

Crusader Kings III – 私たちの母へのガイド 全実績

これは、CKIII のバニラ バージョンである「Mother of Us All」でインストールされたハード アチーブメントの 1 つの包括的なガイドです。この実績では、プレイヤーは 867 年に 1 つの特定のキャラクター「カノのダウラマ ダウラ伯爵夫人」として開始する必要があります。これは、アフリカで唯一推奨される開始キャラクターでもあり、難易度が中とマークされています。この実績の目標は、アフリカ大陸 (ゲームのセットアップ内に表示される中世ヨーロッパ人に知られているアフリカの一部) を統一し、それを 1 つの真の信仰に変換することです。信仰も改革する必要があることに注意してください。これは、ダウラマ伯爵夫人にとって大きな問題ではありません。このガイドの目的のために、戦略全体をさまざまな側面に分け、それに応じて私のアドバイスについて話します。これらのほとんどは、ゲーム メカニズムの基本的なガイドと見なすこともできます。そのため、すでにゲームに精通している場合は、最後のセクションにジャンプして、実際のキャンペーンの進行と戦略に関するガイドを提供します。プレイ中に実行することをお勧めする一般的な手順です。




改革に必要な大量の信心深さを蓄積しようとするとき、それらすべてが大きな助けになるため、適切な信条を持つ改革されていないハウサン (アフリカの異教) 信仰であるボリ信仰から始めます。 /P>



秘教:賢者の 3 つのレベルすべてを美徳としてマークし、巡礼だけでなく学習の焦点を通じて、キャラクターがそのような特性を獲得できるようにします。

高い学習能力を持つキャラクターは、巡礼を終えることで特性を獲得する可能性が非常に高く、巡礼を複数回行うことでさらにアップグレードすることができます。賢者の特性は、間違いなくゲームに組み込まれている最高のライフ スタイル特性の 1 つです。これにより、キャラクターに 300 の学習経験を与え、100 の敬虔さとわずか 100 の信心深さのコストで統計を中程度にブーストする、神秘的な聖体拝領を保持する決定が可能になります。病気になるか、1 レベルの献身を失うリスクがあります (献身の喪失は、いつ発生したかは明確ではありません。発生した場合、決定を無効にしないことをいつでも選択できます)。

儀式の祝祭:あなたの廷臣と家臣にマイナーな意見ブーストを与え、饗宴を開始すると 100 信心深さを与え、饗宴の招待を拒否すると 100 信心深さを失います。






+33% 変換速度モディファイアについて。他のバフはある程度無関係ですが、管理と健康を高めるため、美徳として温帯を持つのは良いことです。


+30% のコンバージョン抵抗と、独自の Amnesty for False Conversions ディシジョンに対して。この決定は、あなたの領域内の異端の郡にランダムに発生する疑いのある偽の変換修飾子を持つ郡を即座に変換します。完全にはわかりませんが、異端の宗教がより近いか類似している場合、この修飾子を持つ可能性が高くなるようですそのため、ゲーム中に何度か苦しむ必要のある、低い熱意によって引き起こされる異端の爆発に対処するときに役立つはずです.




この信条は、封建制の後に失われる侵略 CB を提供します。ただし、問題となる可能性のある -10 の意見修正を課します。


前の教義と同様に、侵略 CB も可能にし、信仰の頭を持つことに決めた場合は、偉大な聖戦を開始することもできます.


+20% の変換耐性について。それ以外に、転生も役立つ可能性がありますが、正直なところ、それを取得する確率は非常に低いです。






等しくない限り、継承を解除する子を少なくする必要があります。封建制になるまで継承法の性別設定を手動で変更することはできなかったので、領域の完全性を保護するために 7 人の男の子と女の子を継承解除するのは本当に苦痛です。

宗教的態度 - 原理主義者


結婚のタイプ - 一夫一婦制



Witch Coven dynasty mod は、それ自体がすでに圧倒されています。言うまでもなく、Host Grand Rite ディシジョンも付与されます。これは、基本的に、10 年ごとにランダム フォーカスの無料特典を付与するウィッチの場合です。ただし、Bori は最初から Witchcraft を受け入れているため、変更は必要ありません。


序盤のゲームにおいて、問題を継承しないための最も重要な方法の 1 つは、彼らを宮廷牧師に任命することです。また、西暦 1100 年頃には、すでに遺伝的に強力な家族を持っているはずなので、改宗を早めるために、高学歴の天才息子または娘を宮廷牧師に任命できるはずです。

