

Tyranny – 鉄、鉄、血の刃

Tyranny の Disfavored Land の征服を完了し、Graven Ashe ともう一度話した後、Lethian's Crossing に向かい、Forge-Bound をチェックする必要があります。 Graven Ashe は Forge のマスターと話をしたいので、彼女に会い、彼女を Iron Hearth に戻す必要があります。

レシアンズ クロッシングへの旅

新しい命令が整ったので、今度はレシアンズ クロッシングに向かいます。しかし、そこへの旅は、あなたが思っているよりも少し面倒です。途中、ブロンズ ブラザーフッドがキャンプと料金所を設置した小さなエリア、アイアンホール トレイルに立ち寄ります。必要に応じて通行料を支払うようにしてください。ただし、現在の嫌われ者への忠誠のために、ブラザーフッドのリーダーはあなたを通過させることを拒否します.これでは、攻撃するしかありません。

ブロンズブラザーフッドとの戦闘が始まると、彼らのリーダーであるレイトモンは逃げ出します。周辺のブラザーフッドの兵士を倒したら、ワールド マップに進み、元の目的地に向かいます。到着すると、さらに多くの Bronze Brotherhood がこの地域にあることがわかります。彼らを一掃し、邪悪なやり方から町を解放する時が来ました.

Bronze Brotherhood Garrison を破壊する




Forge を見つけるのは難しい場合があります。 It is located within the Moonrise district, along the first tier of buildings (the first row of rooftop dwellings) on the eastern side of the river (where you fought the Bronze Brotherhood commander). Locate the single door along the tier and enter it to find Zdenya, the Master of the Forge-Bound, inside. The Forge can easily be found beside the merchant Biotus.

After speaking with Zdenya, you will learn that she has crafted a magical artifact, the Magebane Helm, in an attempt to stop the Bane from breaking out of the Oldwalls and destroy Lethian’s Crossing. Once you’ve finished talking to Zdenya, head outside and up to the third tier to observe the placing of the Magebane Helm.

Once the helmet has been placed, it is time to head inside the Oldwalls and see how the helm affects the Bane. You receive a Torchkey from Eldian, the leader of Lethian’s Crossing. This key will get you into the Oldwalls beneath the area where the Magebane Helm is being held. With the key in hand, head down to the lowest tier and enter the Oldwalls.

Inside you’ll find several Bane mirrors. As you approach the center of the area, the magic flowing out from the Magebane Helm can be seen. It sparkles in the dungeon, but then vanishes, and several Bane break free from the areas where they were imprisoned. It seems the helmet does not work as intended.

Kill the Bane and then head back outside of the Oldwalls to see what happened. You arrive back out in the village to discover that it is under attack by the Bronze Brotherhood, and that they stole the Magebane Helm from its resting place. This begins the quest, Iron and Blood, which must be completed alongside Blades of Iron.

Iron and Blood

Your priority here is to take out the Bronze Brotherhood and fend off the raid. Progress through the village, dealing with each group of soldiers you come across. Once you kill them all, and the commander, your objective will update, tasking you with checking up on Eldian. Luckily, the commander and the last of the Brotherhood can be found just outside of Eldian’s home. Head inside to trigger the next part of the quest.

Raetommon and two of his ilk will come running down the eastern bridge. You can chat with him for a moment, but once the conversation ends, he heads south. Follow him and take out the soldiers who block your way. You’ll find him a bit further south, hiding with Zdenya and the Magebane Helm in tow. You learn that he plans to release the Bane so that he can save the village and take it over once more for the Bronze Brotherhood. Defeat the Brotherhood who stays behind, and your objective will update once more, and the quest Blades of Iron will complete.

Head to Elidan’s home and speak with him to ask him about Raetommon. This will begin the next quest in your journey, and end Iron and Blood.

Continue on to our walkthrough for The Bronze Thief, or return to our Tyranny walkthrough for more guides, tips, and tricks.