

仁王 2 – バイパーズ サンクタム ウォークスルー

その他の仁王 2 ガイド:

  • エネンラの攻略方法(ボスガイド)
  • メズキの攻略方法(ボスガイド)
  • カマイタチの攻略方法(ボスガイド)
  • 八つの神を倒す方法(ボスガイド)
  • 不思議な一夜の城の攻略法
  • 桶狭間ウォークスルーの隠れモンスター
  • ホロウ フォートレス ウォークスルー。
  • Scampuss のすべてのロケーション
  • コダマのすべての場所
  • すだまのすべての場所
  • トロフィーリスト

Viper's Sanctum は Nioh 2 のメイン ミッションです。このミッションはレベル 15 に推奨され、レベル 3 の難易度があり、人間と妖怪の両方の敵が登場します。 Viper's Sanctum は、プレイヤーに Saito Dosan を見つけて救出する任務を課します。





彼らは 2 人の仲が悪いと囁いていましたが、これはすべて突然すぎたのです…ここで何か他のことが起こっているに違いありません。








  • 最初の祠からまっすぐ進み、右に曲がります。この囲いの中にはいくつかの箱があり、それらを壊して最初のこだまを見つけてください。
  • 最初の神社からまっすぐ進み、この道を右折して大きなセンター ハウスに着きます。入ってはいけませんが、こだまを見つけるために家の横を回り続けてください。
  • 2 番目の祠から左の道を進み、円形の中心に向かいます。プレイヤーが偽の壁を破壊してショートカットのロックを解除した場合は、そのパスをたどります。または、プレイヤーは通常のルートをたどることができ、同じ場所に到達します。水たまりがある左側のパスが表示されるまで、このパスを続行します。こだまは、プールの近くの岩の後ろに隠れています。
  • 4 番目のコダマは、毒のプールが見える奥の聖域の壊れた橋の下にあります。
  • 5 番目のコダマは、ぬれ女がうろついている東側の洞窟の中にあります。コダマは死体の後ろにあります。
  • 最後のコダマについては、巨大な赤い鳥居の近くで、トキシック スライムと別のヌレオンナに遭遇します。有毒なスライムの後ろにいる最後のこだまを見つけることができます。


  • 最初のスダマはいくつかの箱の後ろにあります。そこには最初のスカンパスがあり、闇の領域の霧の中にいるヌレオンナに直面します。
  • 2 番目のスダマは、3 番目の闇の領域があった 3 番目の児玉神社の近くにあります。第三児玉神社から東へ歩くと見えてきます。


  • 暗黒の領域の霧の中にいるヌレオンナに直面する奥の聖域のいくつかのボックスの後ろに 1 つがあります。
  • 第 2 の Scampus は、内側の聖域の壊れた橋の近くの東にある洞窟の中にあります。 2 番目の蛇の像がある場所の近くです。
  • 3 つ目の Scampus は、ミッションの主な目的である Viper's Sanctum の入り口の右側にあるいくつかのボックスの後ろにあります。


  • 第二児玉神社の西奥に温泉があります。温泉にたどり着く前に、ガキ、エンキ、異常な兵士に遭遇します。


  • 忍者の錠前は、ダーク レルムに飲み込まれたセンター ハウス内の死体から略奪できます
  • 陰陽師の錠前は、壁の妖怪ぬりかべがいる秘密の道の後ろにある死体から略奪することができます。ぬりかべは、第 2 児玉神社の近くで最初に濡れ女に遭遇した洞窟にあります。




こだまを神社に案内した後、坂道を上ると、斧を持った兵士が辺りをうろついています。彼を殺してから上に進み、パトロール中の重装甲のローニンと、死体を略奪している兵士に遭遇します。略奪している兵士を後ろからバックアタックで攻撃することで即座に殺すことができます。右に曲がると、さらに 2 人の兵士が警備と略奪を行っているのを見つけることができます。 2人の兵士を倒した後、死体を略奪できます.それが終わったら、後ろに戻ると右側に井戸が見えます。武器でそれを叩いて、小さな精霊石x1を入手してください。さらに先に進む前に、暗い領域に飲み込まれた壊れた建物に向かってはしごを上ってください。

開始エリア:ダーク レルム

建物の最上階に着いたら、見上げて弓を構えます。壊れた屋根の上にガキが立っています。 Make sure to kill it or shoot it down, since it can jump down and instantly kill you if you are underneath it. After killing the Gaki that’s on top, you’ll find another that’s on the edge, you can execute a back attack to inflict more damage. You’ll find a large chest as well that is locked by the force of the Dark Realm.