信仰の長 - なし



改革を開始するには、約 4000 の敬虔さが必要です。ただし、神学者の能力ツリーで預言者の特典のロックを解除している場合は、いずれにせよより多くの敬虔を獲得するために完了する必要があります。また、3 つの聖地を管理する必要があります。そのうちの 1 つは王国の首都ダウラです。比較的近くにある他の 2 つは、西にあるガルメレとワンダラで、かなり簡単に征服できます。


すべてではないにしても、プレイスルーのほとんどで、宮廷牧師が変換作業を行います。とにかく利用できる他の多くのCBがあるため、主張を偽造するためにそれらを実際に必要とするわけではありません.このプロセスを支援するために、すべての世代に熱心な改宗者と宗教的アイコンを使用することをお勧めします。通常、自分で郡を改宗させるには 3 ~ 5 年かかります。

とはいえ、すべてを自分でやらなければならないというわけではありません。一般的に言えば、あなたが真の信仰を持つキャラクターに異端の郡を与えた場合、彼は即座に郡を改宗させるべきです。私の思い込みかもしれませんが、学力の高いキャラクターの方が早くなるようです。したがって、改宗が難しい郡 (高度に開発された郡や、本質的に改宗するのが難しいムワラディズムの郡など) に付与することは有用です。また、プレイヤーのように同じ人に複数の郡が付与されている場合、一度に 1 つの郡しか変換されないため、プロセスをスピードアップするために各人に 1 つの郡を割り当てることをお勧めします。 30 以上の郡を持つアンダルシアのような巨大な王国です。

ただし、CB のような征服では、成功すると、大量の異端者や異教徒のキャラクターを家臣にすることになります。対処するのははるかに問題になりますが、古いボリを除く他のすべての信仰は悪と見なされるため、専制政治の煩わしさなしに、必要に応じてそれらの称号を取り消すことができます.それにもかかわらず、彼らのほとんどはあなたに対して反乱を起こします。一方が反乱を起こした場合、もう一方は異教徒の君主を好まないため、同じ独立した派閥に属しているため、彼らに加わるでしょう。あなたとあなたの家の両方があまり有名ではない場合、それはゲームの初期によく起こります。学者ツリーのいくつかの特典は、外国の異教徒の家臣に対処するのに役立ちますが、ほとんどの場合、大きな独立した支配者を征服するたびに、いくつかの失効反乱が発生することは避けられないことを覚えておいてください.



しかし、ただ信仰に集中するだけでは十分ではありません。あなたは小さな伯爵夫人から始めて、あなたの目標は、約 450 の郡で構成される既知のアフリカ全体を統一することです。幸いなことに、部族の支配者として始めることで、1 回の戦争で大規模な土地を征服する多くの方法が提供されます。



この CB は、部族政府の威信が 500 しかかからないため、初期の CB は非常に役立ちます。ただし、ターゲットが部族政府の下にある場合にのみ、征服を CB として使用できます。つまり、2 つの究極のライバルである Umayyad と Abbasid の両方がこの CB の影響を受けません。継承すると、ターゲットを家臣にし、同じかそれ以上のランクの場合は、彼らの最高の称号も奪います。ただし、結果として、1 人の巨大な不誠実な外国人や異教徒の家臣、またはさらに悪いことに、それらの家臣の小規模ではあるが大規模な群れをもたらすため、王国を著しく不安定化させます。


この CB は、キャラクターが 2000 のプレステージを持っていることを必要とします。ほとんどの場合、あなたのターゲットはあなた自身の信念ではありません。つまり、そのような戦争を開始するには莫大な名声が必要になります。戦争コストに加えて、レベル 4 の名声も必要になります。これは、領地が小さい場合、早期に蓄積するのも困難です。征服と同様に、成功すると、外国の異教徒の家臣も獲得できますが、対戦相手が戦争ターゲットの外に土地を保持している場合、それらは独立したままであり、王国内で相手が直接所有しているすべての土地は自分のドメインになります。 /P>


