they will require watching more ads to unlock!

That way you will know for sure that you have a strong character that you can use in the future for quite a while.

Watch an ad to unlock extra stats

In the left side of the screen you will have your two options which are the following:

– Equip a random item (glove) :This can be bought with money, so you can choose whichever one you want. It’s not mandatory, but you can choose one because they are fairly cheap and they make your character a little more unique!

– Give your character extra boost :This will instantly upgrade your character to a certain level (let’s say 5) which means that it will deal stronger punches and kicks and will have the upper hand in the battles. It will require you to watch an advertisement for this one, so if you want to win, this is an extra something you can do for that!

Always try to stay around the middle

I would really advise you that if you want to stay in the game for as long as possible, then you don’t spend a lot of time next to the edges because you might end up falling off in just a couple of moves!

It’s a lot easier for players to throw you off from the arena if you are relatively close to the edge, so try slowly moving and standing in the middle, because that will be easier.

However, if you are in a 1v1 with another player, then it’s best to not let yourself open in the middle and just try to predict where they might be coming from.

These would be all of our I, The One tips and tricks that we have for you right now! Do you know some more cool battle tips and strategies? Feel free to share them with us and the other players by leaving them down in the comments section below!