You’ll need to kill the Yoki which is the source of the Dark Realm, and you’ll find it just below you. Instead of climbing down the ladder or jumping down, walk up the edge and wait for it to walk right above you, then execute a drop attack to inflict a decent amount of damage, just be ready to roll back once you land on the ground to avoid getting hit with its weapon. If you have the Enki Soul Core equipped, you can activate the yokai ability which can instantly deplete its stamina bar and you can follow up with a finishing blow. Killing the Yoki causes the Dark Realm to disappear and you’ll be able to open the large chests on the second and third levels of the building. Just be careful since there’s three more Gaki on the second level where the Yoki was. Also, there’s a memory and 1x Small Spirit Stone that you can loot from a dead body that’s next to a pile of corpses on the second level – after clearing the dark realm, go back to where the well was and head up towards the center house.

Outside the house, there’s another well on the left side which you can hit to obtain 1x Sacred Water. You’ll also encounter a bandit wielding dual hatchets sitting by a pile of corpses that’s on fire. You can execute a back attack while it’s sitting with its back facing you.

Before heading inside, go around the side of the house on the right and you’ll find the second Kodama.

Center House:Dark Realm

After finding the second Kodama, head inside the center house where you’ll enter another Dark Realm. First, go straight, walk slowly, and you’ll find a Gaki feeding on a corpse inside the room that’s on the far right. Strike it with a back attack to knock it off balance, then finish it off before it recovers. Make sure to loot the body it was feeding on to find 1x Travel Amulet and a random piece of equipment or item.

From the first room, go straight then destroy the shoji screen or divider of the house. You’ll encounter another Gaki behind it, after killing it, destroy the other divider on the right side and you’ll find an Aberrant Soldier inside, this yokai is the source of the Dark Realm and killing it will cause the realm to disappear. It may also drop the Aberrant Soldier Soul Core and some random equipment and items.

Before you head outside, make sure to loot the bodies where the Aberrant Soldier was. You’ll find 1x Ninja’s Locks from the corpse that’s on the middle, a memory and 1x Tanegashima Matchlock, as well as 1x Summoner’s Candle from the other two bodies, before you reach the outside of the house, there’s another Aberrant Soldier by the exit.

Continue further and you’ll find yourself in a sanctum where you’ll also locate the 2nd Kodama shrine.

Sanctum’s Entrance

From the shrine, loot the body near the locked gate that’s on the right and then take the path that’s on the left. Before you reach the end where you’ll find the top part of the large red torii gate, there’s a dead-end to your left where you’ll find a corpse you can loot. After looting the body, you’ll want to walk to the top of the torii gate first before heading to the path where the Aberrant Soldier is patrolling. You’ll encounter 2 Gaki on the top of the torii gate and at the end, you’ll find another body that you can loot to obtain 3x Righteous Jasper – when that’s done, head towards where the Aberrant Soldier is and kill the yokai before proceeding further.

Next, you’ll encounter a new Yokai that has a body of a snake and the head of a woman called Nure-Onna. Be careful when you’re facing this yokai since it is very fast, it has a long reach when it uses its tail to attack, it can shoot out a puddle of poison and paralytic arrows, and it has two burst attacks where it can stun you with its gaze and slams its tail on the ground that can instantly kill you.

From the yokai’s cave, go west and around the corner where you’ll find a resting ronin that’s wielding dual hatchets. Try to shoot it at the head first with your arrow so that you can instantly kill him, there’s also a small chest next to him – the chest may provide you with items such as Spirit Stone and Sacred Ash.

Next, go back and look to your left, you’ll find a Nurikabe yokai. Use a “Nice!” gesture for it to disappear and it’ll drop some items and a chance for a Nurikabe Soul Core.

You’ll find a secret path behind Nurikabe, first, there’s a corpse that’s against the wall on your right. Then another that’s on the edge ahead of you, the body that’s on the edge contains 1x Onmyo Mage’s Locks.

Next, drop down, go straight, turn left, then make another left where you’ll find a dead-end that has a puddle, the Kodama will be hidden behind some rocks near the puddle. After guiding back the Kodama, turn back and go straight to the next section where you’ll encounter an Enki, a Gaki and an Aberrant Soldier behind the wooden boxes near the Gaki.

After you’ve killed the Yokai in the section, continue going down, then make a hard left, you’ll find a hot spring that you can use to obtain temporary HP regenerating effects. After using the hot springs, continue forward and you’ll reach the inner sanctum where you’ll first encounter two Gaki.

Inner Sanctum

Continue forward and up the slope after killing the Gaki. You’ll find two soldiers that are looting a body here and a ronin wielding dual hatchets further. In the end, you’ll find the locked gate which you can unlock to open up a shortcut leading back to the 2nd Kodama shrine.