この CB は、信仰を改めるとアンロックされ、敵対的または邪悪な信仰を持つ支配者のみを対象とすることができます。王国レベルの CB には 750 の敬虔度とレベル 4 の献身が必要であり、これは名声よりも達成するのが難しいと言えます。聖戦ごとに、レベルに関係なく、信仰の熱意が10低下することに注意してください。したがって、公爵ティア以下を開始することはお勧めできません.ただし、異教徒の支配者がいる場合、対象の王国のすべての郡を自分のドメインにするため、征服や侵略よりも優れています。つまり、外国の異教徒の家臣の問題に対処する必要はありません。代わりに、容赦ないポピュリストの反乱に対処することになります。これは、敵対的な軍隊の規模では大きいですが、退却とは何かを知らず、敗北すると単に滅びる単純な反抗的な農場で構成されているため、比較的簡単に打ち負かすことができます。ただし、エジプトやアンダルシアの王国の場合、そもそも非常によく発達しているため、70000 から 100000 の反乱農民の軍隊が対処する必要があり、彼らは敗北すると 3 年ごとの頻度で反乱を起こす可能性があります。 、つまり、これらの土地の少なくとも 50% を変換する前に、他の拡張を行うことはありません。

その他の有用な CB


あなたのキャラクターが大きな CB を使い果たし、まだ若い場合、あなたがゲームの中間段階にあり、すでに皇帝/皇后の地位にある場合、他の誰かのために王国を主張する可能性があります。まず、CKIII では 15 ゴールドを与えるだけで自分の領域に招待したい人を招待することはできないため、王国層の主張でターゲットと友達になる必要があります。このスキームは、外交に焦点を当てることで非常に早い段階でロックを解除できます。ターゲットと友達になったら、ターゲットを宮廷に招待できます。ターゲットが結婚相手の後輩(通常の結婚では女性、母系結婚では男性)の場合、友達になる必要があるのは彼の妻/夫になることに注意してください。彼らが到着したら、まず彼らを変換してから、彼らの主張を押すことができます.成功時の状況は征服/侵略よりもさらに悪いことに注意してください。ほとんどの場合、あなたの友人は異教徒の支配者の称号をすぐに取り消そうとするため、専制政治に対する反乱に負けることになります.ただし、いつでも征服戦争の結果であるかのように対処できます。


一方で、いつでも土地を自分で主張することができます。しかし、私はあなたの法廷の牧師が捏造した主張について話しているのではありません。ここでは、「学者」特性のロックを解除する直前にロック解除される「認可された抜け穴」特典が必要になります。その特典により、信心深さで請求権を購入できます。より正確には、郡ごとに 250 の信心深さです。レイトステージのゲームでは、マドリッドとカイロの大学だけでなく、大神殿がある場合、より高い割合で敬虔を蓄積します。余分な敬虔さがあれば、誰にも所有されていない小さな王国を作成するのに十分な請求権を簡単に購入できます。これらすべての主張を 1 つの対戦相手の領域内に保持して、それらをまとめて押し付けることができるようにすることを忘れないでください.


プレイスルー終盤で何度か使用するCBです。最後の時代にロックが解除され、すべてのアフリカの法律上の王国または帝国を手に入れたら、征服を完了することができます。 However, this CB consumes a great amount of prestige, especially when the counties to be conquered are in multiple duchies or even kingdoms.

Enjoy Your Life

Throughout the whole game, you will be mainly focusing on three of the five aspects, diplomacy, stewardship and learning. But of course, I am not saying that Martial and Intrigue focus is useless, they just do not appear useful in contrast with the other three.


All important perks in this focus can be unlock very early, with sufficient congenital traits and education, you could actually get all you need in merely 5 years. Forced Vassalage and True Ruler are the most important ones, also it is good to have Befriend unlocked as well. The ultimate traits are not particularly useful, so there is no need to keep too focused on this lifestyle.


You don’t really need to focus on this lifestyle if you will not be facing strong enemy overall. The tribal ruler around you are no threat when you rise to the level of empire, Coptic kingdoms are quite week and those Muslims basically have no interest in your lands. However, if you do get several perk unlock through grand rite, invest it into the strategist tree for even a stronger army. Also, Bellum Justum perk also provide you with cost reduction if you find the “seize all de jure land” CB in late game cost too much prestige.


You should mainly focus on the Administrator tree as it would stabilize your realm and make larger your army to conquer new lands. As a tribe ruler, you don’t particularly need to construct a lot of buildings in you domain or squeeze more money out of your subject, thus I recommend to alter the focus once you get the Administrator trait.


Like that of martial, you won’t be needing hostile scheme very much throughout the campaign. However, you could always use a decent amount of dread to keep your realm intact. I do not recommend to invest very much into intrigue focus, but if you do want to get several traits unlocked, you could go with the Torturer tree to keep your vassals too scared to revolt. In addition to that, dread would also help you with demand conversion should old Bori outbreak happens.


