

Risk of Rain 2 – REX ガイド

その他の雨のリスク 2 ガイド:

  • REXのロックを解除する方法
  • 全キャラクターのロックを解除する方法
  • 初心者向けガイド (ヒントとコツ)
  • 金の祭壇、金色の海岸、オレリオナイト。
  • REX のキャンセルとプロパティに関する基本ガイド
  • 神社/環境ガイド
  • テレポーターの見つけ方
  • ニュート アルターの場所
  • 全アイテム ティア リスト
  • サバイバー層リスト。
  • 傭兵ガイド
  • ハントレス ガイド
  • エンジニア ガイド
  • アーティフィサー ガイド


注:REX はまだあまりプレイしていません。私は数日前にそれらのロックを解除しただけですが、現時点では他の誰よりも優れているとは思いません.このガイドをこのキャラクターの戦略の最終手段と見なさないでください。これはまさに私にとってうまくいくものであり、うまくいけば、キャラクター全般についての洞察を与えるはずです.これをもとに独自のプレイ スタイルを構築したとしたら、私は間違いなく、これらすべてを説明するよりも優れた仕事をしたことになります。

また、注意:伝承では REX が植物でありロボットでもあることが示されているため、ガイド全体で複数の代名詞と動詞が REX に使用されています。これについて私の主張に乗らないでください。


ああ、これは大変だ。 REX を MUL-T としてアンロックすることはできませんが (おそらくバランス上の理由から)、どの難易度でもアンロックできます。


パネルを開けて、フューエル アレイを中に入れます。これはあなたの装備スロットを占有します。燃料アレイを第 4 レベルまで運ぶ必要があります。これは、HP が 50% を下回るか、1 回のヒットでダメージが大きすぎると、Fuel Array が爆発して死亡するため、より困難になります。 Drizzle でこれを行い、結果としてエンジニアのような耐久性のあるキャラクターをプレイすることを強くお勧めします。

4段階目まで到達したら、ジャンプパッドを使用して上のレベルに到達します。このレベルには、操作できる背の高い植物が表示されるはずです。その上で燃料アレイを使用するには、E を押します。おめでとうございます。REX のロックが解除されました。あとは、(好きな方法で) ランを終了するだけで、新しいキャラクターとしてプレイできます。

REX の基本

REXには「Weaken」と呼ばれる独自のステータス効果があり、敵の移動速度、防御力、ダメージを少しの間低下させます。これはいくつかの異なる方法で (プライマリ スキルとユーティリティ スキルを通じて) 広めることができ、これを行うことはチームにとって大きな恩恵となります。受けるダメージを減らして、順番に多くのダメージを与えるのが好きではないのは誰ですか?丁度。これにより REX はサポート キャラクターの感覚を得ることができますが、REX はこれと最大の特徴であるいくつかの攻撃で自分自身を回復する能力のおかげで、1 人で運ぶことができます。これは、2 つの能力の HP コストを相殺するのにも役立ちます。

戦闘機としての REX の主な才能は、セカンダリ スキルとアルティメット スキルの両方が AoE に影響するため、密集した敵に対処することです (ult はかなり大きく、セカンダリはそれほど大きくありません)。誰かがあなたのためにたくさんの敵をグループに入れたら (または、たとえば、すべてがエンジニアのタレットの後に行く — RoR2 ではオリジナルよりも一般的ではありませんが、まだ可能性があることを発見しました)、いくつかの巨大なものをセットアップできます。ダメージの可能性。または、スキルを使用してこれを設定することもできます。これは、敵を移動させるのに役立ち、セカンダリをスパムして多くの DPS を得ることができるためです。

全体として、REX は、他の多くのキャラクターとは異なるニーズを持つ、ほぼすべてのチーム ビルドに適合できる強力で用途の広いキャラクターを形成します (したがって、REX はチームに適合しやすくなります)。これらの小さな男たちのロックを解除するための挑戦?それだけの価値があります。


