

World War Doh ガイド:より多くの戦いに勝つためのヒント

今日の記事では、より多くの戦いに勝利し、強力なチームを編成して敵を圧倒し、素早く倒すのに役立つすべての World War Doh のヒントとチートを紹介します!


あなたが競争力のある人なら、ゲームに勝つために知っておくべきことをすべて知りたいと思うでしょう?それでは、あなたは正しい場所にいます! World War Doh のヒントとコツに飛び込みましょう。 この下に!


敵の指揮官を倒せば自動勝利!塔が残っていようがいまいが、司令官が死んでいれば勝ちです!私の意見では、世界を変えるので、最初にそれを殺そうとすることをお勧めします.しかし、それはランクが上がるほど難しくなる可能性があるため (より強力な対戦相手と対戦するため)、次のことを行う必要があります:

最初にヒーラー タワーを破壊する




攻撃タワーとヒーラータワーの両方を破壊すると、追加で2枚のメダルを獲得できます。 3体目は敵の指揮官撃破に成功すると入手できるので、他も入手したい場合は自軍を出して全滅させよう。

すべてのタワーを制圧する最善の方法は、開始時にすべての部隊をそのうちの 1 つ (前述のヒーラー タワー) に集中させることです。その後、配備エリアが増加するため、敵基地の近くに軍隊を配備し始めることができます。 .



軍隊の指揮官は常に安全な場所にいる必要があります。指揮官が死んだら負けだからです。 That’s why I suggest that you land several attacks with him, because his damage is insane, but never send him alone versus enemy towers and enemies.

It is best if you send him along with some other troops which should be send a little bit ahead of him to tank the attacks. Because the opponent can only attack with the commander (control who he attacks), he won’t be able to target your commander with the towers too if you send other troops along with him.

So that is something – apart from it, if you see that your commander is alone on the enemy’s territory, retreat immediately! Don’t let him alone there because if the opponent summons some units, then you might end up losing in just a few seconds!


I always like to send my commander behind the towers in case of “danger” because they will have to tank the towers attacking if they want to get your commander. So it is a way to stay alive for longer.

Watch an ad for extra Coins

Sometimes when you open a chest you will get an option in the bottom left corner of the screen which will let you watch an advertisement and receive some extra Coins! That is an option which appears from time to time, and if you are kinda short on Coins, you should definitely do it!

Especially at the very beginning when you open some of the first chests that you got, I really recommend you do this because you will make use of the Coins to upgrade the cards that you have!

Not all matches are victories or defeats

Of course, you will win some game, lose others, and some games might end in a draw! That happens when both of the commanders are still alive, so if you are in a tough situation where you don’t see a way to win, just stall the game until the end – that will result in a draw!

It will be better to end a game in a draw than in a defeat, because a defeat equals a lower ranking, while a draw equals in either a small rank decrease or even increase! So even if all of your towers are dead, if your commander is still alive, you can use the “run for your life” technique. As long as you are moving and keep the distance from the enemy, you are stalling and they can’t attack you.

Open the chests

You will receive various chests with goods once you win games. You can see that they will have different timers, so if you want to get more cards and Coins, you should start opening them ASAP.

The best would be if you can start with unlocking the chests which take the least time. So that means that if a chest needs 15 minutes to open, you start unlocking it first. Then, you can move on to the slightly more lengthy boxes (even though I wouldn’t).

You should always make sure that you have at least a spot empty to obtain a new chest, because otherwise you cannot claim it. So the faster you unlock the chests, the better! That’s why it’s good to start with the fastest ones.

My suggestion:

I always prefer to unlock the 15m boxes while playing, and to save the 3h and higher boxes for when I go offline or go to bed even. Then I know for sure I am not playing and I use the time to get new items from the chest!

Feed the Piggy!

The Piggy will give you some extra rewards, pretty much like the chests. You will need to win games in order to fill the piggy up, and once it is full, it will explode and give you goods (I know how harsh it sounds, but it’s not as bad actually in game – trust me!). Oh, and make sure that you upgrade the Piggy whenever you can because the rewards get better too!

Upgrade your cards

One of the biggest upgrades you can make in the game is not to the commander, but to the cards – well, the commander too, but the cards are extremely important. That is, because they will get extra stats for the upgrades so if you upgrade them you will spawn stronger units to overwhelm the enemy with the same cost.

You will obtain cards from the chests and from Piggy, so try to always use them and along with Gold, upgrade all the cards that you get. If you got a lot of them and only a small amount of Gold, then it would be best to upgrade the cards which you use the most first, then the rest.

Upgrade the commander

Just like the normal cards, the commander can be upgraded too. You will obtain cards for him from the division rewards most often, but there is a chance that you can get them in the normal chests as well. So don’t forget to claim the division rewards whenever you have a new one available.

Learn the cards you play

This should go without saying, but you should read the cards you play so that you understand what kind of units they counter, how much they can tank and of course, how good their attack is.

That is because you can set aside the weaker cards and only use the ones which are actually worth using, because you only have 6 card slots so it’s good to use the ones which are most efficient and cheap.

You unlock more cards as you rank up, so try to play as much as possible and once you upgrade your League, you will make more cards available and you can use them once you obtain them.

These would be all of our World War Doh tips and tricks that we have for you right now!私たちと共有したい、さらに役立つゲームのヒントやトリックを知っていますか?下のコメント欄にそれらを残して、みんなと共有してください!