This has always been the main focus of this campaign. Usually it is helpful to get at least on trait unlock as well as some perks from other tree. Scholar tree would do you the biggest favor since it would make those foreign heathen vassal like you more, and thus allow you to convert them with a higher successful rate. As it is mentioned before, you also need the first three perk in Theologian trait to speed up the conversion. Also, Know thyself allows you to prepare for the death of character, which is extremely helpful when succession could be really troublesome during middle stage of campaign where your realm is reasonably a big one but dynasty is not quite renowned enough help the heir to deal with potential revolts.

Survive Your Succession


This has always been an issue before you have primogeniture law of succession, which usually you could only get after 1200 CE in CKIII. This means you will have to narrow the number of your eligible children down to one especially when there are multiple titles of your highest rank. Several ways that could be used to disinherit your eligible son/daughter.

Disinherit as dynasty head

It would ultimately cost significant amount of prestige and renown which accumulate slowly during early stage. Note that you will not be able to disinherit if your target is outside your realm, like when marrying as a junior partner, you child will be following your child-in-law into their court.
Appoint him as court chaplain:According to the game mechanism, all theocratic ruler are automatically disinherited. However, if you change your court chaplain from your child to someone else, your child’s eligibility of inheritance will be restored.

Ask him/her to take vow

This method requires the corresponding tenet to unlock. So, if you think succession will be a huge problem to you, you could get that tenet upon reformation.

Get him/her killed on the battlefield

Cruel as it may seem, sometime this is the best way to prevent an imbecile or inbreed to sit on that throne of yours. Knight him/her and let him/her face thousands of heathen armies all alone.

Mulitple kingdom inheritance strategy

Provided that your character are an emperor or empress, if you hold multiple kingdom titles and less eligible children than the number of kingdoms; upon succession, your primary heir will keep all the domains and other children will each get one of the kingdoms and remain vassal of your primary heir. Thus you may want to keep as many kingdom titles as possible, however, it won’t work if you have more than one empire title as you second child will be grant the second empire and thus become independent. Furtherly, under confederate partition, even if you did not create the second empire title, your second child will get it anyway as long as you have enough land to create it.

Survival Guide upon Succession

Usually in Crusader Kings Games, you will be facing huge threat when your current character dies and be replaced with your heir. Here are some advices to deal with the situation.

First of all, you should design an amiable and popular heir through education. Usually, you want to education your heir by yourself so that you could get some good or virtuous personality traits that will increase general opinion.

When succession occurs, the old long reign positive opinion modifier will be replaced with a short reign negative modifier and create an opinion loss. However, the short reign negative modifier could be shorten by both the dynasty legacy and the Pyramid special building in the County of Giza for a total -40%. Thus secure this two would be important. Nonetheless, new monarch will be facing large factions asking either for independence or lower crown/tribal authority. To prevent a huge faction, you should have your heir preparing to form alliance with several of your strong vassals. Thus you will need your heir to have several available children that could be either married or betrothed with those vassals. On the other hand, to diminish the inheritance issue you will be facing in the future, you won’t want your heir to have too many children as well. I think 4 would be more than enough to keep the faction in check. You could also imprison as many of vassals as possible before the demise of the old monarch, there will always be several known criminal within the realm, and it is easier to catch them when they have higher opinion.

You could also have your chancellor working on domestic affairs and improve general opinion. And of course, the power of gold is as amazing as always. Sending monetary gift is much cheaper for tribal rulers than feudal rulers, so you could theatrically bribe those people so that they like the new monarch in the early stage of this campaign.

Enhance Your People

Dynasty Empowerment

Your dynasty will be growing stronger as the game process, however, for the purpose of future generations, you might want to speed up the process through legacies as well as several decisions.


For this part, you should be focusing on Blood, Erudition as well as Glory. Start with Blood, at least complete level two for a greater chance of good congenital traits. As your realm grow bigger, you will be able to tackle greater enemies with your larger army, for the purpose of war, you will need the +10% prestige/piety gain modifier in the Erudition and Glory section; after that, aim for level 4 Glory legacy as it significantly shorten the short reign penalty in addition to the special bonus of the Great Pyramids.

Witch Coven

You should be getting this as soon as possible as it would be extremely hard to get when your house grows. Sometimes you will be getting a courtier with either witch secret or witch trait, and he/she will try to convert you. Accept it gladly as Bori faith actually allows witchcraft. Once you have the secret yourself, it will unlock a personal scheme to convert others. Immediately convert your heir and your family members, and take the decision “Found Witch Coven” and it will add permanently all members and future members of your house a strong buff that provides +10% Fertility, Medium health boost, +10 Hostile scheme power/resistance. It will also unlock the grand rite decision which grant you random perk every 10 years.