Primary (M1):DIRECTIVE:Inject – 「注射器を 3 本発射して 3×80% のダメージを与える。最後の注射器は弱体化し、与えたダメージの 30% を回復します。」構築方法によっては、これは実際にはあなたのパンとバターではないかもしれません。アーティフィサーとは異なり、ファイヤーブラストが不足しているため、早い段階ですべてのスキルをジャグリングしなければならないことがよくあります.ただし、プライマリはかなり良いですが、再発射率はひどいです.最初は再発射レートを得るためにマウス ボタンを押したままにできないと思っていましたが、それはひどいものでした。

3 つの注射器のショットは水平方向にわずかに広がることに注意してください。そのため、2 番目の注射器は照準の真下に向けられ、最初の注射器はわずかに左に、2 番目の注射器はわずかに右に向けられます。デバフを当てることだけが目的の場合は、このことを覚えておいてください。

セカンダリ (M2):シード バラージ – 「現在の体力の 15% を消費します。空に向かって迫撃砲を発射して 450% のダメージを与える。」さて、「モルタル」は誤解を招くものです。あるエリアをターゲットにすると、何かが空から落ちてその上で爆発します。これは天井などを無視します。さもなければ、ステージ 4 ではおそらく役に立たないでしょう。重要なのは、Seed Barrage が大量のダメージを与え、クールダウンが短い (1 秒以下!) ため、信じられないほど連発しやすいことです。つまり、実際の弾幕のようなものです。

現在の HP の 15% は威圧的に聞こえるかもしれませんが、いくつかの回復アイテム (この自己ダメージは、Medkit や Brittle Crown などのアイテムのオンダメージ効果を引き起こします) と、ヒーリング スキルの効果があれば、それほど恐ろしいものではありません。 REX は常に自分自身を傷つけているにも関わらず、驚くほどの持続力があります。

ちなみに、シードバラージの範囲はばかげているので、ポジションを取ってスナイパーをプレイするのは悪い考えではありません.違う… RoR1 Sniper とは違って、あなたのダメージはそれほど高くないけど、言いたいことはわかるよ。

Utility (Shift):DIRECTIVE:Disperse – ヒットしたすべての敵を押して弱体化させるソニック ブームを発射します。空中にいると後方に押し出されます。」私はこれをあまり使いませんが、あなたと敵の間の距離を広げたり、さらに良いことに、それらをまとめて押して、1回の大きな攻撃ですべてを攻撃できるようにするのに非常に適しています.

アルティメット (R、「ult」):もつれた成長:現在の体力の 25% を消費します。 200% のダメージを与える根を張る花を発射します。ターゲットにヒットするたびに回復します。繰り返しますが、「ルート」は一種の誤解を招く用語です。敵はまだ少し動き回ることができますが、花の影響範囲内に限られます。可能であれば、衝撃波を使用して敵をこれに押し込むことをお勧めします.

あなたのultのエリアで死んだ敵からリーチし続けることに注意してください.理由はわかりませんが、少しずつでも役に立ちます。現在の HP の 25% は、多くの回復を行ってもかなりの負担になるからです。

あなたのultは、かなりのサイズの領域で、時間の経過とともに大量のダメージを与えます(8秒ほど持続します).これは、通常、複数のボスを簡単に捕まえることができるため、ゲームの序盤の Trials of the Mountain が非常に簡単であることを意味します。基本的に無料の不動産なので、最初のレベルにある場合は、それを取ってください。

11 秒のクールダウン アリと 8 秒の持続時間で、この能力は優れたアップタイムを持っています。敵の大規模なグループが近くに集まっている場合はいつでも良い選択であり、通常は1〜2秒ダウンするだけで逃げることができます.とはいえ、むやみに使いすぎないようにしましょう。一度に 4 人以上の敵を捕まえることができる場合は、ほぼ独占的に使用するようにしてください。


アイテムはレアリティ順にソートされ、次に優先度順にソートされます。 “Priority” refers mostly to how high priority they are for you to get vs. the rest of your team in multiplayer; purchasing priority is usually discussed in the item notes.

