

Adventure Escape Mysteries Psychic Squad Chapter 4 Walkthrough


Psychic Squad Chapter 3 ウォークスルーを読むには 、指定されたリンクをクリックします。今回はサイキック スクワッドの第 4 章を解決する方法を紹介します。パズル。

今回の物語は、特別な力を持つ2人の優秀な探偵を中心に展開します.どちらのキャラクターも犠牲者を一人で捕まえることはできないため、あなたの助けが必要です。パズルを解くスキルを磨き、シーンに飛び込んで隠しオブジェクトのスキルをテストし、探偵になる資格があるかどうかを確認してください。 Psychic Squad Chapter 4 ウォークスルーを読む パズルの解き方を学びます。

AE Mysteries:Psychic Squad Walkthrough 第 4 章 – フローレンス

ポンペイを脱出した後、ジャクリーンとカレドはトスカーナで最もロマンチックなパラッツォにたどり着き、ベルナルドの寝室で新たな謎が彼らを待ち受けていました。 .

  • ホテルに入り、ラファロという名前の警備員と話してください .警備員との話し合いの中で、秘密のクローゼットについて知ることができます。
  • 次に、右側にある花をタップしてテーブルを脇に移動し、警備員のシャツに見たエンブレムを描いてみてください。 2 ハーフ エンブレムは女の子のシャツにあります。

  • 秘密の扉が開くと、ジャクリーンとカレドは全員が出るまでしばらくそこに隠れます。
  • 数秒後、両方のキャラクターが出てきて調査を開始します。
  • まず、敷物を元に戻し、ロープを引くだけで明かりをつけます。電球のスティックを使って時計の針をドアの上から下ろします。
  • その隣にある秘密のドアから次のアイテムを集めます:時計の針電球 グラバー .
  • 左側から、Lit Cigarette を 1 つ集めてインベントリに入れます。
  • 床からハンカチを集めて時計に向かいます。下半分がロックされていることがわかります。
  • Collect a second clock hand from below the rug.
  • There are four different heartstrings available and your job is to count how many hearts are available in a vertical position in each string.

  • Once you get them all, click on the clock’s bottom and enter the heart numbers accurately to open the door where the third clock hand awaits you.

  • Select the handkerchief from the inventory and clean the clock’s face. Now, select all clock hands from the inventory and place them on the clock face.

  • After placing clock hands, your goal is to set their position to turn six red and six yellow lights on.

The door will open as you turn on six red and six yellow lights by merely setting the positions of the clock hands.

  • Go through the door and open the blinds to light up the room.

  • Now, the female character needs a clean surface; therefore, you have to help her move the rug. Once done, Jacqueline’s bag will appear along with tools like candles, chalk, and more.

  • Tap on the bag to collect chalk only. This time, there’s no candle available. So you need to arrange candles for yourself.
  • On the right side, there’s a rope that you must pull to bring the Chandelier down, holding four candles and a stone bow . Once again, pull the rope it sends it back.

Now, you would be confused about what to do next. Don’t need to worry when walkthroughs.net promises to help you solve all tricky puzzles.

  • Clues are hidden in paintings on the wall and clock where you have solved a puzzle recently using clock hands.
  • Click on the sword and enter the following roman numbers:VIII, V, I, III, XI, VII, and X to get the sword.

  • Now, you should leave the room and head to the portrait that you can remove to collect using a sword from the inventory.
  • In the next step, place the stone bow in the culprit’s hands and go back to the room.


  • Use the chalk to draw a square around the area that is glowing with sunlight.
  • Place candles around the square and put a portrait there. Now, you should find something to burn the candle. Wait, you can use the lit Cigarette to burn them.
  • Next to that, answer the following questions to summon the spirit.

Answers to the Questions

I summon you by your name…


You were murdered here in Palazzo…


In the year…


After answering correctly, you will successfully summon the spirit to ask a few questions and find the rest of the hidden objects.

  • As the spirit appears, she will aside from the portrait that you must cut using a sword from the inventory to get a stone arrow.
  • In the next step, place the stone arrow in the culprit’s hand to get a golden key .

  • Go back to the room and open an ancient box using a key to unravel a handle that upon getting pushed may bring projectors and monitors ahead of you.

  • Collect a computer table from the table and use it to connect the project with the monitor.

  • Next to that, your goal is to unlock the screen by merely playing a mini-game. You don’t need to worry if you get failed many times because we have a solution given below.

  • Soon, an invitation comes out from the printer, and it’s revealing that Bernardo has a new fiancé, named Zeudi. Now, you must collect the invitation to any fashion show happening in Millan.

Unfortunately, you can’t go to any fashion show because you are trapped inside the Palazzo. Psychic Squad Chapter 4 has been completed.