After unlocking the shortcut, go back to where you encountered the Gaki and go around the path where you’ll see a bridge leading to the inner sanctum. You’ll see a mist of the dark realm that has Nure-Onna in it, approach the mist when you’re ready and kill the yokai. It may drop a Nure-Onna Soul Core apart from some random items.

From where the mist was, go straight, then turn left, where you’ll see some wooden boxes. Destroy it and you’ll find a Scampuss behind it.

Next, turn around and at the left side of the bridge, you’ll find more wooden boxes. Destroy it and you’ll find a Sudama behind it. You can drop any of your items or equipment in exchange for some valuable items that will be given by the Sudama before disappearing. After that’s done, time to clear the Yokai around this section. First, you’ll find two Gaki near a broken bridge that’s on your right and an Aberrant Soldier on the other side of the broken bridge. Kill the Yokai and avoid stepping into the pool since it’s filled with Poison.

Just under the broken bridge, where the Gaki was, you’ll find the fourth Kodama. But before you guide the Kodama, you’ll have to walk through the pool of poison and get across where you’ll find a serpent’s statue. When you get to the other side, kill the Aberrant Soldier first then a Gaki that’s above you. After clearing the area, destroy the statue and the poison behind you will disappear, and you’ll be able to approach the Kodama without getting poisoned.

Also, near the Kodama, you’ll encounter a new Yokai, a Toxic Slime, the Toxic slime has a malleable body that is very resistant to attacks, so the key to repelling one is to aim for its glowing core once it reveals it.

From the broken bridge, go east towards a cave where you’ll encounter a grown Gaki. Head inside then turn right where you’ll see another Nure-Onna.

Before approaching the Yokai, look to your left, and you’ll see another Scampuss. As you approach it, put your guard up since bats will attack and fly towards you. After petting the Scampuss, kill the Nure-Onna, loot the corpses around her position, then go back outside.

The Yokai within the mist is a Yoki, kill it to clear the path, then go right where you’ll find another serpent statue that causes the poison at the inner sanctum to disappear when you destroy it. The left side is a dead-end where you’ll encounter two Gaki and a body that you can loot – when that’s done, head back outside, go straight and head towards another cave that’s on the west side.

You’ll find a Nure-Onna inside the cave that’s on the east, head inside then make a hard right until you reach a dead end. You’ll find the fifth Kodama behind a dead body.

Head back outside and from the entrance of the cave, look to your right and you’ll see another Nure-Onna and a Toxic Slime. Behind the Toxic Slime, you’ll find the sixth Kodama

After finding the Kodama, head towards a small white torii gate where you’ll see an Enki on the bridge and a Gaki near the gate. Kill the Yokai, and before heading inside another dark realm, go to the left side and you’ll see a mist of the dark realm that’s blocking the path ahead. Before approaching the mist, kick down the ladder to open up a shortcut. An Ippon-Datara will emerge from the mist when you walk up to it.

After killing the Ippon-Datara, go straight from where the mist was and you’ll think it’s a dead-end. Walk further then walk up to the wall to your right where you’ll find another Nurikabe. If you input the right gesture when you approach it, it will disappear, but if it’s the wrong one, it will attack you. Try to use the “Backflip” gesture when you approach it – it’ll open up a path for you on the upper-level of the dark realm where you’ll find an Aberrant Soldier. Again, since you’re in the dark realm, try to kill the yokai’s in it one at a time.

Third Dark Realm

The other yokai in the dark realm that’s below you is a Yoki, a Nure-Onna, Toxic Slime, and a Gaki. You can use the high-ground to your advantage and shoot the Yokai with your rifle or bow. The source of the Dark Realm is the serpent’s statue which is located in the west corner of the area, destroy the statue and the dark realm and the pool of poison will disappear.

After clearing the dark realm, you’ll find a large chest near the Kodama shrine, open it and a Mujina yokai will jump out of the chest. If you input the same gesture as the yokai does, it won’t attack you and it will leave some random gear and items before disappearing.

Next, from the Kodama shrine, go east and you’ll see another Sudama. After searching the area around the third Kodama shrine, go back to the inner sanctum and head towards the large red torii gate that’ will lead you to the mission’s main objective, the Viper’s Sanctum.

Entrance of the Viper’s Sanctum

Outside the Viper’s Sanctum, you’ll see another Nure-Onna roaming around. Before heading inside, go to the left side of the entrance and you’ll see a small shrine which you can loot for an Antidote and another memory.

While the right side of the house, you’ll see the third Scampuss behind some wooden boxes. When you’re ready, head inside the door where you’ll find yourself in the Viper’s Sanctum where you’ll face the main boss of the mission, Yatsu-no-Kami – successfully killing this Yokai completes the main mission and you’ll obtain the Guardian Spirit:Shirohami.