REX have some flexibility in terms of build, and a few unique properties that throw the priorities of some items out of whack. Just like how the Engineer’s stationary turrets make the Bustling Fungus a high-value item, REX’s HP-cost skills proc Medkits and make them a lot more appealing of a pick-up. Furthermore, the low cooldown on their right-click means that, unlike some characters, they’re noticeably less greedy for Backup Magazines. Your team’s Artificer will be happy about this, anyway, but you might want to consider grabbing one or two for some builds.

Like anybody else, REX can build for equipment use. You should only do this if you picked up a really good piece of equipment, like the Royal Capacitor. Enough cooldown reduction makes the Lunar equipment Spinel Tonic extremely viable by basically making it so you don’t have to ever worry about dealing with the potential debuff.


High Or Zero-Priority Common

Backup Magazine: I have a feeling this is going to be the strategy that becomes meta for REX, but I’m not a huge fan myself. Backup magazines make it easier to spam your M2 with impunity due to its 1s cooldown. One to two should be all your need, but I’d have to test more. Be careful with this. I highly recommend stacking medkits if you to this.

Top Priority Commons

Medkit: I’ve explained this one already, but you are basically assured to get the most out of it, and making your skills “cheaper” is never a bad thing.

Tougher Times: You should take at least one of these early on if you can. Though it cannot block self-damage (as far as I know…), it will give you a little more survivability — and with your running on low HP often, you need as much as you can get.

High Priority Commons

Paul’s Goat Hoof: You are slow. Fix that. (Don’t hog ’em, though.)

Energy Drink: You are still slow. Fix that more.

Soldier’s Syringe: So, that description for your M1 sounds really good, right? Well, bad news:its refire rate is trash. Grab one or two of these to make it more useful.

Lens-Maker’s Glasses: I mean, did you see how much damage your M2 does? Grabbing a couple of these is a good idea. Anybody else with high damage single hits, like the Artificer, should trade off with you over these for a little bit.

Average Priority Commons

Monster Tooth: Look, don’t buy these if there are better options, but everyone in your party should grab some as you go.

Warbanner: As discussed, your M1’s refire rate sucks eggs. Getting one of these set up is useful in an area where you need to make a stand, such as around the teleporter. However, anyone can fairly carry this, and you never need more than one. (It also doesn’t give bonus regen like it did in the first game, which I still think is a load of crap.)

Tri-Tip Dagger: Share these evenly with the rest of your team, because basically everyone uses multi-hit attacks in RoR2.

Gasoline: Okay, hear me out, though:AoE damage effects are super good with your ult. You really only need one of these, so I’m not putting them at a higher priority bracket, but bump it up early on.

Personal Shield Generator: Good item. Adds durability without adding “real” HP.

Old Guillotine: This helps you kill elites more easily, so you should definitely grab it; it’s here because everyone wants them basically equally.

Armor-Piercing Rounds: More overall bonus damage to bosses than the Crowbar, so I put this at a higher tier. These are a very strong item that give you good consistency.

Bundle of Fireworks: If you have a 3D printer on a level with these, you have yourself the most hilarious level in the game. Otherwise, this is mostly just a nice sweetener that makes doing normal stuff in the game have a little extra reward. Who’s gonna argue with that salvo at the beginning of a teleporter event? Not me.

Topaz Brooch: This is extra-nice for REX because they tend to kill large groups of enemies all at once. One well-placed ult gives you basically a second health bar for a few seconds. Hard to argue with that, isn’t it? (NOTE:You can use shield to pay for skills, at least with this — but I tend not to notice due to combat situations getting hectic pretty fast on the higher difficulties.)

Low Priority Commons

Cautious Slug: In my experience, this isn’t active often enough to warrant choosing over other items in the shop if available.