Strong Blood

You should also get this as soon as possible, unlike witch coven, it will affect all dynasty members instead just house members. In addition to a small health boost, it also enhance the possibility for inheriting good congenital traits and since it will affect other houses of your dynasty, it ultimately allows you to marriage your heir with distant relative who will also be getting good congenital traits on their own without the risk of producing inbreeds.

Other Decisions

There are other decisions that could potentially benefit the dynasty such as “Consecrate Bloodline” and “Dynasty of Many Crowns”. However, theya are not as helpful as those mentioned above, and dynasty of many crowns just does not fit in this campaign since you need to keep all land inside your realm.

Culture Shift

Countess Daurama starts as a Hausan, however, it does not means the family need to stay Hausa throughout the campaign. In current stage of the game, cultural shift could yield great benefit if you convert from an underdeveloped culture to an advanced culture. On the continent of Africa, the most advanced culture is probably the Egyptian. So the plan is pretty simple, take the Kingdom of Egypt from Abbasid, grant all lands expect for the duchy of Cairo which should be kept in your own domain, move realm capital to Cairo, convert to Egyptian culture through decision. Once you take the decision, you will be enjoying all the innovations that the Egyptians has already unlocked. However, since you are technically a foreigner to all your vassals after conversion, it is plausible to preemptively unlock the Open-Minded perk before the shift.

Advance Your Government

This is perhaps the most important and critical decision that you take throughout the whole campaign. A precise timing is needed for such a reformation in government. There are several conditions that are required for feudalization:

  • Have Absolute Tribal Authority
  • Have an Organized Faith
  • Level of fame is higher than 2
  • Development in Capital county is higher than 10
  • All Tribal Era Innovations (except for region/cultural) unlocked

Except for technology, all other four could be unlocked pretty early, and all technology could be research around 1050CE. However, it does not mean you should feudalizing as soon as possible. On the other hand, settle from tribal to feudal significantly enfeeble your realm:it will replace your tribe with castle and destroy all buildings in the tribe and replace some of them with random castle buildings, which would, empirically speaking, shrink your tax income and size of levy by about 50%-60% and thus make you extremely vulnerable to other tribes. Besides, upon converting to feudalism, you will need to start to pay your man-at-arm with real gold instead of prestige, which would furtherly press your already degenerated economy. It would take some time to recover from the feudalization for sure, but you could instead do a more gradual version of feudalization instead.

In fact, if you wanted a little longer, several of your subject kingdom could feudalize before you do. This certainly give rise to a negative opinion, but it is still manageable and since they will also suffer from “the feudalization debuff”, they will be too weak to revolt, even if they don’t like you as they used to.

However, you should keep your realm on level 3 of tribal authority since level 4 only enables the decision of feudalization but have -30 opinion modifier instead -10 on level 3. You could simply rise it to level 4 when you are ready to feudalize. And by ready, my suggestion is that you could do it after you have conquered most of the tribal rulers in southern part of Africa, excluding those in Ajuraan area, and make sure the rest would be not strong enough to contest you when you are weak. A much safer plan is to conquer all tribes and then feudalize, and it should be done around 1080CE if the campaign is progressing decently. Just remember to save at least 3000 gold in case of the direst situations.

Step By Step Strategy Guide (Part #1)

When you start the game, you will notice that Countess Daurama, the Mother of Us All, has a set of excellent stats as well as useful personalities, great education and even greater lifestyle traits. In fact, she is easily one of the greatest starting characters with predetermined status, which means unlike most characters who get their random stats upon map generation, she will always start with such a skill set.

However, you will also notice, despite she is matrilineally married to his husband, who by the way is also a preinstalled character, their only child is not of mother’s dynasty. But don’t worry, there will be an event fires probably within a year that offers you option to deal with this inheritance problem. In terms of that event, I recommend you select the option that change your gender law to female preference and disinherit your son. As I mentioned before, it preferable to have an unequal gender law as it would lower your eligible children for inheritance. You could always restore the inheritance of your son later if he turns out to be great or you fail to have another good heir.