Bustling Fungus: Actually pretty good on you, since REX can entrench somewhere and M2 until the cows come home from afar — but eventually, you will have to start kiting, and when that time comes, the Fungus becomes worthless, and having used that strat earlier may have put you in some danger depending on how hard you’ve stacked these.

Stun Grenade: I’ve been told this is slept-on and better than the RoR1 variant. I don’t see it. This also doesn’t activate often enough for me to like it, so you have to stack a lot of them.

Sticky Bomb: Strong, but a 5% chance of activating makes this not a great choice, even if stacking raises the odds.

Rusted Key: Pick them up if you see them, but buying them is unnecessary. It doesn’t matter who holds them, the chances on items you get out of the boxes count how many keys the whole party has.


High Priority Uncommons

Harvester’s Scythe: This is great if you’ve been stacking Lens-Maker’s Glasses…es. Even if not, it’s a sustaining effect, so that’s nice.

Leeching Seed: Lower-risk but lower-reward version of the above without the 5% crit chance. Very useful.

Bandolier: Anybody can use this and you can benefit. It might be best to let them all stack on one character. These are great for refreshing your ult on a dime, letting you sustain yourself better in a fight. Later on, the ability to throw out multiple ults is a huge help.

Will-o’-the-wisp: Useful for the same reason as Gasoline, but noticeably stronger.

Average Priority Uncommons

AtG Missile Mk. 1, Ukulele, Kjaro’s Band, Runald’s Band: On-hit items. You don’t do the most attacks, so these aren’t the most important for you, but they’re still good and worth grabbing.

Fuel Cell: If you have good equipment and are hoping to build an equipment-oriented build (Gesture, etc.), this is a good choice to get as many as you can.

Berzerker’s Pauldron: Getting this to proc can be hard, but it’s a nice buff when you land it. The explosive effects (Gasoline, Wisp) help a lot with this.

Infusion: I was tempted to put this in the low priority bracket, but you should probably still grab them — they’re just not your primary concern. You want a decently-contained health pool and would rather have defense than these.

Hopoo Feather, Wax Quail: Eh, why not. If you have no other options, go for it.

Red Whip: Being a speed item, this might sound like a big deal, but it’s kind of… not, because you won’t spend a lot of time out of combat.

Predatory Instincts: The buff is small unless you stack a lot of crits, and a lot of these as well.

Old War Stealthkit: Everybody could use one of these, but you probably want to choose other items first.

Low Priority Uncommons

Chronobauble: If you have no other options or it’s a boss drop, sure, go for it; otherwise, this does not provide enough of a benefit to really be worth anything except as trade bait at the Bazaar.

Rose Buckler: Okay, so I said earlier that stacking defense would be better for you than health. So why is this, an item that provides armor, so low on the list? Simple:it’s only active while you’re sprinting, meaning that during most of the time when you’d want it, it won’t do anything for you.



N’Kuhana’s Opinion: Oh come on, you knew this would be up here. You heal all the time! This is probably your best item if you can get it.

High Priority Rares

Rejuvenation Rack: If you can get this and N’Kuhana’s Opinion, you’re pretty set. If not, this is still a great item to boost your sustain by a lot.

Brilliant Behemoth: See Gasoline and Will o’ the Wisp. It’s just that this procs on everything. Helps you kill groups much easier.

Brainstalks: As the game goes on, you’ll face more elites, and this obviates the need for any Backup Mags.

Sentient Meat Hook: Since this pulls enemies toward the one the proc happened to, this is really good with your ult to suck more enemies in, or just to deal bonus hits to them.

Alien Head: Possibly an alternative to Backup Mags that will take some of the burden off of the rest of your team, especially if there’s multiple characters dividing those up (if there’s, say, just an Artificer, or you already have Brainstalks, leave this for them). Mostly, this lets you ult more often, which is extremely useful.

Average Priority Rares

Ceremonial Dagger: You kill a lot of things, so these are nice, but everyone benefits just as much from them. Notably, don’t bother stacking them if you find them at a bazaar because they no longer shoot more daggers per stack.

Happiest Mask: It’s okay, I guess. A sweetener, like most of this tier.

H3AD-5T v2: Remember in RoR1 when you could stack Headstompers to incredibly goofy results? It’s a lot harder now. Unless you or someone on your team is building a specifically gimmicky build, these will probably go to whoever runs into them first, or maybe the Huntress, Mercenary or Artificer, who will appreciate the improved airtime. They also remove fall damage entirely, which is sweet.

57 Leaf Clover: Sure, why not.

Soulbound Catalyst: Goes great if you’re doing an equipment-oriented build. Otherwise, you don’t particularly need this.

Dio’s Best Friend: Honestly, you’ll probably want to give this to someone squishier, but you can still use this if nobody else grabs it first.

Hardlight Afterburner: This depends on your playstyle a lot. I don’t use the shockwave a lot, so I don’t consider the HLAB that big a deal on REX, but you might abuse the hell out of it, and thus want this for three charges on a four-second cooldown each.

Wake of Vultures: Although it’s not bugged anymore like it was when it first came out (thus making it not a liability), I still have to fight the temptation to call this the “Wank of Vultures” constantly, because it’s frankly not that useful. Nice sweetener, I guess.

Low Priority Rares

Unstable Tesla Coil: As someone who prefers to get in close with most characters, I love the UTC on everybody usually, but REX doesn’t want to get close. So, let someone who gets in closer have this.

Frost Relic: Even with the buffs extending its range, the Frost Relic is not a good choice for you. This needs to go back to being an uncommon so you can reasonably stack them and do some silly things with it.


Equipment is in the Equipment section.

Get If You Want Or It Helps Your Build

Shaped Glass: High risk but high reward. This technically makes your skills cheaper by reducing your health pool, therefore reducing how much they can take, but you have less HP overall for other times, and REX aren’t that tanky out of combat. It does add more healing to your M1 and more damage to your M2, though, so if you feel like taking the risk, do it.

Corpsebloom: Stored healing allows you to tank some big hits, in a way, with good timing. But moreover, any increased healing effect is nice, so this is basically Rejuvenation Rack but easier to grab, but it’s not necessarily the greatest thing ever, since the downside can really shorten runs later on.

Gesture of the Drowned: REX are just as good at using equipment as anyone else. If you have a good attacking equipment and plenty of fuel cells, this is a worthwhile purchase.

Don’t Pick Up

Brittle Crown: I avoid this item anyway, but THIS IS A RUN-KILLER. Self-damage triggers gold loss.

Transcendence: Despite what I’d heard, this doesn’t make your M2 or ult unusable, but you pay out of your shield, and it doesn’t seem like the cost goes down any. It also makes all your healing you’ve been stacking and that you have naturally completely worthless. This isn’t quite the run-killer that the Brittle Crown is, but it’s not a good idea to take it.


So, there’s not really a lot of variance in terms of how good or bad equipment is for characters, but I will note that the Primordial Cube is extra-good for REX to set up ults, and that I like having the Gnarled Woodsprite for early phases for the bonus regeneration. When it comes to the Lunar Equipment, Hellfire Tincture is not recommended because of its small AoE around your body, and Spinel Tonic is, as with anyone else, most recommended if you can keep it up perpetually so you never feel the tonic sickness effect (good choice if you’ve stacked Fuel Cells and GoD, otherwise pass on it). Otherwise, use the same judgment on these that you do with other characters. Which is to say, don’t bother.


Hopefully, this should give you a pretty good idea on how to play REX and let you strategize a little in advance of choosing them. REX aren’t the most versatile character in the game, but they’re one of the most useful with the right build. Poking around some other guides, I’ve seen a surprising amount of variance in build — like, more than I’d even guessed when I first took REX for a test drive. So, by all means, play around with REX and see what works for you, because it will probably be different from what works for me.