Before unpause the game, you could just declare a conquest war for neighbor County of Gobir. After that, conquer Tahoua and create the Duchy of Gobir for more prestige generation. If you are fast enough, you will get both county before they are sacked by raiders of your other neighbor. Once you have the Duchy, it is time to raise your raiders and start to accumulate some gold for later conquest. Start with the Kebbi and Air, and going farther into Dendi or Nupe. However, any county farther than that would not be recommended as it will cost too much attrition to your army.

The next goal will be forming the Kingdom of Hausaland, which needs six county in total. If the husband dies early, his land will be divided and make the Kingdom easier to create. And if not, get other county on the west to create kingdom title. If you have unlocked “True Ruler” perk, it is also possible to vassalize the husband, and have court chaplain fabric claim on his land and revoke them from his children after he dies.

After Hausaland is united, next war should be a ducal conquest of the Duchy of Bornu to secure the second Holy Site, and pave way for their third conquest, a conquest for the County of Wandala would be enough. However, it is relatively hard to have the Mother herself reforming Bori as most of her life will be focusing on Diplomacy and War. Thus you will need more learning oriented heir who can accumulate great amount of piety for the reformation. However, during Mother’s reign, she will be able to vassalize several count tier rulers with her extraordinary diplomatic skill, mostly among the land to the east that shares the true faith of her.

If your progress has gone well so far, you will be able to create the Empire of Kanem-Bornu by advancing to the east. Upon reach the border to Coptic countries, you should turn your head to the west and start to conquer those heathen tribal rulers. By that time, there will be at least one “great power” that you could potentially subjugation and absorb into you own realm. But before that, you will have to assess your own military strength as they will not be as weak as the tribe to the east. The help from strong allies is extremely important during this period of time as your uprising to be the sole great power of Africa is merely at its infancy. With land seizing CBs, continue to push westward until you see the South Atlantic Ocean, it would probably take about 200-250 years. Stay tribal during this period of time even if most of your vassals have adopt feudalism around 1050CE. You could stop the major conquest for perhaps twenty years and focus yourself enforce religious unity within your realm. Meanwhile, if the situation in the Horn of Africa is still a mass, you could the potentially waltz in and conquer the Kingdom of Ajuraan and/or the Kingdom of Outer Ajuraan. However, they could be simply dealt later after the conquest of Sunni regions of the Africa.

Step By Step Strategy Guide (Part 2)

Before the invasion to the Muslim world, make sure you could actually defeat either the Umayyad or the Abbasid. Usually, by around 1100CE, both of the two caliphate are very powerful. If you are lucky, you could find an opportunity to back stab them when they are busy fight the Catholic Crusaders. If you are extremely lucky, you could find a Kingdom of Egypt, or “Tulunids” as it is called by the Muslims referring to the ruling dynasty, independent from the Abbasid Caliphate. Grab Egypt with a Holy War for Kingdom CB, take the richest land of Egypt into your own domain, move capital to Cairo, fight of the Muslim populist uprising (there will be quite a few times before the conversion of at least half of the Egypt). When your realm is stable enough, you could now settle down as feudal emperor and shift your culture to Egyptian.

Alternatively, you could take, instead of Egypt, the Kingdom of Andalusia, which is equally developed but consist of more counties. However, you will be facing a much larger revolt, about 10k for the first time, and since more counties are joining the faction, the revolt is much more frequent than Egypt. Also, if you move your capital to Cordoba or Seville, you cannot take the “Unify Africa” decision as you would technically be considered a European nation.

After the defeat of two major Sunni powers, which should take not more than 100 years, you will also need to tackle another Christian Power who has land in the Mediterranean North Africa. It would usually be the Byzantine or Kingdom of Italy, which should not be that much of a trouble especially when you have both Andalusia and Egypt in your pocket. Should the Catholic still remain its dominance in Europe, their Crusader is more likely to target Iberia, Near East and Anatolia; in my experience, unlike CK2, Egypt is rarely targeted if those three above are still heathen, thus there won’t be much threat from the Pope.

Once you have taken control of all Africa Region, you can finally take the “Unify Africa” decision which immediately convert several heretic or heathen county as well as vassal in Africa. By that time, you should have at least 95% area converted, thus it would only require a decade or so to finish the job and get that achievement.


Personally, I finished this achievement on 25th of January, 1247CE, and I am not at all a very skilled paradox 4X game player myself.

In my opinion, this is not a hard achievement but indeed a tiring one:not in the sense that it is boring or something, but it would consume a lot of effort to achieve the ultimate goal. I sincerely believe that, unlike those insane achievements (The three mountains or the true heir of Timurid) in EU4, it is a doable achievement for almost every player.